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01-04-2009, 09:10 AM
could someone help me?
when i tried to login , there was a massege says "Error: Username or password incorrect. If you have an account here please use the recovery system (http://www.tti.nu/recover.php) or try again. If you are sure you have entered the correct password, remove all TTi cookies from your computer and try to login again."
i tried to recover the password , but no way . it says that the email not found
my username is : odem

Albo Da Kid
01-04-2009, 09:16 AM
No results of your account. My guess is that it was deleted for inactivity

01-04-2009, 11:13 AM
I had the same bad experience. I was a Pro - User, with considerable amount of upload. I did not really use that tracker (just not focused), so I guess my account has been deleted. I leave it the way it is: being deleted from the Userbase for inactivity means (in the vast majority of cases)that U do not really need that tracker. So best is too leave the account die in peace. Anyway, it is a good tracker - I cannot hold anything against it. Not an SweDVDR for sure, but not bad. If U want to sort it out, I guess U'd contact the Staff via IRC. That might help in Your effort.

Albo Da Kid
01-04-2009, 11:23 AM
Are you an "anti-trader'?? lol the reason im asking is because you wouldn't regret loosing it that much if you knew what went on inside their forums.

01-04-2009, 11:26 AM
:wave: odem

01-04-2009, 11:33 AM
Dont worry odem
U will get a new tracker

01-04-2009, 11:38 AM
If it got disabled due to inactivity say goodbye to your account. Over the time I invited 4 people to TTi and 2 got disabled for inactivity. They both tried everything, even I talked to staff and the answer was the same: Inactivity = don't care about TTi = goodbye!

01-04-2009, 11:38 AM
could someone help me?
when i tried to login , there was a massege says "Error: Username or password incorrect. If you have an account here please use the recovery system (http://www.tti.nu/recover.php) or try again. If you are sure you have entered the correct password, remove all TTi cookies from your computer and try to login again."
i tried to recover the password , but no way . it says that the email not found
my username is : odem

I just found out yesterday that I'd lost my account for inactivity, went into #TTi IRC and Swe said that there is no way to reinstate the account once it had been deleted, GL on finding another invite, it shouldn't be too difficult if your active here and make a request

01-04-2009, 11:38 AM
Are you an "anti-trader'?? lol the reason im asking is because you wouldn't regret loosing it that much if you knew what went on inside their forums.
I am not an "Anti -trader". In fact I despise them quite much with all the loud whining and holy crusades they spam all topics. As for losing an account due to inactivity - just learned to accept things. I did not use that tracker, so technically i do not need it. Life goes on, and there's life beyond TTi. By the way I am disgusted by all kinds of labeling and calling people names(e.g. "Traders, Anti - Traders)

01-04-2009, 11:44 AM
Probably got pruned for inactivity. I heard they deleted inactive accounts after New Year.

01-04-2009, 02:47 PM
i think the account not deleted for inactivity, the last time i used tti was about 2 weeks ago.

01-04-2009, 03:01 PM
i think the account not deleted for inactivity, the last time i used tti was about 2 weeks ago.

Just go and ask in their IRC channel that way you'll know for sure whats happened

Server : irc.freequest.net
Port : 6667 (9999 for SSL)
Channel: #TTi