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12-31-2008, 06:37 PM
Did you ever managed to become member of a tracker you like only to be disappointed by the content once you are a member?

12-31-2008, 06:38 PM

so much!!!!

and the worst part, was that i needed to look for another one, to fill my needs.

12-31-2008, 06:38 PM
Did you ever managed to become member of a tracker you like only to be disappointed by the content once you are a member?

iFi - Yes

12-31-2008, 06:40 PM
ifi ??? did u struggle for it??? lllllllloooooooollllllll

12-31-2008, 06:43 PM
ifi ??? did u struggle for it??? lllllllloooooooollllllll

12-31-2008, 06:44 PM
ifi, means i m not fealing it.

12-31-2008, 07:03 PM
I always knew what a tracker had to offer before asking for an invite. But if you mean a tracker suddenly not being as good or maybe a better alternative found then yes.

12-31-2008, 07:46 PM
Sometimes, but especially after register on some open signups trackers... some are very lame :dry:

12-31-2008, 09:48 PM
99% of the time.

12-31-2008, 10:00 PM
99% of the time.
Assuming you haven't registered to over 100 trackers, I'm very curious to know which tracker met your high expectations.

12-31-2008, 10:00 PM
Of course. This why I don't buy into hype anymore.

12-31-2008, 10:00 PM
Requested a site as a noob before researching.Not because of hype, for content but the content was the issue. I turned it down as i had no need for it at the time.

I agree with what blueskies wrote, research first to see what tracker you will be the most active in-ect.

I always knew what a tracker had to offer before asking for an invite. But if you mean a tracker suddenly not being as good or maybe a better alternative found then yes.

12-31-2008, 10:20 PM
There's only two that I've ever signed up to that turned out to be let downs/disappointments. They were "ultra-wanted"/in demand trackers that had finally done an open sign up after a long time, but I wasn't impressed by their design, the content was definitely not what I expected, and what I did like that I found was extremely difficult to seed back. Since then, though, there reputations have definitely changed and they have had a number of open sign ups (guess they can't keep users or something).

12-31-2008, 10:44 PM
yes i had.
but the opposite happened to me often. I remember when i joined IPTorrents not long ago, i was amazed by the amount of stuff they had there.
my biggest let down... hmmmm... probably TDC. I heard so many good things about it, and when they had open signups some time ago, i joined, and it really didn't live up to my expectations. So much i lost my account due to inactivity.

12-31-2008, 11:40 PM
The trouble is, collecting trackers is like snorting coke. Your more you collect (or snort), the more you need to fulfil your habit.

I should also point out that a community requires participation. You cannot join a place and expect instant acceptance. You have to work at acceptance, and if you put in the effort, the reward is a place that means so much more to you.

So, keep snorting the cocaine, because the highs will only last a short time, while those who actually want something to be a part of something, will gain a much longer term of happiness.

12-31-2008, 11:47 PM
The trouble is, collecting trackers is like snorting coke. Your more you collect (or snort), the more you need to fulfil your habit.

I should also point out that a community requires participation. You cannot join a place and expect instant acceptance. You have to work at acceptance, and if you put in the effort, the reward is a place that means so much more to you.

So, keep snorting the cocaine, because the highs will only last a short time, while those who actually want something to be a part of something, will gain a much longer term of happiness.

sounds to me like someone has a bit of experience with cocaine... lol. true shit though.

12-31-2008, 11:51 PM
Yes, quite a few times.

01-01-2009, 12:17 AM
The trouble is, collecting trackers is like snorting coke. Your more you collect (or snort), the more you need to fulfil your habit.

I should also point out that a community requires participation. You cannot join a place and expect instant acceptance. You have to work at acceptance, and if you put in the effort, the reward is a place that means so much more to you.

So, keep snorting the cocaine, because the highs will only last a short time, while those who actually want something to be a part of something, will gain a much longer term of happiness.

