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11-18-2008, 01:40 PM
Ok 1 Person will get an account on BCG. But there is some pretty strict guidelines here.

We have just opened uploading to everyone, and made a new category, Members Creations.

Basically this new category, is for your own games that you have made, this could be Flash, Darkbasic, even full games if you are good enough. you can even upload beta games, or completed games.

So for the account.

You must be able to make games, does not matter how good/bad they are, you must be willing to upload 1 of your games, within the 1st 24 hours of joining up, and you must upload your game and seed it, before you download anything.

If you sign up and just download I will disable your account.

If you sign up and do not upload your own game within 24 hours, I will disable your account.

If you upload someone elses game, I will disable your account.

If you upload a fake I will disable your account.

If you upload a virus I will disable your account.

any other reason i feel like, i will disable your account lol.

So what i would like for you to do is this. and remember they do not have to be full blown PS3/360 games here.

Answer these Questions.

How experienced are you at game making?


How many games have you created?

What programe do you prefer to create games with?

State Multiples if you wish

Name of the game you will upload, along with size, specs, other interesting info?

2 Screenshots of the game you want to upload?

If you like Constructive criticism?, as you will get plenty in the comments.

and i think thats about it, I dont want to hear, god this is hard to get in, to many questions, if you cant be arsed to answer properly, dont answer at all, and if you cant make games, tough for this giveaway, you will have to find another way in.

Fuck i have put this in the wrong forum, should be in giveaways, I do not want to trade, honest lol

11-18-2008, 01:45 PM
LOL. I was wondering why Stoi want to invite a trader.

/edit it has been moved

maldini 3
11-18-2008, 02:59 PM
LOL. I was wondering why Stoi want to invite a trader.

/edit it has been moved
I was thinking in the same thing lol
any way i'm not interested in games at all so good luck for all
and got to say : stoi you're great !!

11-19-2008, 03:49 AM
Sexy Stoi man i thought BCG was gone and homepage didn't open !

11-19-2008, 04:23 AM
Now I'm wishing I knew how to make games. Dammit

Oh well I've always believed all good things come to those who wait.

11-19-2008, 11:49 AM
BCG sucks , he just enjoys playing god .

11-19-2008, 12:29 PM
great giveaway. i wish more admins/sysops from trackers that most people desire would come here from time to time and try to find a couple deserving people. mainly since they can keep an eye on the account and if that person does anything bad it will not reflect poorly on them like it would if a regular member was to invite that same person.

good work stoi. :)

BCG sucks , he just enjoys playing god .

you must have been banned or you really hate games. they have a huge selection of games that stay seeded for a long time and it isnt hard to keep a good ratio there.

11-19-2008, 12:35 PM
BCG sucks , he just enjoys playing god .

as if i care what you think.

a year ago i would have done, now i couldnt give a toss.

11-19-2008, 12:41 PM
BCG sucks , he just enjoys playing god .
at least not ...hole :lol:

11-19-2008, 12:49 PM
no offence but this thread is so EGOshit...n/c

11-19-2008, 12:50 PM
i really like your idea stoi, so bcg users can try other users own game...... nice one m8,

*hopefully it`s an adult game ...... :) j/k

11-19-2008, 12:53 PM
no offence but this thread is so EGOshit...n/c


I am a Com Rep, I have to do a giveaway every now and again on here, problem is, 75% of the members on here are the scum of the bittorrent community.

I have got members in before from here easily, they cheated right under my nose.

So this way, I am doing my part as being a Com Rep, and if no one can fulfill what I want, that`s not my fault, it just means no one gets an account from here, which I am more than happy with.

And if we do get someone that can do what I want, great, its what I want so fantastic. if not, fuck them.

There is method in my madness.

