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01-21-2009, 03:53 PM
Anybody gonna watch? I know most people are feed up with it by now, but it still intrests me.

01-21-2009, 07:44 PM
yeah definitely, and I'm so excited about it.

01-21-2009, 10:29 PM
I'm far from fed up. I'm hooked to the max.

Can't wait to watch it. :)

01-21-2009, 11:22 PM
I far from fed up, I know alot of people are, I still like the show alot, I watch it on my shitty coaxial attenta with some scrambled bits becaus I'm too cheap for cable or satellite, I'll just grab later tonight and re-watch, I'm sure we will be able to grab it less than 30 minutes after it's over .

01-22-2009, 12:41 AM
I really liked the first season of this show, but I quit watching it when I got annoyed with some things half-way through season 2. I heard it was going to end soon..is this the final season, or is that next year?
I'm in the mood to try it again so I'll probably go back and watch all of the episodes when it finally ends.

edit: nm, I found out it ends in 2010

01-22-2009, 12:57 AM
It's starting now :)

01-22-2009, 04:11 AM
It's official.Lost is the best show on television................ again

01-22-2009, 04:49 AM
So far I'm not sure about S5. I'm guessing It'll be after Season 6 until I can make out how I feel about it.

01-22-2009, 08:43 AM
i never got the fascination with lost, probably not unlike the people who don't get stargate atlantis.

01-23-2009, 11:57 AM
My first theory of the season...The numbers have changed.

I submit that Ben turning the frozen donkey wheel at the end of season 4 had a profound effect on the numbers. A new variable has been introduced. Either one of the numbers has been replaced by the number 3 or 3 is a new 7th number.

When Kate and Aaron are visiting Sun at the hotel, and Aaron asks if he can push the button in the elevator, the number 3 and 13 buttons are clearly missing. Okay, most hotels don't have a 13th floor but that's the first I've seen without a 3rd floor. :blink:

Also, when Ben visits the butcher shop, and takes a ticket, the number on it is 342. The 3 is printed in a different typeface to the 42. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of references to the number 3 in upcoming episodes.

Or maybe not.

01-23-2009, 01:31 PM
That's an interesting theory.Since the exact significance of the numbers was never explained it makes some sort of sense that things being radically out of balance might have changed them.
Now I'll have to watch more closely.:angry:

01-23-2009, 08:27 PM
My first theory of the season...The numbers have changed.

I submit that Ben turning the frozen donkey wheel at the end of season 4 had a profound effect on the numbers. A new variable has been introduced. Either one of the numbers has been replaced by the number 3 or 3 is a new 7th number.

When Kate and Aaron are visiting Sun at the hotel, and Aaron asks if he can push the button in the elevator, the number 3 and 13 buttons are clearly missing. Okay, most hotels don't have a 13th floor but that's the first I've seen without a 3rd floor. :blink:

Also, when Ben visits the butcher shop, and takes a ticket, the number on it is 342. The 3 is printed in a different typeface to the 42. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of references to the number 3 in upcoming episodes.

Or maybe not.

Oh you fucker. Now I have to watch the whole episode over again. :fist:

01-26-2009, 08:43 PM
i will but FAT HURLEY pisses me off

i got nothing against fat people btw.. my acc name is pig

01-26-2009, 08:49 PM
If it's any consolation I hear he's not crazy about you either.

01-26-2009, 09:16 PM
If it's any consolation I hear he's not crazy about you either.

he was when i bought him french fries......

01-27-2009, 07:30 PM
My first theory of the season...The numbers have changed.

I submit that Ben turning the frozen donkey wheel at the end of season 4 had a profound effect on the numbers. A new variable has been introduced. Either one of the numbers has been replaced by the number 3 or 3 is a new 7th number.

When Kate and Aaron are visiting Sun at the hotel, and Aaron asks if he can push the button in the elevator, the number 3 and 13 buttons are clearly missing. Okay, most hotels don't have a 13th floor but that's the first I've seen without a 3rd floor. :blink:

Also, when Ben visits the butcher shop, and takes a ticket, the number on it is 342. The 3 is printed in a different typeface to the 42. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of references to the number 3 in upcoming episodes.

Or maybe not.

interesting theory, we'll just have to wait and search for references to the number 3 on wednesday

01-31-2009, 05:28 PM
I saw the new episodes.

02-01-2009, 10:55 AM
It appears evermore likely now that Miss Hawking is Daniel Faraday's mother. I was sceptical at the beginning what with Faraday telling Desmond that his mother was in Oxford. This was seemingly scuppered by the fact that Ben was speaking to Hawking in LA. We now have it confirmed by Widmore that she's in LA.

Add to that Hawking's forename is Eloise, which was also the name of Faraday's time-skipping rat from The Constant in season 4. Furthermore, the blonde girl Ellie (clearly a nickname for Eloise) who appears in this weeks ep, seems to be an on-island version of Hawking from 50 years ago.


Did Faraday recognise the young Hawking as his mother and chose only to say that she 'looked familiar'?

Were Widmore and Hawking romantically involved, become pregnant and have to leave the island so that the birth of their baby (Faraday? Penny? someone else?) could be safely achieved?

Is the radiation from the H-Bomb responsible for the birth defects on the island?

Was the 'incident' which necessitated the pushing of the Swan Station computer buttons by Desmond related in some way to the H-Bomb? Even, was the H-Bomb buried beneath the Swan Station?

I don't fucking know. So don't ask me. :01:

02-02-2009, 12:30 AM
you can check the episodes here

02-03-2009, 02:16 PM
This season is, until episode 3, superb! What do you think?

02-03-2009, 06:26 PM
My first theory of the season...The numbers have changed.

I submit that Ben turning the frozen donkey wheel at the end of season 4 had a profound effect on the numbers. A new variable has been introduced. Either one of the numbers has been replaced by the number 3 or 3 is a new 7th number.

When Kate and Aaron are visiting Sun at the hotel, and Aaron asks if he can push the button in the elevator, the number 3 and 13 buttons are clearly missing. Okay, most hotels don't have a 13th floor but that's the first I've seen without a 3rd floor. :blink:

Also, when Ben visits the butcher shop, and takes a ticket, the number on it is 342. The 3 is printed in a different typeface to the 42. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of references to the number 3 in upcoming episodes.

Or maybe not.

Oh you fucker. Now I have to watch the whole episode over again. :fist:

god dammn it how closely u follow the show i noticed nothing :(

02-13-2009, 10:43 PM
I'm adhering more vehemently to my original conjecture now.

The next episode is named '316', like. 16, we know. Why the 3?

02-15-2009, 08:01 PM
I'm lovin' the show. We found out that the smoke monster changed Russo's people.


02-15-2009, 08:42 PM
I'm lovin' the show. We found out that the smoke monster changed Russo's people.


Maybe. Maybe not.

As you know, Busy, Lost likes to misdirect us. Speculation abounds now that it wasn't the rest of Rousseau's team who changed but Rousseau herself.

After all, all we see after what's left of Rousseau's team enter Smoky's hole, is Rousseau going a bit nuts and killing everybody, even attempting to shoot Jin. I think it'll be later revealed that Rousseau was the villain of that particular piece.

Pure genius though, the way that the answers are coming in now. Remember way back in season 1 when Sayid meets Rousseau for the first time and he tries to shoot her, she explains that the firing pin was already removed from the rifle. We found out this week the circumstances under which it was removed.


03-05-2009, 02:36 PM
The end of the Smoke Monster scene was very reminiscent of bits of Stephen King's It.

Not sure if I liked episode eight .
With that episode it becomes clear that Jack,Sawyer and the rest are at least partly to blame for their future fate.
It would be very hard to believe(even if they can not effect anything)that their past selves won't at least make an attempt to change what transpires in the future.

I mean if you had suffered some great tragedy and you were magically transported into the past , wouldn't all your energy(even if logic told you that it was impossible)be directed into seeing that those events never occurred?
Kind of God's joke on you .The more you try to change things the more you steer them towards inevitability.

Tragic really.

Best part for me was at the first with the glimpse of the unbroken statue.That tiny bit showed how deep the mystery goes and illustrates just how great the forces at work are.

03-05-2009, 03:55 PM
The end of the Smoke Monster scene was very reminiscent of bits of Stephen King's It.

Not sure if I liked episode eight .
With that episode it becomes clear that Jack,Sawyer and the rest are at least partly to blame for their future fate.
It would be very hard to believe(even if they can not effect anything)that their past selves won't at least make an attempt to change what transpires in the future.

I mean if you had suffered some great tragedy and you were magically transported into the past , wouldn't all your energy(even if logic told you that it was impossible)be directed into seeing that those events never occurred?
Kind of God's joke on you .The more you try to change things the more you steer them towards inevitability.

Tragic really.

Best part for me was at the first with the glimpse of the unbroken statue.That tiny bit showed how deep the mystery goes and illustrates just how great the forces at work are.

Yep, quite a lot to absorb in this episode. I liked it just fine. The statue was pretty damn tantalising. Bastards had to show it from behind. :lol:

Seems Egyptian in origin which propounds the heavy Egyptian symbolism we've seen scattered throughout past episodes and which seem to be appearing with increasing regularity as we approach the end. People are speculating that it's Anubis or Thoth or any number of Egyptian deities. Difficult to tell but it seems to be holding an ankh which foreshadows the one Amy took from the dead Paul before she surrenders his body to the hostiles. However, the ankh doesn't help us too much as myriad Egyptian gods are represented holding one in one way or another.

As to the inescapable fatalism as theorised by Faraday- 'what happened, happened' and all that jazz, we have to consider each one of the characters' motivations.

Jack has finally given up pissing against the wind in regards to his control issues and seems to have accepted that he has some significant role to play in the greater game. Plus I think he subconsciously believes that his father is actually on the island in some form and that draws him back too. His life was pretty screwed off-island, as was Locke's in last week's episode.

Why Hurley returned is unclear, but then he was in the funny farm and seeing dead people all over the place. The guitar case, I think, alludes to a visit from undead Charlie who has somehow convinced him to come back.

Kate has given up Aaron and there seems little else mooring her to civilisation.

I think what will develop will be a situation where the survivors accept their fate and their piece in the overall jigsaw and embrace the fulfilment of it, rather than railing against it any longer.

I realise that this is a tedious post (even more so than I'm used to regaling you with) so one more little novelty before I finish...

Nice little allusion to The Grateful Dead this episode. The 2 Dharma security men who spot Horace on the CCTV blowing up trees are named Phil and Jerry. Phil Lesh and Jerry Garcia, mad stoners. If you look at the desk you'll see a plate of brownies- clearly a nod there. Also this is sustained by the rose motif in much of The Grateful Dead's body of work and artwork. The girl who Jerry is dancing with before Phil comes in is called Rosie.

Pretty fucking sweet. :happy:

03-05-2009, 04:38 PM
As is your eye for detail.

I made note of the ankh but the tie- in totally escaped me.Eternal life ? Has to be significant .
It just struck me the comment that Sawyer made about Richard wearing eye-liner:something very Egyptian about him?

Missed the guitar case bit but makes sense.One of the few people Hurley would trust would be Charlie.
Seems to be a lot that I miss in fact and I appreciated your post(I was actually hoping that you would give me a little insight and didn't find it tedious in the least).

Strangely I got the Grateful Dead reference though which speaks volumes about me I guess.:lol:

03-05-2009, 05:56 PM
Well, I love the people who analyse stuff like this, I miss alot.

I got the Egyptian thing with the statue and eye linear bit. Not much else, oddly....things make sense later on, it takes me a few episodes, but I take it as it comes...I get it while the episode takes place, but after it's over, I pretty much forget it, that damn short term memory :lol:

Found this, a throughly good read, adding spoiler to those have not seen the episode: http://blog.lostpedia.com/

What can you tell from looking at the rear end of a statue? How is this episode different? What's up with people now getting pregnant and living? Why does there seem to be a DHARMA logo for everything these days? And since when was Horace the big DHARMA boss? All this and more, as we delve into 5x08.

No random writer this week - your usual simpleton heads it up with surprising ease. At first glance, this episode seemed very character centric as opposed to mythology (though of course a good Lost ep uses both well) - Sawyer moving on from Kate to Juliet, and the whole Horace jealousy theme a shape of things to come. But when actually reviewing now, one almost forgets just how much happened in this ep, and how it is actually quite special. Firstly, it's nice to see a Sawyer centric - it seems to have been a while since we've had one of those (someone said not since Season 3... that can't be right, can it?). But really, the whole notion of 'centric' seems to have gone down the well with this being one of the first clear episodes where there is no "main story, flash to certain event, main story" - the whole "present" of either being three years earlier or three years later was blurred with the opening - "three years earlier" taking place immediately after the episode 316, which one was tempted to call "present time". Now that we're three years later, it does kind of feel like time on the show has had its last nail in the coffin - and we're completely disorientated from now on. Will we get back to 2007 (assuming that is "normal time"... and have I now just contradicted myself by saying there is such a thing as "normal time" anymore)?

