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View Full Version : Why don't all trackers have open signup?

01-16-2009, 01:40 PM
I think all trackers should have random open signups. This would help with many things not to mention the selling of invites. Simply because everyone would actually stand a chance to get in.
Reasons I hear for why no open signup.

"security." we need to allow only trusted members in. so we let our members invite their trusted friends. Don't get me wrong there are people on the internet that exist who can be trusted. But they are far and few between. To wager your ftn or bitmetv account on trust that the person you invited won't screw you over, is like screwing a whore and hoping not to get an std.

"But then anyone could get in maybe even the riaa!!!" I like that one the most I think. I'd be more concerned of someone with a lightening speed internet connection with a seedbox that's actually working the forums than I would some random person trying to sign up on the site. So really even GIVING away invites in forums is a MAJOR security risk and even mentioning the sites name. (even like FT* or sc*)

Could it be that some sites don't want open signups because they like feeding a fire for the people addicted to getting the best. For some reason people are confused in a site being the best because it's hard to get into. Not comparing how easy it is to seed there or it's pre-times. Rarity seems to be the only thing that distinguishes one site from another. That is after it's established a name for it's self of course first.

What do you think?

01-16-2009, 01:45 PM
Dupe leeching accounts

Just to name 2 reasons

01-16-2009, 01:47 PM
i think that you should have made this post at stoi's thread about how to get good members. Lots of what you say is debatable, but there is where we are having this discussion. :)

01-16-2009, 02:06 PM
and if they open signup there still will be as the above say'd dupe accounts/trades/sellers

01-16-2009, 02:23 PM
If I were a tracker owner, I would personally never have open signups right from the start. I would be too worried about the law types getting in(RIAA, MPAA, etc). I mean, these type of people are going to get in regardless if they want to. I'm sure every single tracker has at least one of these type of people as a member. But when a site barely passes out invites, or has an application process, it makes it very hard for them to get in. Well, at least a lot harder than it would be if there was open sign up. Doing this also limits the amount of these type of people that can get in.

Not only that, but it limits the other type of people that get in. The ones that Blue Skies mentioned.

Sure, making a tracker hard to get in really sucks for all the trophy holders that are dying to get in, but are going to do nothing but look at the site and brag to people on various forums that they're a member. But it really is the best thing for trackers in my opinion.

01-16-2009, 03:01 PM
an application process that anyone can do would be perfect!!!

01-16-2009, 03:17 PM
hmm... becouse they`ll become public :D

01-16-2009, 03:19 PM
Because leechers, cheaters, and collectors would sign up?

Also to stay safe law-wise. That's my thought anyway.

01-16-2009, 03:21 PM
they will not get donat

Albo Da Kid
01-16-2009, 03:23 PM
Open signups = mininova

01-16-2009, 03:35 PM
open signups piratebay

01-16-2009, 03:39 PM
^^ From my understanding mininova is not a tracker but rather links to content on other trackers.

As for why trackers don't have open sign up, I agree with all that has been already said and to add to that I believe it give members a sense of 'security' even though it may be a false sense of security. But the main reason I would have thought is because it makes it alot easier to manage the tracker for their owners/admis/mods if they have some control on its members.

01-16-2009, 09:25 PM
Open signups can be abused. One person can create numerous accounts, especially if they use a proxy server, allowing them to abuse the tracker.

A closed signup, or invite only, site means that members only get one account, and that they are more likely to take care of that account because it is not a throwaway resource.

01-16-2009, 09:29 PM
Remember in the good old day a lot of these rarer and not so rare private sites were always open sign-up and when it was discovered the problems this caused for the tracker they switched to invitation / recomendation based to try and help combat it.

01-16-2009, 09:58 PM
tracker collectors, species, would end.

Albo Da Kid
01-16-2009, 10:12 PM
tracker collectors, species, would end.

FST would also have some crisis. They would need to change their whole site around. Maybe they'd become more liek warez.bb

01-17-2009, 12:41 PM
I would be too worried about the law types getting in(RIAA, MPAA, etc). I mean, these type of people are going to get in regardless if they want to. I'm sure every single tracker has at least one of these type of people as a member.