11-19-2008, 12:58 PM
nice giveaway :)

11-19-2008, 12:59 PM
I like the concept, but unfortunately I don't think you'll find very many, if any, people here who can make their own stuff. Usually it's just the invite beggars and other assorted trash, but I hope you have some luck, since personally I enjoy flash games. :)


11-19-2008, 01:48 PM
Bimp ...

Can haz invit pliss

11-19-2008, 03:23 PM
Interesting giveaway, but unfortunately, you're more likely to get flashers than flash game developers here :)

11-19-2008, 03:25 PM
dont you think i know that.

usually when i do a giveaway i get 200 replies within 24 hours, this time, 0 decent ones.

so like i said above, there is method in my madness

11-19-2008, 04:43 PM
WoW, stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/members/stoi-438) your amazing! This is a great opportunity for someone who was looking foreward to join the best gaming traker.

Since i do not qualify i whish the best of luck to anyone who qualify and may i say to you, DON'T SCREW THIS UP.

A chance like that happens only once in a while, belive me i know, because we are a bunch of good guys with good ratios who are waiting patiently for our chance, use this wisely and have fun for us :cool:... until we join you ;)

11-19-2008, 07:05 PM
Very nice giveaway stoi. Hope DICE droppes by and asks for the invite :P

(yeah i know dice is a lot of ppl but i wanted to make a funny:P)

11-21-2008, 11:59 AM
no offence but this thread is so EGOshit...n/c

exactly , just a small nobody . :sick::whistling

BCG sucks , he just enjoys playing god .
at least not ...hole :lol:

do all russians look like that ???


11-21-2008, 01:01 PM
A pitty the Spectrum is out of the market!
Could've tried with that 2player Tron I made some eons ago. Basic for scores and Z80 for movement.

Still the incentive is genuine and an original idea.

PS. Yeah, yeah, I just wanted the opportunity to tell the world about it, whassup?

11-21-2008, 10:36 PM
there are spectrum emus you know, it may work on those if you give it a try.

11-21-2008, 10:43 PM
stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/stoi-438) its a same you call fst users " scum " i dont think anyone should play

your sick game .. there is a lot of sites to download games from !!

i have an xbox 360 and i get all my games from xbox sky and others elite trackers

who the hell need you and your stupid terms ??

piss off !!!

fst users this man thinks 75 % of you is shit show him what you think of that !!!

11-21-2008, 10:53 PM
show me and dont join or walk out then, never sign into BCG again, see if i fucking care.

(i dont btw)

if you cant do it, dont post shite, if you can, do it, its a simple request, not my fault you cant programe games.

11-21-2008, 10:54 PM
Is his opinion.

Plus i have found a lot of rule breaking members in the past few days!

I don't belive FST in whole is a bad site!

Has some great members , some not so great.

stoi (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/stoi-438) its a same you call fst users " scum " i dont think anyone should play

your sick game .. there is a lot of sites to download games from !!

i have an xbox 360 and i get all my games from xbox sky and others elite trackers

who the hell need you and your stupid terms ??

piss off !!!

fst users this man thinks 75 % of you is shit show him what you think of that !!!

11-21-2008, 11:01 PM
Members: 84,950

I said that 25% were good

that is still 21,000 good members that FST have.

but i am not doing this for my site, or for me, i am doing it to show my members, that if you do a giveaway or trade an invite on here, chances are your account will get fucked, I know, i have invited a ton of cheaters from here in the past.

I will never ever ever add anyone from here onto my referral list, as i get in just the same shit as a User, and i am not risking my account (not that i can get banned) but i can get the not being able to download for 24 hours ban, or 100gig added onto my download penatlies.

so if i just show 10 of my members the way to do it (or not to do it as the case may be), thats enough for me.

sheriff 01
11-21-2008, 11:12 PM
stoi this may be a little off topic but are there any mods in existence available for playing burnt games on PS3?

by the way excellent thread and i am a proud member of your site.:D

11-21-2008, 11:14 PM
not yet mate, and the way it is going, might never will be.

pitty because Christmas is costing me a small fortune for the kids lol

all they want is PS3 games, i am like pfft lol

sheriff 01
11-21-2008, 11:16 PM
yeh the games can get pretty costly for that unit!
i would have owned one by now but am still happy using my modded ps2.