Let's start reviewing significant events with the point in time Sawyer and the gang initially went to... way back in time as Miles suggests. I'm guessing it's safe to assume that enormous statue will soon become just a four-toed one at some point in the future? Or is it another statue (I think it's kinda obvious it's not though)? But what do you think about it? Egyptiany? Very tall for a start - some kind of Collossus of Rhodes deal? Except Rhodes held up an arm, and this one seems to be wearing some kind of headgear, and also hands by the sides holding... snakes... weapons... the right hand item looks like the top of an ankh to me (which would fit with Paul's necklace)? And I dunno why... but the left hand item makes me think "gun". Whatever's there... it's at a time when there was the statue, but pre the well - which seemed odd as they commented how old the well was. So that would imply there was the statue time folk who used sandy stone, then another age who used dark stones to build a well, and then the military, and then DHARMA.... Sounds like the Island has just ALWAYS had people there. Let us know your theories.

Let's move to the DHARMA Initiative - which is great to see in full swing, and even funner to see that Sawyer has suddenly become the Island expert on DHARMA stations and what not. I didn't like how there was a sheriff logo, and then a maintenance logo - I preferred when the logos evoked mysterious and elusive meaning rather than "spanner means we fix cars". Wish they had a "Spanner" station though - that'd be quite amusing (doesn't really have the same ring as "I'm heading to the Orchid!"). One thing striking though was how Sawyer used his chance to talk to Richard, and how he sort of spread the legend of John Locke. When Richard et al constantly say how Locke is special, is it true or is it just manufactured by a series of events and testimonies? Does it matter either way though... let's just bask in the writers listening to us by mentioning Alpert's eye liner - very cool shout-out to the dieharder fans.

Finishing up, a big deal in this episode was how Amy managed to have her baby on the Island. It was good to see that the writers didn't just gloss over this for us to speculate, Juliet and Sawyer actually said what we were all thinking when they theorised that pregnancies might not be terminal yet. But why isn't it? Does it have anything to do with electromagnetism, radiation, maybe the sickness even? It could be anything, but it sounds like a single event triggers this phenomenon. It'll be interesting to see what changes on the Island.

Will we stay in the 70s permanently now, with flashes over to Locke and his band of new dour Losties (c'mon Caesar, glass half full dude)? Or will the arrival of Jack and co somehow lead to them jumping forward again? What's certain is that sparks are bound to fly... as the old love triangle with a stray Juliet now firmly becomes a love square. Will fists fly? Will Kate be fine with it and just get with Jack? Don't they have bigger issues to be worrying about right now!!!

03-05-2009, 06:09 PM
Yeah, seems almost undeniable that the pervading mythology will hark back to Ancient Egypt. The statue, the hieroglyphs, the proximity of Tunisia (the exit point) to Egypt.

Sawyer's quip about Richard's eye-liner is an in-joke on the Lost boards. People have been talking about it for ages now and it just goes to show how invested the writers are in responding to the fans.

Forgot to mention Desmond before. As Faraday says- he 'is uniquely and miraculously special'. I believe that he will be a huge player in future episodes. He is unconstrained by the rules which trammel everyone else in respect to time and I think that if anything in the past will be altered, it'll be done by him and his mind-fucking escapades through time. Ben murdering Penny (unproven, of course) could well facilitate his return to the island at some point. And as Mrs. Hawking says, the island still has work for him to do.

03-10-2009, 03:36 AM
Season 5 So Far:

Lost Season 5 is half-way through. Only nine more episodes to go until the fifth season comes to a close. This season has been filled with exciting elements of time travel, mystery, and mythology. In the last episode, "LaFleur", we dove into the Barracks with Sawyer, Juliet, Daniel, and Miles to see the DHARMA Initiative in its heyday.

The Islanders have stopped jumping through time to various Island eras; we are now stuck in DHARMA time, for now at least. There will be no new episode this upcoming Wednesday, so I thought I'd take this time to recap and rehash Season 5 thus far. I have included a recap, and a list of amazing and unforgettable "LOST" moments from each episode so far:

Episode 1: "Because You Left"

Season 5 began with a mind-blowing opening scene. Pierre Chang (a.k.a. Marvin Candle, Mark Wickmund, Edgar Halliwax) is seen inside the Barracks, along with his presumed wife and child. We see him shooting the Arrow Orientation film, and he then goes to the Orchid. He happens to bump into one of the Islander's we've come to know well: freighter physicist Daniel Faraday. Back at the beach, the survivors see that their camp is missing, and Daniel says that "it hasn't been built yet." John Locke (who was with the Others in "There' No Place Like Home, Part 3")is standing alone in the forest. He sees the Beechcraft crash on the Island. While climbing up to the Beechcraft, he is shot by Ethan. Locke tries to explain what's happening, but Ethan prepares to kill him when a time flash prevents his death. Richard finds Locke, and heals his wound. He explains that Locke must leave the Island to save them, and that he will have to die. Daniel talks to Desmond at the Swan station, saying that he must find Daniel's mother. Desmond awakes off the Island, and sails to Oxford with Penny.

"LOST" Moments

* Pierre Chang shooting the Arrow film
* We discover the Arrow's true purpose: to create defensives against the Hostiles (much cooler than a storage and restocking facility!)
* Somebody knows that Aaron is not Kate's child, and threatens to bring the sheriff if she won't comply
* Locke sees the Beechcraft crash-land on the Island
* Ethan shoots his own leader (John Locke)...
* Hurley standing casually on the balcony overlooking passers-by, with a gun...:)
* Daniel talks to Desmond, saying that he is the only one who can save them (by finding his mother, Eloise Hawking)

Episode 2: "The Lie"

Episode 2 is a fantastic continuation of the premiere. The off-Island adventures of the Oceanic 6 continue, and a now-wanted-for-murder Hurley is hiding from the authorities. The survivors try to make a fire at camp, and Neil intervenes, claiming they're all going to die because they can't even make fire. Ironically, he is shot by a flaming arrow, and the survivors run to the creek. Off the Island, a mysterious woman is inside of a dark room. She goes upstairs to a church, and sees Benjamin Linus. She reveals herself as Eloise Hawking (the same lady who talked with Desmond in "Flashes Before Your Eyes"). She says that they only have 70 hours to get them to go back.

"LOST" Moments

* Hurley telling his mom 'the truth' about crashing on Flight 815
* Frogurt on fire - a classic reminder that redshirts should never intervene with camp problems.
* Ana Lucia Cortez tells Hurley, 'Libby says hi'.
* The classic Hot Pocket scene...
* Eloise Hawking - "Then God help us all..."

Episode 3: "Jughead"

Episode three begins with something that doesn't surprise me; two redshirts trip over bombs, and Daniel, Charlotte, and Miles are taken to the Hostiles camp. Faraday devises and plan, and makes Richard Alpert believe they were sent to render their hydrogen bomb inert, so they won't die. Jones (a.k.a. Charles Widmore) escapes from Sawyer, Locke, and Juliet, and runs to the camp. Ellie leads Daniel to the bomb, where he tells her that they must bury it. Back at the army camp, Locke encounters Richard, telling him that he was sent by Jacob. Locke tells Richard to find him on May 30th, 1956 (his birthdate). Off the Island, Desmond and Penny have their child, Desmond goes back to Oxford, and demands Widmore tell him where Faraday's mother is.

"LOST" Moments

* Daniel confesses his love for Charlotte
* Widmore was on the Island... and he's an Other
* Desmond and Penny's child was named after Charlie Pace...:)

Episode 4: "The Little Prince"

In this episode, Locke says that they need to go to the Orchid since it's their best chance to stop the time shifts. On their way to the camp, they see a light in the sky. Locke knows it's from the Hatch, which means we're in the Season 1 time period of "Deus Ex Machina" and "Do No Harm". This is confirmed when Sawyer sees Kate in the jungle, delivering Claire's baby Aaron. Off the Island, Sun plots to kill Ben, Hurley is avoiding Ben by going to jail, Sayid recovers from the horse tranquillizers, and Jack and Kate follow Dan Norton to find his client. They discover that Carole Littleton (the woman Norton went to see) was not his client afterall, and she didn't even know about Aaron. Ben tells Kate that he was the client, and that Aaron is not her son.

"LOST" Moments

* Sawyer witnesses Kate delivering Aaron in an emotional and unforgetable scene
* Ben is revealed to be the client
* We see an Ajira Airways water bottle, which was a shout-out to avid LOST fans worldwide.
* The science expedition (Rousseau, Montand, Rovert, etc.) crashes on the Island
* Jin is alive!!!

Episode 5: "This Place Is Death"

Finally, after four entire seasons of anticipation, we get to see the story of Danielle Rousseau and her doomed science expedition. The expedition is attacked by the Monster, and Montand loses his arm while being dragged into the Temple. Later on, Robert attempts to shoot Rousseau, but is missing the firing pin (reminiscent of Sayid and Danielle's meeting in "Solitary"). On their way to the Orchid, Charlotte dies of temporal displacement. Locke descends down the Orchid well, and is met by Christian Shephard, who says that he must move the Island. Off the Island, Ben takes Jack and Sun to Eloise Hawking, who is stationed at the Lamp Post. Ben gives Sun Jin's wedding ring as proof of his survival.

"LOST" Moments

* Montand loses his arm
* We see a Temple (possibly The Temple) in the Dark Territory
* Charlotte dies from temporal displacement
* Locke turns the frozen wheel

Episode 6: "316"

Episode 6 starts with a replica scene of "Pilot, Part 1". Jack awakes in the jungle, and runs to find Hurley and Kate, who are in the lagoon. Off the Island, Hawking explains the Lamp Post's purpose, and gives Jack Locke's suicide note. At Eloise's church, Ben tells Jack the Biblical story of Thomas the Apostle. Thomas wasn't convinced of Jesus' ressurection until he could feel his wounds. Ben tells Jack, "we're all convinced sooner or later", which is a symbolic representation of Jack's science vs. faith dilemma. Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sayid, and Sun eventually go to the airport to board Ajira Airway Flight 316. There are many proxies and parallels we see that relate to the boarding of Oceanic Flight 815, back in Season 1: Sayid is taken in under custody (just like Kate and Mars). Locke was in a coffin on the plane (just like Christian Shephard was). Hurley was reading a Spanish comic book (much like the Spanish Green Lantern comic from Flight 815).

"LOST" Moments

* Eloise and the Lamp Post Station
* Frank Lapidus is the pilot! - "We're not going to Guam, are we?"
* Jin in a DHARMA van, and wearing a DHARMA suit

Episode 7: "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

This episode reveals the epic story of John Locke, and his off-Island mission to get the Oceanic 6 to return to the Island. In "Because You Left", Richard told Locke that he had to die in order to bring them back. Christian confirmed this by saying, "that's why they call it sacrifice." When Locke is off the Island, Charles Widmore assures him that he won't die, and that he wants to help John to bring them back. Widmore explains that a war is coming, and Locke must be on the Island for the right side to win. Matthew Abaddon takes Locke to find the Oceanic 6. Sayid and Kate both refuse to return, and Locke doesn't ask Walt because he's "been through enough." When Abaddon is shot by Ben, Locke gets into a car accident, and ends up at the hospital Jack works at. Jack tells Locke he's just a lonely old man who survived a plane crash, and that fate isn't real. Locke attempts to hang himself, but Ben intervenes, saying that he "still has work to do." When Locke mentions that Jin is still alive, and that he knows about Eloise Hawking, Ben strangles him to death.

"LOST" Moments

* Widmore was once the leader of the Others
* Abaddon was shot... by Ben!
* Ben murders Locke, right after preventing him from hanging himself
* Ben is with the injured Ajira survivors

Episode 8: "LaFleur"

Miles, Sawyer, Jin, and Juliet are near the Orchid well, right after one of the time shifts. We get to see something that all LOST fans have been anticipating since "Live Together, Die Alone": the four-toed statue. After Locke turns the wheel, the nosebleeds stop, and the Islanders gain their composure As they head back to the beach camp, they see two Hostiles about to kill a woman. Sawyer intervenes, killing the Hostiles. The woman insists that they bury the bodies, because of their truce. At the Barracks, Sawyer tells Horace Goodspeed that they crashed on the Island in a salvage vessel, and that his name is Jim LaFleur. Richard Alpert makes a casual appearance at the Barracks at nighttime, talking peacefully with DHARMA nemesis Goodspeed. Richard demans retribution for them breaking the truce. Sawyer explains that he shot the men, and he isn't a part of DHARMA. Sawyer says that he's waiting for John Locke (the man who entered their camp in 1954) to return. Three years later, we see that "James LaFleur" is head of security at the Barracks and Juliet is working at the Motor Pool. We also see that Sawyer and Juliet have a strong relationship with each other. Sawyer is radioed by Jin who says that he's found the survivors at the North Valley.

