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View Full Version : [Req]FSC

11-10-2008, 05:04 AM
I know that I'm not one of the most active members here but i decided to post this anyways. Please only offer constructive criticism.

When it comes down to it, FSC is the only tracker that I'm more or less actively looking to get invited to. You may wonder why that is? What makes FSC so special to me that I would request to get invited to it. Well from many years on the bt torrent scene, I have been on some sites for close to 3 years now (148 weeks), and I have noticed that finding a site that provides you with a fast and good amount of quality data is easy, finding one that has a good and active community on the other hand is difficult. So far my favorite community, FTN, could be better. There's a bunch of great members there that post and staff is nice and helpful but the community just isn't very active. From what I hear from my friends FSC is the best tracker community, due to a bunch of innovations that the staff has implemented, for example, they have the clubs.

Having clubs seems like a great addition, just like in real life you make friends with people that have the same interests, this facilitates that process as you are all grouped in and can talk about it freely and openly. The two clubs that I would like to join there are the culinary and tv show club. Being born in France, I love eating good food, being part of this forum would allow me to share and learn new recipes to try. One of my favorite recipes is one that my dad makes, "crepes flambees" it basically translates to crepes on fire, or burnt crepes. What it is crepes that you put in a orange sauce with liquor and then you set on fire with a match. It is is like a little show that tastes great at the end, as some of alchohol gets burnt but there's still enough that you can taste it. As some of you know I watch a shitload of tv, while others may think it's a waste of time, I love watching tv shows, they are so entertaining. At FTN I frequently discuss shows, my reactions to the episode, as well as what I think is going to happen next. Right now in shows that are currently airing, I'm watching entourage, californication, dexter, the office, life, chuck, prison break, sons of anarchy, top gear, south park, and gossip girl(yes a secret pleasure, i find the girls to be all very attractive). That's quite a list of shows that I would be able to discuss with the other members.

Another innovation that I would love to try is kind of like facebook, where each member can edit his page. This brings the word community to the next level, as this is much more than just a profile page which tells you hows the person has upped, his userclass, and the how long hes been there. This tells you a lot more about that person and his interests, which can help you discover a lot more than you would have otherwise.

thanks for reading this long and elaborate post.

edited: to make it easier to read

11-10-2008, 05:19 AM
I suggest you lock this thread and bump it (If you need to). If a FSC member is to msg you it will be in a PM.

11-10-2008, 05:21 AM
I'd rather not, I would love to get some constructive criticism and that requires the thread to be open. If the thread gets out of control, I will lock it.

11-10-2008, 05:34 AM
wall of text - paragraphs are helpful. is that what your posts are like at ftn?

anyway, check the link in my sig.

11-10-2008, 05:35 AM
It actually seems to be kind of a genuine request. Pretty well thought out. I really hope you get in.

Good luck.

11-10-2008, 11:14 AM
I suggest you lock this thread and bump it (If you need to). If a FSC member is to msg you it will be in a PM.

fuck yea chicken salad bitches

11-10-2008, 11:21 AM
As Funkin' said, this request does seem genuine, and it isn't as generic and pitiful as some of the others. Users who request here should model themselves after you.

Hopefully some of the friends you mentioned from the site can help you with this as well. :)

11-10-2008, 11:48 AM
i know a lot of people say "make friends" all the time but fsc is truly a site now that you can only get invited to if you have a good friend who is willing to vouch for you or if you can find a way to show an admin that you can contribute to the site in some way more then just the average user because fsc is full of above average users.

11-10-2008, 11:52 AM
I liked your request especially your bio
You have to be active in non-tracker sites to have a good chance

11-10-2008, 12:56 PM
thanks for all the kind words and advice. I have made the request into paragraphs to make it easier to read.

As Funkin' said, this request does seem genuine, and it isn't as generic and pitiful as some of the others. Users who request here should model themselves after you.

Hopefully some of the friends you mentioned from the site can help you with this as well. :)

Yeah I have one friend who wants to help me although he still needs to up 180gigs of data before being able to do so. I just made my request here as I decided that it can only improve my chances and not hurt them.

11-10-2008, 10:53 PM
Ben99 I dont want to hate me for this BUT for a person that was born in france and love good food they call them crepes suzette not crepes flambee and the reason is the sauce orange juice ,butter ,dash of cognac and sugar.

11-10-2008, 11:31 PM
Ben99 I dont want to hate me for this BUT for a person that was born in france and love good food they call them crepes suzette not crepes flambee and the reason is the sauce orange juice ,butter ,dash of cognac and sugar.

Well in my family which is mix of french and dutch, we always refer to it as "des crepes flambee." Sure you can refer to it as crepes suzettes, but in my opinion crepes flambee sounds a lot cooler and actually informs people as to what it is. In my family we do it differently, for example we add grand marmier and some other alcohols which I don't remember right now which, in your recipe, is absent. The way my dad does it is by putting folding 4 crepes into a cooking pan that has already been heated up and already has caramilized sugar and orange juice. He then adds different liquors, including grand marmier and then lights the thing on fire. He then serves the crepes and pours the sauce over them.

I mean did you actually just post because in my family we refer to it as something else? I have seen many restaurants refer to them as crepes flambee.

I do not enjoy your trolling, your flag states that you are romanian, which I guess means you are more qualified and knowledgeful than me when it comes to french recipes. Your ignorance shows through when you say a dash of cognac, how are you going to "flambee" the crepe if there's only a miniscule amount of liquor. The answer is you are not. Also the alcohol usually used is grand marmier :). As for repeating the same thing twice, that was not necessary.