11-21-2008, 11:17 PM
show me and dont join or walk out then, never sign into BCG again, see if i fucking care.

(i dont btw)

if you cant do it, dont post shite, if you can, do it, its a simple request, not my fault you cant programe games.

i know how to " make games " and do how to upload them (big deal )
i have numerus cumputers downloading games not onley from bcg

i have a bcg acct too but i dont like when you make harse tight ass rules

fst members me included have respect for torrent sites

so play your games in the end you cant control it anyway you just think you can

some people just have to play thier little games , play yours ,

11-21-2008, 11:23 PM
Boy ... quite a nice giveaway and with objectiveness .. and so much hate ... what .. ? People that ask other time for invite and didn't get it or something ?

Chill out boys ...

11-21-2008, 11:37 PM
show me and dont join or walk out then, never sign into BCG again, see if i fucking care.

(i dont btw)

if you cant do it, dont post shite, if you can, do it, its a simple request, not my fault you cant programe games.

i know how to " make games " and do how to upload them (big deal )
i have numerus cumputers downloading games not onley from bcg

i have a bcg acct too but i dont like when you make harse tight ass rules

fst members me included have respect for torrent sites

so play your games in the end you cant control it anyway you just think you can

some people just have to play thier little games , play yours ,

ok your in wtf is your problem.

if you had invited as many bad members and heard the stories i have heard about seemingly good members from here, you would be shocked.

some of it has even opened my eyes to this place.

so please do not come off all high and mighty, actually i make you a deal.

Send me a PM with your username on BCG, i will give you 10, yes 10 referrals on here, give them away on here all in 1 post, and lets see how many fuck you over.

it very well may be 0, but i bet it will be at least 6.

and by fucking you over i mean, getting into Kl and not letting you download for 24 hours, not cheating, or anything really bad, just those that cant read the rules of the site.

so put your money where your mouth is, if you have plenty other places and you do not care about BCG, then it will be no skin of your nose anyway if they fuck your account up.

11-22-2008, 12:05 AM
Hello Stoi.
I respect you, I admire your work, I used to love BCG, my acc got disabled because the code thing but I got over it now.
I got one question if I may: if you think we are all scum why you keep posting here, bump BCG treads and try to keep BCG in the centre of attention(for us, the scum)?
I don't know about you but I would hate to be part of a community which I disconsider and I find it contrar my ideas...

11-22-2008, 12:10 AM
so why are you a member of any trackers?

not many if any like this place, i am probably one of the most tollerant of tracker owners on here.

so sorry mate but with this

I don't know about you but I would hate to be part of a community which I disconsider and I find it contrar my ideas...

you have to now go and delete all your accounts on every single tracker lol.

the big difference is, I am out in the open, they hide to catch you, I only have 1 account on here, they have 20, you do a giveaway, they PM you, get you, ban you. I just say meh, your account, your loss if they screw up.

so i am very lenient as well. but whatever, you believe that this is "the" torrent community and you are doing nothing wrong, even though FST is all against tracker rules (invite forums) but it will come back to haunt you one of these days.

11-22-2008, 12:19 AM
Send me a PM with your username on BCG, i will give you 10, yes 10 referrals on here, give them away on here all in 1 post, and lets see how many fuck you over.

it very well may be 0, but i bet it will be at least 6.

and by fucking you over i mean, getting into Kl and not letting you download for 24 hours, not cheating, or anything really bad, just those that cant read the rules of the site.

so put your money where your mouth is, if you have plenty other places and you do not care about BCG, then it will be no skin of your nose anyway if they fuck your account up.

I love this dare (BTW I would take it in a second if I was a member). Just curious I guess.

