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View Full Version : game trackers??

12-19-2008, 05:13 AM
I've been with one tracker for 4 years now! 7.89TB upped and just commin' to 1TB Download and it's got the works so never had to go anywhere else... but now i'm looking in to a games tracker!

what is the best recommended tracker around for games Wii & pc mainly???...

BTW just joined File share talk today! :D

the world outside of the tracker i'm with is pretty new to me so i have no idea which is the best to go and take a look @?

where should i try first?

12-19-2008, 05:21 AM
I think that Bitsoup and TorrentLeech have a very good selection of Wii games

12-19-2008, 05:21 AM
BCG (Blackcats-Games) is usually viewed as the best video tracker, but you might not be able to get into it since you are relatively new here. There are also alternatives such as UndergroundGamer (SP?), but I've never used any of them.

An easier one to get into might be TL (TorrentLeech), and they have a decent collection, as well as an open request section in the forums. However all of the sites I listed above require some sort of invitation to join in, so it may be hard for you to get one from here since you are new.

12-19-2008, 05:27 AM
You should try ilovetorrents.com they have quite a few wii torrents (over 200) plus they are accepting signups. I think you will be happy with it considering you dont need an invite right now.

12-19-2008, 05:29 AM
bitsoup is well known???... damn :D yes i'm a bitsouper! :)

the wii section is good but torrents more then a week old take days to download :(

12-19-2008, 06:50 AM
You could try Bitgamer, its been open-signup recently (not sure if it still is though), probably the second best overall games tracker after Blackcats.

Integral - underground-gamer is classic games only (pre 2003), its a great site but definitely not for wii torrents and the like. Bitgamer is its sister site for newer games.

12-19-2008, 03:00 PM
Once you get into the request section, ask for a blackcatgames invite. Its the best IMO. Its not that hard to get in. Theres a lot of people with invites (referrals) to give despite what others may say.

12-19-2008, 04:35 PM
BCG is the best game tracker.

12-19-2008, 05:30 PM
Once you get into the request section, ask for a blackcatgames invite. Its the best IMO. Its not that hard to get in. Theres a lot of people with invites (referrals) to give despite what others may say.

how do i get to the invite section???... you got any? :D

I've tryed:- Bitgamer, underground-gamer, blackcatsgames but there sign-ups are closed! :weep::cry:

Blackcats & bitgamer sound great but i'll just have to wait and see....

ThanX for the all the reply's guys! :D

12-19-2008, 08:45 PM
mate, bitgamer opens signups from time to time so you'd better check it frequently. i can hep you with bg invite but i guess it is against rules 'cos in order to apply for invites you need to be a member for 1 month here. as for underground gamer, same here, check it for open reg periodically, but they have only "old school" games.
and finally bcg - all gamers' mekka ;) be patient and you'll get it.

12-20-2008, 01:44 AM
Bitgamer is Closed signups after the fiasco of giving all our IPs to everyone else in teh world by letting users on public trackers connect to us as pers/seeds Therefore throttling our UL/DL speeds. Complaints piled in, and then they pulled it after a day when people got letters.....
still a great site>
dont know if I can post this here (cant make a giveaway as im still too new) but if your looking for a bitgamer invite I have some spare... Just pm me(or PM me and tell em i cant do that and just edit the post)

12-20-2008, 03:05 AM
Mmmm I'm surprised no one has mentioned ntorrents yet. =) It's the only 100% dedicated Nintendo tracker out there... so if it's Wii games you're interested in, I think it would be worth your time to try and get in..

12-20-2008, 03:16 AM
@no_bother thanX for the Offer Dude! but can't or Don't know how to PM :lol:

Ntorrents.net don't have sinups...not even mentioned! :O

12-20-2008, 04:16 AM
Bitgamer is Closed signups after the fiasco of giving all our IPs to everyone else in teh world by letting users on public trackers connect to us as pers/seeds Therefore throttling our UL/DL speeds. Complaints piled in, and then they pulled it after a day when people got letters.....
that's hilarious.

12-20-2008, 11:17 AM
that's hilarious.

It is, isn't it? hahaha, you should have seen some of the stuff on the homepage... ugh cant find it now... it was class though.

12-20-2008, 04:53 PM
Yup, BCG is best for games.

12-20-2008, 06:09 PM
nTorrents as already mentioned for dedicated Nintendo content. You might also want to check out the following

http://bt.play-skill.com/register.php (http://anonym.to/?http://bt.play-skill.com/register.php)

Games tracker for PS2/3, PSP, Wii, Xbox360

12-20-2008, 08:26 PM
http://bt.play-skill.com/register.php This is a place for hit and runners no ratio, 70%+ torrents with out seeds.... Real bad place! :(

12-20-2008, 08:53 PM
If u want speed and collections at the same time... BCG and TL would be the answer

Albo Da Kid
12-20-2008, 09:39 PM
BCG for pc games and Ntorrents for Wii games.

