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View Full Version : best way to get HD movies

11-26-2008, 05:24 AM
in terms of speed and content.
is it gonna be BitTorrent? or NZB's? or Rapidshare Links?

11-26-2008, 06:19 AM
My priority...

1. Private Tracker
2. rs.com
3. p2p
4. NZB

11-26-2008, 07:15 AM
My priority...

1. Private Tracker
2. rs.com
3. p2p
4. NZB

A private tracker is p2p.. LOL

11-26-2008, 07:21 AM
i guess he meant the p2p as in kazaa limewire and what not?

11-26-2008, 09:49 AM

I'd say private tracker and rapidshare could go hand in hand, it really depends on the release/releaser. I'd say shoot for both and those'll be your two best friends for HD movies :)

11-26-2008, 09:51 AM
For HD movies, in my opinion, newsgroups all the way. The files are big, so you don't have to worry about seeding. RS would be good(and would by my new favorite method to download them) for HD movies if there wasn't a download limit.

11-26-2008, 01:34 PM
Seeding HD movies is very hard with a slow connection, so i would vote on RS or Newsgroups.

11-26-2008, 01:41 PM
Of course if you aren't a cheap asshole or a poor homeless bum there are plenty of better options than trackers, like nzb and rs...

11-26-2008, 06:31 PM
"Of course if you aren't a cheap asshole or a poor homeless bum" that wasnt necessary but if u are a homeless bum, u probably wont be writing on this forum would you? lol

aynways got the msg, rs or newsgroups! way to go!

11-26-2008, 06:38 PM
If you have the speed then a downloading and seeding via a tracker is the way to go.

If you do like sharing, then NZB's or Rapidshare Links is for you.

11-28-2008, 09:56 AM
Torrent HDBits and BIT-HDTV.

11-30-2008, 02:04 PM
My list would be:
1) nzb (usenet/newsgroups)
2) private tracker
3) go shopping :)

12-03-2008, 01:18 AM
Private trackers first if you have the speed

as for me 128kb/s usual download speed and 30-50kb/s up speed, I doubt you should try seeding those 8gb torrents

So I would suggest Megashares as the warez-forum I use has more 720p and 1080i content than RS usually.

12-07-2008, 08:01 AM
Bittorent trackers like BitHDTV, HD bits etc.

12-11-2008, 04:39 AM
my response which is kind of rude but *shrugs*: thank god for FTN most HD movies my ratio hits less that 0.3 on seeding before my hdd fills up and i have to remove the files.

12-17-2008, 09:49 AM
Private Trackers.

RS servers are way too slow...

12-17-2008, 12:00 PM
1. Private Tracker
2. p2p
3. NZB

12-17-2008, 12:02 PM
1. private tracker

2. NZB

12-17-2008, 12:03 PM

I can invite u on one of this...

12-17-2008, 04:15 PM
Best way of getting fresh HD for me is p2p.

12-17-2008, 06:24 PM
hd movies if u want u can buy them if u have slow speeds..
or else usenet/private trackers is the way to go :)

12-18-2008, 12:43 PM
ill go with Bt, Rs has that shity limit now

12-22-2008, 02:00 PM
If you have a powerful connection BT it's better, but if you have an asymmetric connection (like ADSL or Cable) you should download from Usenet.

12-22-2008, 06:26 PM
well I think HD trackers