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View Full Version : Help needed with hosting-ie server

11-25-2008, 07:05 AM
Please forgive my complete lack of technical knowledge.:cry:

I have a server with hosting-ie which has been running utorrent fine and maintaining upload speeds apprx 3mbs, that was until yesterday. Now i'm only getting apprx 1mbs and a lot of my torrents that have seeders aren't connecting to them at all.

I haven't changed any of the settings in utorrent. I tried earlier stopping all the torrents and ran through a tutorial which i found here http://www.bootstrike.com/Articles/BitTorrentGuide/ but that hasn't helped.:(

I realise it's a lot to ask but Is there any kind person that may be able to give me some assistance either on here or over msn.

Many thanks.

11-25-2008, 07:50 PM
To many torrents running ?

11-25-2008, 08:59 PM
Which server do you have from H-IE? A dedi? A VPS?

11-25-2008, 09:18 PM
i hava a vps from them... If i runn more then 1 download at the same time my upload speeds drop to about 1MB/s.

Try to not connect to that many peers.

11-25-2008, 10:42 PM
the other people you share the server with could be using it to hard, if they max out their part of the server, you speeds will drop for sure.

11-26-2008, 04:09 AM
Thanks for your replies.

I have this dedicated server package http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Core2 Duo 2x2.2
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x160 GB of HDD disk (Raid optional)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2 GB of RAM
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Traffic-Unlimited (guaranteed)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x100Mbit Switch Port
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif KVM (Obtional) NEW
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif RemoteConsole
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif PLESK 8 (obtional (http://plesk.com/))
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Remote Reset Obtion

I have 150 torrents seeding, with about 30-40 of them active at any one time. Is this too many torrents ?

What would be the best settings on utorrent for this server.

Appreciate any help anyone can give.

11-26-2008, 05:15 AM
it can be to many connections.

11-26-2008, 03:33 PM
I never have more than 10 active torrents at the same time, normally just about 6 as I'm trying to have some decent speed on each of them, as soon as the speeds drop and have no sign of bouncing back to good speeds, I'll get rid of them and start something new to seed, in this way you can buffer a tracker much quicker in a short time. btw, preseeding a popular release is also a good way to take care of multi trackers.
30-40 torrents sounds just way too many to me unless you have a Gbit or have too many trackers to take care of. if, by any chance,you are sharing this box with other ppl,you shouldnt be doing like that.it's just not fair.

11-26-2008, 04:12 PM
Do note that usually, if you RSS primetime TV shows in private trackers, you would usually seed very fast for the first hour or so and it will eventually die down. It might be that?

My post is probably irrelevant :(

11-26-2008, 04:23 PM
Thanks for your replies.

I have this dedicated server package http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Core2 Duo 2x2.2
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x160 GB of HDD disk (Raid optional)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2 GB of RAM
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Traffic-Unlimited (guaranteed)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x100Mbit Switch Port
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif KVM (Obtional) NEW
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif RemoteConsole
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif PLESK 8 (obtional (http://plesk.com/))
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Remote Reset Obtion

I have 150 torrents seeding, with about 30-40 of them active at any one time. Is this too many torrents ?

What would be the best settings on utorrent for this server.

Appreciate any help anyone can give.
yes 150 torrents is too much if you want fast uploading ...jump new torrents all time (populer tv shows and movies good) these are will give you max out going for a moment like first 1 hours and about your upload speed 1 MB/sn is not too bad cuz if you had a real big problem once time ago i had (my upload speed was around 13 kb/sn) and look the utorrent's bottom: Are you seeing anything about disk overloading?
tip:if you guess this movie(HD) or this pc games i mean which one will leech more, jump these torrents firstly and pause all other torrents and you will see you will have max out going with max incoming same time cuz you have really pretty good a server too.

11-26-2008, 04:24 PM
Thanks for your replies.

I have this dedicated server package http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Core2 Duo 2x2.2
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x160 GB of HDD disk (Raid optional)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2 GB of RAM
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Traffic-Unlimited (guaranteed)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x100Mbit Switch Port
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif KVM (Obtional) NEW
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif RemoteConsole
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif PLESK 8 (obtional (http://plesk.com/))
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Remote Reset Obtion

I have 150 torrents seeding, with about 30-40 of them active at any one time. Is this too many torrents ?

What would be the best settings on utorrent for this server.

Appreciate any help anyone can give.
One thing is missing here are you using widows or linux

11-26-2008, 08:15 PM
Many thanks for all your replies so far.

The OS is Winows, I know please don't judge me on that, i'm a nice girl really !

After getting very frustrated with it today, I made the drastic decision to remove all my torrents, reinstal utorrent and load a few of the ones that are still popular and i was getting good speeds on. But as you can see from my screenshot my speeds are poor and am not connecting to many peers.

I'm at a loss now at what to do next and any suggestions would be more than welcome.

Many thanks again.

:( http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrdesktopka3.png

11-26-2008, 10:56 PM
One thing did you do a speed test

Did you setup utorrent like this

Use Speed Guide and set your connection to "xx/100Mbps" or "xx/10Mbps" depending on what you have
Choose any port above 45,000
Enable Encryption
Disable DHT, Local Peer Discovery, Peer Exchange
No randomize ports, disable UPnP port mapping & NAT-PMP port mapping

11-27-2008, 08:09 AM
I haven't ran a speedtest as when i have ran them from my server they have never reflected anything like the speeds that i was achieving.

I have set up utorrent as you suggested and unfortunately it hasn't helped. My dowload speeds are still very good it's just when it comes to the upload speeds abd being able to connect to any peers.

Not sure what my next course of action should be.

Thanks again for your help.

11-28-2008, 01:17 AM
For speedtests, try a java based test available at Numion (http://www.numion.com/YourSpeed3/Run.php?QuickStart=MaxSpeed)

On my friends Hosting-IE server, I can't for the life get speedtest.net to work due to the flash being so laggy and all. No idea if it's just us or it applies to everyone. :wacko:

11-28-2008, 11:02 AM
Are you one of the first to jump on the file.
Even being a little late sometimes you won't see fast up times.
Good luck