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12-13-2008, 08:12 AM
"There are quite a few interesting developments happening over at BitTorrent. We already discussed the departure of President and co-founder Ashwin Navin, who provided amongst other things, an identity to the company. As BitTorrent seeks a new identity, several significant changes are currently underway."

"It's easy enough to separate one's self from the politicing and say 'hey, at least they aren't messing around with uTorrent!' Well, it seems like uTorrent might indirectly be in for a massive overhaul. But it won’t have much to do with the physical appearance of the client; rather, the BitTorrent protocol may witness a shift from TCP to UDP file transfer. The move has sparked controversy, much of it out of fear that BitTorrent transfers would swamp other protocols using UDP."
"However, BitTorrent has insisted that the switch to UDP file transfers will actually help unclog the interweb pipes - and that The Register's assessment mischaracterizes their intentions. It's also worthy to note that development is in alpha testing right now, so any jump to conclusions is entirely premature."

"Supporting BitTorrent's motivation to be bandwidth friendly, the company announced yesterday a partnership with network management firm Oversi. Oversi generally engages is P2P caching, which is a friendlier alternative to throttling. Oversi's NetEnhancer technology, based on P4P technology, is BitTorrent's primary interest. The technology keeps P2P traffic within the ISP's network - which we're told is much cheaper than connecting to peers outside the network."

“BitTorrent's intelligent client protocols (Policy Discovery Protocols) communicate with Oversi's NetEnhancer(TM) network intelligence platform to improve peer selection in line with the ISP's network capabilities while speeding up P2P downloads. With enhanced intelligence, the ISP and P2P clients avoid network bottlenecks. The solution is simple to deploy in the P2P cloud and uses the ISP's existing network resources.”

"One place you won’t see much bandwidth consumption is from the BitTorrent Entertainment Network (the now deceased BEN). BitTorrent decided to close the store after much ‘soul searching’; however, in the end, economic realities won. "

“It’s about focus and economics,” Simon Morris, BitTorrent’s VP of Product Management told TorrentFreak. “We want to focus on core technology rather than merchandising and given the harsh economic environment, we can’t afford to continue to invest in endeavors that don’t come close to break-even.”

"Although the BEN was a good idea, BitTorrent is a file-sharing company, and many would prefer to see Bram & co. stick to what has worked best – develop their groundbreaking P2P protocol."

:source: Source: http://www.slyck.com/story1807_BitTorrent_hooks_up_with_Oversi