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01-13-2009, 02:00 PM
I'm trying to teach a 10yo girl and her mother safer downloading habits on their new PC and having a bit of trouble finding an easy to use site, that also has a non porn atmosphere (both torrents and forum). Are there any?

BTW I am looking for just one general site, not specialty sites, that still have quality in mind. This unfortunately excludes places like Demonoid.

Edit for future reference:

Family Friendly Scene site with over 7.000 active torrents: http://speed.cd/signup.php

01-13-2009, 02:02 PM
Great question, will have a dig around.

Ok the only site that I can see that fits the bill content-wise is ITS, because it's ratio & porn free, your going to have to find a friend in there to recommend you and apply on your behalf.

Filelist could be ok too as far as content goes but she'd need to keep ratio and I'm not sure how well a youngster would fit into the community there. The only other problem with this is one is there is no invites & no open registration so that could be tricky.

Blue_Skies if there was a dedicated site designed for kids with kids content it'd be a great tool for us users to introduce younger family members to filesharing. I'm thinking it would probably need to be ratio free or something cause kids are like "I see shiny things" "must have shiny things" ! :)

01-13-2009, 02:03 PM
Updated first post. General.. and preferable just one.

01-13-2009, 02:03 PM
I think there's a kiddie site....Childbytes or something like that. You should Google :)

01-13-2009, 02:06 PM
Yeah.. but trouble is that it has just kids stuff. Looking more for a general site that just has zero adult oriented themes.

01-13-2009, 02:09 PM
what about cartoonchaos, that's mainly all cartoons and Disney.
You could try there, hope this help's.

01-13-2009, 02:09 PM
Yeah.. but trouble is that it has just kids stuff. Looking more for a general site that just has zero adult oriented themes.

Well all sites have an 'Adult' section in the forums, so you can't get away from that.

What I would recommend though is GFT, it has an option where you can disable pron-related torrents, and it looks very clean and professional.

Just don't be surprised if the next day she's asking you what jailbait means :lol:

01-13-2009, 02:12 PM
You can always set in the settings not to see the XXX category.

01-13-2009, 02:13 PM
Just don't be surprised if the next day she's asking you what jailbait means :lol:

lol exactly what we don't need.

Looks like I just found a new idea for a site. PM me once someone set it up :P

You can always set in the settings not to see the XXX category.

Unfortunately not as easy as that. First of all These sites always have XXX sections in the forum, and second there is no way to completely turn of XXX. These settings are just to not have them visible as default. A curious 10yo can always check a box and all of a sudden it's Porn all around.

I have even tried using element hider on them. The whole browse section disappears when doing that.

01-13-2009, 02:14 PM
Just don't be surprised if the next day she's asking you what jailbait means :lol:

lol exactly what we don't need.

Looks like I just found a new idea for a site. PM me once someone set it up :P

What about Funfile? Or TiP? No pron if my memory serves me right.

01-13-2009, 02:14 PM
quite frankly i wouldn't let a 10yo girl on any torrent site. i'd say teach the mother how to do it, give her a torrentleech invite and then let her do the downloading for the daughter.

01-13-2009, 02:16 PM
quite frankly i wouldn't let a 10yo girl on any torrent site. i'd say teach the mother how to do it, give her a torrentleech invite and then let her do the downloading for the daughter.

Don't let age fool you. My brother is barely 9 and he's practically an uploader for TTi :lol:

01-13-2009, 02:20 PM
http://torrentseed.org if you dont mind hiding the xxx torrents and forum has no xxx section ( I dont see the need for it :P ). Forum has radio and arcade also to pass the time.

01-13-2009, 02:21 PM
quite frankly i wouldn't let a 10yo girl on any torrent site. i'd say teach the mother how to do it, give her a torrentleech invite and then let her do the downloading for the daughter.

Don't let age fool you. My brother is barely 9 and he's practically an uploader for TTi :lol:

The problem is that she wants to learn everything. Just teaching the mother would last like a day or something. Also TL isn't really what I would call an easy starter site because of the Wait times for new users.

And also try pressing the xxx by mistake and all of a sudden we have "Mom.. what does PussyTorrents mean?"

http://torrentseed.org if you dont mind hiding the xxx torrents and forum has no xxx section ( I dont see the need for it :P ). Forum has radio and arcade also to pass the time.

Will the XXX option completely disappear? That's what I'm looking for. No checkbox or anything.

lol exactly what we don't need.

Looks like I just found a new idea for a site. PM me once someone set it up :P

What about Funfile? Or TiP? No pron if my memory serves me right.