I agree with this, minus the drug usage :P
It's true, I've been less and less active with trackers that aren't that useful or that are overshadowed by better ones I am also a member of. SCT literately obliterated every small general use tracker I had, and I've become inactive on almost all of them.

Waffles really was the place that replaced OiNK for me, so it has a special place in my heart. What is a rad tracker, usually with more torrents, but I still prefer to use Waffles as first choice just because I love the place. The userbase there seems a bit more elitist about music as well.

To be on topic though, all I have to say is S*L.

01-01-2009, 12:27 AM
PTN, ScL - i followed the hype. not much on there. i'm sure ITS is the same.

01-01-2009, 12:44 AM
Yeah, I've been disappointed before. I'm still trying to fill the oink void.

01-01-2009, 01:06 AM
Yes there have been a few trackers that weren't what I had expected of them. Partially that was due to either going with the hyp when I was a noob, not doing my research, or expecting the tracker to have something that it didn't have (content wise or forum activity wise). Say la V .

PS to the user above me, have you tried what.cd lately?

01-01-2009, 02:20 AM
TBH, not really! I can recall being really impressed and sexified by some torrent sites when I joined. Oink, TL, bmtv, bitme, goem, empornium, scc.

01-01-2009, 02:26 AM
For me it would have to be Pedros btmusic, I mean come on you get a warning if you seed to much.

01-01-2009, 02:33 AM
For me it would have to be Pedros btmusic, I mean come on you get a warning if you seed to much.

Wow your 5th post and already you're onto bashing Pedros huh

01-01-2009, 03:34 AM
before i start i am rat arsed lol

but every tracker i have signed up at, as its not BCG, i get pissed off as its not what we preach, or what we expect of our members, so i just let my account die a sudden death.

it really pissses me off, if you are a tracker be a fucking tracker, if you are a forum with an irc and a tracker, get rid of the fucking tracker lol

PS: remember i am rat arsed, jim beam is great and a whole bottle + cans have went down my neck, i can hardly see the keys typing this lol so i may retract my statement tomorrow, but i doubt it.

01-01-2009, 03:36 AM
before i start i am rat arsed lol

but every tracker i have signed up at, as its not BCG, i get pissed off as its not what we preach, or what we expect of our members, so i just let my account die a sudden death.

it really pissses me off, if you are a tracker be a fucking tracker, if you are a forum with an irc and a tracker, get rid of the fucking tracker lol

PS: remember i am rat arsed, jim beam is great and a whole bottle + cans have went down my neck, i can hardly see the keys typing this lol so i may retract my statement tomorrow, but i doubt it.Drunken Stoi FTW!!!!

01-01-2009, 03:42 AM
For me it would have to be Pedros btmusic, I mean come on you get a warning if you seed to much.

Wow your 5th post and already you're onto bashing Pedros huh

Yup just wasnt what i was expecting...

01-01-2009, 04:35 AM
Well its true for me anyway, artemis and a few more if they see this me go off it with me, but the fact is what the fuck are we here for, to share files and to get them as quick as possible.

now that does not mean that pre times have to be as quick as possible 10seconds after pre. but 90% of the torrents on the tracker have to go at least 20KBs more if you are lucky.

this is what really pisses me off with tracker speed, it is all relied on pre time, where is the i downloaded a 2 year old torrent, and i got 500KBs + on the fucking thing, that to me is more important than getting a pre-time of 10 seconds ans a 100meg dl, 0 sec trackers can so that, good on them, whoopie doo. but i dont give a shit.

give me a tracker that like i said can do a 2 year old torrent at my max speed and i am there, a tracker with 10 second pre i can get off usenet and not seed back a byte.

Sorry but 0 day trackers are pointless, trackers with 7,000 torrents where most of the 3,000 members are uploading at 1KBs are pointless, give me a tracker that can virtually max a 20meg connection, or even just respectible download @ 20KBs on a 2-3 yr old torrent, and that is what i want.

but not these that have 7,000 torrents, with 3000 memebers and all they can give me is 1KBs dowanload on a DVD ffs, sorry but emule here i come.

