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View Full Version : Max Payne Iso, Bin/cue Whatever

Invader DJ
09-11-2003, 03:46 AM
I'm looking for a copy of Max Payne that has sound that isn't from the Mule. I tried downloading it and the fastest it went was 3kb. I left it on the whole night and I only got like 1/4 of it.

If anyone could help me I would be very happy.

09-11-2003, 03:49 AM
This has ben asked so much, but no there is actually a source for it.
It is on suprnova.org


If you do not know what that is

Invader DJ
09-11-2003, 03:56 AM
I know its been asked alot. I'm sorry for making another topic about it.

I already tried the one from suprnova.org. I downloaded it and I'm having troubles with it. Check the Software forum if you can help me with it.

So are there any on Kazaa or any bittorent sites that have been tested to work with sound?