Can someone confirm? And also are they easy to use. Remember we are dealing with complete newbies here. BTW I don't know what TiP means... Apart from TiP Records :P

01-13-2009, 02:27 PM
Just checked what you said on TL.

first of all the forums there are kinda dead

secondly i marked everything but the XXX, and searched for the word XXX, found nothing adult. :whistling

01-13-2009, 02:27 PM
[quote=Ev0;3098864]http://torrentseed.org if you dont mind hiding the xxx torrents and forum has no xxx section ( I dont see the need for it :P ). Forum has radio and arcade also to pass the time.

Will the XXX option completely disappear? That's what I'm looking for. No checkbox or anything.

This is something that has puzzled me a lot of sites require you to be 13 or over to sign up but then still have a lot of content not suitable for youngsters under 18. You would think they could write something that would effectively filter the torrents and forums for unsuitable files, & posts. As some one said chaecking or unchecking a tickbox isn't a good solution unless once unchecked there was password protection to make the box visible & tickable again

01-13-2009, 02:38 PM
no matter where, no matter how. kids aren't stupid. she'll find out and end up seeing content, that's not appropiate for her age. may it be some horror movie or xxx. it's the forbidden fruit that attracts curiosity.

don't understimate the psychological side effects that come with being opposed to such content or even plain text at a young age.

10 is simply too young to navigate through the internet or even private trackers without parental guidance in my opinion.

if she's curious about technology, software and computers, there are a million other things that can be taught.

but hey, your decision. invite the girl to sct. :P

01-13-2009, 02:45 PM
The problem is that some asshole told her about Limewire. So reassess the situation.

If I can't give her other options, then she will completely fuck up the PC. And I would really prefer it not be Demonoid as she would be constantly downloading unusable games.... and wanting me to fix them :(

And no ScT is probably not a good bet.

01-13-2009, 02:49 PM
And no ScT is probably not a good bet.

i wasn't serious :pinch:

01-13-2009, 02:51 PM
hey m8:)....i do have an idea of a site named speed.cd...on the front page itself its says "its a family-safe torrent site"....as far as i know i guess i have seen somebody post that its has about 5k torrents(cant be sure though)....so u might try that site....gud thing is its open to sign up..often

and now too http://speed.cd/signup.php

hope this helps you to some extent :happy:

01-13-2009, 02:55 PM
hey m8:)....i do have an idea of a site named speed.cd...on the front page itself its says "its a family-safe torrent site"....as far as i know i guess i have seen somebody post that its has about 5k torrents(cant be sure though)....so u might try that site....gud thing is its open to sign up..often

and now too http://speed.cd/signup.php

hope this helps you to some extent :happy:

On the face of it this looks pretty much ideal for the OP needs.

01-13-2009, 02:56 PM
I totally agree with polarbear children of that age shouldn't even browse without some form of supervision. Just set the mother up on a good site lock out the XXX and add a parental lock program to the whole computer while you are at it.

Sure kids are curious and she will sooner or later run into some bad stuff but no need to facilitate the process.

Don't let age fool you. My brother is barely 9 and he's practically an uploader for TTi :lol:

Yes and look how you turned out.

01-13-2009, 02:57 PM
Since when have 10 year olds downloaded??? How can u trust soemone so young they will end up downloading a 1000 files in the first week.

Why dont u just get them to use demonoid, download what u want with no ratio requirment, and no xxx. But then again not the easiest place for a 10 year to use type one thing in and u get a 1000 results.

01-13-2009, 03:01 PM
Don't let age fool you. My brother is barely 9 and he's practically an uploader for TTi :lol:

Yes and look how you turned out.

that just made my day


01-13-2009, 03:06 PM
Yep there is actually no pron torrents on TL but there are some adult looking images in users profile pictures. Not to mention the comments on some torrents contain offensive language. This is a common problem on all sites though.

01-13-2009, 03:08 PM
hey m8:)....i do have an idea of a site named speed.cd...on the front page itself its says "its a family-safe torrent site"....as far as i know i guess i have seen somebody post that its has about 5k torrents(cant be sure though)....so u might try that site....gud thing is its open to sign up..often

and now too http://speed.cd/signup.php

hope this helps you to some extent :happy:

Yup this was it :) 7,700+ torrents even :D

How come not more people know about this one.

01-13-2009, 03:10 PM
Don't let age fool you. My brother is barely 9 and he's practically an uploader for TTi :lol:

Yes and look how you turned out.

