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View Full Version : Cable Users: What Speed R U Getting On Bittorrent?

09-10-2003, 02:32 PM
would like to find out what speeds cable users are getting on bittorrent, since i know some cable users' upload speed is severely limited, like ard 128kbps.
does this affect ur download speed? wat is the range like? i'm asking this becoz i'm using dsl 512 dl/256 ul...and thinking of converting to using cable...hope someone could help...thanks. :)

09-10-2003, 03:05 PM
I don't use bittorrent, but I get around 1.8-1.9 Mbs download and 360 Kbs upload. It's pretty close to what I pay for: 2Mbs/384Kbs. My ISP is Earthlink Cable, provided by Time Warner. So it's basically exactly the same as Road Runner, except I get all the cool Earthlink benefits. :D

I hear Cablevision's Optimum Online has download speeds well over 5Mbs, which I think is insane. I wish it was available in my neighborhood. :'(

09-10-2003, 03:13 PM
I Have 600 Down 128 Up I Think.....I Get Around 50 Avererage On BT And About 600KB/s On The Web For Some Really Weird Reason....Lol It Soon Lowers To 100KB/s But By Then The Files Nearly Done!!

09-10-2003, 03:43 PM
5Mbps? manz...tats really insane...
the place where i come from(singapore), the isp jus recently lauched 3Mbps cable service...up from 1.5Mbps. but their upload speed is still capped at 128kbps! how pathetic can they get?
as for dsl...1.5Mbps was launched recently too...but itz an on-demand thingie, n u gotta pay SGD$0.104 per MB used...tats roughly about USD$0.05/mb...
tat kinda sucks...

anyway...back to the topic...i'm asking this becoz i love bittorrent as it helps me get files which i cant find elsewhere...but i'm not really satisfied with the current speed i'm getting on my 512k dsl. i'm getting only ard 20-30kB/s max for some files...while always maxing out my ul speed at ard 29kB/s.
was thinking of converting to cable so i could get better dl speed generally...either on kazaa or http downloads...jus wanted to know how it affects bittorrent since its supposed to be a 1 for 1 speed, although we all know this is now true 90% of the time...thanks for ur inputs...

09-10-2003, 04:22 PM
I'm on 256k/128k and I get speeds of up to 30k,average is 20 so it's about 20-30 depending on how many seeds there are ofcourse,I had thought of upgrading to 512k but technotaz just changed my mind,paying more for the same speeds?what a rip of,but i've used cable before,averge is about 30k oso but still want to know what others get

09-10-2003, 06:57 PM
Well I get great speed on bittorent, ofcourse depends on seeds but I can usually reach 100KB/s per torrent, I have gone up to 250. My upload depend on what I set it at, but the max is about 50-60 KB. ( i choke it when browsing and stuff not a leech)

I am on cable.

09-10-2003, 07:02 PM
Well, I have DSL I think 512/128 I can't remember cause I messed with it but anyway when downloading I get my max speed 70-80 kB/s

09-11-2003, 06:57 AM
i have 384 dsl so i usually get around 40-50kbps download speed on kazaa but on bittorrent i only get 3 at most with lots of seeds :( i'm not sure why it goes so slow. my older brother has superfast cable. his download speeds are up to 400 usually... lucky bastard

09-11-2003, 08:32 AM
On my cable line I have 1.2 mbs ,and I max out at 165 kbs.
Now for my dsl thats another story.

09-12-2003, 07:51 PM
Im on 600k cable broadband and my speeds on bittorrent have NEVER been better than 40???? I dont know why?

09-12-2003, 08:05 PM
I can reach 100 + kbs no problem on cable, I test at 1.3 but when k-lite is running it's about 450kbs to surf with. Does this mean k-lite is only using like 60 % of my pc or modem resources and if so how could I improve that if at all?............my downloads go about half done and I usually fall to 50 kbs for the rest unless I clear the not stored in k-dat to reach the 100 plus speeds....................................................................................sorry just noticed you said on Bit torrent.lol.........I wrote speeds about k-lite...wups..duh :huh:

09-13-2003, 01:03 AM
i got 1500k/200k cable. on bt im about anywhere between 60-100kb/s. i guess that works. Rogers cable, btw.

wat would be sweet is a T1 line.


i heard somewheres that they have a wireless t1 for like $400 a month LOL. i guess i oculd afford that if i live in a back alley behind a chinese food restaurant eating scraps, and dont have a car and rollerblade to work. but then id have to buy the comp, witch would be like a years pay if i really am living in an alley behind a chinese food restaurant eating left over wontons. whatever. so yeah, 1500/200, 60-100, that was the point of my post.

speaking of wontons, they look like chiken brains dont they? :blink:

Lady Kohoutek
09-13-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Supernatural@10 September 2003 - 10:05
I don't use bittorrent, but I get around 1.8-1.9 Mbs download and 360 Kbs upload. It's pretty close to what I pay for: 2Mbs/384Kbs. My ISP is Earthlink Cable, provided by Time Warner. So it's basically exactly the same as Road Runner, except I get all the cool Earthlink benefits. :D

Cool! I'm with Earthlink via Time Warner, too. My speed is about the same as yours (1.4-1.9 Mbs download with 380 kbs upload). :D

On Bittorent my speeds are usually between 20-60kbs. Looking at everyone elses replies, I guess that's normal... :huh:

09-13-2003, 02:12 AM
mine is 384kbps uploads, 3.5mbps downloads.

09-13-2003, 02:20 AM
My speed is 4 mb down and 128 kb up. I can upload around 13-14 kbps and dl at about 400 kbps

09-13-2003, 10:21 AM
to add-on on my previous posts...
i do get up to 50kB/s download speed on bittorrent with my 512k dsl, but this happens VERY rarely...like 5-10% of the time...depending on seeds of coz... <_<

as for u guys...it seems some of u lucky buggers have got a pretty decent dl speed while others r struggling as if u were on 56k. :lol:
hmm...keep up with the inputs...hope to see more ple sharing their experiences and/or views on this matter... B)

note: pls also do indicate ur upload/download speed as per indicated by ur isp so that we can compare wat speed u r supposed to get vs wat u actually get.