"LOST" Moments

* We finally see the four-toed staue...
* Richard visits the Barracks
* Sawyer is head of DHARMA security!
* Sawyer & Juliet together - they're a perfect couple...
* The survivors have a grand reunion, seeing each other after more than three years apart.

Season 5 has exceeded all of my expecations for LOST. The writers have perfectly blended elements of mythology with character development. Season 5 has been a season full of time travel, mysticism, religion, science, faith and mytholgogy - which are all key incredients to the recipe of LOST. Every episode of this season has been incredibly unique and intriguing. Now that we are in DHARMA times, we will be able to learn the many mysteries of pre-purge DHARMA, and their historic conflict with the Island's hostile and indigenous inhabitants. Hopefully we will see more of the Island's enigmatic DHARMA stations (the Flame, Tempest, Staff, Orchid, Swan, Pearl, Temple, Arrow, Hydra, Looking Glass) and also see more DHARMA characters (Radzinski, Chang, the DeGroots).

We are half-way through this season, and so far the episodes have been incredible. I have a good feeling the second half of this season will be no different.


03-26-2009, 02:35 AM
Wow, they killed Ben as kid! So will this stop the events that took place in the first 4 seasons from ever happening? WTF, so Ben should disappear then right?

03-26-2009, 02:47 AM
Obviously you have not been paying attention.

03-26-2009, 05:43 AM
I guess not, want to indulge?

03-26-2009, 12:38 PM
What kind of event do you think could possibly get Richard to anoint Ben as their leader.Remember he is just some four eyed waif out of Darma.The fact that later he proves Darma's Judas still wouldn't suffice to give him rule.

Also remember the paradox of time travel.You can't alter the past without seriously altering the future .
Sahid(sic) would not have been in position to do what he did if the future version of himself was changed.

More likely the Losties are perpetrators of their own fate and all he accomplished was to set in motion the very events that he was hoping to prevent.
And royally screwed himself in the process.

03-27-2009, 12:17 PM
Also remember the paradox of time travel.You can't alter the past without seriously altering the future .
Sahid(sic) would not have been in position to do what he did if the future version of himself was changed.

More likely the Losties are perpetrators of their own fate and all he accomplished was to set in motion the very events that he was hoping to prevent.
And royally screwed himself in the process.

Hmmm. A couple of weeks ago, I probably would've concurred with the above, based on Faraday's statements. However, we now have to consider the possibility that Faraday has gotten it wrong.

Going on latent evidence from the previous episode, I think we have to conclude that the original timeline has been altered in some way. When Lapidis is landing the plane (on the runway Sawyer and Kate were buliding in season 3, no less) we can clearly hear the numbers being broadcast. In the original timeline, Rousseau changed the numbers tape that led her people to the island, replacing it with her own SOS message in French. If Lapidis can hear the numbers broadcast in 2007, something must have changed.

Also, when Sun and Frank arrive at the Dharma barracks, it is in complete disarray and there are Dharma symbols all over the place, suggesting that the Others never inhabited the barracks after the Purge. Perhaps even suggesting that the Purge never occurred. What could have caused this? Maybe something as catastrophic as the young Ben being murdered in 1977.

So, I think we're supposed to assume that things can be changed. What possible effect this has, I haven't a fucking clue, like.

Still, what you say is completely plausible. The island may well save young Ben's life with its healing properties or even resurrect him as Locke was brought back from the dead. This may well qualify him to be leader of the Others and everything may play out as it always did.

Ms. Hawking says that the universe has a way of 'course correcting', so any alterations to the original timeline may just be variations that still lead to a specific, important conclusion.

Did that make any sense? Cos I think I'm starting to get a fucking migraine, like. :01:

03-27-2009, 12:36 PM
I'm certain he's not dead.

For one thing I read the description of the next episode unfortunately.

For another, the way Ben talks with Sayid off the Island and tells him he's a killer is heavily hinting at the fact that he knows Sayid shot him in his past.

03-29-2009, 07:56 AM
really like lost .


03-30-2009, 08:23 PM
Apparently, spoilers have been released confirming the true identity of Jacob, like.

Personally, I'm a gonna avoid them. This is central question which I'd rather see unfold than erupt.

03-30-2009, 08:38 PM
I only read spoilers for things that I have no intention of watching.

Stuff happens

bad stuff

but interesting

Kate's hot

wait everyone already knew that:pinch:.

03-30-2009, 08:45 PM
LOL, and what about Ben Potter?

04-04-2009, 02:37 AM
Best part of the episode was Miles trying to explain the Laws of time travel to Hurley.

04-09-2009, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Idol in the Lounge

OK so they really tossed in a mind fuck for me with the Ilana: "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" bit and with it the fact that everyone on the Ajira Airways flight is somehow involved?
Geez though he appears to be clueless I'm questioning if even Frank is not all appears to be? I kinda knew Ilana would be associated with Widmore, like. She'd have to be badass to capture Sayid. Plus that big metal case (which I assume had the guns in it) which Ben offered to help her with had the Widmore logo on it. I'm guessing that this is the beginning of the 'war' Widmore spoke to Locke about in his hospital bed.

What really knocked me for six was Ben kapowing the fuck out of Cesar. Really thought he'd have a bigger role and back story. That was fucking genius.

Frank must have a lot more going on. After all, he was originally supposed to be the pilot for the 815 flight.

04-09-2009, 05:42 PM
the new season is just awesome.
so many questions, i love the complexity.

04-09-2009, 08:18 PM
What really knocked me for six was Ben kapowing the fuck out of Cesar. Really thought he'd have a bigger role and back story. That was fucking genius.



Of course!
Ever since the Island was moved Widmore has been looking for a means to gain access to it again.What could have been more deviously perfect than actually manipulating his greatest enemy Ben into making that possible .

04-10-2009, 05:18 PM
yes the new saison is very good i like it too

Col. Skillz
04-11-2009, 12:07 AM
I agree, season 5 is really good. better than 4 imo.

Chalice, your attention to detail and ability to analyze is just sickening, Sickening in a wtf kind of way. I don't know much about you, but one things for sure, you don't have ADHD. Anyway a lot of your ideas are great and make a lot of sense, so props.

I noticed that Alpert had eyeliner waay early on, and was kind of unsure about why he did. It would def make sense he's somehow related to Egyptians (or some magic egyptian crap). That theory holds even more truth now that those hieroglyphics are showing up everywhere. It would also explain why he's "old"

Cesar getting blown up was awesome, I literally shouted wtf!! and was just floored thinking how badass ben was. I though locke was going to have it, but it was good ol ben.

I find it ironic how locke and jack are always switching their views and beliefs, and almost always disagreeing. One of them feels the island is special and they have some unknown purpose, while the other just uses logic and fact. I like the way the series challenges belief though, especially with locke.

Hurley and Miles make an awesome team, that was a great scene when Hurley was asking him about time travel. He's such a dick lol

Now I don't know what to do, Im all caught up =(

Oh yeah, FUCK Charles Widmore. I hate that guy.

04-11-2009, 10:57 PM
Probably already been posted. But lostvideorecaps.com is good place to visit before every new epiosde. This guy Sean B is just crazy, in a good way. Those recaps are just something extra, he manages to catch minor details and developing them into crazy theories. Interesting shit!

04-12-2009, 12:10 AM

04-12-2009, 02:07 PM
Probably already been posted. But lostvideorecaps.com is good place to visit before every new epiosde. This guy Sean B is just crazy, in a good way. Those recaps are just something extra, he manages to catch minor details and developing them into crazy theories. Interesting shit!

I like Seany's recaps but he's been taking a lot of (probably deserved) flak from the Lost community for plagiarism of late. It's one thing to incorporate and explore others' ideas but another thing altogether to lift their writings verbatim and not have the decency to cite the source.


04-12-2009, 06:03 PM
chalice, haha, didn't know about that. Well that's just lame then. He is ripping others ideas straight off. I will probably not look at Sean the same way after this...:unsure::ermm:

04-12-2009, 09:18 PM
Lost is a very awesome tvshow... i just started up lookin it today... thx for the many urls guys

04-15-2009, 02:04 PM
It's a very good show and the only one I watch. I'm very picky about my television programs. I have mixed feelings of awe and disgust towards the folks at lost.wikia, since their deep appreciation probably offers a more enjoyable experience, but seems unnecessarily obsessive. I suppose I just can't believe people watch television so astutely.

My wife has expressed some concerns about the episodes and plot being in a bit of disarray lately, but surely they will tie everything up in a nice fictional bow by season's end (naturally leaving enough slack to answer unanswered questions in the final season).

04-29-2009, 10:20 AM
lost down in the reting

05-03-2009, 08:17 PM
2 more episodes left 4 the season, so hopefully the last two are good.

05-14-2009, 06:50 AM
that finale was crazy awesome.

05-14-2009, 12:57 PM
I've been wondering for a while if something God-like was a work here.For a while I thought that it was going to have to do with a struggle between ancient Gods hence all the Greek and Egyptian imagery but now I 'm thinking more Christianity/all Gods being one kind of thing. The finale certainly makes it look that way with doppleLocke being the Devil .Also all the talk about free will is right out of the Old Testament.
Given all the past goings on I think the Island is Purgatory and people with Locke's body Angels.

Course I'm not the brightest at this sort of thing and I doubt that it will all be as cut and dried as that.
Really enjoyed the last episode btw .More for the emotion at the climax(I'm a sucker for desperate courage ) than the action,although the action was great.

05-14-2009, 06:00 PM
didn't they say from the beginning it's not purgatory?

05-14-2009, 06:07 PM
didn't they say from the beginning it's not purgatory?

Yes, they did.

If there's one thing the island is definitely not, it's Purgatory.

Can't believe Idol posted that, like. :noes:

I'll go along with the religious symbolism and the rest, but Purgatory, it ain't.

05-14-2009, 10:16 PM
I only watch the show I don't read about it.
I can't read Kate's ass ffs.:slap:


05-14-2009, 10:22 PM
Man, it was on the fucking NEWS that it wasn't Purgatory from season 1.

No, actually, it was on the actual NEWS!!!

05-14-2009, 10:24 PM
What are you getting at ?

I hope you aren't calling me stoopid.

05-14-2009, 10:25 PM
I never thought you were, but I'm beginning to have my doubts.

Idol, I'm too depressed to even discuss my thoughts about the finalé.

All I can think about is the long haul into January. True story.

Gathering my thoughts too. The mythological exposure in this episode is huge, like.

05-15-2009, 05:32 PM
It's not the wait it's the fact that it will be soon be over and done.
It's one of the few shows that has ever had me enjoying the ride while at the same time wondering exactly what the final destination might be.

Wish I was more up on my mythology then maybe I would have better luck figuring out exactly what's really going on.

05-16-2009, 07:06 PM
Next season starts early 2010 :wacko:

05-22-2009, 07:23 PM
waiting lost ..2010


05-22-2009, 07:37 PM
The beginning of season finale was the best I've ever seen. The whole episode was good except the scenes where ladies were changing their mind for who they are going to help. Women :noes:

05-23-2009, 06:31 AM

05-24-2009, 08:29 PM
I'll wait and see,

01-06-2010, 09:05 AM
So the new season is just around the corner :) I hope this season will answer allot of questions....
Here is an Official trailer


01-06-2010, 11:19 AM
This isn't a real trailer, it's a fan made one. No actual footage of season 6 in it.

I'm pretty sure the creators had mentioned that they didn't want any previews, footage, trailers etc. before the premier, so I don't think we'll be getting anything anytime soon :dabs:

01-06-2010, 11:27 AM
carnt wait

01-06-2010, 01:36 PM
I can't wait either. This is my favorite show on television. Let's hope they don't f*ck up the last season!

01-06-2010, 07:11 PM
I heard this season is going to be the last. True?

01-06-2010, 07:36 PM
This isn't a real trailer, it's a fan made one. No actual footage of season 6 in it.

I'm pretty sure the creators had mentioned that they didn't want any previews, footage, trailers etc. before the premier, so I don't think we'll be getting anything anytime soon :dabs:

They released a trailer on youtube.... this isn't exactly the same but resembles it.....

Yes this is the last season sadly :(

01-06-2010, 09:21 PM

01-06-2010, 09:31 PM
I heard this season is going to be the last. True?

yep, final season... :( I'm very anxious to see how its going to end.

mr. nails
01-06-2010, 10:08 PM
this played this @ the alamo today...


mr. clucks, it's chicken... heaven!

01-07-2010, 02:00 PM

You fucking knows it, like. :happy:

This isn't a real trailer, it's a fan made one. No actual footage of season 6 in it.

I'm pretty sure the creators had mentioned that they didn't want any previews, footage, trailers etc. before the premier, so I don't think we'll be getting anything anytime soon :dabs:

Just cos they've deemed it necessary to withhold footage from the forthcoming season, doesn't mean they can't promote the fucking show, you monkey.

There will be plenty of trailers. There have been already.

Lost is about shock-value, so stick your fucking dabs up your poisoned rectum.