You just very successfully contradicted yourself. You were right in saying that they'll get in if they wanted to, and they probably are. So you can get over your fear of the RIAA/MPAA, they could go after you if they wanted, but most private trackers aren't a good target.

01-17-2009, 01:44 PM
Revolt a private membership forum tried just this experiment about 15months ago. The forum opened up signups but limited the amount of new members able to sign up to 500. Within 1 week of reviewing the new signups 4 out of 5 accounts were disabled as dupes or known traders and within 3 weeks only about 50 accounts were left.
Simply put, the more rare the site is, the more cheating/scamming/ duplicate account creation will go on, so if say FSC was to have open signup for a day the evil horde would descend and of course a huge amount of the new accounts would be duplicates all ready for the staff to spend ages wading through weblogs to find the duplications. Why the hell should they ?
I mean that seriously, if the site is already established, has a good userbase that they are happy with and the invitation system brings in new blood and decent new members why on earth would they want to change that?

01-17-2009, 02:39 PM
yeah. that does make sense.

i read about this old thread..revolt is a good forum from what I read/heard, and it opened for a while
and a lot of people created multiple acc. or they just created the acc for trade in the next day. and alot of the accounts were disabled. that was a shame, they were given a change to sign up but you didnt create it to participate in the forums.

so yes, if priv trackers were to open signups, this will just happen again and the staffs will have a lot of work to do. to clean up all these dupe accounts. because from all the people that signed up. there are only few that will really use it.
so they better have their own system to get new members rather than do open signups.

01-17-2009, 02:51 PM
Open signups can be abused. One person can create numerous accounts, especially if they use a proxy server, allowing them to abuse the tracker.

A closed signup, or invite only, site means that members only get one account, and that they are more likely to take care of that account because it is not a throwaway resource.

Agree 100% ;)

01-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Why don't all trackers have open signup?

Because life will be boring ^^

01-17-2009, 04:10 PM
because trackers would turn into fst, full of dupe account holders,cheaters, and traders.

01-17-2009, 04:18 PM

Why don't all trackers have open signup?

Because it would turn into the wild west ^^^

01-17-2009, 11:33 PM
Open signups = mininova
WTF mininova doesn't have ratio system but private trackers have a Ratio sys !!
are you new in BT World !! LMAO :lol:

01-18-2009, 02:40 AM
basically for the same reason your mother stopped having "open signups"

why do popular clubs always keep a long line at the door?

why does your front door have a lock on it?

why should you use a condom when fucking a hooker from prague?

why do you wear a kevlar vest when browsing fst?.....oh wait the dangerous one has been exterminated :p

Albo Da Kid
01-18-2009, 08:25 AM
Open signups = mininova
WTF mininova doesn't have ratio system but private trackers have a Ratio sys !!
are you new in BT World !! LMAO :lol:

You didn't catch my drift genius. If there was to be open sign ups forever, it wouldn,t be a private community anymore. And the speeds would suck di*k due to the irresponsible users who like to hit and run all the time....And why worry about seeding, they can easily get another account.

01-18-2009, 08:32 AM
If a private-semi public tracker has open signups everyday then it is not a private tracker, literally.Unless they are recruiting. But a open signup page every day=public tracker in my eyes. :idunno:

01-18-2009, 08:40 AM
I would be too worried about the law types getting in(RIAA, MPAA, etc). I mean, these type of people are going to get in regardless if they want to. I'm sure every single tracker has at least one of these type of people as a member.

You just very successfully contradicted yourself. You were right in saying that they'll get in if they wanted to, and they probably are. So you can get over your fear of the RIAA/MPAA, they could go after you if they wanted, but most private trackers aren't a good target.

Yes, I realized it was a contradiction when I typed it, that's just the way this is. I think it would be a little more of a piece of mind type thing than anything if I were an owner and implemented a recommendation policy for getting new members. I know very well that any of the potential members, no matter how trust worthy they appear or how well known they are in the bt community, could be a law type. But implementing that kind of policy prevents any of them from just simply signing up whenever they wanted.

Knowing this, if you were a tracker owner would you personally feel safer with an open sign ups policy or a recommendation policy?