01-01-2009, 04:46 AM
Well its true for me anyway, artemis and a few more if they see this me go off it with me, but the fact is what the fuck are we here for, to share files and to get them as quick as possible.

now that does not mean that pre times have to be as quick as possible 10seconds after pre. but 90% of the torrents on the tracker have to go at least 20KBs more if you are lucky.

this is what really pisses me off with tracker speed, it is all relied on pre time, where is the i downloaded a 2 year old torrent, and i got 500KBs + on the fucking thing, that to me is more important than getting a pre-time of 10 seconds ans a 100meg dl, 0 sec trackers can so that, good on them, whoopie doo. but i dont give a shit.

give me a tracker that like i said can do a 2 year old torrent at my max speed and i am there, a tracker with 10 second pre i can get off usenet and not seed back a byte.

Sorry but 0 day trackers are pointless, trackers with 7,000 torrents where most of the 3,000 members are uploading at 1KBs are pointless, give me a tracker that can virtually max a 20meg connection, or even just respectible download @ 20KBs on a 2-3 yr old torrent, and that is what i want.

but not these that have 7,000 torrents, with 3000 memebers and all they can give me is 1KBs dowanload on a DVD ffs, sorry but emule here i come.AAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA sticky that post ahhaahhaha

<3 Stoi :P

01-01-2009, 05:27 AM
All i expect is if you upload your own torrent you give it all your upload speed.

now i will never say you need at least XXXMBS to upload, but just be sensible and upload what you can upload, but at leat give it your all, even if that means giving up upload on your seeding torrents elsewhere.

if you have 20KBs upload, if you upload a torrent give it all your 20KBs upload, if you have 13MBs then give all of it to your 1 upload, you can always come back to upload what you can on everywhere else later on, but if it is your own upload, and you are the only seed, give it as much as your connection can handle, witch is 100% of your upload, if you cant do that, then do not upload.

We will never have a rule whare you have to have 2MBs + to upload, just be bloody sensible.

01-01-2009, 07:28 AM
For me it would have to be Pedros btmusic, I mean come on you get a warning if you seed to much.

It sucks that you see it that way. Because to me P's is one of the best trackers because of this overseeding rule.

01-01-2009, 09:47 AM
For me it would have to be Pedros btmusic, I mean come on you get a warning if you seed to much.

It sucks that you see it that way. Because to me P's is one of the best trackers because of this overseeding rule.
yeah, in some aspects this "non overseeding" system sucks less than other systems.. which doesn't stop it from sucking ;) imo, ratio system just can't be considered any good while it limits seeding.. yes, it works.. but i really think there could be better alternatives, i already posted some of my thoughts at their forum, but guys there are really into current system and just can't put enough efforts to try to look at it from the side to see its disadvantages and to figure out the more optimal variant..

01-01-2009, 12:09 PM
give me a tracker that can virtually max a 20meg connection, or even just respectible download @ 20KBs on a 2-3 yr old torrent, and that is what i want.
Karagarga satisfy this criteria. there's almost always one seeder at least, even on very old torrents and if it's not the case, reseed requests are filled pretty quickly.

01-01-2009, 12:11 PM
Well its true for me anyway, artemis and a few more if they see this me go off it with me, but the fact is what the fuck are we here for, to share files and to get them as quick as possible.

now that does not mean that pre times have to be as quick as possible 10seconds after pre. but 90% of the torrents on the tracker have to go at least 20KBs more if you are lucky.

this is what really pisses me off with tracker speed, it is all relied on pre time, where is the i downloaded a 2 year old torrent, and i got 500KBs + on the fucking thing, that to me is more important than getting a pre-time of 10 seconds ans a 100meg dl, 0 sec trackers can so that, good on them, whoopie doo. but i dont give a shit.

give me a tracker that like i said can do a 2 year old torrent at my max speed and i am there, a tracker with 10 second pre i can get off usenet and not seed back a byte.

