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View Full Version : Trophy Hunting and why it is bad for BT communities

12-23-2008, 06:22 PM

Here is my problem with users like you guys, you beg for years to get into sites, then just hold the accounts and do not use the tracker/forums/irc. WTF

Why this is bad:
1. You dont use the tracker...why else would you join a bt site..in the end we want you to use our trackers.
2. You take up the spot of a potential active user who will use the tracker and contribute back to the community.
3. You log in once a week to check to see the status of the tracker and then disappear for another week.
4. You don't donate, because you dont use the tracker.
5. You suck at life.

If you are one of these users, pretty soon things will change. I know of 4-5 trackers that are sought solely for their rarity that will be cutting anyone who does not use the tracker.

So take this as a warning...if you are looking for a tracker just to get it and brag about having it...and do not use it. You WILL not have an account there in about...oo say 4 weeks.

Be active or dont take the invite or delete your account.

Stop wasting our time. ;)

12-23-2008, 06:29 PM
if i don't use a site i give it away

12-23-2008, 06:40 PM
I don't join stuff I won't be active on. I see no meaning in that

Nice initiative that trackers will be cutting them off. Hope the trackers get active and caring users in the future ^^

12-23-2008, 06:45 PM
See, you warn people, now they'll all go off and download a torrent or 2 a week, making them 'active'. Thats not gunna help diddly. Just cut them now, no warning.

12-23-2008, 07:02 PM
oh I didnt say its only happening at one time period...im saying this is going to start and continuously happen..as in every few days accounts will be checked and trashed.

/me loves scripts.

12-23-2008, 07:04 PM
When I find something nice to download I download. There is no way in hell that I'm going to download just to not get deleted.

I say good riddance to any site, that feels I can't do that.

12-23-2008, 07:06 PM
When I find something nice to download I download. There is no way in hell that I'm going to download just to not get deleted.

I say good riddance to any site, that feels I can't do that.


also if trackers' /delacct.php pages EVER worked people may delete their accounts. Also, if trackers didnt suck balls, people would use them.

12-23-2008, 07:10 PM
let me reinstate what i said

Im referring to the jackoffs who have accounts with stats like

0 posts
0 download
0 upload
last login yesterday
Account created 2 years ago

12-23-2008, 07:11 PM
wow... u have so much information...
i see you are very important in the bt world...

12-23-2008, 07:12 PM
let me reinstate what i said

Im referring to the jackoffs who have accounts with stats like

0 posts
0 download
0 upload
last login yesterday
Account created 2 years ago

well change the rules like HDBits did. That guarantees an active userbase.

wow... u have so much information...
i see you are very important in the bt world...

and agreed.

12-23-2008, 07:15 PM
/me laughs

kids these days

try to help em and they cry wolf


When your trophy accounts get deleted...don't come crying on FST cause the rest of us will just laugh.

And important...lol more then you know...difference is I don't go around bragging what I do for your fav. sites...I prefer to be in the back and not in the public eye...

:lol: go play with your e-penis's

12-23-2008, 07:17 PM
let me reinstate what i said

Im referring to the jackoffs who have accounts with stats like

0 posts
0 download
0 upload
last login yesterday
Account created 2 years ago
that's a ridiculous example. an account like that should have been pruned 1 year and 11 months ago.

12-23-2008, 07:18 PM
/me laughs

kids these days

try to help em and they cry wolf


When your trophy accounts get deleted...don't come crying on FST cause the rest of us will just laugh.

And important...lol more then you know...difference is I don't go around bragging what I do for your fav. sites...I prefer to be in the back and not in the public eye...

:lol: go play with your e-penis's

hahaha, how the hell are you helping me?

Also, I know exactly who you are.... and you are still of no help to me.

12-23-2008, 07:20 PM
I just love how a 22yo (if info is correct) just indirectly called me a kid.

12-23-2008, 07:22 PM
I just love how a 22yo (if info is correct) just indirectly called me a kid.

do you believe everything you read on the internet?