Be sure to report the outcome.

11-22-2008, 01:10 AM
Well no PM yet

but i would just like to add as well.

If you can make games, then upload them to BCG, I can say i make games (i cant) but if I dont prove it, I could say I can do anything.

so prove it.

11-22-2008, 01:12 AM
Lots of drama here tonight. I just dont think the torrent comunity have survied without comunities like FST. This is my statemente Stoi. Becuse trackers need new member ones and a wile, and if we only can invite people we know in real life, the trackers will die in the long turn I think. I have 2 friends in real life that are torrenting and its not enough to keep the tracker going, becuse after a wile they get bord and quit. Then you and others give everyone some invites, but we can`t use them, becuse we dont have more friends in real life to invite. Do you see the logik. Of course its not so squere like this, but I think it could be some problems witout inviteforums. Stoi, what is wrong to invite people from places like FST if you know what you are loking for. I have been a reqruter for some trackers and I was jusing and still using many days with investigations and tons of questions before i invite somone to a tracker. And I have in average wery active users in my invite threes around. Of course I am carful about who I am invite. I couldn`t in my wildest dream jeopardies my membership.

Btw. Its real cool of you to come out here and talk with us. And I have to say that I belive that BCG is the overal best quality game tracker out there. I am a real hard gamer Stoi, so I know what I am talking about.

11-22-2008, 01:28 AM
well 1st of all its against most tracker rules.

and some trackers come down a lot harder than some others.

we are very very lenient to say the least, if we catch you and know who you are, you will be dealt with, but i wont go chasing you around the globe and back.

All i am saying is a lot of members on here are not very good for the trackers, I am not saying 100% of them, you do and will get some decent ones.

But in my giveaways that I have done on here in the past, and I have done a lot.

I would say, not that i keep count mind.

I have got in 200 members from here.

30 cheated right under my nose, blatent as well, idiots, within 24 hours of signing up.

another 30, bided their time, and then cheated as if i had forgot all about them.

50 went straight into KL/low ratio warning, Never once bothered to seed, so got disabled.

20 said they wanted it for the community, and they were great posters on here, my giveaway was about community, got them in, 0 forum posts 0 comments, 0 thankyous 50 torrents downloaded.

30 just never used their accounts, and got deleted.

so that leaves 30 good members (and i think that is being generous, it is probably closer to 5-10 that i have got from here).

I have done giveaways with speed tests, I have done giveaways with community in mind, I have done giveaways with nothing at all wanted from my end, so i am trying something different this time, If i get 1 member, bloody fantastic, if i get 0, i have done a giveaway, and FST cant get on my back for not doing one.

11-22-2008, 01:31 AM
There are some good members here, no doubt! ;)

Not a member on BCG, don't know how to make a video game or DL/Copy one.

Hear it is awesome for that though. :)

11-22-2008, 01:32 AM

so much hatred, so much :shit: talk in this thread.

well, speaking with a 75% chance of being considered scum, stoi is still one of the few guys that put up with all the :shit: and comes here to get badmouthed at. :idunno:
I've applied to some of his giveaways, and never got chosen, and later i became a member at BCG because i endured in my pursuit. But the fact i didn't get chosen never made me come here and diss on him.
this is becoming more and more of an issue in this forum nowadays, the total disrespect with the community or who represents it. And the biggest problem is that those 25% which are indeed good users or try to make this a better place, get lost in the middle of all this :shit: and are assumed of being potentially bad members for a tracker.

i for once felt that in my skin when at a tracker forum i said i was a member here and some mods and users almost insulted me (well, they actually did). Luckyly i even didn't get disabled, and for some time i assumed i would be...

so guys, if u got disabled for not visiting the site and reading its news, just STFU, whatever you say the reason will never be by your side.

11-22-2008, 01:40 AM
Fuck me. If you dont want to play by stoi's rules, gtfo.

