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View Full Version : Problem Accessing Tracker (SQL Error?)

11-14-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm at boarding school, and the internet here is filtered quite aggressively.

We access the internet through a proxy + firewall, and recently I noticed that a few (private) trackers that I try to access come up with these SQL errors in a blue block. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I know for sure that these trackers are up, because my buddies outside of school can access it fine. Is it because I am behind a proxy? Or is my school's IP range blocked by some script?

I have no problem with trackers like RevTT, TTi, TL, TD, BMTV, What, or Waffles, but ones like BitHQ and other ones that I want to support have this problem.

Does anyone know? I have a screenshot included below


Thanks, if anyone can help.