12-23-2008, 07:24 PM
if i don't use a site i give it away

You've obviously missed the point. :dabs:

12-23-2008, 07:27 PM
on the other hand, you can't ask people to dl stuffs every weeks like bots.
for example, i've been pretty active in what.cd & waffles during 2 month by downloading tons of albums almost everyday and yet, i didn't use both sites since 1.5 month... does it make me a bad apple ?
i think we should be free to dl stuff whenever we want as long as it doesn't go too far... using a tracker doesn't necessarily mean that you appreciate all its content not to mention that nobody is immune to hardware problems / life issues.

anyway, we agree that something mus be done against beggars/collectors.

12-23-2008, 07:28 PM
you fatcat ,my ass and static electricity :dabs:

12-23-2008, 07:29 PM
/me laughs

kids these days

try to help em and they cry wolf


When your trophy accounts get deleted...don't come crying on FST cause the rest of us will just laugh.

And important...lol more then you know...difference is I don't go around bragging what I do for your fav. sites...I prefer to be in the back and not in the public eye...

:lol: go play with your e-penis's
the only person i see bragging at this thread is you :D
if you prefer to be in the back, then why don't you just stay there ? :idunno:

this thread wasn't even worth a lol .

12-23-2008, 07:30 PM
I just love how a 22yo (if info is correct) just indirectly called me a kid.

do you believe everything you read on the internet?


Nope, hence the "(if info is correct)" part. Judging on your choice of phrase when questioned, I would guess younger than 22.

12-23-2008, 07:36 PM
FFS, can't we have one fucking thread that doesn't turn to name calling by page 2? :no:

As for the topic - I keep Bittorrent sites as part of my repertoire. I don't use any of them with any regular frequency, but they're nice to have when I can't find something by the usual methods.

The last thing I downloaded at:

FTN was in August.
SCT is probably about same.
E**** was September.
TL was so long ago that none of the torrents are even still on the site and my snatchlist is empty.

If the sites really didn't want irregular users, they could just purge the unused accounts. :idunno:

12-23-2008, 07:53 PM
FFS, can't we have one fucking thread that doesn't turn to name calling by page 2? :no:

As of late it seems not, must be the holiday stress getting to people.

12-23-2008, 08:25 PM
Collector-Rejector reporting in!

12-23-2008, 08:39 PM
Hmmm.. some trackers I just don't use that often. If I'm seeding 10 things on torrentsiteX but only login once in a couple weeks to see what is new, if anything, I think it's bad to kick me out.

Not everyone has to be a "heavy user" to be using and contributing to a site.

Pretty soon we are going to see trackers that say you have to download 5 movies a day to stay active. Not everyone watches 10 hours worth of movies a day.

12-23-2008, 08:49 PM
The entire point of this thread...was to point out that you dont need to collect trackers!

For 0day you can get everything that you want on scc/tl those are two easy sites to get into. Most people i know still use those two sites even when they have other sites.

My point is you do not need 10 0day sites sitting and collecting dust. You should be active on 1 or 2 and thats it, half the uploaders for all the big 5, upload on all of them. The big 5 also each have autoscripts going that up the same thing. Just look in a tracers channel and watch /me shakes head.

The point is...if you have accounts that you ran after and once you got you were like "oh why all the hype, im not going to use this" then delete your account. PM staff if the delete app isnt working. Make space for progress.

To the 3 haters: If the thread wasn't worth your time...stop posting in it :lol: walking irony.

12-23-2008, 09:07 PM
Most accounts I have are immune to pruning or just have lazy scripts because I always expect them to be deleted when I check. Also I've had trackers deny my request to delete my account. SCC was one. Others have been pruned, I've kept FTN to check out sometimes, but that's the one I used most anyway for the forums and whatever. I use it to find headers on files sometimes still.

SCT FSC iTS SCL IFI etc etc are all gone since I began to leech using newsgroups more.

I completely agree that having too many sites is useless. But you sound like a bit of a dbag from your condescending tone.

12-23-2008, 10:33 PM
4. You don't donate, because you dont use the tracker.Donating or not has nothing to do with how much of an active user you are. Many times I see people donate to get VIP and use that account to trade..

On topic: People clamoring for any invite they see annoys me. But this should annoy everyone in my opinion.