Smart, Canadian, and torrent-savvy. Right? :w00t:

01-13-2009, 03:23 PM
Yes and look how you turned out.

that just made my day


that's me after reading this post -> :glag:

01-13-2009, 04:21 PM
quite frankly i wouldn't let a 10yo girl on any torrent site. i'd say teach the mother how to do it, give her a torrentleech invite and then let her do the downloading for the daughter.

Exactly my thought. Why would you encourage a 10yo to commit copyright infringement? Let her find out about p2p for herself when she's older and let the mother do the leeching in the meantime :P

01-13-2009, 04:57 PM
quite frankly i wouldn't let a 10yo girl on any torrent site. i'd say teach the mother how to do it, give her a torrentleech invite and then let her do the downloading for the daughter.

Exactly my thought. Why would you encourage a 10yo to commit copyright infringement? Let her find out about p2p for herself when she's older and let the mother do the leeching in the meantime :P

Maybe read the posts in this thread. She already found out about "Copyright infringement" as you so elegantly put it. I don't want her to get her computer infected.. and staying clear of nasties on Gnutella is something that takes a bit more effort than a 10yo can handle.

At least Torrent sites encourage sharing, which is something a 10yo should learn.

01-13-2009, 05:09 PM
I heard axxo is admin on speed.cd? Is he?

(This is a totally useless and offtopic post)

01-13-2009, 05:14 PM
Bitsoup..... default settings in profile don't have pron selected... So you can surf the site w/o seeing porn... You have to make an effort to see it....

Albo Da Kid
01-13-2009, 05:16 PM
My advice would be to keep the 10 year old girl focused in doing homework and playing with dolls. I don't think learning how to steal data, is appropriate for her at this age.

01-13-2009, 05:18 PM
My advice would be to keep the 10 year old girl focused in homework and dolls. I don't think learning how to steal data, is appropriate for her at this age.

as long as she isn't planning a career in 'stealing a greater variety of data faster' :P

Albo Da Kid
01-13-2009, 05:19 PM
^ahahah arik1111

01-13-2009, 05:46 PM
It's not stealing it's sharing :P Haven't you learned anything yet?

01-13-2009, 05:53 PM
I didn't realise until I just checked but SuperTorrents does not allow any porn to be uploaded and there are no porn threads (that I can see) in their forums.

Blue_Skies - let me know if you want to take this further ;)

01-13-2009, 05:57 PM
Funny thread.

I'm sure if a 10yo is allowed to freely download scene material without parental supervision, then what does porn even matter?

Just bookmark a filter on RevTT/TL/IPT/Demonoid with everything included except XXX, voila. Good to see the pirates are starting younger these days, though.

01-13-2009, 06:03 PM
Good to see the pirates are starting younger these days, though.

Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of non-alcoholic rum flavoured substitute :)

01-13-2009, 06:12 PM
My advice would be to keep the 10 year old girl focused in doing homework and playing with dolls. I don't think learning how to steal data, is appropriate for her at this age.

i would have to kind of agree with this she should be concentrating on other things then being on bittorrent trackers. May be wait a few more years. I find it hard to believe that there are many 10 year olds downloading, meaning there is no real need for any trackers that are friendly towards kids at that age. Really think its the parents responibility to sort things at for kids when so young.

01-13-2009, 06:13 PM
I didn't realise until I just checked but SuperTorrents does not allow any porn to be uploaded and there are no porn threads (that I can see) in their forums.

Blue_Skies - let me know if you want to take this further ;)

Thanks mate :)

I'll just start her off with speed.cd though. It doesn't require invite, so if she screws it up, no one else gets punished.

also I saw axxo and kingben stuff on speed.cd so it should be very easy for her to seed.

01-13-2009, 06:15 PM
I don't even let my girlfriend download, it takes my bandwidth ;).....

If it was me, and she had to download stuff, I would go with news groups and just get NZBs from this site or other similar sites, newsgroups can get pretty bad, depending where you go, but that goes for anything with the internet.

01-13-2009, 06:21 PM
My advice would be to keep the 10 year old girl focused in doing homework and playing with dolls. I don't think learning how to steal data, is appropriate for her at this age.

i would have to kind of agree with this she should be concentrating on other things then being on bittorrent trackers. May be wait a few more years. I find it hard to believe that there are many 10 year olds downloading, meaning there is no real need for any trackers that are friendly towards kids at that age. Really think its the parents responibility to sort things at for kids when so young.

Could you expand on this? Are you saying that I should let a 10yo use trial and error when being introduced to the Internet. Should I just let her download Limewire or something like that and then have her spammed with porn ads when trying to find cute pictures of animals etc.?

