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View Full Version : K, so this is possibly my biggest request. TT

11-12-2008, 07:21 AM
And my last. After this I've got everything I want if someone's nice enough to hook me up with an invite. So hear me out.

I'm looking for Trance Traffic. (Yeah, I know, level 7, woo!) I love trance, love hardcore, etc etc. Whatever. Anyway, lets get on the topic of why I want it so badly.

I'm a member of TranceRoute, they've got a decent bit of stuff but not quite everything I'm looking for. I want early Markus Schulz GDJB packs, a full ASOT pack, and a number of those other great radio shows. I know TT has what I'm looking for because I just got done buffering someone's TT account. (Yeah, that's how trustworthy I am, I buffered it for them with my seedbox, they gave me a +rep and I was on my way.) You can check my history for proof, PM him and ask even if you'd like. I can give ratio proof for any of the music sites I belong to in my signature to show I'm able to uphold a decent ratio. I can show proof of my seedbox, whatever you need in order to give me an invite. I've already made posts showing how many torrents I seed on a day to day basis and how I've had some torrents seeding since the beginning of this year.

So let the flaming begin for this insane request, but hopefully I get what I'm looking for.

11-12-2008, 08:45 AM
Electronik has full ASOT(66gb) and a plenty of other radio shows as u say .. try mentioning some specific ones to further strengthen ur request

11-12-2008, 09:18 AM
Electronik has full ASOT(66gb) and a plenty of other radio shows as u say .. try mentioning some specific ones to further strengthen ur request
I could easily name radio shows off the top of my head, I don't see how that'd strengthen my chances of getting an invite however. Anyone can use google to bring up trance radio shows' names.

All I need is a little bit of trust from someone for me to show I can actually put this tracker to good use.

11-12-2008, 09:53 AM
You forgot to mention in your request that you are/were a trader ...
Some people find that very important when handing out invites to trackers they care for.

11-12-2008, 10:02 AM
There are 2 things:

1. As Disme said you are or were a trader
2. TT staff is not giving out invites for now because userbase is full. Maybe some of users have invites left but it's going to be hard to get TT now.

11-12-2008, 10:20 AM
You forgot to mention in your request that you are/were a trader ...
Some people find that very important when handing out invites to trackers they care for.
So the fact that I made a trade a year ago (which was an invite for an invite by the way, I don't trade accounts), should worry someone? Even though it was a trade I was honest and fair about it. So I don't see what you're getting at Disme.:(

Edit- If these aren't valid points then please explain to me as to why I wouldn't deserve an invite.

11-12-2008, 10:41 AM
Electronik has full ASOT(66gb) and a plenty of other radio shows as u say .. try mentioning some specific ones to further strengthen ur request
I could easily name radio shows off the top of my head, I don't see how that'd strengthen my chances of getting an invite however. Anyone can use google to bring up trance radio shows' names.

All I need is a little bit of trust from someone for me to show I can actually put this tracker to good use.
DumbASS!!! If u could easily name radio shows that are easily available then y fracking put that in ur request!!!! If other sites have the radio show u want(or u listen to ) then use that site ; y bother requesting for TT ..
Just goes to show how well thought out ur request was !!
So wat else is left in ur request that u cant find in trackers apart from TT..
for christs sakes wat a load of bollocks .. Just go to puresound Forums and u will find all the radio shows there
Fuckers cant take anything constructively these days ..

11-12-2008, 10:49 AM
There are 2 things:

1. As Disme said you are or were a trader
2. TT staff is not giving out invites for now because userbase is full. Maybe some of users have invites left but it's going to be hard to get TT now.

1. Stats
Registered users 7957/8000
Unconfirmed users 3

2. vips or above can request invites whenever, and a lot of people have now invites

11-12-2008, 11:03 AM
I could easily name radio shows off the top of my head, I don't see how that'd strengthen my chances of getting an invite however. Anyone can use google to bring up trance radio shows' names.

All I need is a little bit of trust from someone for me to show I can actually put this tracker to good use.
DumbASS!!! If u could easily name radio shows that are easily available then y fracking put that in ur request!!!! If other sites have the radio show u want(or u listen to ) then use that site ; y bother requesting for TT ..
Just goes to show how well thought out ur request was !!
So wat else is left in ur request that u cant find in trackers apart from TT..
for christs sakes wat a load of bollocks .. Just go to puresound Forums and u will find all the radio shows there
Fuckers cant take anything constructively these days ..

Umm... have you looked in the mirror? I didn't try to offend you in any way in my post so there's no reason for you to be jumping down my throat like that. I named those two radio shows because the trackers I have access to don't have the full packs for them. There's years worth of GDJB packs that I want that aren't on TranceRoute. There are no Tiesto radio show packs on TR either. And the packs for ASOT are missing certain episodes. Try being a little more mature in your posts please. I'm requesting an invite to a much needed tracker, if you can't help then post in another thread, don't flame me and make yourself look stupid when I prove to you I honestly can use TT.

11-12-2008, 11:06 AM
Edit- Double post.