12-24-2008, 12:32 AM
for a 22 year old, probably whit pimples in his face, and no girlfriend, i understand, you perfectly, you have the smack you own cock sindrom!

grow up, we have wifes, kids, girlfriends, more girlfriends, jobs, and sex to do all day if possible!!!

what do u think you are? a global collector, who comes here and thinks everyone here is a cheater and a collector like you?

grow up, some bear first, than drink some beer like man do, and than, come and talk to me. ps this thread is laughable!

makes me think what you said- # ppl dont donate # ummm maybe thoese tracker really whant is money.

revtt is fine by me. or even mininova.

12-24-2008, 01:42 AM
...in the end we want you to use our trackers.

who is we?

12-24-2008, 01:45 AM
him and his alter egos. :idunno:

12-24-2008, 01:48 AM
The Royal "we" You know, the editorial...


Dont you know, he is important boy on all the trackers , he can have all of your accounts disabled... didnt you know? He says so himself.

12-24-2008, 01:50 AM
I think members expect some sites to have the impossible, movies that have yet to be released in theaters-music-ect. But then get disappointed. IDK?
There are some characters here. :book:

12-24-2008, 01:52 AM
Who cares? They are practically just dustballs in a MYSQL server somewhere. If they want to waste their time collecting and maintaining a huge set of sites, then that's their problem.

12-24-2008, 01:54 AM
The Royal "we" You know, the editorial...


Dont you know, he is important boy on all the trackers , he can have all of your accounts disabled... didnt you know? He says so himself.
are you saying he is one of those IRC e-dick suckers ? that "hang" with the staff and he is then a big friend of them? because he has too much free time on his hands to spend his life at IRC ?

i start to see he they is are important in the bt world. i ph34r.:ph34r:

12-24-2008, 02:13 AM
he can have all of your accounts disabled

ya i know, last night he told me, like, "i gonna disable all ur accs!!11!!". now im vry scared. :cry::cry::cry:

12-24-2008, 02:24 AM
So, how you tell a trophy hunter from a genuine member?

12-24-2008, 02:30 AM
You ask FatCat, he's the judge on everything, obviousment.
I've heard he's even close to FSC staff's ear, if you ever have problems with them.

12-24-2008, 02:32 AM
Fatcat, your so stuck up your own arse its laughable.

You come on here so high and mighty with your posts, yet not one person has took you seriously in this thread. Doesnt that tell you something lol.

Grovelling to tracker Admins to try and make yourself look important means shit all in real life you know. So take your own advice from point number 5. Nobody here seems to care what you say.

12-24-2008, 02:49 AM
Thank you for telling us all something that we did not already know.

12-24-2008, 02:54 AM
This thread is so off topic...


12-24-2008, 03:16 AM
lol haters haters haters

the fact of the matter is those who hate are just envious/jealous/clueless/upset/have mommy problems?

I mean are you going to all run and cry to your parents because I posted this thread...the fact of the matter is each of you keep posting over and over again even though you have made it clear you think the thread is a waste of time.

Maybe its the fact that the haters are the ones who are trophy holders...

To defend myself:
And who said anything about being high up in the bt world...pff anyone with a seedbox and a brain can get high up in the bt world just by uploading what scripts miss...that sure is nothing to brag about "im vip at this site" whoppde do, get VIP at a site that isnt pay2leech/pay2invite site...then we can talk. I didnt say I was high up...you guys did on your own :lol:

Just as anyone with a 1gbs box and pay2leech axx can start a site with pre times under 40s for xvids (just watch tracers and youll see the scripts go) For $500 people will sell you the auto script, and the 1gbs box is only 89e at ovh...magic you now know the secret behind the top 5 having such fast pre's

The bt world is the bottom of the pyramid kids...you honestly think pre times are just the concern of your fav. tracker on a lame tracers channel? Who do you think races to the trackers dedicated gbs...? the files dont come from no-where...

Star a fatcat sucks thread or something...thats been done plenty of times before when people decided to cry/pout for no reason

lol now I know what you mean skizo that people have gotten worse since I left :lol: so sad.

To throw this back on topic:


are people really this angry/upset on fst nowadays? Artemis/Detale/skizo someone open their blind eyes.

12-24-2008, 03:29 AM
you want people to listen and yet you constantly talk down to them and call them kids. that shit is fucking annoying as hell. i hate to break it to you but you're not that fucking important.