BTW I have successfully taught her to use Google image search.

Also there is ulterior motive behind introducing her to torrents instead. She will have trouble finding Danish subs for stuff if it's an English torrent site, which will force her to pay better attention in English class in school.

I won't teach her to use subscene.

01-13-2009, 06:51 PM
Childbytes will be good

01-13-2009, 06:54 PM
I'm trying to teach a 10yo girl and her mother

wow you want a place where you can get friendly with the kids eh?

01-13-2009, 07:10 PM
I'm trying to teach a 10yo girl and her mother

wow you want a place where you can get friendly with the kids eh?

And I congratulate you on being the very first person to be added to my ignore list :thumbsup:

Edit: Cool, It works :)

01-13-2009, 07:30 PM
Exactly my thought. Why would you encourage a 10yo to commit copyright infringement? Let her find out about p2p for herself when she's older and let the mother do the leeching in the meantime :P

Maybe read the posts in this thread. She already found out about "Copyright infringement" as you so elegantly put it. I don't want her to get her computer infected.. and staying clear of nasties on Gnutella is something that takes a bit more effort than a 10yo can handle.

At least Torrent sites encourage sharing, which is something a 10yo should learn.

I'm not trying to be an ass here, but this just sounds ridiculous to me. If you follow these lines of thinking, then your telling me that if she discovers crack cocaine or heroin, your going to try to find a safe way for her to do it? Or discovers armed robbery can make you a lot of money, your going to facilitate it?
We may call it file sharing, but it's still illegal in most country's, & you are helping her do it, no matter what you call it. I agree with a few others here...let her mother do it. What's going to happen & god forbid, you get busted by one of the aa's? Blame it on a 10 yr old? Once again, i'm not trying to be a jerk, but this just doesn't sound right to me.

01-13-2009, 07:53 PM
It's not illegal here so those arguments don't apply. I have a hard time associating file sharing with crack cocaine and armed robbery, but maybe that's just me.

oh and :glag:

Something Else
01-13-2009, 07:55 PM
I can get you some nice crack for level 4 invite. Check your PM. ;)

01-13-2009, 08:24 PM
i would have to kind of agree with this she should be concentrating on other things then being on bittorrent trackers. May be wait a few more years. I find it hard to believe that there are many 10 year olds downloading, meaning there is no real need for any trackers that are friendly towards kids at that age. Really think its the parents responibility to sort things at for kids when so young.

Could you expand on this? Are you saying that I should let a 10yo use trial and error when being introduced to the Internet. Should I just let her download Limewire or something like that and then have her spammed with porn ads when trying to find cute pictures of animals etc.?

BTW I have successfully taught her to use Google image search.

Also there is ulterior motive behind introducing her to torrents instead. She will have trouble finding Danish subs for stuff if it's an English torrent site, which will force her to pay better attention in English class in school.

I won't teach her to use subscene.

no i see what u trying to say, but i just think its just a few years to early to start to introduce her to downloading stuff. And no im not saying let her download limewire im saying u should not let her download anything at all, the parent should do the downloading for her. Maybe im wrong but that just what i feel, and i have nothing against teaching her how to use computers and the internet, just think its a bit early for her to download thats all maybe wait a few more years.

Maybe i feel that way because i just get a bit paranoid about people who dont really no a lot about downloading, download stuff on my computer.

01-13-2009, 08:35 PM
Oh no one gets near my computer. I don't even use AntiVirus. I am anticipating me having to clean up hers at least once or twice, but this way she will see what not to do.

On the subject of parenting. My parents used to try and shield me against everything. That had a very bad effect and let's just say I ended up not being what they wanted in a teenage kid.. something which continued the rest of the way in growing up.

This has led me to believe, that keeping kids honest and setting guidelines rather than limits is a better way to go. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is no way it can end up as bad as shielding them too much.

01-14-2009, 01:08 AM
if i were you i would use Zone Alarm, put a password, and set it to highest parental control (filters adult content, torrents, drugs, and couple more content). I would even set it so it won't allow her user account to download or install program.

you can call it shielding all you want but seeing something wrong at an early age will leave bad impression...forever. There are papers written about it...lookup over the interwebz.

idk what type of restriction your parents did to you, but if it was something like no torrenting until 13 then they did well. I mean, even the site you are trying to sign her up for says "I am at least 13 years old."

i'm just saying...

edit: thnx for speed.cd link btw. i myself was looking a family friendy general content site.