Simple as that. I am not a member of BCG, but im guessing this is his site. Therfore, one can do what ever he wants.

If you do not agree, gtfo.

11-22-2008, 01:46 AM
I am totaly agree with you Stoi, but as you say between the lines, not everybody are bad users. Let me handpick some reqruters for you from different communities and let me do the best I can, and help you to get good fresh users. I know what you are standing for and what you have made with BCG. You dont have to say anything now, but think about it. If you say no,I understad, But, if you say yes, I will use many hours to get you new fresh blod.

11-22-2008, 01:54 AM
well mate funnily enough thats the way you "should" do it, loads of tracker do not mind that, hence why they have invite forums of their own for other trackers for higher classes.

If you can trust them with a referral from your account, and to not screw your account up, then be my guest, but on your head be it, i wont bail you out incase you invite some bad ones, which is always the risk.

this is why we are giving referrals to users not just PU/SPU because we believe that users will be even more careful with them, as they do not have huge buffers they can just blow away.

Honestly, i know we have some shitty members, i know nearly all trackers do, who will do anything for themselves, and fuck everyone else, its just we seem to have a lot more of them than other places lol

and i was sick of getting them when we opened signup, again though it is not everyone, but we do have quite a few that couldnt give a toss about anyone but themselves.

which is why we are scrapping PU and SPU classes soon.

If you are an SPU though, click your name on the status bar of the tracker, scroll down to Achievements View Achievements

click that and you will see what we have planned, it is not 100% complete yet, but hopefully it should not be long.

Classes are a thing of the past, just because you have a shit hot ratio, does not make you a good member, it may just mean your a prick with a seedbox.....

sheriff 01
11-22-2008, 02:27 AM
Hey stoi i cannot connect to your site, is it temporarily down?:(

Is working now, maybe just temporary glitch.

11-22-2008, 02:30 AM
If no one dares take the dare, then I guess stoi was right about how trustworthy the users in the giveaway section are... or at least how trustworthy other users feel they are.

11-22-2008, 02:32 AM
3 minutes ago it was having a nightmare, but its fine now, a bit slow, but not that bad.

well he/she may not have seen my dare, so still time yet.

11-22-2008, 02:33 AM
he might want own uploaders, not sceners.

11-22-2008, 02:39 AM
well i have just made this category on the tracker, within 20 minutes we had the 1st upload of someones own game.

today we got another one.

they are nothing ground breaking, and they would not sell for toffee lol

1 is snakes, another is a schmup (or whatever the hell you call them not my type of game at all).

its just something a bit different that as far as i know, no other tracker does, anyone can rip a 360 game from a backup, or a PS2 game from an original, but not everyone can create their own games, and this way they have potentially 30,000 beta testers, obviously it will be more like 20 but still lol

like i said, its just something that is quirky and not been done before (as far as i know), if it fails miserably, it fails, but 2 games in 3 days uploaded to it is a success for me, i was expecting it to be empty for 6 months.

11-22-2008, 02:39 AM
This sentens ", then be my guest, but on your head be it, i wont bail you out incase you invite some bad ones" is why I never have invited anyone to BCG. First you give us refferals so we can help the community to grow, but then afterwards you "want bail us out" if we ones in a wile invite users who not have the right attitude. Of course you shell help us in these situations. You are the top man of these tracker and you shold be gratefull to those who give new members to the site. As I sad, I have never invited anyone to BCG, becuse I am afraid that you dont want to "bail" me out incase I invite some bad ones".

11-22-2008, 02:47 AM
Well what exactly is bailing you out.

letting you get away with inviting 100 cheaters in a row, now that would be silly to the extreme wouldnt it (but i have seen it in the past).

If they go into KL, or get leech warned, then you cant download for 24 hours. you will also get some download added to your account.

If they become PU you get 5gig added to your account

if they become SPU you get 10 gig added to your account.

If their referrals, are good members, you get a little bit of bonus then as well.