Sorry but 0 day trackers are pointless, trackers with 7,000 torrents where most of the 3,000 members are uploading at 1KBs are pointless, give me a tracker that can virtually max a 20meg connection, or even just respectible download @ 20KBs on a 2-3 yr old torrent, and that is what i want.

but not these that have 7,000 torrents, with 3000 memebers and all they can give me is 1KBs dowanload on a DVD ffs, sorry but emule here i come.

That's OK, I never pick on the ratarsed, I'm going to wait until you wake up with your hang over............:naughty:

01-01-2009, 02:38 PM
It sucks that you see it that way. Because to me P's is one of the best trackers because of this overseeding rule.
yeah, in some aspects this "non overseeding" system sucks less than other systems.. which doesn't stop it from sucking ;) imo, ratio system just can't be considered any good while it limits seeding.. yes, it works.. but i really think there could be better alternatives, i already posted some of my thoughts at their forum, but guys there are really into current system and just can't put enough efforts to try to look at it from the side to see its disadvantages and to figure out the more optimal variant..

However, anyone can at least seed 1:1 each torrent, no matter which kind of shit connection he/she has. Keep a good ratio is not problem at all there, but the same thing doesn't take place on Waffles / What due to the users overseeding w/o rest w/ super seedboxes.

Of course frequent freeleechs helps a lot, which also does not exist in what/waffles. Finally, I never had problems with ratio in Pedro's, not for more or for less, and I always jump at any torrent I want w/o worry.

IMHO better than this rule only if there is no ratio system ;)

01-01-2009, 03:04 PM
yeah, in some aspects this "non overseeding" system sucks less than other systems.. which doesn't stop it from sucking ;) imo, ratio system just can't be considered any good while it limits seeding.. yes, it works.. but i really think there could be better alternatives, i already posted some of my thoughts at their forum, but guys there are really into current system and just can't put enough efforts to try to look at it from the side to see its disadvantages and to figure out the more optimal variant..

However, anyone can at least seed 1:1 each torrent, no matter which kind of shit connection he/she has. Keep a good ratio is not problem at all there, but the same thing doesn't take place on Waffles / What due to the users overseeding w/o rest w/ super seedboxes.

IMHO better than this rule only if there is no ratio system ;)
the best system is the one that stimulate people to seed, to give speed to tracker, to donate, to upload with proportions that could lead to maximum tracker developement while similarly rewarding its contributing members..

...looking at the torrent numbers, pedro's doesn't develop currently.

simple no ratio system doesn't stimulate users anyhow

...there's no way to blame high speed users for bringing speeds to tracker, only current ratio systems are to blame if it hurts other users or these high speeds are denied
BUT! if someone can't upload, can't seed, can't donate - just can't give nothing to the tracker, i can't accept no complaints from such users for some reason ;)

01-01-2009, 03:06 PM
IMHO better than this rule only if there is no ratio system ;)
no ratio = no seeders
as simple as that.

01-01-2009, 03:49 PM
pedros is pretty strick , but something is doing well, torrents dont die and everyones is able to get a good ratio easely.

just addapt to their system and stop bicthing.

01-01-2009, 03:50 PM
The trouble is, collecting trackers is like snorting coke. Your more you collect (or snort), the more you need to fulfil your habit.

I should also point out that a community requires participation. You cannot join a place and expect instant acceptance. You have to work at acceptance, and if you put in the effort, the reward is a place that means so much more to you.

So, keep snorting the cocaine, because the highs will only last a short time, while those who actually want something to be a part of something, will gain a much longer term of happiness.


01-01-2009, 04:58 PM
IPT is the only one i have found that was better than i expected,and still find it the best

01-01-2009, 05:28 PM
Many times :(
But fortunately i've found a lot of great trackers, too.

