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View Full Version : an open appeal to the sct forum mods

01-11-2009, 12:22 PM
sct is a great tracker. it has the best speeds, long retention, excellent packs and a huge variety of scene content.

their forum on the other hand is the worst i know. since they introduced stricter forum rules absolutely nothing has changed. the racism, sexism, nazism and flaming has reached an insufferable level.

i could post extracts here that you simply would not believe. the level of tolerance of the people responsible for moderation is completely unacceptable.

here's my appeal to the forum mods. i'm going to put this in direct and drastic words:

DO something about it. your forum is a shame for every bittorrent user with a minimum of intelligence and education. it's a shame for the bittorrent scene as a whole.
it's not enough to put some rules on a website. please enforce them! if you tolerate unbearable posts, the trash will reflect on you and on the whole tracker.

as long as this miserable condition isn't changed, i can only recommend to every sct user to stay away from the forum as far as you can. it's a garbage dump!

p.s. yes, this post was written in anger.

01-11-2009, 12:26 PM
and your posting here about it why!!...??? O.o

DUDE, all your doing is leaving the door WIDE OPEN for spam and flaming ... you must love abuse, cause it's coming!!...

01-11-2009, 12:28 PM
agree with op. datz why i dont post at their or similar forums. dislike smth? just leave it

01-11-2009, 12:35 PM
and your posting here about it why!!...??? O.o

DUDE, all your doing is leaving the door WIDE OPEN for spam and flaming ... you must love abuse, cause it's coming!!...

+1 now we will see everything here the op gets to see at sct forums

Pls someone close this stupid thread

If u are interesed in improving the tracker got to irc and talk to mods:frusty:

01-11-2009, 12:41 PM
I don't think he has done anything wrong by posting this here. At least some of the admins come here and look at topics related to sct. They might look at this also. He cannot go talk to the staff directly because who knows what those *** might do with his account, maybe even ban him. And all the spammers/flamers must know that Detale is in very hot mood nowadays. :P

01-11-2009, 12:48 PM

01-11-2009, 12:49 PM
SCT is for leeching and seeding, not forum posting. There's a jailbait thread if you didn't notice. I thought that was obvious to everyone.......

01-11-2009, 12:50 PM
and your posting here about it why!!...??? O.o

DUDE, all your doing is leaving the door WIDE OPEN for spam and flaming ... you must love abuse, cause it's coming!!...

You are right, the problem is that on sct's forums a thread like this will get deleted and if he pm that to the mods\admins they will not do nothing about it.

they need to see that a lot of people feel like this, on the other hand a lot of people will abuse this thread.

I agree with Polarbear, same with FTN's IRC channel.

01-11-2009, 12:57 PM
Did you post about this on their forums?

01-11-2009, 01:15 PM
Well, I disagree a bit with you. Except for the odd "Fucking A" once in a while the forums seem pretty much ok.

01-11-2009, 01:22 PM
I lol'd tbh, Polarbear. You always cry on FST in just about every ScT related thread there is, yet I've never seen you post and complaint on our forums. Don't just assume we delete or trash a thread simply because someone criticised us ;) Makes me wonder sometimes why you even bother using ScT if all you can do is whine left and right.

01-11-2009, 01:22 PM
I completely agree with Polarbear, sct forum is a shame and it definitely encourage members in their retardation and childish mentality. Actually, It's one of the reason why i rarely use trackers forums.

01-11-2009, 01:28 PM
all i'm reading is really a bunch of cry baby posts, its a tracker... with forums to cure the boredom ... if you take offense to whats being posted there, then perhaps you have no business in the forums(forums aren't for everyone)... just use the tracker portion and be happy with it... other wise, you need to toughen up and throw some punches, instead of taking them.. GEESH.....!

01-11-2009, 01:44 PM
I just post in the Networking-Bittorret section and so far there isnt a single thread like that posted there .. To each its own

I'm Hot
01-11-2009, 02:28 PM
An appeal to ScT forum mods at FST? I know FST needs activity but at least create threads that actually make sense.

01-11-2009, 02:43 PM
I agree.
ScT should hold themselves to higher standards.

01-11-2009, 03:42 PM
I got this PM on sct earlier today which kinda goes against what you said polarbear.

"You probably don't know me, but I just want to mention something real quick if that's ok.