If you invite a cheat, depends how much the cheat has cheated, we can add on 1 gig up to whatever gig onto your download amount.

Invite a few cheaters, we take away your referrals for awhile

you get them back, and you still invite cheaters, we ban you.

but to get banned, you have to be pretty bloody bad, but to get the bonuses you have to accept some punishment, it cant all be a bed of roses.

11-22-2008, 02:52 AM
If no one dares take the dare, then I guess stoi was right about how trustworthy the users in the giveaway section are... or at least how trustworthy other users feel they are.

Taking a dare is inherently stupid(no offense stoi).I mean the whole concept of any dare is the instigator knows your chance of success is very small.

And you are right anyone I trust probably already has a BCG account except apparently you Blue_Skies.That can be rectified if you like.

I'd take the dare anyway since my account could withstand the penalties but I'd really couldn't stand to be the one to bring in more cheaters.

11-22-2008, 02:54 AM
OK. That is good rules Stoi. But, I still belive that FST and other simulare forum have some good users that could helped BCG.

sheriff 01
11-22-2008, 02:55 AM
If no one dares take the dare, then I guess stoi was right about how trustworthy the users in the giveaway section are... or at least how trustworthy other users feel they are.

Taking a dare is inherently stupid(no offense stoi).I mean the whole concept of any dare is the instigator knows your chance of success is very small.

And you are right anyone I trust probably already has a BCG account except apparently you Blue_Skies.That can be rectified if you like.

I'd take the dare anyway since my account could withstand the penalties but I really hate to be the one to bring in more cheaters.

Cheaters! - what do you mean? is there really cheaters here at FST?
I thought all members here were honest, respectable and intelligent.:lol:

11-22-2008, 03:02 AM
well I only said the dare, because the poster said i was talking crap, this giveaway was crap, and her BCG account was crap.

so if everything that she said is crap, what has she/he got to loose.

Apart from being shown up as to how bad this site really is, but then she may get very lucky, and bring in 10 future great members for all i know.

but then i win either way.

she/he brings in 10 scum bags, i am correct.

she/he brings in 10 great members, she/he proved me wrong so won the battle, but I get 10 great new members for BCG so I win the war lol

I cant really loose tbh.

OK. That is good rules Stoi. But, I still belive that FST and other simulare forum have some good users that could helped BCG.

yes and I already said 25% of them.

Not once did I say every member of FST was scum.

We do not ban members from here, just for being members of here, and yes some trackers do that.

There are a lot worse trackers out there than BCG that have it in for this place, and its members, believe me, most cant believe i am here so often helping people out and answering the same ????? over and over again, on here and my tracker.

and then just because i said that a lot of members from here are not worth the time of day, i get lambasted for it, at least i have the balls to say it, and its true

11-22-2008, 03:12 AM
This sentens ", then be my guest, but on your head be it, i wont bail you out incase you invite some bad ones" is why I never have invited anyone to BCG. First you give us refferals so we can help the community to grow, but then afterwards you "want bail us out" if we ones in a wile invite users who not have the right attitude. Of course you shell help us in these situations. You are the top man of these tracker and you shold be gratefull to those who give new members to the site. As I sad, I have never invited anyone to BCG, becuse I am afraid that you dont want to "bail" me out incase I invite some bad ones".

and why the hell should he bail you out ? take your own responsibilities and assume them, otherwise don't bother.

and why would he trust you more than anyone else? you're just a user here. so what?

11-22-2008, 03:15 AM
I cant really loose tbh.

Thus Spake Zarathustra.

Sorry being needlessly esoteric.
Amusing no one but myself no doubt.

11-22-2008, 03:18 AM
If no one dares take the dare, then I guess stoi was right about how trustworthy the users in the giveaway section are... or at least how trustworthy other users feel they are.

Taking a dare is inherently stupid(no offense stoi).I mean the whole concept of any dare is the instigator knows your chance of success is very small.

