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View Full Version : need name of this webui

10-30-2008, 06:19 PM
I apologize to remake this thread again but my last one was closed for some reason.

I am looking for the name of this torrent webui software. I believe we have already decided that this is a gui that runs for rTorrent but i would really really like to know what web gui this is.

Here is the only screenshot i have of it.
If anyone has an idea please let me know. :)


note to mods: if possible could you delete my other thread or merge this into one and have it reopened ?

10-31-2008, 01:58 AM
wow that looks really nice

10-31-2008, 03:33 AM
ya good you remade this i was thinking about remaking it too...

i spent some time researching this ... looking on the various sites that list the rtorrent web gui's ... man i couldn't find shit about this one...

and nothing return by google searches... the GUI on this one seems light years ahead of the other ones out there. much slicker looking.

10-31-2008, 04:52 AM
Could be some kind of custom skin just a guess

10-31-2008, 05:20 AM
I don't think it's a 'custom skin' for wTorrent, since wTorrent supports logins and cookies; this seems to not do so. It looks decent, but I'd take the cookie functionality over this.

10-31-2008, 05:30 AM
That's a very sweet looking Webui. Somebody has to know what that is.

10-31-2008, 07:22 AM
I don't think it's a 'custom skin' for wTorrent, since wTorrent supports logins and cookies;

it could be using standard HTTP Authentication for the login... which would be fine by me i could care less about cookies.

i really like how it supports multiple servers... cause i run multiple copies of rtorrent which would be perfect for this GUI.

anyways... i think its somebody's private project they are working on. cause i spent way too much time hunting for this thing and i don't see where its available anywhere publicly. .. . .

one clue that gives something away is that you see its linked to a client running 0.7.7 rtorrent... so this screenshot could be pretty old.... maybe he gave up on the project and never finished it.

10-31-2008, 12:56 PM
i also looked all over for it. tried searching for everything in google. nothing..

i really like the multiple server support.

10-31-2008, 08:30 PM
Looks nice...What is the GUI- R1 BETA? Some kind of name...maybe try and look into that

10-31-2008, 08:36 PM
Looks nice...What is the GUI- R1 BETA? Some kind of name...maybe try and look into that

go for it... i already tried looking up every possible term on that screenshot