01-14-2009, 01:39 AM
Problem is that shielding often results in rebellion, as it did in my case. From the age of around 13-14 up until adulthood, I did nothing my parents wanted me to. I bet that even if I knew they were right, I would still do everything wrong.. if not for anything else, then to show them that they had no control of my life.

Guiding builds confidence in a positive way.

I mean, even the site you are trying to sign her up for says "I am at least 13 years old."

i'm just saying...

I bet it also says: "Do not download this torrent file unless you own the content." We all do that, right?

01-14-2009, 02:31 AM
GFT and uncheck pr0n section lol

01-14-2009, 04:47 AM
Leechers Lair check it out.

01-14-2009, 07:27 AM
wow you want a place where you can get friendly with the kids eh?

And I congratulate you on being the very first person to be added to my ignore list :thumbsup:

Edit: Cool, It works :)

so the allegations must be true

01-14-2009, 08:05 AM
Why not let her go to Warez-BB and download from RapidShare? Much easier.

Even most of my computer-retard friends managed to do that.

01-14-2009, 08:14 AM
Also the Pm or post function.

May go crazy on the boards.lol


GFT and uncheck pr0n section lol

01-14-2009, 05:01 PM
Try speed.cd. New accounts come with upload credit too.

01-14-2009, 05:25 PM
Speed.cd has a BloodWeiser release on the first page, Teen Girls in Chains or something. Lollercaust.

01-16-2009, 09:17 PM
Exactly my thought. Why would you encourage a 10yo to commit copyright infringement? Let her find out about p2p for herself when she's older and let the mother do the leeching in the meantime :P

Maybe read the posts in this thread. She already found out about "Copyright infringement" as you so elegantly put it. I don't want her to get her computer infected.. and staying clear of nasties on Gnutella is something that takes a bit more effort than a 10yo can handle.

At least Torrent sites encourage sharing, which is something a 10yo should learn.

I dunno about that, I was using limewire or equivalent when I was 10. kids aren't as dumb as the people posting the nasty files, they learn quick that if the file has their exact search term and tiny size it's no good.
Granted I did see some stuff I shouldn't have, and it did have some negative effects on me, but for fucks sake, bad stuff is everywhere.

Case in point, when I was 8 or 9 somebody at the library filed some adult books in the kids section:o
I was very shocked by the sex and violence in them, but who expects the public library to have nasty things left in the kids section?
Also, many kids these days watch movies I would consider age inappropriate, I've worked with groups of 6-8 year old kids who are gleefully discussing Kill Bill:pinch:
They certainly didn't get their parents permission to watch that kind of stuff.

FWIW I would also check out the Tao of Kids TV. It's all kid's tv shows, and easy to navigate:)

EDIT: and to all the people suggesting blocking her downloading, Kids just aren't that dumb.
they will try to find ways around it, and often succeed in ways you don't expect. they are often way more savvy then you'd expect, especially when it comes to things like the internets. You only have a limited time span to spend blocking them, they have all day to think up new ways around it. And they have friends and friends older siblings to help.

And also, unless I'm much mistaken, isn't filesharing where the OP lives not illegal?

01-20-2009, 05:37 AM
I heard axxo is admin on speed.cd? Is he?

(This is a totally useless and offtopic post)
yes, i'd be interested to know as well.

08-13-2009, 12:48 PM
TorrentKids.org is a child-friendly site - heck it's only kids TV & Audio content lol

08-13-2009, 03:42 PM
stick to BCG for games.
BitMe and BitSpyder for e-learning content, and stick to AnimaTooniC and animebytes for kiddie stuff.
You should be safe wid that.

08-13-2009, 04:49 PM
I'm trying to teach a 10yo girl and her mother

wow you want a place where you can get friendly with the kids eh?

And I congratulate you on being the very first person to be added to my ignore list :thumbsup:

Edit: Cool, It works :)

so the allegations must be true

Dude seriously could you be any more of a douchebag? This guy just asking an honest question and your acting like a complete asshat. I don't even think people like you should be on this forum. This is honestly one of the most offensive and tasteless posts I've seen on this forum in a long time.

As to the OP, I believe that if you are going to make her tech savvy enough to be able to use a private torrent tracker, which is certainly not one of the more kid friendly computer concepts, I think its going to be more than simple for her to find porn on the internet by herself by circumventing whatever you do, so I don't think its worth the effort.

And if shes found out about limewire, don't do it. Tell her to stop. Whatever it takes. Otherwise in a matter of days your computers going to turn into a giant virus fest, as it is for most average users that don't know how to recognize exe's from mp3s...