01-07-2010, 02:38 PM
Thought I might slip this into the board seeing as Totti's premature wank has proven to be exactly that.

I doubt that there's another member on this board who has devoted their time/life/existence to this show as much as I have. Sad, maybe, but I've never encountered an all-encompassing, reference-driven, epically-formulated piece of television such as this, so gimme a fucking break.

In this thread, I will comment, muse, bitch and generally contradict conversation pertaining to the final season of the greatest evolution in television, like ever.

Tick tock.

01-07-2010, 05:14 PM
Chalice if you think you are the Lost guru here on fst let's hear some of your theories they might actually be good....

01-07-2010, 06:31 PM
Chalice if you think you are the Lost guru here on fst let's hear some of your theories they might actually be good....

Did I say I'd be theorising? Did I fuck.

You truly are a bit of a spastic, aren't you, mate?

I theorise that you're a bit of a spastic.

How's about that?

01-07-2010, 07:44 PM
We already have multiple lost threads, can we just have one, not a hundred? We already have 7 pages of discussion on this one...


01-07-2010, 07:45 PM
Let's hear the good stuff for the next seasons, don't be a bitch! Use spoiler tags :)

01-16-2010, 01:57 AM
Fuck all that thread-merging bollocks.

I started a new thread specifically pertaining to the final season of Lost because the topic deserved a thread of its own.

Fuck Sons Of Liberty, the nazi fuck.

01-21-2010, 04:22 AM
can't wait

haven't had anything to keep my attention on the tv for a while

01-27-2010, 09:12 AM

01-27-2010, 01:27 PM
First real bit of season 6:


Is Claire the next Rousseau?

01-28-2010, 04:06 AM

What was pretty funny as well as being pretty accurate .Bonus points for creative use of Downtown.
I read somewhere that the writers have no intention of explaining every mystery which is fine since what has always made Lost more interesting then most other shows on television is that by not spoon-feeding people the answers it encourages people to think .
Not many shows ,even the best ones do that.

01-31-2010, 05:49 AM
Fuck all that thread-merging bollocks.

I started a new thread specifically pertaining to the final season of Lost because the topic deserved a thread of its own.

Fuck Sons Of Liberty, the nazi fuck.

Well if your going to go about it that way, didn't know it meant that much, re-do if you like, I just though it would look cleaner, I apologize then.

Lost Season 6 Episodes 1 and 2 Preview

Source: LA Times (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2010/01/the-truth-about-the-leaked-lost-footage-which-you-can-also-see-here.html)

I hide this one YouTube :lol: not really, not the best quality either but it will do, in fact I did not even search for it, ABC was gonna release it for real sometime anyway....just decided to up it, only took a few seconds...

Leaked 'Lost' footage -----> yV5nL-h1Nn8

So the first 4 minutes and 13 seconds of the "Lost" final season premiere "leaked" online this morning. It looked unofficial: "Property of ABC Studios" is stamped over the gray and grainy scenes of Juliet coughing up blood, detonating the bomb, and ... well, you're free to watch the video if you care to see the spoilery aftermath.

"Uh-oh!" cried Vulture. "Watch it before it gets 'removed'," said Dark UFO.

But could ABC be responsible for the "leak"?

Despite the media hoopla and online fan fervor, now at a high pitch as the show prepares to perhaps answer all those questions, "Lost" ratings have been on a steady decline for years. (Last season averaged 11 million viewers, down from the almost 16 million for Season 1.) Call us jaded, but it seems like a little last-minute controversy certainly couldn't hurt Tuesday's premiere numbers.

The answer is yes, ABC did leak it themselves. Sort of.

A rep for the network said the sneak peak was released to the 815 winners of ABC's "Lost" Message in a Bottle Sweepstakes. Each contestant had to answer six questions about the show online and were then entered to win a “message in a bottle.” The prize? A USB port -- resembling Desmond Hume’s fail-safe key -- that contained the footage. According to the rules of the contest, the bottles were delivered this morning.

It now looks as though those winners took it upon themselves to upload the footage to YouTube, because, hey, why deny other "Lost" fans the goods?

ABC said it plans to release the preview officially over the weekend, by which time any self-respecting "Lost" fan will have already come up with 10 theories about the 20 new questions the preview raises.

And FFS, they have already got the DVD stuff ready..

Lost – The Complete 6th and Final Season debuts on ABC this coming Tuesday. But even before that last run of episodes begins airing, the word has leaked out about the home video release for this concluding year of the show. According to VideoETA, a website produced by distributor Ingram Entertainment, both DVD and Blu-ray Disc releases will be coming out on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. Running 714 minutes long, each version will come on 5 discs. The site lists the cost of the standard DVD version at $59.99 SRP, and the high-def Blu-ray Disc edition at $79.99 SRP. Our thanks to one of our readers, Richard , for the heads-up about this info. Specs and package art have not been provided there, nor has Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment officially announced the title at this time. But VideoETA does give a list of some of the bonus material on these releases, and we’ve got a quote of that list for you below:

* Original scripted content that goes deeper into some of the stories, exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD produced by Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse
* LOST Bloopers & Deleted Scenes
* LOST on Location – Go behind-the-scenes and get the stories from the set, on location in Hawaii from the actors and crew who make it happen.
* Crafting A Final Season – Investigation into the goals and expectations of the season through interviews with writers, producers, cast, and crew
* Audio Commentaries
* LOST University (BD Exclusive, powered by BD-Live)
* And MUCH More!

Additionally, VideoETA also says that Lost – The Complete Collection will arrive on that same date of August 24th, in both DVD (37 discs, $229.99 SRP) and Blu-ray (36 discs, $279.99) configurations. In addition to the bonus material content from the separate season sets, the information given there says that these big packages will contain “One full disc of bonus exclusive to the Complete Collection…At least two hours of content“. Again, ABC/Disney has not formally announced this information yet, so we can’t vouch for the complete accuracy of any of the details posted over there. Nor is package art provided, or even described.


That's really really early for Lost, normally that wait a year after it airs...but this, this I might actually do...

Additionally, VideoETA also says that Lost - The Complete Collection will arrive on that same date of August 24th, in both DVD (37 discs, $229.99 SRP) and Blu-ray (36 discs, $279.99) configurations

And for the Bluray, I'm inclined to pay the extra $50 for it, since I got a PS3 now for Bluray (stupid Xbox360).... :)

01-31-2010, 05:55 AM
Thanks for the footage .Usually I'm a big one for spoilers but no way in Hell am I going to watch that and ruin anything.

01-31-2010, 06:12 PM
The first episode has been leaked on most sites (A CAMed version from a screening).

01-31-2010, 06:27 PM
Apparently an incredibly bad cam from a screening on a beach.:ermm:

Stupidity wait 3 days and watch ( and actually enjoy) a high def version.:dabs:

01-31-2010, 06:39 PM
Yea it's absolutely terrible and pretty much unwatchable =/.

I would wait until the airing on tuesday as well.

01-31-2010, 08:02 PM
Yeah I just added it, but I am not touching it....besides it's only EP01, 3EP's air Tuesday, the "catch ep" and EP01 and 02 :)

02-01-2010, 06:11 PM
am so excited i almost pissed my pants

02-02-2010, 12:38 AM
New trailer has been been released with a decent amount of footage:


02-02-2010, 05:49 PM
"I promise I'll tell you everything" - John Locke

... yea, sure! :unsure:

02-02-2010, 06:28 PM
The biggest mistake the writers of Lost could make would be to answer every question/ reveal every secret.
I for one will be happy if in the end most of my favorite characters don't die.

Edit that: Or if at the end they aren't all siting around having dinner and then the screen suddenly goes black.

02-02-2010, 10:25 PM
:lol: I hope it doesn't answer any questions just to mess with people...and yeah, the characters I like I hope don't die as well, that would be a shitty end.

02-03-2010, 12:47 AM
lol, i'm still up to the first season, i need to catch up!
no spoilers please :)

mr. nails
02-03-2010, 10:04 PM
just finished watching ep1 & ep2 of the 6th season and it adds all kinds of shit to wonder about with new faces. it was interesting and at the same time i'm tired of the story. it's pretty much the same shit over and over. while it had a good run i believe i was tired of the series @ the end of season 3. rip LOST.

02-04-2010, 10:01 PM

Free masons :dabs: .

02-06-2010, 06:15 AM
epic start to what will be an epic series finale? im so excited :)

by the way is it tuesday yet? :D

02-06-2010, 03:19 PM
I watched all five seasons. Now downloading those two episodes. To be honest, I was very bored with direction in first season. Very amateurish. But, the plot was "interesting" and that kept me for five seasons. I don't know what to expect from 6th season - so I'll expect nothing.

02-06-2010, 03:37 PM
Ditto to the above post, I think the show is horrible but it has enough to keep me watching haha

02-06-2010, 05:28 PM
So who ( if anyone ) do you think is going to survive ( if in fact there is actually anything to survive anymore) and who is toast?

I figure if anyone is going to make it it will be Hurley and Kate and maybe Jin . Hurley because he's innocuous and there would be little point to his death, Kate because obviously someone will have to sacrifice something for someone and Jin because usually writers like misdirection and Sun of the two would be the likely one to survive.

Of the others Sayid has too much baggage , Jack's likely the key to it all and also the most likely to do the sacrificing although Sawyer is also pretty much set up for that role. Locke if he is somehow resurrected or whatever doppleganger Locke is are both too tied to the island to ever leave it. Last part also applies to Ben.

Miles is the equivalent of a red shirt security guard in the old Star Trek .

02-06-2010, 07:50 PM
Locke if he is somehow resurrected or whatever doppleganger Locke is are both too tied to the island to ever leave it. Last part also applies to Ben.

My only gripe now seems to be that with the introduction of the Jacob/evil smoke monster dynamic, the entire Widmore/Ben feud seems to have taken a backseat. It was the one thing I really felt like should've been developed more. And even more, Ben is being pushed around like a little pawn when he should be the one doing the pushing around. Lost, from season 1 has been focused on character development but it seems like all that will be overshadowed by the need to provide expository background on Smokey and Jacob.

02-07-2010, 02:05 AM
Well I'm insane myself and smoke a lot of grass, "but does this make sense? "Hello, Richard, it's nice to see you out of your chains...." doesn't that throw someone off, that the smoke monster isn't the evil one at all? Jacob is "evil/devil" and other's are minions and have trapped a so "called" God on the island?

mr. nails
02-10-2010, 07:59 AM
finished ep3. i kinda like season 6 so far. it's better than sum of the previous seasons imo. i wanna see wtf's gonna happen to sayid. gogogo.

02-11-2010, 12:30 AM
But where the hell did Ben and Smokey go? Why were they completely absent from this episode?

Also, what do you guys think of this?


02-11-2010, 01:30 AM
I thought most of the episode was filler .Maybe( probably?) they are working toward some time-line/reality convergence but the whole episode pretty much amounted to a whole lot of nothing.

I hear there is going to be a big Locke reveal next week though ( this is me not holding my breathe)

Btw didn't we ( the Lost viewers)all agree that we all hate Claire? Nice move to focus a whole episode around her.:blink:

02-11-2010, 01:40 AM
Just keeps dragging on... I would've been happy with just 1 episode this season - the ending.

02-17-2010, 04:08 AM
So we kinda know what the numbers mean now( no Kate:ohmy:).
Kind of.
Also I guess the scale was suppose to show the balance of Good( white) and Evil(black) and the white stone being tossed away represented Jacob's death. Unless of course the inside joke was that Jacob is the Evil one.

Anyway I'm still underwhelmed and either someone needs to blow something up or Kate needs to lose her clothes real quick.:angry:

02-17-2010, 04:20 AM
Yea pretty much the scale was supposed to represent the Jacob/Smokey dynamic.

Personally, I thought this episode was a lot better than the nothing that was last episode, but I'm still at a loss for answers. I think one of the primary reasons this show will start to lose viewership (if at all), is if they keep on introducing more questions without giving answers, although this episode wasn't too bad on it.

So who's the kid? I'm guessing it's not Jacob, but if he has control over even smokey, is he possibly even a "higher being" than both Jacob and Smokey? And is the reason Sawyer could see him be due to the fact that he is a "candidate" along with the rest of the losties?

Also... what purpose do the other losties that aren't "chosen" serve? And since the others that were accompanying Jin realized he was "possibly" a candidate, did they also have knowledge of the cave, and were also in the dark as to whether "Kwon" represented Jin or Sun?

Who causes the "sickness" that claims people? Does this disqualify Sayid as a candidate?

Oh and as a final note: I think we can agree that Kate/Claire central episodes suck ass and that Locke centered episodes are pretty bad ass.

02-17-2010, 01:34 PM
So who's the kid? I'm guessing it's not Jacob, but if he has control over even smokey, is he possibly even a "higher being" than both Jacob and Smokey? .

Claire's kid Aaron? Age aside the resemblance is hard to overlook . Figuratively that would probably makes Walt ( remember him and the dead birds ?) the Locke to Aaron's Jacob.