I was quite happy with the responses so far, as they had been constructive and for the most part well spirited. The above posts saddens me as it shows that people are so eager to put people down that will jump on them for referring to something differently. As I said I was born in France, but I moved to the United States when I was seven. This might also explain why my family does things and calls things differently, after all we are a mix of french(my mom), dutch(dad), as well as American(I have lived here for 13 years).

11-10-2008, 11:50 PM
I did not want to upset you and if somebody correct i take the lesson out of it. About the grand marnier you are right and I am old so I do forget things I apologize.The dash of cognac is to make your crepes more enjoyable and give a burnt taste so delectable ,I was referring to your post as somebody who enjoy delicates pleasure as well and I am living in USA for 5 years but is pissing me of when they change the name of the composition of well known dishes,so bare with me and do not hate me.If you do believe I was out of line I apologize and good luck in your search ,be the good food be always there.
http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/1634/03lo0.gif (http://imageshack.us)

11-11-2008, 06:09 AM
You still seem to be trolling and taking you out your anger on me while all you are mad about is that people refer to certain items differently, in this case, a recipe.

As for this thread, it has partially achieved what I wanted it to, to get some responses and thoughts about my thread. If you have any more comments whether be positive or negative, I would appreciate them as long as they are thoughtful and constructive.

11-11-2008, 07:20 AM
As a member of FSC i agree a lot of other sites have a poor community.
Sct admins are kinda rude and it is very hard to keep a good ratio their.
Also i dont remember the last time they did a free leech. They use to do it every year on their birth day. But not this year.
FsC has a lot of free leech lately and give away free leech spots. Not only that they have a Share ratio thingamabob. Where you dont really even need to have a good upload to stay on the site. Tit admins are the same Sct. I think they have some of the same people running it on both sites. They also do not get a long with other tracker communities. They were one of the best then they really screwed up and the site went down hill and eventually died. TL never had free leach and never will. Very hard to keep a good ratio there and even have a wait time when u get started there. Trackers dont understand sharing is caring :))) Its the community who donates to them to keep the site up. Why be a dick?

11-11-2008, 08:25 AM
Well what can I say. GOOD LUCk!

11-11-2008, 12:25 PM
Yeah, you seem like a nice user. Good luck, I vote for you!

11-11-2008, 03:27 PM
You seem to be on the right track bud. Keep up the good work and I am sure someone will notice your efforts.

11-11-2008, 09:58 PM
You seem to be on the right track bud. Keep up the good work and I am sure someone will notice your efforts.

Well I'm honored to have a FSC staff member post in my request thread :D. That said thanks for the nice words. Anyways someone mentioned that my request was a bit generic, would you guys agree?

11-11-2008, 10:15 PM
You seem to be on the right track bud. Keep up the good work and I am sure someone will notice your efforts.

Well I'm honored to have a FSC staff member post in my request thread :D. That said thanks for the nice words. Anyways someone mentioned that my request was a bit generic, would you guys agree?

No way! The request does not sound like it could be any more genuine! A generic request is "I would like it as I have heard it is really good", where as yours goes into proper detail about it so in my opinion this request is the complete opposite of a generic request.

11-12-2008, 03:36 AM
Well I'm honored to have a FSC staff member post in my request thread :D. That said thanks for the nice words. Anyways someone mentioned that my request was a bit generic, would you guys agree?

It's far beyond a generic request imho. Good work!
And wish you good luck to get what you want.

11-18-2008, 06:31 AM
...Tit admins are the same Sct. I think they have some of the same people running it on both sites. They also do not get a long with other tracker communities. They were one of the best then they really screwed up and the site went down hill and eventually died.

This is probably the only part I disagree with...It may be because I am friends with a few of the staff including Mudd...This is the first that I've heard that they don't get along with other tracker communities, either. As a matter of fact one the "F" sites that is not requested in this thread actually has a recruitment thread for TIt...And is where I got my invite.

Back to original subject...This does seem to be a genuine request and I hope you get in.

11-18-2008, 09:21 AM
i hope you get into FSC my friend... I was going to have a friend apply for me there but after seeing the application, I decided not to apply.. The main reason being that they wanted to know 3 active communities other than non-trackers where iw as really active.. And the truth is I dont have any!@! lol... so i fidured not to even try to apply bc i figured I wouldnt get in... Though i hope you do get in but from what i understand its an APP system and they dont care about any trackers u may or may not have.. Like u said the are about community first and want tos ee that ua re an active member in a non tracker community... it's sad to say but i am not... so i didnt apply... but i wish u good luck...

You know i was thinking about using FST and P2P as non tracker communities, but I figured that wouldnt be a good idea since most sites are against invite forum sites like this one even if it is a free giveaway...

Plus I have all the trackers I will ever need including one of the "F" sites, but I like being part of a community and if thats what FsC is about then I woulod love to join and contribute.. I spend alot of my time here helping ppl out but it feels good to be apart of something bigger.. I really dont need FsC for the torrents.. I have all i need their, but maybe someday I will meet a staff member who has invites.. Bc I just wouldnt cut it filling out an APP, thats why I didnt bother... plus the fact I am happy with what I have and dont need anymore trackers... However if FsC is alot more than just a tracker and alot more about copmmunity sure I would love to be a part of that.. but i am not going to lose sleep over it.. if it's meant to be it will happen..so i hope it happens for you...and you dont have to wait tooo long...

11-18-2008, 11:12 AM
I was going to have a friend apply for me there but after seeing the application, I decided not to apply.. The main reason being that they wanted to know 3 active communities other than non-trackers where iw as really active.. And the truth is I dont have any!@! lol...
even if you would be active in three communities, you are a trader... so FSC is not for you.

11-18-2008, 03:21 PM
I tried to apply some time ago too and I hoped to get the chance for an interview in which they could get to know me.But it didn´t happend till now .
So good luck to you but I think you need to know some people over there .