I just got a one week warning from DeevZ for calling someone in the forums a "fag". I mean, seriously? Is this what the forums have become? I always saw the ScT forums as a pretty free place compared to for example the old fascist forums at TorrentBytes where you'd get a 1 month warning for using incorrect punctuation.

I mean, is this guy a new mod or something? It seems to me like he's just enjoying handing out warnings. I'm only wondering, and some kind of answer would be greatly appreciated.

Appreciate all the work you guys are putting in, just wanted to mention that as well."


01-11-2009, 03:45 PM
who cares??

According to Polarbear... not us thats for sure! :D

01-11-2009, 03:55 PM
Why not post this in the sct forums and not here?

on a slightly related note, some people are a shame to the human race, but you dont see me bitching about it here do you?

01-11-2009, 04:05 PM
If you can't have uncensored freedom of speech on the interweb where can you have it ?, if a forum doesn't appeal to you then just move along to another one that does.

I understand your point though about rules that are not enforced for boards, either enforce the rules or get rid of them, simple as.

01-11-2009, 04:29 PM
their forum on the other hand is the worst i know. since they introduced stricter forum rules absolutely nothing has changed. the racism, sexism, nazism and flaming has reached an insufferable level.

p.s. yes, this post was written in anger.

I got this PM on sct earlier today which kinda goes against what you said polarbear.

"You probably don't know me, but I just want to mention something real quick if that's ok.

I just got a one week warning from DeevZ for calling someone in the forums a "fag". I mean, seriously? Is this what the forums have become? I always saw the ScT forums as a pretty free place compared to for example the old fascist forums at TorrentBytes where you'd get a 1 month warning for using incorrect punctuation.

I mean, is this guy a new mod or something? It seems to me like he's just enjoying handing out warnings. I'm only wondering, and some kind of answer would be greatly appreciated.

Appreciate all the work you guys are putting in, just wanted to mention that as well.":huh:

Childish at times certainly(although the same thing could be said about an uberl33t place I know of)sexist definitely but I fail to see the racism.
I admit I don't visit the forums very often but I do believe Feeling in that they don't tolerate it.
About the rest .Every tracker has a certain tone to it.If that is what ScT really wants and you don't like content aside maybe it just isn't the place for you(speaking generally here not to you specifically PB)

It's really no one's right to decide what is good for anyone else.

01-11-2009, 04:30 PM
Why not post this in the sct forums and not here?

on a slightly related note, some people are a shame to the human race, but you dont see me bitching about it here do you?

if this was posted in the sct forum it would get more bashed than here :)

Albo Da Kid
01-11-2009, 04:48 PM
people like you seem to forget one simple thing.... you guys do not own the trackers and trackers staff don't owe you anything.. you don't like it leave.. thats all there is to it.. no one holds a gun to your heads and force you to be a member of their site... so, stop acting like babies and grow the fuck up!!! :frusty::frusty::frusty:

So what you are trying to say is, "if you can't do nothing about it as an individual then why complain???" Technically that's a cowards motto. Even back in history, if the people didn't complain, then nothing would get changed. Why do you think the OP brought this subject up, just so he can strike a conversation ???
Not everyone uses a tracker just for quick snatches like you. Some like to hang out in the forums and irc, and that's what this topic is pointing out.
Sct is one of my favorite trackers, but it's a sad thing that it's flooded by idiots and degenerates whom clog up the irc channel and forums. I hope the staff sets up some rules and stick by them.
I'm not even stressing it though. There's private forums for hanging out purposes, but it would be cool to see sct better itself.

PS. Hey I was looking at your sig earlier, and it seems that you're into some type of an Anti-Trading community. Is there any chance I could join??? I would be delighted. yeyyyyy:D

01-11-2009, 04:54 PM
sct is a great tracker. it has the best speeds, long retention, excellent packs and a huge variety of scene content.

their forum on the other hand is the worst i know. since they introduced stricter forum rules absolutely nothing has changed. the racism, sexism, nazism and flaming has reached an insufferable level.

i could post extracts here that you simply would not believe. the level of tolerance of the people responsible for moderation is completely unacceptable.

here's my appeal to the forum mods. i'm going to put this in direct and drastic words:

DO something about it. your forum is a shame for every bittorrent user with a minimum of intelligence and education. it's a shame for the bittorrent scene as a whole.
it's not enough to put some rules on a website. please enforce them! if you tolerate unbearable posts, the trash will reflect on you and on the whole tracker.

as long as this miserable condition isn't changed, i can only recommend to every sct user to stay away from the forum as far as you can. it's a garbage dump!

p.s. yes, this post was written in anger.
show yourself like a real man and post it there. otherwise, anyone can call you a coward, or hiding behind a nick, as many of us older members point the finger at noobs.
ScT forums have their own way, just like FST or CFS, for example. You just have to understand that. There would be no fun if all forums were the same.
I don't participate there much, but i admit they are a fun read. And makes me think when i say people want some trackers "because of their community", are people who just enjoy forums where people kiss each other asses.

01-11-2009, 05:12 PM
people like you seem to forget one simple thing.... you guys do not own the trackers and trackers staff don't owe you anything.. you don't like it leave.. thats all there is to it.. no one holds a gun to your heads and force you to be a member of their site... so, stop acting like babies and grow the fuck up!!! :frusty::frusty::frusty:
what's your point ? so because i don't own the tracker, i do not have the right to express my opinion ?
everybody know that it's their tracker, that it's not a democracy and so on, but please tell me why it should stop somebody from criticizing them ?
you really think that being member of a tracker imply that you must stfu about everything ?
keep in mind that trackers also need criticisms to progress, and not only ass kissings.

01-11-2009, 05:15 PM

help him to feel better

01-11-2009, 05:47 PM
ok.. obviously i need to break this down to you since you can't seem to remember what you said..... ready..??

what's wrong with you jasperr ? why the hell couldn't we say what we don't like in the tracker ? Do you love ScT to the point of not telling what you think ?
This is a good valid point.. but, you should've stoped at that...

i'm really tired of all those retards always saying "it's their tracker, their rules blablabla"... stop being a dick sucker and try to think by yourself instead of blissfully admiring sct.

my comment was is direct response to this.... and it holds true.. you don't like GTFO!!! ...... my 9 year old would understand that..

what's your point ? so because i don't own the tracker, i do not have the right to express my opinion ?
everybody know that it's their tracker, that it's not a democracy and so on, but please tell me why it should stop somebody from criticizing them ?
you really think that being member of a tracker imply that you must stfu about everything ?
keep in mind that trackers also need criticisms to progress, and not only ass kissings.
you can express anything you want .... really no one really gives a shit... just people get tired of babies coming back to sites like this claiming they have been wronged and crying about it..... its very saddening... it is... grow up and get yourself a pair already will you!.

01-11-2009, 05:54 PM
come on, don't make a fuss, no one is crying...

Albo Da Kid
01-11-2009, 05:57 PM
you can express anything you want .... really no one really gives a shit... just people get tired of babies coming back to sites like this claiming they have been wronged and crying about it..... its very saddening... it is... grow up and get yourself a pair already will you!.

^Who is this guy ffs:frusty:.

You have made three posts you made sense in none of them. In the last post you said the same thing about 3 times along with the corny "yo mama jokes". Stop hijacking the thread ffs.

01-11-2009, 06:02 PM
I dont know why u post here this
U can talk with sct admin and mod if u want
if u dont want just dont use their forum

01-11-2009, 06:04 PM
guys, why such negative attitude? someone must bring the flaws of something to the public's view so that there is change. Although I agree that polarbear's post is a bit biased.

01-11-2009, 06:10 PM
Imo OP should post this in sct forum! its cowardly to post this issue in pub like fst.
And to the rest of you whiners...GTFL(get the fucking life)

01-11-2009, 06:10 PM
well i must say i completely agree, sct forums are filled with childish bullshit.

to those who are so against this post, why dont you read all the posts on the front page and tell me that 90% arent a waste also, i can reply "who gives a shit" as well to most of the topics but honestly who gives a shit that you guys don't give a shit? you
don't like what the thread is about? don't reply, cut the crap already would you please?

no matter what the mods will say, whether they admit it or not the majority of them know that FST is a well respected forum and they do care what the people say.

Think i'm wrong? then take a look at the community rep thread, why would so many of them bother? there are plenty other forums out there but i dont see them filling those up?