And you are right anyone I trust probably already has a BCG account except apparently you Blue_Skies.That can be rectified if you like.

I'd take the dare anyway since my account could withstand the penalties but I'd really couldn't stand to be the one to bring in more cheaters.

The reason I don't have one, is that I simply don't have the patience for big games. Those little flash games on sites, I play a bit at times, but that's it. I am a member of far too many sites, so why add one that I would hardly or maybe even never use.

Last game I actually sat through till the end is SSX3. Nostalgia just hit me :D

I truly believe it's possible for someone to invite 10 people from here. Just need strict guidelines like:

Profile links and PM on site.
Registering and posting on a site where I mod and can check IP's.
Letting the giveaway stay up for a while.
Only considering people, who aren't most active in invite section. Maybe even only people that have actually posted in the games section before giveaway starts.
Only people that have been members for a while.

Things like that.

11-22-2008, 03:31 AM
well you ae not a member so you probably do not know, but we work a lot differently from 99.9% of any other tracker out there.

Now lets say, the poster is an SPU.

Every referral she brings in, will get a 6 gig bonus on upload, she/he also has a 20 gig POT that she can share between them, if she uses it she has to wait a year to use it again.

she can give 20 gig to 1 referral, or 2 gig each to all 10, or any numbers inbetween. but once she uses 1 gig of 500 meg, or all 20 gig at once, she does not get that back for a year.

Now lets say the referrals are like kids in a candy shop.

as soon as they join, they can download 2 torrents, they pick 2 360 games at 7 gig each, but they have 0 leechers.

that is 14 gig downloaded, 6 gig uploaded, thats about a 0.4 ratio

a 0.4 ratio gets you leechwarned, so thats download added to your account.

they download 2 more, they are only allowed 4 at first.

takes them to KL which is 24 hours of not being able to download.

Now after this, once they had seeded those, and got to a 1 ratio either through uploading, or with SP, they can download again, and they have a bit of a buffer to be a bit more carefree with what they download, so after the initial period, they very well may turn out to be very good members.

but that is not what i said, i said if they went into KL or got leechwarned and spoiled her account, which is very likely to happen i am afraid to say.

and i cant believe i am still sitting here writing posts like this at 03:30am lol

11-22-2008, 03:49 AM
and why the hell should he bail you out ? take your own responsibilities and assume them, otherwise don't bother.

and why would he trust you more than anyone else? you're just a user here. so what?

Maybe I am an untrusty "user" Cabalo,a user who have done terrible things here in FST. Or have I done some things that make me trustwordy? That is up to people to judge. But, I can not remember that I ever have raist my whoise to you seens I came here, like you did to me right now? or have I?

Btw, why did you say this now and 5 hours ago this:
[quote=Cabalo;3039398] respect. there are still good people in this torrenting world.

11-22-2008, 03:52 AM
Well out of the probably 90 (well about 30 of those were TL back in the day before the very strict rules, so them I have mostly no idea about) or so people I have invited to places, not a single one has been banned for cheating and only one for trading , and one has been banned for bad ratio in two places. Ironically an IRL friend.

Well another one was banned for attempted trade elsewhere, but he knows if he continues and I get wind of it, I'll do everything possible to get him banned at one of his favorite trackers, even if it costs me my own account, which I doubt.

Some have been deleted for inactivity, but most range from mediocre to good to brilliant contributing users (whether it's uploading, seeding long times, forum activity, donating or all of the above). Lots of the users I invited, I have to say, are far better users on those respective trackers than I'll ever be.

You say 10 referrals and 6 will end up bad. Given my track record I very much doubt, that I could possible have such a sudden lack of judgment, that I would invite 60% bad users.

note: several of my invitees were unknown ,i.e. not people I know online, and got invited, because I liked something they posted, had a nice discussion about something. or just had a generally good feeling about them.