12-20-2008, 09:59 PM
See this order :

BCG : the best Regarding content ,speed ,& community

bitgamer : good alternative to BCG

underground gamer : Great for old games {older than 2001}

nTorrents : Great for Wii games

General trackers as : zamunda ,Arenabg ,bt.ro,tl contain also many games & games packs

12-21-2008, 03:27 AM
Why are Blackcatsgames (BCG) torrents showing up in public Trackers like BTjunike???...

That doesn't sound very Private (I know you can't download them from there!) that's like putting all your member's ip's up for grabs isn't it??...

12-21-2008, 05:59 AM
They probably got them when we used to upload to mininova with nulled torrents, we have not done that for ages.

and no, it does not give out all users Ips, the one that downloads it has to join the site, and then redownload the torrent from BCG, but as it is very hard to get into BCG now, well harder than open signup anyway, members that should not be members should not be able to get in.

and if you check i am pretty sure the ones on there are ancient, at least a year old (i did check the other week just to be sure, and i am pretty positive there was nothing new on there)

12-21-2008, 06:39 AM
Rite cool! I just wanted to point that out 'cause a lot off peeps where recommending BCG And i saw it by chance in a search on torrents.to search engine thiggy and thought that's not very cool... but thanX for pointing that out to me :D

BTW are you staff on BGC 'cause you said "we used to upload to mininova with nulled torrents" :D

12-21-2008, 06:42 AM
check under my avatar mate, tells you what rank i am :)

and yes I used to do it to get members, say what you like about Public tracker link sites, but they are great free advertising.

12-21-2008, 07:05 AM
and yes I used to do it to get members,

That's actually how I found out about and joined BC a couple years ago. So I'm actually pretty thankful those games were on public trackers. ;)

12-21-2008, 07:43 AM
check under my avatar mate, tells you what rank i am :)

LMAO!!! :lol: can't believe i didn't spot that!

12-21-2008, 07:49 AM
Can't believe you could see that. :book:

check under my avatar mate, tells you what rank i am :)

LMAO!!! :lol: can't believe i didn't spot that!

12-22-2008, 01:46 PM
Nevermind, sorted. :)

12-22-2008, 09:17 PM
Nevermind, sorted. :)

huh?... :lol:

12-22-2008, 11:25 PM
I don't know about any of the other trackers but this info may help:
[site - wii/pc iso]
TL - 424/672
Bitsoup - 301/501
FL.org - 13/15
iLoveTorrents - 203/183

12-23-2008, 08:13 AM
You cant beat BCG as far as gaming goes.
Even the ones that specialize in one field cant beat it.

12-23-2008, 08:15 AM
Bcg ;)

12-23-2008, 02:48 PM

1782 PC ISO

108 PC Rips but may get rid of this soon

1324 Wii

162 Wii VC

140 Wii Ware

Not sure how that compares to others out there though.

12-23-2008, 05:18 PM
Why get rid of the pc rips? Seems some people like 'em, especially with more and more ISP's putting caps in place.

Never played a rip myself...

12-23-2008, 05:49 PM
well not stop them from being uploaded, just put them in the same cat.

12-23-2008, 08:09 PM
BCG sounds good,
do sign ups open when accounts are pruned or is it always invite only?

12-23-2008, 08:20 PM
BCG sounds good,
do sign ups open when accounts are pruned or is it always invite only?
it's invite only.

12-23-2008, 08:28 PM
it's invite only.


12-23-2008, 08:45 PM
I was a member of BCG a year or so ago before I went on Deployment and have been trying to get back in every since.

I must agree that it's the best for games. Not only were new games up pretty much as fast as they hit the newsgroups but they had a lot of people uploading old content/requests which is usually what is hard to find out in the wild.

In fact I pretty much only joined this forum so that I could eventually buddy up to someone for a BCG referal lol ;).

Anyway like everyone else has said, keep trying for BCG it's worth it.

12-23-2008, 09:18 PM
i've only used bcg for older games. i have no use for it now. 0day trackers are fine for new games.

12-23-2008, 09:33 PM
i(L)BCG I(L)BCG well worth it if you can get a referral! as ive said already !!!!!

12-24-2008, 06:52 AM
stoi don't tease just give the invite already! :lmao:

I'll give you my last rolo :lol:

12-25-2008, 06:23 AM
I see your rolo and raise you a peanut butter cup ;p.