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View Full Version : Yo, Chalice (true blood spoilers)

10-22-2008, 06:33 PM
You been keeping up with True Blood? :01:

I think Sam the bar owner is a werewolf.

I've considered it before, but I'm fairly certain now.

Have you ever noticed that beige dog hanging about? The dog that always shows up around Suki? I think that might be Sam the bar owner. :unsure:

He has a picture of it in his office.

We have never been introduced to any real owner of the dog but yet it makes an appearance in almost every episode.

When he sexed Tara, she said he made barking noises in his sleep.

In this past episode, after all the vamps left the bar, a patron noted that it was a full moon outside, then later the guys who were fishing, see him running through the trees naked.

Vampire/Werewolf war > *

Something Else
10-22-2008, 06:38 PM
I've just stolen it all to check out.

10-22-2008, 06:50 PM
Yep, I've been keeping up with it.

Reckon you're right with the werewolf arc. I had that one pretty much pinned down early. Thing is, though, both Sam and the shifty dog have been seen in the same scene a number of times. So I'm a bit confused as to the link between the two. Also not sure that there hasn't been a full moon in the chronology to date. However, the writing obviously isn't too keen in adhering to established myth/rules as regards to the supernatural, so, the rules are nothing to go by.

Was starting to get a bit jaded with episode 5 and the slow moving , over indulgent funeral. Saved only imo by the introduction of a few key plot progressions. I.e. Sookie's great uncle, Tara's relationship with her mother and Sookie getting her baps out, at last.

More interesting to me is the intimation that Tara's mother isn't really an alcoholic in the classic sense but, in fact, possessed by an honest to god demon. So we've got vampires, mind-readers, junkies, sex maniacs, werewolves and demons. Plenty of room for good tv right there.


10-22-2008, 06:54 PM
Re-reading the first post, Skiz, I hadn't noticed the full moon, so good spot.

Still doesn't explain that dog though. :blink:

10-22-2008, 07:15 PM
Yep, I've been keeping up with it.

Reckon you're right with the werewolf arc. I had that one pretty much pinned down early. Thing is, though, both Sam and the shifty dog have been seen in the same scene a number of times. So I'm a bit confused as to the link between the two. Also not sure that there hasn't been a full moon in the chronology to date. However, the writing obviously isn't too keen in adhering to established myth/rules as regards to the supernatural, so, the rules are nothing to go by.

Was starting to get a bit jaded with episode 5 and the slow moving , over indulgent funeral. Saved only imo by the introduction of a few key plot progressions. I.e. Sookie's great uncle, Tara's relationship with her mother and Sookie getting her baps out, at last.

More interesting to me is the intimation that Tara's mother isn't really an alcoholic in the classic sense but, in fact, possessed by an honest to god demon. So we've got vampires, mind-readers, junkies, sex maniacs, werewolves and demons. Plenty of room for good tv right there.


OOOoooo.... Suki baps, ftw indeed. :happy:

I'm trying to figure out where this Jason Stackhouse thing is going as well. What's with the whole "V" storyline? It's wearing thin for me. Where is this going to intersect with the rest of the plot? Any foresight there?

Also, Lafayette has turned out to be more than the fruit he was in the initial episodes. I anticipate some orsumness from that character in the future.

Still doesn't explain that dog though. :blink:

I hadn't noticed them in the same scene, but still, something is up with that pooch. :sneaky:

10-22-2008, 07:35 PM
I like the whole 'V' thing. They're exploring the cultural impact of vampires being accepted members of society so it pretty much stands to reason and it's quite original imo.

I like Jason. He's a comedy foil and well acted to boot. Certainly not superfluous when it comes to the whole murder investigation and whatnot. Plus he's providing a good excuse for us getting loads of sexy bitches portrayed at nice camera angles.

Lafayette, I thought, was one of the strongest characters from the outset. The show would be lacking tragically without him. He rawks.

10-23-2008, 04:15 AM
Holy 5hit man thats great. I didn't put that together until now. Is the dog in every episode though. I have to re-watch now. Make some sense guys

@Chalice I agree Layfayette is a great character ...especially in the last few episodes when he shows his tough guy side.

11-03-2008, 08:34 PM
This past episode was pornographic at one point. :smilie4:

Sam being the dog is now obvious.

Next week should be good with the exorcism and the tribunal.

11-03-2008, 08:36 PM
Shh. I'm watching Dexter at the minute and posting pish here. Then I'ma gonna watch it.

I'll give you my thoughts in approximately an hour and a half. :smilie4:

11-03-2008, 08:37 PM

I'm off to watch Dexter right now. :lol:

11-03-2008, 10:51 PM
This past episode was pornographic at one point. :smilie4:
Who? :smilie4:

11-03-2008, 10:52 PM
Lovely nod to Carrie in the opening segment.

'There's vampire in your cleavage'. :lol:

'I do live in the now. I fact, I've gone entire months without thinkin' about shit'. Quality.

'799.95'. Yes.

That sex scene is clearly reminiscent of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. Dunno if you've never read it, but make it your business to do so. They're drawing direct parallels there.

'That especially goes for white men, as black men are less prone to grovel' :lol:

'Ain'ta sucha thing as too interestin', only too dull'.

Overall, the best episode yet.

And yes, Sam is the fucking dog.

What the fucking fuck!!!! The outro tune was fucking superb!!!

11-03-2008, 11:05 PM
Btw, Skiz, let me know if you want linkage to that Swamp Thing I was going on about.