P.S. This does not mean that I throw invites away like candy. I will probably never do a giveaway unless staff approved (I do that for one site, but not here). Those are more like recruitment threads, not trying to get rid of invites in my account.

P.P.S. Sorry for bringing this thread wayyyy of topic :whistling

11-22-2008, 04:03 AM
P.S. This does not mean that I throw invites away like candy. I will probably never do a giveaway unless staff approved (I do that for one site, but not here). Those are more like recruitment threads, not trying to get rid of invites in my account.

Piss scared. Anyhow nice offer stoi, something different ;)

11-22-2008, 04:06 AM
well all i can say to that is good for you, and i dont mean that to sound condescending, i mean it.

maybe i am just a bad judge of character.

But when the Owner of a tracker creates you an account, you dont bloody cheat right under his nose, that is more stupid than anything else, but it has happened to be on numerous occasions on here.

honestly the best way to get an account on BCG is come to our IRC chill in the waiting room, have a natter, and a chinwag, and you will get invited in.

I done one yesterday, said next person that talks gets an account, but it only lasts for 5 minutes, no one talked so it ended lol

10 minutes, and someone started chatting, so another staff member gave him one of his referrals, honestly they are handed out pretty freely, even though I wouldnt do it personally.

so even though we are closed, and we have a fake page, we are still pretty easy to get in

2008-11 1383
2008-10 533

thats the new members that we have taken, so by no means is it impossible, and by no means are we completely underground.

but you cant blame me for trying something different, to get some decent members in, and i just dont think FST is the place to do it.

our latest member has the member number of nearly 350,000.

so in 2 years we have taken 350,000 new members through the doors.

we have 30,000 left.

that is less than 10% of members have stuck around, that is terrible lol

and i am just pissed off with it.

11-22-2008, 04:15 AM
Well try me. Use your magic coding skills to set up an account with 10 referrals, that I have to use within a week.

And I have to invite through a thread here in the invite section.
I can't invite anyone I know personally beforehand or former invitee elsewhere.

If I'm successful, maybe it'll restore your faith in humanity a bit.
If not, I will have a signature the rest of my days here saying: "stoi was right all along. 75% of FST users suck!!!"

I know this is a bit unfair, since the account wouldn't mean much to me, since games are not my thing, but it is tempting... or not?

11-22-2008, 04:19 AM
it would take me 2 minutes, with no coding skills lol

just PM me the username/password/email on here and I will create the account.

I am not going to put you in my referral tree though, not that i do not trust you, i am just not very optomistic about your referrals lol.

but i am going to bed now, going to have to as its 04:20 here and i am falling asleep at the keyboard.

so send me a PM with that info and I will get back to you in a few hours.

11-22-2008, 04:30 AM
Game on :D PM sent

Anyone who knows how to make games should ask here though.

Back to on topic

11-22-2008, 08:33 AM
hey, just don't say at that other thread that this is a "bet" with stoi, as many users may not see this thread ;)

11-22-2008, 10:10 AM
show me and dont join or walk out then, never sign into BCG again, see if i fucking care.

(i dont btw)

if you cant do it, dont post shite, if you can, do it, its a simple request, not my fault you cant programe games.

i know how to " make games " and do how to upload them (big deal )
i have numerus cumputers downloading games not onley from bcg

i have a bcg acct too but i dont like when you make harse tight ass rules

fst members me included have respect for torrent sites

so play your games in the end you cant control it anyway you just think you can

some people just have to play thier little games , play yours ,

Love the poast........ with all your 'cumputers' you haven't installed a spellchecker ? so much for your leet skillz.
What are harse tight ass rules??????
If you truly want to insult somebody, it is so much more effective if your sentences actually make sense, in trying to figure out what the original insult was, much of the effect is lost.
So if you are going to play your little game of being a forum troll, you'd better brush up your english skills because as it stands you suck at even something pathetic as being a troll.