02-18-2010, 01:53 AM
Another thing I was thinking about after reading a blog post elsewhere - Could "Shepherd" possibly reference to Christian rather than Jack?

02-20-2010, 09:57 PM
So we kind know what the numbers mean now

Why were they stamped on the hatch lid though :eyebrows:

02-20-2010, 11:09 PM
I think it's a given that we'll just have to accept the fact that they'll never be able to answer every question we have by the season's end.

02-20-2010, 11:11 PM
So we kinda know what the numbers mean now

Why were they stamped on the hatch lid though :eyebrows:

I said kinda :unsure:

02-23-2010, 06:19 PM
No Kate Austen in the wall. Any idea why?

02-24-2010, 05:01 AM
So the new episode of Lost came out.

Wasn't that bad, but still introduces more questions than answers :dry:. The show really needs to start taking a different direction or fans will be left with a sour taste in their mouth when nothing is answered...

One question though: Are we supposed to know what Jacob is referencing to when he says Jack "has what it takes", that caused such a reaction? Or is it another unanswered question we're unaware of?

02-24-2010, 01:50 PM
I agree, all that setup and the cool lighthouse and zero payoff.
Only thing that I got out of it was Jack's ghost dad was either Smoke Monster/Lockelganger or one of his minions. That and "Jack has a pivotal role to play which we already knew.

What was all the other reality son shit about? It didn't seem to really relate to anything.

02-24-2010, 02:12 PM
i think a new dark " team its organizing :P Claire, Locke ,Sayid may be next ( controlled by dark smoke or whatever ) should be fun.im curios who is coming to the island
Jack has played the leader role from the beginning, maybe he will be the new Jacob (protector of the island )

02-25-2010, 05:15 AM
So the new episode of Lost came out.

Wasn't that bad, but still introduces more questions than answers :dry:. The show really needs to start taking a different direction or fans will be left with a sour taste in their mouth when nothing is answered...

One question though: Are we supposed to know what Jacob is referencing to when he says Jack "has what it takes", that caused such a reaction? Or is it another unanswered question we're unaware of?

jack never thought he had what it takes when it came to pleasing his father (or life)i guess.

03-04-2010, 09:16 PM
Sayid went dark side on us :O

03-05-2010, 12:04 AM
Last scene reminded me of a Marvel comic.


(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/01/AR2010030103497.html?hpid=news-col-blog)Or they could just tell the truth and admit they don't have a effing clue how some of the stuff fits into the story either.:dry:


03-05-2010, 03:05 AM
What a surprise :rolleyes:

Another small tidbit I noticed: I think we are supposed to infer in the latest episode that when Sayid asked Locke to bring a special someone back from the dead, it was Nadia.

However, he mentioned the "she died in his very arms". Could he actually be referring to Shannon, who "died in his very arms"? I think it was mentioned that Shannon would be returning this season.

03-08-2010, 05:37 AM
didnt nadia die in his arms after she got ran over?

03-08-2010, 01:07 PM
He was there beside her but not precisely in his arms.

03-09-2010, 07:57 PM
i think a new dark " team its organizing :P Claire, Locke ,Sayid may be next ( controlled by dark smoke or whatever ) should be fun.im curios who is coming to the island
Jack has played the leader role from the beginning, maybe he will be the new Jacob (protector of the island )

I think that's the good side mounting....I feal a cruel trick coming :)

03-10-2010, 06:41 AM
Locke if he is somehow resurrected or whatever doppleganger Locke is are both too tied to the island to ever leave it. Last part also applies to Ben.

My only gripe now seems to be that with the introduction of the Jacob/evil smoke monster dynamic, the entire Widmore/Ben feud seems to have taken a backseat.

Let's get ready to rumble!

03-10-2010, 11:49 AM
Lock , let say black smoke what he planning for

Saied what he planning for , is to get back his died love ?

jack is the root for everything , new role for Harli

i really enjoy while watching your comment on the episodes

03-10-2010, 11:11 PM
My only gripe now seems to be that with the introduction of the Jacob/evil smoke monster dynamic, the entire Widmore/Ben feud seems to have taken a backseat.

Let's get ready to rumble!

Yep :happy:. Looks like they're back in action. Glad the writers didn't forget about them.

And now for Jacob's "touch"... If you refresh your memory on the past episode with flashbacks of Jacob (or just look at Lostpedia), you'll notice that the camera focused on him "touching" every single person he visited. And Richard Alpert had received it as well. Does that mean that now, Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Jin/Sun, Sayid, etc. have all become bonafide Richard Alperts?

And the touch makes it so that... you can't kill yourself? I guess that's why Locke could bring himself to suiciding, which was why Ben did it for him. But I feel like there has to be more to it. Why didn't smokey just kill Ilana in order to free Ben? And why was it mentioned that "he knew the rules" and couldn't kill Sawyer (By the way, where the fuck did Sawyer go?). Might just be a hunch, but I think anyone Jacob "touches" enters into their "rules", and can't be killed by smokey. Another small tidbit is that Jacob did touch Ben at the Statue, so it may be entirely possible that Smokey can't kill Ben either.

03-24-2010, 12:56 AM
Looks like the new Lost came out ~2 hours early :O If anyone's dieing to see it atm.

Downloading it now.

03-24-2010, 01:01 AM
CTV in Canada shows it at 7 so that they can show American Idol after it.

As to the episode I thought it was one of the best in quite a while and Nestor Carbonell was absolutely fantastic as Richard .Didn't realize he had those kind of acting chops.

03-24-2010, 02:06 AM
Damn Canucks and their fucked up airtimes. Guess it's inevitable when they can't get any decent shows of their own, have to tune in to our shit.

A good episode indeed, but one thing that did seem a little out of the ordinary was that in general, flashback/foward/sideways always would always alternate with another, supposedly "present" timeline. This episode was pretty much one giant flashback, with no pauses in between. For dramatic effect?

03-24-2010, 12:41 PM
I like that it wasn't more of the same old same old.Also for a change it gave more answers than it created questions.

03-25-2010, 10:46 PM
I found this to be particularly interesting:

In this game of white vs. black, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, all we really know is that Jacob and Smokey pretty much hate each other's guts—and that they keep some rudimentary form of a score by trading different colored stones. When Jacob gots Richard on his side, he presents Smokey with a white stone, the equivalent of sliding over another point in a game of Foosball. The Man in Black, as Smocke, did something similar when he successfully converted Sawyer in the cave with all the candidates' names (I think he either removed a white stone from a scale or added a dark stone to it, tipping it in the favor of the darker shade).

Also, did anyone else think that Jacob was being unusually aggressive and forward during the flashbacks (as opposed to his generally passive, ambiguous attitude)?

04-02-2010, 04:46 AM
The last episode was pretty decent, and in my opinion did answer a fair share of questions. One of my only complaints now are what they are planning to do with Sayid. One of the show's main themes is redemption, and the way Sayid seems to be going right now, he isn't getting any of it. The show just seems to make Sayid out to be incredibly one dimensional - will see another side of him later?

Stephen Colbert bashes ABC's constant ad of "V" on the Lost airing:


...Now available on microwave. XD

04-02-2010, 01:03 PM
All's great on the lost front except for 1 thing! what the hell is going on with Walt??? i'm convinced he will play some part in this season and let's not forget about jack's father Christian!

04-02-2010, 01:05 PM
All's great on the lost front except for 1 thing! what the hell is going on with Walt??? i'm convinced he will play some part in this season and let's not forget about jack's father Christian!

What about Jack's son? He also could play some role in the next episodes.

04-03-2010, 09:23 AM
If the smoke monster manifested himself as Christian Shephard in past episodes (debatable, I know), and the smoke monster cannot traverse water, who the fuck manifested himself as Christian Shephard and told Michael he could 'die now' on the freighter?


04-03-2010, 10:08 AM
I guess both smoke monster and the good Jacob have the ability to transform to a dead man. Same power different cause

04-03-2010, 10:12 AM
I guess both smoke monster and the good Jacob have the ability to transform to a dead man. Same power different cause


However, Jacob says that he doesn't want to directly influence people. That's like cheating or something.

What we have to conclude from this is that Jacob is a lying motherfucker and as such doesn't qualify as the 'good guy' by any stretch of the imagination.

04-03-2010, 10:46 AM
I don't understand what game smokey and Jacob played.
It is obvious that smokey wanted to kill Jacob but he couldn't
kill him directly because this wasn't part of the rules.
What rules???

04-03-2010, 12:35 PM
It's like rugby , any supposed rules are secondary to whatever causes the most mayhem in the end.

04-03-2010, 01:11 PM

However, Jacob says that he doesn't want to directly influence people. That's like cheating or something.

What we have to conclude from this is that Jacob is a lying motherfucker and as such doesn't qualify as the 'good guy' by any stretch of the imagination.
It's not a battle between good and evil. It's a battle to keep the absolute evil locked in a place where can only influence a very limited amount of people. Jacob is not the good guy, he is just evil's guard. To accomplish his mission influence people, he is not lying but he uses them. The not influencing story was a good one 2 centuries ago but in the last decades he had an army working for him and even killing people. So he is far from 'the good guy' prototype by any mean for my standards

Any idea why Kate is not in the list?

04-03-2010, 01:21 PM

However, Jacob says that he doesn't want to directly influence people. That's like cheating or something.

What we have to conclude from this is that Jacob is a lying motherfucker and as such doesn't qualify as the 'good guy' by any stretch of the imagination.
It's not a battle between good and evil. It's a battle to keep the absolute evil locked in a place where can only influence a very limited amount of people. Jacob is not the good guy, he is just evil's guard. To accomplish his mission influence people, he is not lying but he uses them. The not influencing story was a good one 2 centuries ago but in the last decades he had an army working for him and even killing people. So he is far from 'the good guy' prototype by any mean for my standards

Any idea why Kate is not in the list?

That's a helluva statement, hotshot.

Care to cite your sources for this?

Or are you just full of wank?

04-03-2010, 01:31 PM
Any idea why Kate is not in the list?

No "bad" people are on the list?

04-03-2010, 01:47 PM
It's just a show I like watching, not a postgraduate study, so sorry but these are just my thoughts and I don't need an official confirmation. Feel free to use them if you really like them but I hold no responsibility if it's just a wrong theory :P

04-03-2010, 01:54 PM
It's just a show I like watching, not a postgraduate study, so sorry but these are just my thoughts and I don't need an official confirmation. Feel free to use them if you really like them but I hold no responsibility if it's just a wrong theory :P

That's perfectly fine.

Yet, you might try prefacing your 'theories' with something like 'I think' or some such, like.

04-03-2010, 02:54 PM
Any idea why Kate is not in the list?

No "bad" people are on the list?
Saywer is still on the list and I think that Sayid was also. More "bad" than "good" both of them at least from my point of view

That's perfectly fine.

Yet, you might try prefacing your 'theories' with something like 'I think' or some such, like.
You're absolutely right. That's what I like about this show. We both watch the same episode yet we are questioning different points and at the end of the show probably both of us just had a wrong theory

Time for eastern preparations now. Have a nice weekend

04-03-2010, 06:59 PM
Any idea why Kate is not in the list?

No "bad" people are on the list?

And Jarrah has been the model of perfection throughout this season? :blink:

Although I'm hoping for some kind of redemption in the near future, Sayid seems too one dimensional...


Couple more things: Miles and Linus were both apparently candidates (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates) yet seem to have been crossed out. I guess it could be surmised why Ben was crossed out, but why Miles?

And as for Kate, it seems a little ambiguous:

Very likely Kate Austen, who met Jacob as a child when she was caught trying to shoplift a lunchbox. Jacob helped her, paying for the lunchbox, and touched her on the nose. The name "Austen" was not seen in the cave, but was later seen in the Lighthouse, not crossed out. Carlton Cuse said in an interview that Kate's name was on the cave wall and crossed out, but regrettably did not make the final edit.

04-03-2010, 07:21 PM
No "bad" people are on the list?

And Jarrah has been the model of perfection throughout this season? :blink:

Although I'm hoping for some kind of redemption in the near future, Sayid seems too one dimensional...


Couple more things: Miles and Linus were both apparently candidates (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates) yet seem to have been crossed out. I guess it could be surmised why Ben was crossed out, but why Miles?

And as for Kate, it seems a little ambiguous:

Very likely Kate Austen, who met Jacob as a child when she was caught trying to shoplift a lunchbox. Jacob helped her, paying for the lunchbox, and touched her on the nose. The name "Austen" was not seen in the cave, but was later seen in the Lighthouse, not crossed out. Carlton Cuse said in an interview that Kate's name was on the cave wall and crossed out, but regrettably did not make the final edit.

You really haven't a clue, do you mate?

Best to shut the fuck up now.

04-03-2010, 07:22 PM
No "bad" people are on the list?