"the bt world is the bottom of the pyramid"... wow. you came here to tell people who NEVER use their accounts except to let them sit that they may be gone which can be a good message to send, but when you do it in a cocky way like you did you'll get people ready and willing to tell you to shut the fuck up and get off your high horse because this is just the internet.

i havnt had an problems with you in the past but your attitude needs a serious check if you want to be taken serious at all.

oh look more infractions from skizo for spamming in a thread full of it.



12-24-2008, 03:31 AM
you want people to listen and yet you constantly talk down to them and call them kids. that shit is fucking annoying as hell. i hate to break it to you but you're not that fucking important.

"the bt world is the bottom of the pyramid"... wow. you came here to tell people who NEVER use their accounts except to let them sit that they may be gone which can be a good message to send, but when you do it in a cocky way like you did you'll get people ready and willing to tell you to shut the fuck up and get off your high horse because this is just the internet.

i havnt had an problems with you in the past but your attitude needs a serious check if you want to be taken serious at all.

Im talking down you 4 who keep coming after me for no reason. Sure I may be mean/rude and straight to the point...but that is only because I am sick of seeing users abuse trackers like this. I AM YELLING AT THOSE WHO ABUSE...not those who dont...so you shouldnt take it personally...its not targeted at you UNLESS you are a collector

If you have such an issue...stay outta my threads its not that hard to read who posts what...geez lol

I posted to warn people who abuse trackers and just collect accounts.

unless that is something you do...i have no beef with you...except the fact that you came in my thread guns blazing :lol:

For those who wish to pout more in this thread because they seem to need a reason to...I stopped by the candy store and got you all something:


:lol: /me laughs

12-24-2008, 03:41 AM
fatcat even though you posted the obvious this thread is full of so many fucking bricks.. goodness..

you knew what the point of what he says was, why are you making a big deal out of it

/me goes to elitezoo

12-24-2008, 03:47 AM
Whats on the top of the Pyramid now?

Please tell us where racers get their files? Am curious now...

12-24-2008, 03:48 AM
Hollywood ofc ;)

12-24-2008, 03:49 AM
you want people to listen and yet you constantly talk down to them and call them kids. that shit is fucking annoying as hell. i hate to break it to you but you're not that fucking important.

"the bt world is the bottom of the pyramid"... wow. you came here to tell people who NEVER use their accounts except to let them sit that they may be gone which can be a good message to send, but when you do it in a cocky way like you did you'll get people ready and willing to tell you to shut the fuck up and get off your high horse because this is just the internet.

i havnt had an problems with you in the past but your attitude needs a serious check if you want to be taken serious at all.

Im talking down you 4 who keep coming after me for no reason.

If you have such an issue...stay outta my threads its not that hard to read who posts what...geez lol

I posted to warn people who abuse trackers and just collect accounts.

unless that is something you do...i have no beef with you...except the fact that you came in my thread guns blazing :lol:

For those who wish to pout more in this thread because they seem to need a reason to...I stopped by the candy store and got you all something:

:lol: /me laughs

really? so you were talking down to me before i ever said anything in your thread? amazing jedi mind powers you must have there.

again, you arent that fucking important and ill say whatever i want in any thread i want whether its yours or not. this is a forum where we should be allowed to express our opinions but i guess that fact is lost on you and sqweerzo(get it, just like bittards!! OMG SO CLEVER!!! homo.).

notice how i said your original IDEA was a decent one, but the way you executed it was full of douche-baggery. try reading the whole post instead of always trying for the "sweet comeback".

the rest of what you said was pretty much spam so i'll leave it at that
. you cant argue your way out of this one because everyone who read this thread thought the same thing.... "what a fucking douchebag, how can he be that full of himself over the internet".

and again, i get it, you posted a picture of candies that said "cry baby" on them. thats super clever and im sure everyone will laugh hysterically and forget all about how much of a dick you were 10 minutes ago... or not.

soooo, im pretty much done with you now since you dont understand that delivering the idea in a respectful manner is almost as important as the idea itself.

12-24-2008, 03:54 AM
/me laughs

enjoy the ban.

So back on topic...

The point...for the 100th time...is that collectors/trophy Hunters should stop doing it.

All they do is take up spots on a tracker that could be given to people who would actually use the tracker/site fully.

I am not saying I use all my sites everyday...but I atleast make use of them a few times a week to contribute...those that I do not have time for...I delete or atleast ask to delete to make room for new users who will use it.

thats all.