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Ronnie Coleman
12-04-2008, 12:53 AM
Account was lost due to inactivity. I am now back to torrenting and that was a neat tracker...

Anyone with an invite?

12-04-2008, 09:33 AM
go to their irc and explain the situation...mb they re-enable your acc.

12-04-2008, 10:22 AM
go to their irc and explain the situation...mb they re-enable your acc.

yes^. same happened to me and they re-activated my account without any questions.

12-04-2008, 01:30 PM
if not, pm me for an invite code ;) :)

12-04-2008, 02:16 PM
IRC Server

Address: irc.scenehd.org:6667 (irc://irc.scenehd.org) (+9999 for SSL)

To join our irc-server, type /server -m irc.scenehd.org. To join with SSL, type /server -m irc.scenehd.org:+9999Channels

These are the official channels of SceneHD.

#SceneHD - Our main channel, mostly in Swedish.
#SceneHD.Eng - This is our channel for English speaking users (and others).
#SceneHD.Help - Help channel. Feel free to join if you need any help.

You may join any channel you like. Just type /j #<channel>.
In all channels we've got an announcebot that announces new releases that are being uploaded.Register and Identify

The first time you join the IRC-network, you need to register your nick. This is for your safety.
When you have registred your nick, you may join #vHost for your own personal vhost. A vhost hides your real host or IP.
Everytime you join the irc-network after your registration, you need to identify your nick.

Register: /ns register <password> <email>
Identify: /ns identify <password>

Note: < and > shall NOT be there when you register. Example: /ns register mypass myemail.staff probably will re-active your account if you really lost your account for inactivity