And Jarrah has been the model of perfection throughout this season? :blink:

Although I'm hoping for some kind of redemption in the near future, Sayid seems too one dimensional...


Couple more things: Miles and Linus were both apparently candidates (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates) yet seem to have been crossed out. I guess it could be surmised why Ben was crossed out, but why Miles?

And as for Kate, it seems a little ambiguous:

Very likely Kate Austen, who met Jacob as a child when she was caught trying to shoplift a lunchbox. Jacob helped her, paying for the lunchbox, and touched her on the nose. The name "Austen" was not seen in the cave, but was later seen in the Lighthouse, not crossed out. Carlton Cuse said in an interview that Kate's name was on the cave wall and crossed out, but regrettably did not make the final edit.

I don't know what will happen. I am just waiting to
end because this season gave me really mixed up thoughts.

04-04-2010, 01:17 AM
And Jarrah has been the model of perfection throughout this season? :blink:

Although I'm hoping for some kind of redemption in the near future, Sayid seems too one dimensional...


Couple more things: Miles and Linus were both apparently candidates (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates) yet seem to have been crossed out. I guess it could be surmised why Ben was crossed out, but why Miles?

And as for Kate, it seems a little ambiguous:

Very likely Kate Austen, who met Jacob as a child when she was caught trying to shoplift a lunchbox. Jacob helped her, paying for the lunchbox, and touched her on the nose. The name "Austen" was not seen in the cave, but was later seen in the Lighthouse, not crossed out. Carlton Cuse said in an interview that Kate's name was on the cave wall and crossed out, but regrettably did not make the final edit.

You really haven't a clue, do you mate?

Best to shut the fuck up now.

Few do when it comes to Lost.

04-04-2010, 07:05 AM
looks beautiful

04-04-2010, 04:46 PM
No idea what is this any info?

04-04-2010, 04:51 PM
It's my favorite drama :)
I like it!

04-04-2010, 05:05 PM
No "bad" people are on the list?

And Jarrah has been the model of perfection throughout this season? :blink:

Although I'm hoping for some kind of redemption in the near future, Sayid seems too one dimensional...


Couple more things: Miles and Linus were both apparently candidates (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates) yet seem to have been crossed out. I guess it could be surmised why Ben was crossed out, but why Miles?

And as for Kate, it seems a little ambiguous:

Very likely Kate Austen, who met Jacob as a child when she was caught trying to shoplift a lunchbox. Jacob helped her, paying for the lunchbox, and touched her on the nose. The name "Austen" was not seen in the cave, but was later seen in the Lighthouse, not crossed out. Carlton Cuse said in an interview that Kate's name was on the cave wall and crossed out, but regrettably did not make the final edit.

Nevermind I was having a Kate fantasy ( she's such a bad,bad girlhttp://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/images/spank.gif) and hadn't realized I had actually posted something.:blushing:

04-07-2010, 01:56 AM
Ok if Canada can deliver all the Lost episodes to me this early I'll rescind all my previous feelings harbored against them.


And yet again, Desmond episodes always seem to deliver.

This seasons really picking up, guess they have to when they've been going on for 10 episodes without answering a single thing.

So, what's up with Desmond? It really does appear that he is an individual to which the "rules don't apply" seeing as how his memories from the island and flash sideways seem to meld together. ...I just need to show them something.

It was also a little unnerving to see how willingly Desmond went off with Sayid. It seemed like he was pretty eager to start helping Widmore, is he planning something?

On a slightly unrelated note, this is following the same pattern as the Richard centric episode, where it is one giant uninterrupted flashback/sideways instead of the standard back and forth nature of episodes. Is there a deeper meaning behind that?

04-07-2010, 12:08 PM
I was kinda disappointed by the Kwon episode, it didn't seem to progress much important, so Desmond's episode was pretty awesome. Any episode with Daniel or Desmond is awesome, nevermind the two together.

I'm not sure that Desmond actually is planning to help Sayid. He just doesn't have much of an option at that point in time, and might as well see what's going on. Sayid would kick his ass.

As far as the pattern, there's probably a deeper meaning, but it's probably ambiguous enough that we could come up with five explanations that all make sense, but none of them are actually the meaning intended. Of course, it might just be to jerk us around.

04-07-2010, 12:16 PM
Obviously Desmond wanted to be taken to The Man in Black whether as part of Widmore's plan( likely) or his own remains to be seen.There was a brief glimpse in next week's where pseudo-Locke said to someone( Desmond?) "Why aren't you afraid?"

You know the title "Man in Black " is becoming increasingly apropos as there are certainly a lot of similarities between this season on Lost and Stephen King's The Stand.I wonder who ,if anyone, is going to turn out to be the Trashcan Man?

Anyway I thought it was a terrific episode too and we did learn( sort of ) what the alternate life thing was about.

04-07-2010, 02:07 PM
As far as the pattern, there's probably a deeper meaning, but it's probably ambiguous enough that we could come up with five explanations that all make sense, but none of them are actually the meaning intended.


Well said :lol:

04-09-2010, 03:05 AM
Something I definitely did not notice my first time through and is very, very intriguing indeed:

One of the big clues in "Happily Ever After" was the lack of a wedding ring on Desmond's finger. If you recall, he wore one in the Season 6 premiere when he was on Oceanic 815 with Jack. So either Desmond was keeping the cougars at bay on the long flight, or we're looking at two different Desmonds, and hence two different alternate realities.

04-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Desmond episodes (as a matter of device) change the game. They swerve on established thought and bus us somewhere altogether undiscovered.

Just as Alpert's (magnificent) flashback informed us of where we come from, Desmond's flash-sideways tells us where we're going to arrive.

There's very little left to answer as far as I'm concerned.

04-10-2010, 01:33 PM
Ok I liked the return of Desmond also BUT,
The return of the hobbit was an unpleasant surprise. I think Eloise's haircut was a disaster. I like the way supporting characters are re-appearing but Faraday looks more like a scientist than a young rich rock fan. I'm looking forward for the return of Mr. Eco and Juliet

And a few questions
I'm not sure who is the other person involved in the deal Eloise was talking about.
Last time we've seen her, she was trying to bring all the main characters together to the island, now she is trying to do exactly the opposite why?
Who is Peny's mother?
Why Desmond isn't ready in the parallel side of life?
What is the meaning of the meeting with the 815 passengers he is preparing?
Are they heading to a third return to the island that will cause a third alternative time?
Or he just changed sides with the parallel Desmond and that's the reason he looks like a fool at the island and he knows what to do at the alternative time?

Am I the only one confused?

04-14-2010, 05:46 AM
Am I the only one confused?

Is that a serious question? :mellow:

The creepy little kid is back :O. Am I the only one that thinks he bears a striking resemblance to Jacob? Could he be like Michael, one of the deceased left on the island and "unable to let go"?

And we finally know what the whispers are (kinda)! However, it still doesn't quite explain how the conveniently seem to coincide with/relate to the Others and their presence on the island.

And one other little quip - perhaps by the end of the season, we'll understand all this nonsense surrounding Jacob, MIB, the flashsideways, etc. etc. But will they, in any form, tie back to the first 5 seasons? What exactly, did the first 5 seasons of this show serve to demonstrate to us viewers that had to be conveyed before the conclusion (season 6) could be aired? Aside from the obvious character development of season 1, why did the writers feel the need to spend one season on the hatch, one on the others, one on the flashforwards/off-island, one with the flashes through the Dharma, etc.? What was the purpose of Ben, an extremely bad ass fucking antagonist that has turned into a mere shell of his former self? Why did we need to know these things before we were introduced to season 6? Will the show come full circle?

04-14-2010, 06:26 AM
And one other little quip -... will they, in any form, tie back to the first 5 seasons? What exactly, did the first 5 seasons of this show serve to demonstrate to us viewers that had to be conveyed before the conclusion (season 6) could be aired? Aside from the obvious character development of season 1, why did the writers feel the need to spend one season on the hatch, one on the others, one on the flashforwards/off-island, one with the flashes through the Dharma, etc.? What was the purpose of Ben, an extremely bad ass fucking antagonist that has turned into a mere shell of his former self? Why did we need to know these things before we were introduced to season 6? Will the show come full circle?

pretty sure a lot of that stuff is filler. if they had never decided to end the series with the 6th season, they could have gone on forever with fillers to stall the series

and WTF, desmond better not be dead!

04-14-2010, 12:11 PM
and WTF, desmond better not be dead!

Even if you missed the teaser for next week it should have been pretty apparent that if the writers wanted pseudo-Locke to kill Desmond they would have just had him knife or something equally brutal and final( same with alternate Locke btw and what the fuck would killing alternate Locke accomplish anyway since he isn't really connected to pseudo-Locke) .
Now the big question is whether Sayad does the deed .Even going by the preview highly unlikely ,but then again they( apparently) have to continue to whittle away at the main characters.

Btw I don't like the new "I'm in charge" Hurley at all.Plays against everything that made the character endearing in the first place.

Next Episode is Jackcentric
The Last Recruit (Being Jack with an apparent change of team)

04-14-2010, 09:13 PM
Really intersting episode the last one. The endings left many questions to be answered.

04-18-2010, 02:43 AM
It was nice to see Libby again. But, I'm not really sure what's going on with Hugo. I guess we'll have to see!

04-19-2010, 05:46 PM
Im laughing at the people who lost faith in the show, the last season is immense

04-22-2010, 02:49 AM
Far more action and straightforward events went into this episode, which is great considering how much Lost always seems to focus on the build up while never giving anything in return.

It's clear that these episodes are clearly mounting to an intense finale, I'm pumped :happy:

Anyone notice however how clunky and poorly written the scenes are in which loose ends are tied? Such as the whispers/Christian Shepard appearing on the island? They were pretty much isolated, seemingly forced in (especially the whispers) reveals where cast members bluntly told us exactly what was what. Wasn't too particularly thrilled with that kind of writing, but I guess it's better than nothing.

05-04-2010, 09:22 PM
Tonights Lost better be good after they had the nerve to delay the episode a week :dry:

05-04-2010, 09:49 PM
Tonights Lost better be good after they had the nerve to delay the episode a week :dry:

Indeed. For me, last week was a real body blow as I only watch "Lost", "Breaking Bad", and "Fringe". Fully, a third of a week in the crapper :)

05-05-2010, 02:48 AM
That's it a freakin' sub? Five years invested in the characters and that's what I get?
All I have to say is that producers better have a pretty good parallel universe,last episode, their lives/deaths had meaning ,no sacrifice is in vain thing planned or someone can expect a rock through their window.:angry:

New term he got Lapidused . Definition Death by apparent lack of imagination or interest.

05-05-2010, 07:30 AM
I'm pretty sure I've figured it out. I know how the show is going to end.

Remember this? (http://melanism.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/theincident010.jpg)

That's how the show is going to end again, but with Jack and "Locke" representing good and evil.

It's obvious now that "Locke" isn't leaving the island. And with Jack being adamant about not leaving either (believing in the real Locke's clairvoyance), every sign seems to point toward this.

Any takers?

That's it a freakin' sub? Five years invested in the characters and that's what I get?
All I have to say is that producers better have a pretty good parallel universe,last episode, their lives/deaths had meaning ,no sacrifice is in vain thing planned or someone can expect a rock through their window.:angry:

New term he got Lapidused . Definition Death by apparent lack of imagination or interest.

I thought the same thing. Also, why wouldn't "Locke" have gone first seeing as he is bulletproof?

05-05-2010, 07:45 AM
Also, why wouldn't "Locke" have gone first seeing as he is bulletproof?

yeh, i was thinking that too... but did you watch the episode? it was all part of his plan ...

05-05-2010, 12:15 PM
Also, why wouldn't "Locke" have gone first seeing as he is bulletproof?

yeh, i was thinking that too... but did you watch the episode? it was all part of his plan ...

Or for that matter why wouldn't he have just let they on get on the plane and blow up?
You can argue that it was because Jack wasn't getting on but until a certain person got shot Jack wasn't getting on the sub either.

[QUOTE=Skiz;3447922]I'm pretty sure I've figured it out. I know how the show is going to end.

Remember this? (http://melanism.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/theincident010.jpg)

That's how the show is going to end again, but with Jack and "Locke" representing good and evil.

It's obvious now that "Locke" isn't leaving the island. And with Jack being adamant about not leaving either (believing in the real Locke's clairvoyance), every sign seems to point toward this.

Any takers?

Certainly could with maybe the "spirits" of all his dead friends still there to keep him company ?
I don't like the thought of the treacle of the spirits part but I was thinking last night about how up to this point just about every single character has died:dabs:.
For sure Hurley somehow has to factor into the final outcome although in this case I'd just as soon they'd killed him off ten or so episodes ago.

05-06-2010, 02:11 AM
New term he got Lapidused . Definition Death by apparent lack of imagination or interest.