It may be comics but it pretty much shites on most other mediums for artistic effect and it'll give you a grounding on superior, modern horror fiction. Even if it's like 25 years old.

Ignore it at your detriment.

11-24-2008, 11:19 AM
Did you watch it yet?

What was Sam packing up all his money for? Skipping town?
What's with the new woman? Another shape shifter?
What happened to Lafayette?
Who's killing people still?
Who's dead in Andy's car?

Theories? I don't have many...I was rather disappointed as there were a lot of questions posed, but poorly presented I thought.

Spoiler above.

11-24-2008, 11:22 AM
You might have told me there was spoilers in your spoiler :fist:

11-24-2008, 11:26 AM
Fixed. :P

11-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Did you watch it yet?

What was Sam packing up all his money for? Skipping town?
What's with the new woman? Another shape shifter?
What happened to Lafayette?
Who's killing people still?
Who's dead in Andy's car?

Theories? I don't have many...I was rather disappointed as there were a lot of questions posed, but poorly presented I thought.

Spoiler above.

Just watched it.

Looks like Sam is getting the fuck outta Dodge. Seems he has some history with yon weirdo rich bitch who seems to be mentoring Tara
by means of some sorta revenge kick against Sam. He seems to be shitting bricks for some reason. My theory? That was a shitload of dough he was packing away there, like. Alright, he runs a bar but that was serious cash. I reckon he's robbed that bint and she wants satisfaction.

There was a lot of misdirection going on there as regards to the new woman. True Blood seems to delight in taking us somewhere, then taking a sharp turn down another road. She was doing all this flickering shite and there was a pig in the shot. I think we're supposed to conclude she's a shapeshifter but I reckon she's something else altogether. What? I haven't a fucking notion.

Again, we're supposed to think that Bill fed on Lafayette but I very much doubt it. Also Lafayette was fucking with that polititian in the last ep so that could have something to do with his disappearance. Still, fucked if I know, like. Also, the dead painted toenails in Andy's car at the end suggests it was a dead Lafayette but I doubt that too. Too obvious.

Thought the whole ep was a bit weak like but still enjoyable. Now we have to wait until next fucking summer. Bollocks to the max all over the place.

11-24-2008, 08:21 PM
What is this thing you are going on about? Is it on the telly vision machine?

11-24-2008, 08:35 PM
What is this thing you are going on about? Is it on the telly vision machine?

It's on merkin tellyboxes, like.

It's good enough. You should steal it or do something else.

11-24-2008, 08:41 PM
Did you watch it yet?

What was Sam packing up all his money for? Skipping town?
What's with the new woman? Another shape shifter?
What happened to Lafayette?
Who's killing people still?
Who's dead in Andy's car?

Theories? I don't have many...I was rather disappointed as there were a lot of questions posed, but poorly presented I thought.

Spoiler above.

Just watched it.

Looks like Sam is getting the fuck outta Dodge. Seems he has some history with yon weirdo rich bitch who seems to be mentoring Tara
by means of some sorta revenge kick against Sam. He seems to be shitting bricks for some reason. My theory? That was a shitload of dough he was packing away there, like. Alright, he runs a bar but that was serious cash. I reckon he's robbed that bint and she wants satisfaction.

There was a lot of misdirection going on there as regards to the new woman. True Blood seems to delight in taking us somewhere, then taking a sharp turn down another road. She was doing all this flickering shite and there was a pig in the shot. I think we're supposed to conclude she's a shapeshifter but I reckon she's something else altogether. What? I haven't a fucking notion.

Again, we're supposed to think that Bill fed on Lafayette but I very much doubt it. Also Lafayette was fucking with that polititian in the last ep so that could have something to do with his disappearance. Still, fucked if I know, like. Also, the dead painted toenails in Andy's car at the end suggests it was a dead Lafayette but I doubt that too. Too obvious.

Thought the whole ep was a bit weak like but still enjoyable. Now we have to wait until next fucking summer. Bollocks to the max all over the place.

I agree on the misdirection. I don't buy into anything too much. I was disappointed at the writing though when Rene was confirmed as the killer. He was proposing to the missus when one of the murders took place. :dry: Unless they were different times and that wasn't explained, but that's shite. :dry: Again though....misdirection.

Andy is also losing it. It appears that he may be on a mission now to prove Jason as the killer, and with Jason now being influenced with all the anti-vampire talk at the Church of the Sun (?), he may end up being a killer after all, with everyone thoroughly believing he's innocent.

Also, the missus is reading from wiki on the laptop that Vin Diesel is rumored to be joining the show next season. Supposedly, one of the characters (Quinn) was written by Charlaine Harris in the book with Vin Diesel in mind. :dabs:

11-25-2008, 09:10 AM
Did you watch it yet?

What was Sam packing up all his money for? Skipping town?
What's with the new woman? Another shape shifter?
What happened to Lafayette?
Who's killing people still?
Who's dead in Andy's car?

Theories? I don't have many...I was rather disappointed as there were a lot of questions posed, but poorly presented I thought.

Spoiler above.

I thought it was OK
I think sam is going to offer the woman the money for Tara. I feel like she is being given the appearence that she can leave when she wants.
Either shapeshifter (maybe his mom) or my gut is saying Wherewolf I don't know why other than it was brought up
I think Lafayette was bit and is going to turn into....something
Think the woman is killing now
Might be lafayette, but that would kill my theory on him so I'm going to go with IDK :idunno:

11-25-2008, 11:04 AM
Ah, there is a book. I shall read that instead. I can't be bothered stealing it.