Basically they do care, and most other threads that you posters wrote arent more justified then this one, which is very legit.
While in this case it might not help since it is SCT we are talking about, then again if one of there sain mods ready it it might smack him in the fact that there is some truth in these words, and from a tracker that seems to be very desparate for donations i believe they have no interest of having this bad name that there forum spreads.

Like the op said, its one of the greatest trackers with one of the worst forums which is very unfortunate, you can agree or disagree but if you have nothing relavent to add please shut the **** up.

01-11-2009, 06:11 PM
at least some tutorials in sct forums are very useful like the one about irc auto-downloader...

01-11-2009, 06:17 PM
at least some tutorials in sct forums are very useful like the one about irc auto-downloader...
which is taken from another site.

01-11-2009, 06:23 PM
you can express anything you want .... really no one really gives a shit... just people get tired of babies coming back to sites like this claiming they have been wronged and crying about it..... its very saddening... it is... grow up and get yourself a pair already will you!.

^Who is this guy ffs:frusty:.

You have made three posts you made sense in none of them. In the last post you said the same thing about 3 times along with the corny "yo mama jokes". Stop hijacking the thread ffs.

i guess you don't know how to read the whole thread... because, if you did it would make sense to you.. try to keep up ok? :whistling

OH, and btw... i'm in my own anti group.. and i'm not accepting any new members.. sorry :mellow:

well i must say i completely agree, sct forums are filled with childish bullshit.

to those who are so against this post, why dont you read all the posts on the front page and tell me that 90% arent a waste also, i can reply "who gives a shit" as well to most of the topics but honestly who gives a shit that you guys don't give a shit? you
don't like what the thread is about? don't reply, cut the crap already would you please?

no matter what the mods will say, whether they admit it or not the majority of them know that FST is a well respected forum and they do care what the people say.

Think i'm wrong? then take a look at the community rep thread, why would so many of them bother? there are plenty other forums out there but i dont see them filling those up?

Basically they do care, and most other threads that you posters wrote arent more justified then this one, which is very legit.
While in this case it might not help since it is SCT we are talking about, then again if one of there sain mods ready it it might smack him in the fact that there is some truth in these words, and from a tracker that seems to be very desparate for donations i believe they have no interest of having this bad name that there forum spreads.

Like the op said, its one of the greatest trackers with one of the worst forums which is very unfortunate, you can agree or disagree but if you have nothing relavent to add please shut the **** up.

well, if thats your opinion... so be it... my whole point was, that coming here (to cry...oops, i meant) to muster the troops in a pointless attempt to change the world is noble indeed... anyways, i'm done with this thread as i'd only be repeating myself anyhow....

01-11-2009, 06:33 PM
sct is a great tracker. it has the best speeds, long retention, excellent packs and a huge variety of scene content.

their forum on the other hand is the worst i know. since they introduced stricter forum rules absolutely nothing has changed. the racism, sexism, nazism and flaming has reached an insufferable level.

i could post extracts here that you simply would not believe. the level of tolerance of the people responsible for moderation is completely unacceptable.

here's my appeal to the forum mods. i'm going to put this in direct and drastic words:

DO something about it. your forum is a shame for every bittorrent user with a minimum of intelligence and education. it's a shame for the bittorrent scene as a whole.
it's not enough to put some rules on a website. please enforce them! if you tolerate unbearable posts, the trash will reflect on you and on the whole tracker.

as long as this miserable condition isn't changed, i can only recommend to every sct user to stay away from the forum as far as you can. it's a garbage dump!

p.s. yes, this post was written in anger.

Your entire post sounded alright till I stumbled on your "P.S". So do you really stand by your words or is your P.S an indirect way of saying "sorry for talking bad about SCT,Plz dont ban me" ??

Let's break this complex situation down into a simpler one. There's two(maybe more) ways of looking at this :-

A) It's a privilege for us members to be on torrent sites and the site owners can do whatever they please,even if it's unpleasant and disrespectful. In that case,members of the site can keep an acceptable ratio and be apathetic and walk away.

B) You're a member of a torrent site who actually cares and you show your support by donating to the site(excluding upload purchase) or by constructively criticising it to see it become better which is what Polarbear probably tried to do with this thread.

So what is the right approach for a user and what do site admins prefer?