11-12-2008, 11:26 AM
DumbASS!!! If u could easily name radio shows that are easily available then y fracking put that in ur request!!!! If other sites have the radio show u want(or u listen to ) then use that site ; y bother requesting for TT ..
Just goes to show how well thought out ur request was !!
So wat else is left in ur request that u cant find in trackers apart from TT..
for christs sakes wat a load of bollocks .. Just go to puresound Forums and u will find all the radio shows there
Fuckers cant take anything constructively these days ..

Umm... have you looked in the mirror? I didn't try to offend you in any way in my post so there's no reason for you to be jumping down my throat like that. I named those two radio shows because the trackers I have access to don't have the full packs for them. There's years worth of GDJB packs that I want that aren't on TranceRoute. There are no Tiesto radio show packs on TR either. And the packs for ASOT are missing certain episodes. Try being a little more mature in your posts please. I'm requesting an invite to a much needed tracker, if you can't help then post in another thread, don't flame me and make yourself look stupid when I prove to you I honestly can use TT.
1)Puresound forums
2)sound Area
3) Electronik has the entire ASOT collection
4) DakolBass forums
5) As i pointed out in my earlier post which radio shows u r talking about that arnt available on TR but on TT incase u didnt understand that .. Also check out the option 1 incase u dont find it on TR
6) Only the success of your request will prove if u actually are able to prove to users that u honestly will use TT or u require it .. for just two packs u dont require it and no one will ever give it to u for reasons mentioned in ur requests ..
Maybe you should be a lil more mature in posting ur requests

11-12-2008, 11:48 AM

Fuckers cant take anything constructively these days ..

Maybe you should be a lil more mature in posting...


that was worth loging in :lol:


11-12-2008, 12:23 PM
Hope for you to get this invite, relly great person.

11-12-2008, 01:50 PM
Good luck mate, that's all I can say.

11-12-2008, 04:54 PM
Umm... have you looked in the mirror? I didn't try to offend you in any way in my post so there's no reason for you to be jumping down my throat like that. I named those two radio shows because the trackers I have access to don't have the full packs for them. There's years worth of GDJB packs that I want that aren't on TranceRoute. There are no Tiesto radio show packs on TR either. And the packs for ASOT are missing certain episodes. Try being a little more mature in your posts please. I'm requesting an invite to a much needed tracker, if you can't help then post in another thread, don't flame me and make yourself look stupid when I prove to you I honestly can use TT.
1)Puresound forums
2)sound Area
3) Electronik has the entire ASOT collection
4) DakolBass forums
5) As i pointed out in my earlier post which radio shows u r talking about that arnt available on TR but on TT incase u didnt understand that .. Also check out the option 1 incase u dont find it on TR
6) Only the success of your request will prove if u actually are able to prove to users that u honestly will use TT or u require it .. for just two packs u dont require it and no one will ever give it to u for reasons mentioned in ur requests ..
Maybe you should be a lil more mature in posting ur requests
Talk about being hypocritical... Get out of my thread please.

From what you're saying, I should become a member at 4 different sites to get all the music I want, when I could just get an invite to TT and have everything I need for the rest of time.

Thank you to everyone wishing me luck here. Really hoping for this one.

Also, Apex, notice my request for What.CD when I asked for an invite there. I was invited by T.S.O.L., my requests are always sincere, and I rarely make a request. (I've made 2, total.)

So again, I'm asking for someone's help to get me into this great tracker.

11-12-2008, 05:55 PM
Wow ... you got invited by an FST-mod ... that makes you one hell of a thrustworthy guy ... do you really believe what you write here ...

Don't do it ... you are a trader ... oh noes not anymore because you changed ... Oh my ...

When I decide to give away an invite to TT (yes I do have invites :)) traders don't have a chance.

You might think I am an arse and you might be true, but I don't like traders at the trackers I am a member too ... makes my p2p-experience less secure ... that is the exact reason I don't want peeps like you joining a tracker I am a member of.

11-12-2008, 06:19 PM
you are a guy, with a pink sig saying "resident cutie"...

back on my town, we have a name for that. Are you really a guy ?

11-12-2008, 07:13 PM
Wow ... you got invited by an FST-mod ... that makes you one hell of a thrustworthy guy ... do you really believe what you write here ...

Don't do it ... you are a trader ... oh noes not anymore because you changed ... Oh my ...

When I decide to give away an invite to TT (yes I do have invites :)) traders don't have a chance.

You might think I am an arse and you might be true, but I don't like traders at the trackers I am a member too ... makes my p2p-experience less secure ... that is the exact reason I don't want peeps like you joining a tracker I am a member of.
You a member of any of the trackers in my signature? If so, you're with me. I don't think you're an ass (arse?), I even tried to befriend you in that PM I sent you a while back. Just because my little group of friends mainly consists of people who act like.. well, you.

@Cabalo lol yes, I am a guy. No, I'm not gay. But I like to stand out in the crowd, I came to this forum to get involved and become known. So far I think I'm doing a decent job of it. If you've never noticed a post by me before I'll simply try and be more and more active here.

Edit- Disme, I'm still waiting for a reply to that PM.;)

11-12-2008, 07:23 PM
you are a guy, with a pink sig saying "resident cutie"...

back on my town, we have a name for that. Are you really a guy ?do we live in a same town?