01-01-2009, 07:48 PM
But m8s, I'm talking about music trackers, comparing Pedro's with What/Waffles, bc I use all 3 and the differences between the first and the 2 others is remarkable (in my case, dunno about yours).

I know this is somewhat off topic, but let me tell you why I disagree:

simple no ratio system doesn't stimulate users anyhow

I don't see like this... don't need to have ratio system to stimulate seeders. IMO, seedhours or bonus points (like HDBits) work much better than ratio. If there is no ratio, then must seed each torrent completed for at least 48 or 72 hs, or whatever... or can also be 2 mutually exclusive options: seed 1:1 or until 72 hs after download, which option you get first. In this case, who has slow connection is not affected, even if he/she is unable to seed 1:1.

Exemplifying my reasoning: ATM, i have 50 Pedro's, 58 waffles' and 28 what's torrents in my client, but only 6/136 are active and they are pedro's torrents... :ermm: This scenario will be repeated day after day, within a few days I will have a good buffer in Pedro's and pathetic buffer in What/Waffles. However, they all became available during the same time on the client and if i receive points for each seedhour per torrent my efforts would be rewarded, and I was able to leech more and more :happy:

But i can't leech in What/Waffles bc to keep a good ratio there is a pain in the ass.

...there's no way to blame high speed users for bringing speeds to tracker, only current ratio systems are to blame if it hurts other users or these high speeds are denied
BUT! if someone can't upload, can't seed, can't donate - just can't give nothing to the tracker, i can't accept no complaints from such users for some reason

OK, Pedro's is not the fastest tracker in the world, sometimes is really slow, but i don't care, if i want a torrent i get it, bc i'm sure that can seed back 1:1 and won't hurt my ratio.

I have a 70 kbps up connection, no big deal, but it's not bad for my country standards, and can keep good ratio in my trackers w/o much effort, but i can't compete w/ what/waffles high speed users... that's a fact. :ermm: So, to avoid hurting my ratio, my options are upload my own stuff and patiently waiting for freeleech time. That's life... :lol:

no ratio = no seeders
as simple as that.

I don't think that is so simple... tell me something: which the use of seeders if has no leechers?

PS: guys not look at my bad English, google translation helped me quite :P

01-01-2009, 08:29 PM
no ratio = no seeders
as simple as that.

I don't think that is so simple... tell me something: which the use of seeders if has no leechers?
i meant to say that the main problem of ratioless trackers is the lack of seeders on old torrents since many users don't care about 'long-time-seeding' if no ratio restrictions don't incite them to do so.

PS: guys not look at my bad English, google translation helped me quite :P
np, you're pretty understandable.

01-01-2009, 08:42 PM
No Ratio is tough to implement (you need good and trusted members) but if you do implement it right, it makes the tracker a lot better I think.

01-29-2009, 11:55 AM
give me a tracker that can virtually max a 20meg connection, or even just respectible download @ 20KBs on a 2-3 yr old torrent, and that is what i want.
Karagarga satisfy this criteria. there's almost always one seeder at least, even on very old torrents and if it's not the case, reseed requests are filled pretty quickly.

2 cinephilia
Hi! Sorry, if bothering you!! I've been looking for karakagarga.net invitation for a lonh time. And by your posts you working witn that tracker and like it. Can I ask you to sent me invitation, if you have ofcourse? I would you grateful very much!!!

P.S. Sorry all for offtop! There is no PM chat at this site.

01-29-2009, 12:36 PM
Of course.


and more...

01-29-2009, 12:55 PM
i'm dissapointed with SCC & PTN
nothing special

01-29-2009, 01:15 PM
U know what i never really been dissappointed in any tracker that i have been in, ususally because i do a lot of research into trackers before i join them, and also down to luck. And o yea i dont try to join every tracker a live like some people here do.