I was rather irritated by Ilana's death as well, which also was, as you put it, seemingly "lacking of imagination or interest". I was hoping it had some connection to the fact that Ilana was never "touched" by Jacob in the season 5 finale (As opposed to Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Hurley, and Richard). Since Richard had divulged that he had been "touched" by Jacob and thus couldn't kill himself with dynamite, that was perhaps why everyone else was perfectly safe but once Ilana touched the unstable dynamite, she would instantly die. But perhaps I'm just giving the writers too much credit.

yeh, i was thinking that too... but did you watch the episode? it was all part of his plan ...

Or for that matter why wouldn't he have just let they on get on the plane and blow up?

My guess would be that according to Jack's theory (and what I had previously mentioned that people "touched" by Jacob couldn't kill themselves) maybe contributed to why Locke couldn't get on the plane. Perhaps Jack/the others getting on the plane, starting the plane and blowing themselves up is too suicidal, so is thus rendered moot through Jacob's touch? But that with Jack's theory that they have to kill eachother, that triggering the countdown on the bomb would constitute killing eachother, thus allowing MIB to circumvent the "rules"?

Or another very likely possibility is that Locke was simply bluffing. Widmore had mentioned that he was protecting Sawyer "for his own good", and I don't see any logical reason for why Widmore would want the candidates dead.

All I have to say is that producers better have a pretty good parallel universe,last episode, their lives/deaths had meaning ,no sacrifice is in vain thing planned or someone can expect a rock through their window.:angry:

Definitely have to agree with that :dabs:. They've left far too many loose, seemingly unrelated and strangely organized plot points to not have an amazing, incredibly well written final couple of episodes to tie it together. Otherwise there will be quite a few very very disappointed Lost fans...

For sure Hurley somehow has to factor into the final outcome although in this case I'd just as soon they'd killed him off ten or so episodes ago.

I'm still rooting for Hurley to be Jacob, but maybe that's me. He seems like a generally good natured guy that wouldn't be prone to MIB's corruption, and Jack seems like the far too predictable choice.

Oh and by the way, Lost finale is being extended half an hour (to two and a half hours!):


Hope that means good things to come... (and not just more commercial time :pinch:). But if Lost is so structured as they claim it to be, could they really add that much additional content?

I also found this quote from TV.com to be funny (as referencing to Sun/Sayid's death):

One more note: I've always been a big fan of the cast diversity of Lost, but in one sub explosion, the cast went from all the colors of the rainbow to pretty darned white!

PS: Where the fuck are Bernard and Rose (Island Timeline)?

05-06-2010, 02:34 AM
I know you could go back and forth on this all night but if Sayid's act doesn't "qualify" as suicidal I don't know what does .Same btw with Jin.It was a conscious choice in the same way Locke attempting to hang himself was so fuck the supposed writers logic:dabs:.
Parts of Glee were brilliant btw.Nice that the only two shows I make a point to watch they program opposite each other.

05-06-2010, 03:00 AM
I think that maybe because Sawyer decided to pull those wires out it flipped some supernatural switch that allowed them to die because they were "killing eachother" (due to Sawyer's mistake that indirectly will "kill" people), causing all hell to break loose and any death a result of Sawyer's (another person, not suicidal) mistake.

Then again, I'm just pulling at strings here to defend a seemingly collapsing show :(. If the season finale in anyway can simply match the scale of the third season finale (Through the looking glass) I'll be completely satisfied, but maybe I'm expecting too much.

Oh and I haven't watched the latest Glee yet, been pretty swamped, although I do agree that the episodes have been pretty great lately. I'll get back to you on that after I've seen it :happy:

05-06-2010, 03:05 AM
Glee (http://blog.zap2it.com/thedishrag/2010/05/glees-heather-morris-tasteful-nudes-surface.html)

05-06-2010, 03:12 AM
Did you know that Dolphins are just gay sharks?

05-06-2010, 03:50 AM

05-08-2010, 06:48 PM
i was patient with the show for five years, but i'm really not liking the final season. the whole side-ways thing...way too much time spent in that *universe* or whatever. but maybe they can turn this thing around like in season 3. i just fear that we wont get a lot of satisfying answers for some of the mysteries. feels like the writers are only interested in the whole Jacob/Smokie chess game.

05-08-2010, 07:00 PM
The little boy that's been stalking Smokey is most definitely Jacob.


05-08-2010, 07:44 PM
The little boy that's been stalking Smokey is most definitely Jacob.
I would agree, not only does he look the same but it also makes sense. I think thats why "Smokey" is so afraid of him when they encounter.

05-08-2010, 08:35 PM
I know you could go back and forth on this all night but if Sayid's act doesn't "qualify" as suicidal I don't know what does .Same btw with Jin.It was a conscious choice in the same way Locke attempting to hang himself was so fuck the supposed writers logic:dabs:.
Parts of Glee were brilliant btw.Nice that the only two shows I make a point to watch they program opposite each other.
lol, you're addicted to this shit.

may your soul rest in peace.

05-09-2010, 02:02 AM
I know you could go back and forth on this all night but if Sayid's act doesn't "qualify" as suicidal I don't know what does .Same btw with Jin.It was a conscious choice in the same way Locke attempting to hang himself was so fuck the supposed writers logic:dabs:.
Parts of Glee were brilliant btw.Nice that the only two shows I make a point to watch they program opposite each other.
lol, you're addicted to this shit.

may your soul rest in peace.

Feces, maybe, nonetheless
We sees details coalesce.

05-09-2010, 02:33 AM
I know you could go back and forth on this all night but if Sayid's act doesn't "qualify" as suicidal I don't know what does .Same btw with Jin.It was a conscious choice in the same way Locke attempting to hang himself was so fuck the supposed writers logic:dabs:.
Parts of Glee were brilliant btw.Nice that the only two shows I make a point to watch they program opposite each other.
lol, you're addicted to this shit.

may your soul rest in peace.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and btw I'm not joking,I don't respect the opinion of anyone who punctuates a sentence with lol .:dabs:
You might as well just be done with it and hang a sign around your neck properly declaring that you're a retard.

05-09-2010, 03:13 PM
the lol was not only meant to temper the vehemence of my statement, it was also a way - like another - to give you a chance to pounce on me... which you did perfectly well.

actually, it's called being fair.

05-09-2010, 03:27 PM
the lol was not only meant to temper the vehemence of my statement, it was also a way - like another - to give you a chance to pounce on me... which you did perfectly well.

Nobody's purfect.http://smilearchive.com/s/otn/other/jpshakehead.gif

05-12-2010, 02:53 AM
Re Across the Sea

Besides being essentially pointless in that it still didn't bother to answer even the most elementary of questions( so much for the big reveal and justifying the fans continuing support of the show ) the episode suck in ways I didn't think possible for the penultimate episode of Dukes of Hazard let alone Lost.
Seriously do the writers/producers/network think so little of the viewers or do they basically just not really give a shit?

Afterthat exercise in nothingness I now expect the "big finale" to be nothing more than an overpadded cynical excuse to fit in as many commercials as possible a la American Idol.

Not that I've been watching but I heard that the producers of 24 are not going to let things end well for Jack "because the show is a tragedy".:dabs:
Are these fucking coked up nitwits really so basically out of touch with their audience that they too think that's how anyone wants the show to end?

I'd go watch Iron Man Too but I ready have and for anyone over 14 or above the level of retard it sucked as well.

05-13-2010, 02:09 AM
Thinking back to where the hell Rose and Bernard were, making them the "Adam and Eve" would've been a really neat idea.

But Lost is going downhill and they're completely drained of ideas anyway so not like it'll make much of a difference.

(By the way, last nights episode was completely terrible. If you couldn't tell from Idol's little tirade there.)

05-17-2010, 07:07 PM
Last episode would be a good one if it was season's premiere. Now 2 eps before the final it was just a poor filler. I never expected a finale answering everything but a kill or get killed ending is a disappointing one

05-19-2010, 03:47 AM
I'm glad that Ben is FINALLY back in action and kicking some ass. He has been pretty pathetic for the last season or two and its nice to see him back and raring to go. Still hasn't quite returned to his former glory, but it's better than nothing. He was easily one of my favorite characters in Lost.

As for the episode, not quite sure what to think of yet. It was clearly another setup episode for the finale. Here's to hoping it'll be good (and somehow redeem the last season).

And now Jack is Jacob. Who didn't see that coming :unsure:

05-19-2010, 07:47 AM
Re Across the Sea

Besides being essentially pointless in that it still didn't bother to answer even the most elementary of questions( so much for the big reveal and justifying the fans continuing support of the show ) the episode suck in ways I didn't think possible for the penultimate episode of Dukes of Hazard let alone Lost.
Seriously do the writers/producers/network think so little of the viewers or do they basically just not really give a shit?

Afterthat exercise in nothingness I now expect the "big finale" to be nothing more than an overpadded cynical excuse to fit in as many commercials as possible a la American Idol.

Not that I've been watching but I heard that the producers of 24 are not going to let things end well for Jack "because the show is a tragedy".:dabs:
Are these fucking coked up nitwits really so basically out of touch with their audience that they too think that's how anyone wants the show to end?

I'd go watch Iron Man Too but I ready have and for anyone over 14 or above the level of retard it sucked as well.

So you didn't like it then. I thought it was the most refreshing episodes in years and their dedicating an entire episode to it shows the importance of it down the road.

I told you guys (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-the-lost-thread-starts-2-2-10-post3447922/postcount178) I had the show figured out weeks ago and with Jack taking the reins, I'm shaping up to be perfectly right. :01:

05-19-2010, 01:28 PM
I told you guys (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-the-lost-thread-starts-2-2-10-post3447922/postcount178) I had the show figured out weeks ago and with Jack taking the reins, I'm shaping up to be perfectly right. :01:
If it hadn't been for Jack drinking the water and going all Jacoby plus me pretty much now sure of the fact that the writers of Lost are basically winging it at this point ( more quick and pointless deaths to old and new characters show either no forethought or no imagination - I'm also no longer buying that they had a real story arch planned except in the very broadest of strokes) I'd stake money on the fact that Jack still isn't the "final " candidate.

How about this for a scenario ?The whole water thing doesn't mean anything ( or it does and so the real poignancy at the end)Jack falls to Locke and either Sawyer or Hurley (mostly Sawyer for obvious reasons ) against all odds after completing the job of defeating MIB realize that wanted or not an island /world needs protecting and "a man's got to do what a man's got to do"
Not so far fetched really since the point was made in the last episode that neither wanted anything to do with it(candidacy).Plus it's an ironic turnabout/redemption for James ( not to mention the final bitter Kate thing - see also Jack's death))or assumed destiny for Hurley( who clearly has been more in tune with the Island than anyone for like forever).

Btw I just want to reiterate how "cheap" the deaths of old and beloved characters have become .Six seasons(in the case of some) invested and everyone's fate becomes nothing more than an afterthought in a rush to a ( probably) obvious and fulfilling conclusion.

And yes I'm sure the fanbois/girls will still cry but probably only out of their sheer lack of intelligence and not because the end held any emotional resonance or anything.

Btw I'm only rarting because I have have followed Lost from the start and was hoping for if not brilliance then at least competency at the end.
Or at least not be metaphorically slapped in the face like.

05-19-2010, 03:23 PM
So you didn't like it then. I thought it was the most refreshing episodes in years and their dedicating an entire episode to it shows the importance of it down the road.

I think perhaps it was placed earlier within the season, it may have fared a little better.

It just seems that right now, we really don't need this episode. It felt incredibly out of place, and terribly dragged on while barely answering anything at all. The "answers" we got in this episode literally could have been summed up in a 5 minute flashback/recap. With only a few episodes left, I'm sure there are quite a few other things people would wish to find answered/explored.

In addition, many flaws prevented this episode from reaching what it could've been. We feel absolutely no connection to their (fake) mother, and she is enigmatic at best with no explanation for her at times, extremely odd decisions. The acting done by the children was absolutely horrible at best. And many of the scenes (especially "Jacob, you can make the rules later") felt extremely forced (as well as many of the "answers" we have been getting this season). And plot holes abound as well: Jack had mentioned that the skeletons could not have been over 50 years old, yet we learn they are the extremely old (at least pre-Richard, 200 years or so) smokey and his mother.

This episode felt out of place and unecessary, in a time where the airtime could've been used for so many more important things such as exploring the island tmeline/parallel timeline. It just feels like it was sloppily put together, and that the producers really hadn't envisioned their storyline and felt like completely winging it (Like idol had mentioned). Overall, it just wasn't a very strong episode :dabs:

05-23-2010, 04:38 AM

I literally just noticed a matter of minutes ago that the finale was going to air on Sunday rather than it's original timeslot on Tuesdays. I need my Lost fix, would've been pissed as hell if I missed it :angry:

Anyhow, what are you guys thinking of the finale? Considering all the massive hype that has led up to finale and all the questions/loose ends/miscellaneous questions/concepts it has to explain, I really can't see how it could possibly live up to the hype and satisfy the majority of its users. Perhaps we need to be more realistic and just come to the conclusion that simply not everything can be satisfactorily wrapped up in a simple 2 (1/2?) hour finale. I couldn't have said it any better than what was said in Across the Sea: Every question that's answered will simply lead to another question.