Maybe some trackers make it difficult for people to get in with the sole intentions of staying high up on that dumbass WTAW listing. But I'm sure most do this to feel safe(even if it is a false sense).

01-18-2009, 01:33 PM
they will not get donat

I am guessing you mean that new members will mean a decrease in donations, I have personally not found this to be the case and have had donations from members before they have even had chance to properly check the site out :)

01-19-2009, 09:31 AM
WTF mininova doesn't have ratio system but private trackers have a Ratio sys !!
are you new in BT World !! LMAO :lol:

You didn't catch my drift genius. If there was to be open sign ups forever, it wouldn,t be a private community anymore. And the speeds would suck di*k due to the irresponsible users who like to hit and run all the time....And why worry about seeding, they can easily get another account.
agree with you about "double-account" it's Suck :pinch:

01-19-2009, 04:22 PM
Invite-only is horrible for the users' experience. That way sites take care to stay unattractive on their own.

01-19-2009, 04:33 PM
Invite-only is horrible for the users' experience. That way sites take care to stay unattractive on their own.

not really :lol:

most of the sites i got invited to, because of them being invite only, make their price of worthyness more than true :_)

01-19-2009, 11:34 PM
Re: Why don't all trackers have open signup?

Cus sites dont want random nubs like the OP.

01-20-2009, 02:48 PM
because you get 3 types of members.

1: Sign up, Cheat, get caught, banned, Sign up again. 49.5%

2: Sign up, Hit and run 1st ## torrents, get banned/demoted, sign up again 49.5%

3: Good members 1%

if the ratio was 99% good members, 1% the other 2, great, most trackers would be open, but that is just not the case at all.

Imagine if the tracker memberships were actually like that though, torrents would last about a week, and speeds would be atrocious.

The thing is they even cheat on no ratio trackers lol because they still have the higher classes or perks for doing something above the norm.

Most just want what they want for themselves, and fuck anyone else that wants it, as long as they get it they are happy.

01-20-2009, 03:16 PM
if all closed for sings up trackers will do it then ur beloved ftn, sct and other trackers will turn into demonoid and tpb. do u want it?

01-20-2009, 03:18 PM
I always wonder how much energy they put into "cheating" when they could just buy usenet, or seed.

01-20-2009, 03:24 PM
well thats the problem, there isnt any energy.

download a modded client, set the upload, away you go.

it really is that easy, but they can screw up, like upload 10 gig in 30 seconds.

01-20-2009, 03:29 PM
The thing I don't like about invite only is you never give users a chance to be 'good'. If they can't get on your site, how can they prove themselves.... Oh yea I forgot by 'being good friends on a forum' because that sure shows a lot about how good you are to a completely different type of community. It's just like saying the best basketball player is going to be the best at baseball and soccer too. 0_o

01-20-2009, 03:41 PM
well blame that on the 99% of fuckwits that just take us for everything they can.

why do you think Trackers ban entire countries, it has nothing to do with being racist or not liking that country, its because a lot from that country are cheaters.

The past 5 years i have always been the kind of owner that thinks, well maybe if we get 1 good user out of 10 that is good enough, and maybe we can change the other 9`s opinions on torrenting.

but it has never worked, and instead of people getting better from the early days, it just gets worse.

We live in a society where we want everything NOW.

Fast food, Fast cars, Fast Women (and men), pre times mean everything, so why should they wait to seed, when they can download and jump off after it is finished.

01-20-2009, 04:35 PM
well blame that on the 99% of fuckwits that just take us for everything they can.

why do you think Trackers ban entire countries, it has nothing to do with being racist or not liking that country, its because a lot from that country are cheaters.

The past 5 years i have always been the kind of owner that thinks, well maybe if we get 1 good user out of 10 that is good enough, and maybe we can change the other 9`s opinions on torrenting.

but it has never worked, and instead of people getting better from the early days, it just gets worse.

We live in a society where we want everything NOW.

Fast food, Fast cars, Fast Women (and men), pre times mean everything, so why should they wait to seed, when they can download and jump off after it is finished.

yes , without rules any tracker will collapse , rules must be present & to some extent enforced to filter bad users and grow up good community ,& closing sign up is the best method to enforce rules