View Full Version : Usenet provider to post/upload

10-14-2008, 10:27 AM
Hi there,
Im relatively new to usenet.etc

Right now im having a bit of a problem making a discision/finding some info.

Perhaps one of you guys here will be able to help me out! :D

I am looking for a usenet provider that offers free or very cheap unlimited (preferably) posting/upload to newsgroups.
All I need to do is post/upload, I wont download ANYTHING on the account.

I will be using a 100Mbit connection, so preferably an account that will ofer decent speeds.

Also what program do you guys recommend for creating the par files and everything to get posting.etc?
Is there perhaps a guide on how to post/upload to usenet and what programs to use?
I will be using a Windows based PC.

Thanks :w00t:

10-14-2008, 02:34 PM
i dont know free one but usenet-news block accounts are cheap enough
2 GB $ 2.00
5 GB $ 3.00
10 GB $ 5.00
(www.usenet-news.net (http://www.usenet-news.net))
as for the posting i have this guide bookmarked http://www.binaries4all.com/beginners/#

10-14-2008, 03:59 PM
Get the usenet-news.net 2GB block, you can upload as much as you want at any speed and the account lasts forever (well, unless you download 2GB on it). It only costs $2.

As far as I know, there are no free ones, and if there was they would not be that good. The usenet-news 2GB block is pretty much as good as it gets if you just want to post, they use highwinds-media servers so its very well peered. :)

10-15-2008, 12:33 AM
Agree with usenet-news. Check out preusenet (http://www.altbinz.net/forum/index.php?topic=2183.0)from the alt.binz forums. Great tool for posting.

10-16-2008, 02:02 PM
Also jbinup is a tool that can be used to upload


10-16-2008, 04:07 PM
Hmm. Thanks guys!!

Got a 2GB usenet-news account and am very happy with it! :D
Seems like an awesome deal, exactly what I was looking for! :w00t:

Im currently posting with Power Post. Its alright, will check out the other programs.

Thanks for all the help! :D

10-16-2008, 04:51 PM
There's only really 3 good apps for posting:
PowerPost - Windows. Also lots of different PowerPost editions but there mostly the same.
newsmangler - Linux. The best newsposter for linux systems afaik.
JBinUp (as jbloggs said linked to above). Should work on any system that runs java, probably the most feature-rich posting application.

Also, PsyCLown check your email.. I sent you an edition of PowerPost that you might find better suited for your connection :)

10-16-2008, 07:17 PM
Also my understanding is that PowerPost will not work with an SSL connection, but JBinup will.

10-17-2008, 05:40 AM
or try astraweb for $10 for 25gig, not as cheap but another option

10-17-2008, 05:36 PM
I did find I had my posting privileges removed from usenet-news.net after about 18 months. I never followed it up with them. Maybe I pissed somebody off I do not know. Also another negative point with them was when using a dedi box to post from the usenet-news.net server struggled to accept post at 100 Meg. There would often be incompletes. On my home connection posting was fine and accepted. Just a precautionary note, I think they offer excellant service for a great price.

10-18-2008, 01:21 PM
There's only really 3 good apps for posting:
PowerPost - Windows. Also lots of different PowerPost editions but there mostly the same.
newsmangler - Linux. The best newsposter for linux systems afaik.
JBinUp (as jbloggs said linked to above). Should work on any system that runs java, probably the most feature-rich posting application.

Also, PsyCLown check your email.. I sent you an edition of PowerPost that you might find better suited for your connection :)

Hmm, dont think I got it. Or it was classified as spam and I got rid of my spam recently! :(

Do you mind resending it to
Email addy served its purpose and removed.
Please? Thanks! :D

10-18-2008, 01:49 PM
There's only really 3 good apps for posting:
PowerPost - Windows. Also lots of different PowerPost editions but there mostly the same.
newsmangler - Linux. The best newsposter for linux systems afaik.
JBinUp (as jbloggs said linked to above). Should work on any system that runs java, probably the most feature-rich posting application.

Also, PsyCLown check your email.. I sent you an edition of PowerPost that you might find better suited for your connection :)

Hmm, dont think I got it. Or it was classified as spam and I got rid of my spam recently! :(

Do you mind resending it to
staff "at" kamikakushi-pantsu.com
Please? Thanks! :D

Done :)

10-18-2008, 03:16 PM
Hmm, dont think I got it. Or it was classified as spam and I got rid of my spam recently! :(

Do you mind resending it to
Please? Thanks! :D

Done :)
Got it, thanks!!
Should work MUCH better. Was only getting max 4Mbyte/s with usenet-new's eu server and less than 1Mbyte/s with the us server.

10-19-2008, 09:38 AM
Done :)
Got it, thanks!!
Should work MUCH better. Was only getting max 4Mbyte/s with usenet-new's eu server and less than 1Mbyte/s with the us server.

Did you notice a speed increase? Could just be 4MB/s is the speed of your server, I have a 100Mbit server too but only ever reach 6MB/s max :(

10-20-2008, 04:59 PM
Got it, thanks!!
Should work MUCH better. Was only getting max 4Mbyte/s with usenet-new's eu server and less than 1Mbyte/s with the us server.

Did you notice a speed increase? Could just be 4MB/s is the speed of your server, I have a 100Mbit server too but only ever reach 6MB/s max :(

Well things definatly do upload quite a bit faster...
Only problem is that you cant see the upload speed :(

Perhaps I should install an application to show me? :D

10-20-2008, 08:12 PM
Did you notice a speed increase? Could just be 4MB/s is the speed of your server, I have a 100Mbit server too but only ever reach 6MB/s max :(

Well things definatly do upload quite a bit faster...
Only problem is that you cant see the upload speed :(

Perhaps I should install an application to show me? :D

NetLimiter would show you, though there's probably far better applications :)
Good that its going a bit faster anyway :P

11-01-2008, 12:53 PM
Note if you choose to pay usenet-news using paypal... be warned that due to paypal's faggot policy :angry:, you aren't allowed to access adult groups including uploading and downloading. :angry:

11-08-2008, 10:03 AM
Note if you choose to pay usenet-news using paypal... be warned that due to paypal's faggot policy :angry:, you aren't allowed to access adult groups including uploading and downloading. :angry:

lol, so pp got so "srs" policy? never heard of that, but thx for headsup!

11-17-2008, 04:45 AM
Astraweb are what I use, very decent.