I also think that certain torrent sites(bitmetv is a fine example) attain a degree of excellence( amazing speeds,great content etc etc) and forget about being respectful to their users,the same users who got them to the top . In short they stop caring cause their site's flourishing.

Personally I'd like to live in a world where there's a touch of compassion and some degree of transparency.I don't see why this isn't possible in the torrenting realm.

01-11-2009, 06:37 PM
. ScT is one of the best trackers in the p2p world. Period.

Post edited

01-11-2009, 06:38 PM
join a "community-based" tracker if forums are so important to you.

01-11-2009, 06:40 PM
I'm not a member there and can't tell you my own expierence.
I think most people are there because Bittorrent and not because their Forum or Community. You shoulden't take it to serious, it's only internet.

01-11-2009, 07:01 PM
sct is a great tracker. it has the best speeds, long retention, excellent packs and a huge variety of scene content.

i could post extracts here that you simply would not believe. the level of tolerance of the people responsible for moderation is completely unacceptable.
p.s. yes, this post was written in anger.
Erm :ermm: Why do you care so much? You go there, download what you want, seed so that you don't get banned. If the community sucks, well, then don't be apart of it... until it improves.

You are getting angry over this in vain. Most trackers accepts criticism, but not angry criticism. Anger implies that you want to control the tracker, and this will only shut the Admins off. No admin likes to feel subservient.

Don't be angry. It's not your tracker; you can't do much about it. You can only get the word out to as many people as possible that you would like to be apart of the community, but can't stand its lawlessness and immaturity... not as a cathartic exercise but as a means to convince the Admins by convincing their user-base.

Don't post on their forum or pm their mods; this is the best place. You aren't being a coward, your being practical.

Cheer up, mate :console:

01-11-2009, 07:05 PM
I dont know why u post here this
U can talk with sct admin and mod if u want
if u dont want just dont use their forumDon't be ridiculous. If he said this on their forums he'd get flamed by the bigoted idiots that he's already explained visit the forums.
If he spoke to a staff member they'd be insulted and ban him. It's a lot easier to just get rid of the person complaining than the actual problem, because they'd probably have to put a lot more time into moderating the forums, and rewrite the rules to fix everything.

edit: Having said that, I agree that if you don't like a tracker you shouldn't use it. ScT isn't that great anyway. Sure, it's fast and has a lot of torrents but so do plenty of other more pleasant sites. The search is rubbish and they never bothered to redesign the site which they once said they'd do. Also, the admins are blatantly profiteering since they have Pay2Leech and Pay2Invite.

01-11-2009, 07:14 PM
Guys I have probably deleted 10 posts of spam or hostility here and gave out as many infractions, Enough now. You can speak your mind without the personal attacks ffs.

If PB feels he could not get a fair shot on SCT he has every right to post here. He has an inteligent, respectful, and valid post

Thanks to SCT staff for coming in to answer.

Now I too have heard about SCT staff being harshists. I have read about it over and over and read the threads "Oh they did this" and "Oh they did that" but I can say from my expeirence they have only been fair with me when I had an issue. They were never anything less than gentlemen.

As far as the forums I dont think I have ever been in there. I have to use all my forum time here :P .

01-11-2009, 07:25 PM
sct's content is pretty good, but man the forums do suck, very childish. Glad I'm not the only that thinks this.

01-11-2009, 07:27 PM
If you think the forums there are bad you should have a look at the 4Chan's random threads /b/ sometime it really is the cesspit of the internet and puts things into perspective.

01-11-2009, 07:36 PM
If you think the forums there are bad you should have a look at the 4Chan's random threads /b/ sometime it really is the cesspit of the internet and puts things into perspective.
You just broke rule #1...

01-11-2009, 07:43 PM
If you think the forums there are bad you should have a look at the 4Chan's random threads /b/ sometime it really is the cesspit of the internet and puts things into perspective.
You just broke rule #1...

Rule 1
All posts, comments and opinions are those of the poster and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of the site and its administrators. This forum, its administrators, and moderators reserve the right to request alteration or deletion of any post in whole or in part. Offensive posts may be deleted.

I did ?

01-11-2009, 07:43 PM
stupid <insert country name> trend was kinda...erm.

they seriously need to moderate 'links' section in particular

01-11-2009, 07:53 PM
stupid <insert country name> trend was kinda...erm.

they seriously need to moderate 'links' section in particular

especially because its a bunch of 4chan links. I remember one link, man gets fucked by horse....I mean wtf?...I'm pretty sure it's still there.

