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View Full Version : REQ - PTN application.

12-13-2008, 05:38 PM
Hello everyone.
I am a die hard movie fan and I was looking for someone to submit my application to a PTN staff member or tell me how I may be able to reach one (IRC, etc...) so that I may submit it myself. The application is all filled out and ready to be reviewed. I saw a previous thread here on a similar situation and was hoping the same can be done for me.

Here are some proofs of ratios on other trackers:


As you can see I share as much as I can. (PC is on 24/7)

PM me if you can help or post here.

EDIT: As was suggested, here is the application. (PM me for questions number 1, and 4 and if my *** are not understandable :P)

1)How old are you and where are you from ?

2)Why do you want to join this tracker?
I want to join PTN because I am a Movie Addict. I love watching all sorts of movies old and new, romance and horror, comedy and action, pretty much anything that makes me laugh or think. From what I hear PTN is a top notch tracker when it comes to movies and the ratio policy is stupendous. (I know from experience with **T) I also want to join this tracker for the amazing community I keep hearing about and how friendly everyone is.

3)How active will you be if you get accepted?
I am on the PC every day pretty much and I will almost always be on IRC and keeping my torrents seeding (PC is on 24/7. I also enjoy playing in forum games and getting involved with the community aspect of a tracker.

4)Provide 4 profile links of your most used trackers.


5)How long do you keep your files seeding?
I keep all my torrents seeding at least a couple of week (24 hours a day) unless I have not reached 1:1 or I am the only seeder in which case I will seed until there is another one to take over.

6)What is your experience level with torrents?
I have been around the torrent scene for about 2 years now. Started off with demonoid of course as my first "private tracker". I built a healthy ratio there (16.81 with 1.28 TB Up) and then got into some other trackers, some of which I have become power user with. eg. I am almost at power user on I*T and I am just starting out on Torrent****h and **T. I am familiar with many types of ratio economics and seed constantly. I am familiar also with the passkey system with which many sites are now functioning on and I understand that torrents should be kept alive for as long as possible to benefit the community. I can upload properly and also configure my client for optimal performance.

7)What do you think you can offer PtN ?
I think I can offer my great enthusiasm and personality to the community, forums and IRC as well as I can keep all of my torrents seeded as long as is needed.

8)Have you ever traded before ? if so when was the last time you traded after retiring ?
I have never traded tracker invites.

9)What are your views on trading (accounts and/or invites).
I think trading accounts is a definite no. However giving an invite is of course acceptable if and only if the person you are giving the invite to has proven themselves trustworthy and is needing of an invite or is a good friend who would use the invite well.

Thank you very much.


12-13-2008, 05:39 PM
Good luck my friend

12-13-2008, 05:48 PM
Thanks dragoi92. Hope someone can help me. I've been eating my hair out for the chance to submit my application in the least. :P

12-13-2008, 05:57 PM
Thanks dragoi92. Hope someone can help me. I've been eating my hair out for the chance to submit my application in the least. :P

If u are member in what.cd u can do a formuler to get invite for PTN.

12-13-2008, 05:59 PM
Not power user there yet, trust me I've exhausted a lot of options. I'm not going to give up though, I will get my movies!!! lol :P

12-13-2008, 06:08 PM
why dont you post your application here?

12-13-2008, 06:12 PM
why dont you post your application here?

I would prefer to PM it to someone rather than post it on a public forum. It has profile links etc... which personally I don't feel should be shared with everyone. Hope you can understand where I'm coming from. :happy:

12-13-2008, 06:15 PM
why dont you post your application here?

I would prefer to PM it to someone rather than post it on a public forum. It has profile links etc... which personally I don't feel should be shared with everyone. Hope you can understand where I'm coming from. :happy:

why dont you post the application without the profile links? If you are really into privacy you dont even have to post the answer to the first question either.

12-13-2008, 06:28 PM
I would prefer to PM it to someone rather than post it on a public forum. It has profile links etc... which personally I don't feel should be shared with everyone. Hope you can understand where I'm coming from. :happy:

why dont you post the application without the profile links? If you are really into privacy you dont even have to post the answer to the first question either.

Thanks for the tip ben99, I edited my first post to include my application. :thumbsup:

12-14-2008, 10:45 PM
Resolved. Thanks.