Any last minute predictions? :O

05-23-2010, 12:56 PM
Tomorrow -> last 2 episodes :D

05-23-2010, 01:36 PM
Any last minute predictions? :O

It will make about as much sense as the last 5 and a half seasons and at the end I'll probably feel incredibly cheated.

Btw I watched some of the pilot again last night and besides being hit in the face with the fact how much more all those involved seemed to care back then as opposed to now, it was also somewhat disconcerting to see how much better everyone( even Hurley) looked a mere 6 years ago.
But then to quote Shakespeare "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me".

05-23-2010, 05:45 PM

I literally just noticed a matter of minutes ago that the finale was going to air on Sunday rather than it's original timeslot on Tuesdays. I need my Lost fix, would've been pissed as hell if I missed it :angry:

I didn't know that either. :O

Just a last minute thought: Anyone think Mr. Echo is going to make a return?

05-23-2010, 05:48 PM
I read someplace that he isn't .:(

05-24-2010, 03:52 AM
I think I'll have to mull it over for a night before I really understand what I thought of the episode. I'll have to say though, it was...interesting. Certainly not what I expected.

One comment:


05-24-2010, 04:26 AM
Wasn't the Series Finale on tonight? So, why hasn't iit been posted on usenet already?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see it just posted.

05-24-2010, 08:05 AM
My thoughts...

The Island = Lost

Alternate reality = Found

05-24-2010, 08:09 AM
so this whole thing ends with everybody being dead?

05-24-2010, 08:32 AM
Might want to put that in spoilers until the day's up (All regions haven't aired it yet).

My response to your question :

Yes, they're all dead. The present timeline was part one a type of purgatory. The characters were all flawed in some way or another, or what we can call Lost. The good and bad events that transpired on the island in the "present" universe helped them resolve their issues so that they can finally let go of the living world. Finally, part two of the purgatory, was the alternate loop that was created to help them find each other so they can finally move on. To where? We'll that's up to you. For me, it's a type of heaven where each character gets to enjoy their idea life.

PS: These are just my ideas. The show ended in such a fashion where you can interpret in a number of ways and be "right". It's all up what you believe. That's the beauty of the show.

05-24-2010, 01:00 PM
Keeping true to the series the finale didn't answer any questions ,which is fine since as the producers previously commented ,what the fans really wanted to see was what became of the characters( which for the most part we did).
It also didn't really make any sense( Granted my attention wasn't always perfectly focused so I might have missed it but how'd Ben get out from under the tree? Miraculous reappearing presumed dead characters anyone .The whole pull out the rock put the rock back thing - OK arguably the light needed to be turned off to make Flocke mortal and it made more sense than the wheel contraption that got Ben off the Island so maybe I shouldn't complain).
That said and despite the fact that if you think about it very little actually took place it had a lot of emotional substance and I admit to getting pretty blubbery by the end .Actually when Vincent lay down beside Jack -a really nice "human" touch by the writers I choked back more than a couple tears.
I don't know if it was a good finale but for me at least it was a satisfying one.

05-24-2010, 02:30 PM
Hmmm, my interpretation was that the stuff on the island actually happened and the "present time" flashes were part of the purgatory. Jack's father said when speaking about the people waiting in the church for him that. Some of them died before you and some died well after you. He also said your time on the island was the most important time of your life which leads me to believe that was supposed to be reality.

Overall I thought it was OK, I mean has any series finale of a worth while show been any good or acceptable to the masses? Not as I recall. Nothing they could do would exceed our expectations if you think about it. My issues were still too many unanswered questions out there. Like Why didn't Ben go with them? Is he hanging out in the purgatory to get to know his daughter and her mother?? What about Frank the pilot and the Asian guy who speaks to the dead? Did they not die yet in the real world?? What was clair's 2nd baby delivery all about then? Was the baby dead as well? Lots of loop holes though decent ending IMHO overall.

05-24-2010, 03:56 PM
Like Why didn't Ben go with them? Is he hanging out in the purgatory to get to know his daughter and her mother?? What about Frank the pilot and the Asian guy who speaks to the dead? Did they not die yet in the real world?? What was clair's 2nd baby delivery all about then? Was the baby dead as well? Lots of loop holes though decent ending IMHO overall.

Obviously some facts don't add up like the absence of certain characters at the church( Frank,Miles,Richard,Daniel,Charlotte,Danielle,Alex even Widmore - not mention Michael and Walt who at one point were central to the plot) and Jack creating a son for himself when everyone else's storyline was played out more or less as an extrapolation of their real lives.
Anyway the final group was very Jackcentric which seeing as the whole thing could be interpreted as Jack's personal ascension and given the way the series chose to go out I guess is appropriate .

I liked the tip of the hat to Ben in his remaining behind as was fitting someone who essentially was always apart and a law unto himself.

05-24-2010, 06:07 PM
Great episode.

Horrible series finale.

05-24-2010, 06:51 PM
The worst series finale ever made

05-24-2010, 07:01 PM
Hardly.It had resolution at least.

Also such all encompassing statements require some reasoning .

05-24-2010, 08:21 PM
For 5 (and more) season the show was like a puzzle. We were looking for the missing pieces, expecting answers in questions, mysteries and theories a really fascinating journey. From the others of the first season, to the time travels of the 5th there were things to discuss. And I'm sure it was not just me, even the producers were talking about these things promising answers and analyzing the theories

As mentioned last week I didn't expect a finale answering every single question. The good thing in mysteries is that each one can have a theory. I wasn't looking for the meaning of life but this "we are all good friends" ghost party was really lame. And before that there was the battle between good and evil that was even worst. In my opinion even the battle in Heroes 1st season finale was much better than this one. Not to mention the dialogues like "I saved you a bullet" after killing the ultimate evil. All these are just examples

Probably is my fault expecting an impressive mysterious finale that would make me to watch the whole six seasons again. Well the good thing is that now I don't have to watch it again, I have a lot of questions but I know the producers don't know the answers. It was a good show but I was expecting much more for finale.

Shift+Delete and a lot of free space

05-24-2010, 10:52 PM
Granted my attention wasn't always perfectly focused so I might have missed it but how'd Ben get out from under the tree?

That confused me as well. Can anyone shed some light on this?

After thinking about the finale for a while, did anyone else feel like they were a little cheated by it? It just felt like a complete cop out. I always felt like the flash sideways as being an alternate timeline - the obvious choice - but a sensible choice, at the least.

But we don't get even that - we get something even worse. A "they were dead the whole time" excuse. Pretty much a super flash forward (considering that Hurley and Ben had died). It doesn't tie into the original timeline at all - why was it introduced at the beginning of season 6? What relevance did it bear to the explosion of the hydrogen bomb? Why did Juliet claim it "worked"? How does this tie in to Desmond's time travelling abilities, and the flashes he received when Widmore blasted him with EM? Does this mean he's literally traversing the boundary between the living and the dead, rather than time? Furthermore - why did Desmond feel the need to bring the survivors together in the alternate timeline? How does that tie into Desmond's ability to be the failsafe, protecting the island (or the rest of the world) from smokey? Finally - I was also extremely disappointed that Smokey had no relevance to the alternate timeline. He almost felt like simply another hastily introduced character introduced to provide some sort of a foil to Jacob - but at the same time, killed off in the finale with little to no impact on the rest of the show.

The Lost finale didn't have to answer all of our questions - and it was clear that it wouldn't. However, there were many things - that in my mind - were fundamental question that needed to be answered in order to logically tie in the ending of the 5th season timeline - the beginning of the 6th season timeline, and the beginning of the alternate timeline. What were the consequences of the H Bomb? Why did it trigger the the alternate (or so we thought) timeline? Why did the producers choose to display this timeline next to the island one? What relevance, if at all, did it have have to the present timeline other than providing a super super flash forward? Was smokey ever intended to have a greater impact on the show itself, and not be simply picked off in the finale with no affect on the flash sideways?

I felt if they had managed a way to describe the alternate timeline as a parallel universe - with somehow Desmond being able to traverse between them to stop Smokey by ultimately relating/merging the timelines - would've been a far more satisfying, albeit more obvious choice. It actually ties together the concepts introduced in this season - and provides a much more logical sense of closure. To me, at the least, this finale did none of that - and simply feels like a cheap and sloppy cop out to end the series without prior planning. One of the quotes by the producers in the recap episode was they they "hoped the viewers could walk away from the finale fully satisfied that they had invested 6 years into this show". I'm not quite sure I am :dabs:

However, I do realize one thing - that this is, as well, a character driven plot, and in that regard Lindelof and Cuse executed excellently. However, this quote (http://www.tv.com/lost-a-bittersweet-end/story/23019.html?tag=hotspot;gumball;1) pretty much sums up my response to that perfectly:

... This was the ending Cuse and Lindelof crafted when they repeatedly said "Lost is all about the characters."

But the problem for Cuse and Lindelof is, despite downplaying so many of the mysteries of the island and this universe they created, they accidentally created a scenario where we cared about the mythology just as much—and in most cases even more—than the characters...

05-25-2010, 12:10 AM
johnny dies in the last ep.

or maybe it was mike :unsure:

mr. nails
05-25-2010, 02:02 PM
Shift+Delete Burned and a lot of free space

i liked season 6 and the season finale. it sure was better than the previous 2-3 seasons. sure, lots of unanswered questions, but it's better than just straight up cancellation of the show entirely.

tbh, i'm glad it's over though. for as much as i dug the return of a better season it was time to let it go.

for those interested there is a hour+ long special entitled:


basically behind the scenes.

R.I.P Lost.

05-27-2010, 09:40 AM

07-25-2010, 11:01 AM
Don't know if any of youse cunts know this, but there is a forthcoming epilogue to Lost called The New Man In Charge which comprises an 11 minute vignette which will be included in the Season 6 DVD.

I have a synopsis of it. And so do you. Now.

The first scene is a man who has his back to camera walking towards a doorway with Dharma symbols on it. It's Ben and as that picture hinted a week or so ago Ben is indeed shutting down the Dharma initiative for good. This scene is only like a minute long and Ben just tells the dudes in the Dharma jumpsuits that their assignments are done and that travel has been arranged for them back to their respective homes. The skinny dude asks Ben why this is happening and Ben does the cheesy turn around quick look into the camera and says "There's a new man in charge" and he walks out of the station as the dudes gesture their disappointment. First scene is kind of cheesy but it gets much better.

Next up we see this fabled new man in charge who is of course Hurley. Hurley still looks the same but he talks differently and there's no "dude" mentioned anywhere in the vignette.

Hurley is on the beach and is just starring off into the ocean. There is some noise coming from the bushes behind Hurley and Hurley has a weird cautious look in his eye but it's just the dog who lays down next to Hurley. Hurley has a nice little scene here with the dog where he outlines his regrets and his view of the future for the island. There is a lot of good stuff here and I will leave that part a mystery. Hurley says there is supposed to be some sort of balance to the island and that balance is gone. Hurley gets up and brushes the sand off of himself and tells the dog he has some good news for him, WALT IS COMING TO THE ISLAND!

Walt is doing some homework and listening to music in his room. I guess this is some sort of prep school or some sort of academy because Walt has a room at the school and is wearing a nice little uniform. After a moment someone knocks on the door and it's Ben. Walt looks like he's thirty years old but he still remembers Ben's face like he just saw him yesterday. Walt says he remembers what "they" did to him. Ben apologizes and he gets Walt to calm down. Ben explains Hurley's role on the island and offers him passage to the island. Walt says that if he wanted to go to the island he could go there any time he wanted to. Ben is intrigued but his evil intrigue dies off and he stays on mission. Walt then asks why he would ever go back and Ben manipulates him and tells him that his father is on the island. Walt wonders why Ben is visiting him because if Ben could leave the island then so could Michael. Ben says that Michael needs Walt's help and this works and WALT JUST FUCKING VANISHES as Ben smiles because he can still manipulate people like the old days.

Back on the island Hurley can still see dead people. I will not spoil the details of this scene as it both directly and indirectly involves John Locke and I can't write up a spoiler about Mr. Locke. I will give a little hint that Hurley offers an explanation of Locke's connection to the island and it fucking rocks and will be very satisfying but also very sad in regards to how things actually played out and how they should have played out. Are you... um.... stuck here? What if this island is the one that is stuck with me? Awesome scene. Very heady.

Final scene involves Walt and Hurley and offers a suggestion regarding the future of the island, things are left very much out in the open and the viewer must make up their own mind. Very good stuff. Fans will love it and it is very satisfying. The Vincent and Walt reunion will bring tears to everyone's eyes and it was done amazingly well. Great score A+++++++

07-27-2010, 09:11 PM
Ya I heard about that looking forward to seeing it

07-27-2010, 09:12 PM
Ya I heard about that looking forward to seeing it