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View Full Version : Headphone Sound..

09-08-2003, 11:52 PM
I have my pc hooked up to my stereo but i wanted to play it quite so i hooked up some headphones.. they are sooo quite. Anyone have any idea how to raise the volume. Every setting is set to high.. wave volume etc.

09-09-2003, 12:00 AM
what socket is ur headphones plugge dinto?

09-09-2003, 12:02 AM
The output one.. i know its in the right none, as its the one i plug my stereo into... unless they use different ones. lemme try to other one.

09-09-2003, 12:05 AM
it should be the same one ur speakers are in, bu if its int he line out, then make sure u have lineout turned up. if u cant see it, go to properties in volume control, and select it, turn up the one ofr that port, and the master voluine

09-09-2003, 07:42 AM
if you use winamp or bsplayer, u can raise the volume using the sqrsoft expander plugin. it works great!

Download it here (http://www.sqrsoft.com.ar/files/dsp_cmpexp.zip)

ps: for bsplayer use, you have to install it as if it was for winamp, then set bsplayer to use it AND set output device in bsplayer for (Default), not default directsound device or anything else, or the plugin won't work.

09-09-2003, 12:24 PM
do you have an internal soundcard? i think these have weaker outputs than a dedicated one

09-09-2003, 03:08 PM
the voltage out max should be the same for all cards i beleive, as this will be a standard transfer voltage as not to blow up systems,

09-09-2003, 04:18 PM
Most cards have 3 ports, microphone, line in and line out but some (mainly older) audio cards have a separate amplified speaker port which is for unpowered speakers and headphones. If your card has 4 ports the extra port will be the speaker/headphone port. But whether your card only has 3 or 4 ports, the line out port is the one to connect to your stereo system, you won't get any sound at all from the other two ports so the fact that you are getting sound, albeit very quiet, suggests you have the correct port.

This being the case, I think you need to look at where the input is going into your stereo system. As Livy suggests, the output is standard for all cards, but stereo systems vary a great deal in their choices of input so it is more likely that this may be where the incompatibility lies. Look to see if there are alternative inputs (make sure you haven't inadvertently plugged into the line out of the stereo, it is possible that this would give the effect you describe, die to cross-over effects).

I know this is stating the obvious, but I assume that there is power to the stereo ?

09-09-2003, 04:25 PM
yeah make sure the headphone sare on the speaker port. also are the headphones working fine. as if they are short cicuiting etc.

ahh, things would be so muchg easyer to fix if we could get hold of the pcs.

09-09-2003, 07:02 PM
Simple fix, leave the stereo plugged into the soundcard out and plug your headphones into the stereo instead. Turn the speakers off when you want headphones only. The gain needed by the stereo is much lower and so it will seem much louder when compared to your unpowered headphones. You couuld play with the preamp jumpers on the soundcard if they are present but that might change the gain/impedance to the stereo which could cause failure of it or the soundcard.

09-09-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by balamm@9 September 2003 - 19:02
Simple fix, leave the stereo plugged into the soundcard out and plug your headphones into the stereo instead. Turn the speakers off when you want headphones only. The gain needed by the stereo is much lower and so it will seem much louder when compared to your unpowered headphones. You couuld play with the preamp jumpers on the soundcard if they are present but that might change the gain/impedance to the stereo which could cause failure of it or the soundcard.
I assumed that was what he meant he had done, but having re-read it I see I may have misunderstood. If I have, then this suggestion by balamm seems to be the obvious solution, always assuming that there is a suitable port on the stereo.