01-11-2009, 08:00 PM
stupid <insert country name> trend was kinda...erm.

they seriously need to moderate 'links' section in particular

especially because its a bunch of 4chan links. I remember one link, man gets fucked by horse....I mean wtf?...I'm pretty sure it's still there.

ha, kids will post those 4chan links. expect no less from 13 year olds

01-11-2009, 08:21 PM
why is this thread still open...he asked for no replies just that sct do something this thread should have been locked after post 1

01-11-2009, 08:24 PM
why is this thread still open...he asked for no replies just that sct do something this thread should have been locked after post 1
oh... i think all members here missed that, and only you got it.
thank you for being here to help us out !

01-11-2009, 08:26 PM
why is this thread still open...he asked for no replies just that sct do something this thread should have been locked after post 1
oh... i think all members here missed that, and only you got it.
thank you for being here to help us out !

this post just proves my point even more......

01-11-2009, 09:04 PM
I did ?
lol forget it

01-11-2009, 09:05 PM
he asked for no repliesHe didn't ask for anyone to reply but neither did he say that he didn't want people to reply. So your point is....

01-11-2009, 09:06 PM
I did ?
lol forget it

I'm not a member / user there, I've not agreed to abide by any rules :)

01-11-2009, 09:08 PM
I completely agree with Polarbear, sct forum is a shame and it definitely encourage members in their retardation and childish mentality. Actually, It's one of the reason why i rarely use trackers forums.

ScT "come for the torrents stay for the jailbait " :ermm:

ScT is amazing, their users are a special breed of Euro-trolls unlike the American-Troll, Euro-trolls also have a TT and Electonik account and enjoy battling other trance tracker users when it comes to releases. The American-troll is more of a waffles-what fanboi. Also you can tell a euro-troll from an american-troll because they have some loli or fake boobed chick in their avatar with graphic designs of their nickname. If you clean up ScT you might also force Euro-trolls to find another place to spew their trance fanboi rethoric :angry: and we won't..no cannot let that happen! Keep ScT as is! :wave:

01-11-2009, 09:11 PM
he asked for no repliesHe didn't ask for anyone to reply but neither did he say that he didn't want people to reply. So your point is....

that unless you are him or sct staff addressing the problem you have really no business posting here

01-11-2009, 09:14 PM
He didn't ask for anyone to reply but neither did he say that he didn't want people to reply. So your point is....

that unless you are him or sct staff addressing the problem you have really no business posting here
johall "the mini-moderator" ...

"i iz moderator, u no post herez, PB only talk to ScT stafferzzz"

really dude, don't try so hard making a fool of yourself, go and read the first post. and EVEN if he said this was only for ScT staff, i'll tell you a little secret: forum comes from the Roman, and it means "public place".

01-11-2009, 09:15 PM
do a forum search and read over all the threads made here in the past complaining about bitmetv. nothing ever changed there, because of a thread made here. nothing at sct will change because of a thread made here either.

either accept the tracker as it is, or move on.

01-11-2009, 09:17 PM
He didn't ask for anyone to reply but neither did he say that he didn't want people to reply. So your point is....

that unless you are him or sct staff addressing the problem you have really no business posting here

Technically he posted on a FST forum which any member of our community is allowed to reply whether the answers are relevant, helpful or not. He knew what he was doing opening this thread and should close it if he doesn't want any more replies.

01-11-2009, 09:22 PM
that unless you are him or sct staff addressing the problem you have really no business posting here
johall "the mini-moderator" ...

"i iz moderator, u no post herez, PB only talk to ScT stafferzzz"

really dude, don't try so hard making a fool of yourself, go and read the first post. and EVEN if he said this was only for ScT staff, i'll tell you a little secret: forum comes from the Roman, and it means "public place".

lol was that an attempt at humor....you seem to be on the same level as the sct kiddies he alluded to in his first post

and yea vpg this is FST and opening a thread like this is going to merit idiotic responses that need not be here and is just more reason to lock it since its a matter between pb and sct

01-11-2009, 09:24 PM
I think PB got his point across and SCt replied twice. PB if you want this reopened let me know but for now it's turning bad.