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View Full Version : Opinion on casino on private trackers?

12-22-2008, 03:54 PM
Hey all,

I'm newly registered to the site (although google had brought me here a few times in the past when i was lookin up stuff).

For the last 2/3 years Ive only used 2 private trackers, one was just 0-day and the other is general/0-day.
The 0-day one isnt as good as it used to be so I don't use it too much anymore, i still keep a good ratio tho.

The general/0-day one is the one I used most of the time, again I kept a good ratio.

Last week I was looking in the forum and came accros a casino that they you could go to (/casino.php) and you could play some games like blackjack/roulette (sp?) for small ammounts of upload credit,
of you could bet your GB against other users, max 50gb.
So i started playing and ended up loosing a load of credit, I lost like 500gb of credit in 5 min! :frusty:
Ratio gone from 2+ to 0.5.
I got a seedbox and started to build my ratio back up again but then I lost it again! :cry:

Thats how I got to this site, I was looking up info about other trackers, what they have to offer etc (the review threads stickied are great btw!).
Im going to move on from the two sites Ive been using, have been trying out some other sites that I read about here.
I cant stay on the good site w the casino cos I know i'll keep gambling it away! :whistling

Originaly I thought the casino page was something the site mods/devs came up with but Ive since seen it on another site (a lot of sites seem to share/fork a code base?)

I was just wondering what other people thought about these kinds of casinos on trackers?

I dont have a problem with the casino or the site (its a cool site), I know I what hapened was my own fault so dont say im whining :naughty:

12-22-2008, 04:27 PM
If you like the site, just block casino.php using e.g. Element hider extension for FireFox.

Edit: Oh and join Gamblers Anonymous, because you obviously have a problem.

12-22-2008, 08:36 PM
lol, thanks.
I don't have a problem... seriously :)
i used to play 10cent games in poker online but thats the only other gambling ive ever done!
I just get bored at work and kept going into the casino as other stuff like flash games, etc. are blocked.

I think i would have a problem if i kept buying ul credit to gamble it :D

I could stay, maybe I'll kepp my account active, i dont know.
The whole experience has taught me a lot about how many other good trackers there are out there,
so I think im going to have a look around a few other sites and see what other sites i could contribute to.

blue_skies, have you used a site that has a casino like i described?
What you think of them?
A little bit inside me is wondering if its an attempt to generate donations :(

12-22-2008, 08:45 PM
I am member of some, but I never use them. I agree it's addicting and maybe they should limit it to any upload over a ratio of 1.0 and then block access if it goes below.

As for it being a way to generate donation, I don't think so. I think they are just offering people options to have fun and that way make the site more interesting.

12-22-2008, 08:49 PM

internazionale 1908
12-22-2008, 08:54 PM
good image... lol :) but about casinos online they are everywhere you go these days. You have 2 choices. play or not. cheers

12-22-2008, 09:03 PM
A little bit inside me is wondering if its an attempt to generate donations :(
I dont think this is the case as no-one is forcing you to play casino its your choice.
I have used site casino before myself but now i dont bother with it,i know a few ppl who lost alot of gigs in there and got in trouble with there ratio.
You could always ask staff if they will ban you from casino,i have seen ppl do this before.
Good Luck!

12-22-2008, 09:38 PM
It's a game. Just because you're a compulsive gambler who blows your entire ratio over a silly blackjack/roulette game doesn't make them the bad guys. :P

12-22-2008, 11:09 PM
You could always ask staff if they will ban you from casino,i have seen ppl do this before.

I actually tried this yesterday!
They said they can't :pinch:

It's a game. Just because you're a compulsive gambler who blows your entire ratio over a silly blackjack/roulette game doesn't make them the bad guys. :P

I knew someone would say that, thats why i stressed in my op that i still think the site is cool and that i know its my own fault :P

12-22-2008, 11:14 PM
Well even if they can't, you can. My very first reply tells you how. If you unblock it again, then you are lying to yourself and are a compulsive gambler, not just bored.

12-23-2008, 12:16 AM
Well even if they can't, you can. My very first reply tells you how. If you unblock it again, then you are lying to yourself and are a compulsive gambler, not just bored.

I know you are trying to help and i appreciate it but its not just the gambling thing that is making me look at other sites.
I had a ratio of 2+ and I liked being a PU (i know there are people here with way better ratios on some sites, but this was a lot for me on my crappy home line and i was proud of it :) ) and to get back to that again is gona take me ages and now that i know about all these other sites I'd like to just spread my wings a bit.

I honestly dont have a problem with gambling, it was just the novelty of it and i played with it for a couple of hours and then i got f'd in the A :wacko:

12-23-2008, 02:44 AM
lol its a sad day when someone has a gambling problem which involves no real money :noes:

12-23-2008, 02:52 AM
ph03n1ks (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/ph03n1ks-218425) thanks for the laugh

I use a BT site with a casino and I think the idea is great for those who can control themselves, it's a fun way to make or lose your ratio. That and I usually win