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View Full Version : About bad requests here

01-21-2009, 10:45 PM
If you take a look at the giveaway/req section i am sure you will see some requests. And out of them i would say 90% are shit. Really :wacko:

I don't get it. Do ppl really think that they will get invited to places if they just write: "I want tl invite, thanks". No explanation why they want it, no convincing arguments, no background info...

I don't get it :S Do they really think that they will get invited?

What's up with those people? Please explain what you are thinking, I would be interested to know

01-21-2009, 10:50 PM
Some do not want to go into detail about certain sites. That is just my opinion though, others think different.. So they do not bring unwanted attention to the particular site. I agree. List your file sharing background. As others have, not in to much detail. Then if someone chooses to give out a invite, Profile links are good to check.
As it is hard to trust just anyone. Personally, i do not do it. That is a little off topic.
Members requesting a invite should also state why they want the certain site but that also goes back to not wanting to bring attention to the tracker-site?

01-21-2009, 11:00 PM
My guess is they just try, and maybe it works out. Especially for newbies they don't have much to lose.

01-21-2009, 11:02 PM
Well, I would understand if ppl don't like to mention other sites. But they don't need that to be convincing.

I would at least expect an explanation why they want an invite there and why they deserve it. It is not often you see that i think


@ sonnentier

well, I would be surprised to hear if it ever has worked

01-21-2009, 11:08 PM
Personally i think its really fake at times when peope write big essays saying its their dream to be on tracker x blah blah blah, but on the other hand i dont like it when people just put can some one give me tracker x and thats it. I think people should be a bit more polite and greatful,and if they have ratio proofs should state that they do. I think its then at the person who potentially thinking of inviting them to pm and go into more detail about their ratio proofs and intention.

Also got to agree with pone44 some people dont want to bring particular attention to sites they have. So such discussions should take place privately.

01-21-2009, 11:12 PM
Not just the sites they have, really was not saying that. I meant the site they are requesting.. Most do not like to be talked about publicly.

01-21-2009, 11:13 PM
Not just the sites they have, really was not saying that. I meant the site they are requesting.. Most do not like to be talked about publicly.

yea i can definitely undertand that to.

01-21-2009, 11:16 PM
@ villaalltheway

I didn't say long requests. They don't have to be that long, just sincere and the reasons why they want there and why they deserve it.

Long requests can be bad too ;)

01-21-2009, 11:24 PM
@ villaalltheway

I didn't say long requests. They don't have to be that long, just sincere and the reasons why they want there and why they deserve it.

Long requests can be bad too ;)

I definitely agree about being sincere 100% with you, as for the reasons why they want to be there, i always think anyone can make shit up when it comes to things like that (maybe im just a bit paranoid about people), and usually it should be pretty obvious, if for example they want what,cd, its because they want to donwload music and their is nowhere better to go. As to if they deserve it, i think this comes down to their ratio proofs (see if they know how to keep good ratios etc) at other sites which they can give u privately.

01-21-2009, 11:28 PM
Not just the sites they have, really was not saying that. I meant the site they are requesting.. Most do not like to be talked about publicly.

Okey, if i understand you right this time, you mean that the requesters that write requests just stating "i want invite please" respect the trackers they are requesting without mentioning them in public? :S

If they respect the trackers wishes they wouldn't make a public request in the first place. And if you mean that they don't wanna get into details about the trackers that's cool. They still don't need that to make a good request

I think i still don't get what your point is pone44 :blushing: Sorry, but I am tired

01-21-2009, 11:37 PM
@ villaalltheway

I didn't say long requests. They don't have to be that long, just sincere and the reasons why they want there and why they deserve it.

Long requests can be bad too ;)

Nobody deserves to be invited to any tracker period, well I mean it is stupid to come here and ask for invitations anyway, I woulnd never give an invitation to anyone just because they ask.
There is order for everything, first they should go to the threat that has open sing ups, if they don't do it, nobody shouldn give them anything.
People ask here because they tell their friends, that some sucker gave them an invite, and invites should be sacred anyway, just to close friends, no someone they just met online, that god knows who that person is.

01-21-2009, 11:51 PM
@ villaalltheway

I didn't say long requests. They don't have to be that long, just sincere and the reasons why they want there and why they deserve it.

Long requests can be bad too ;)

Nobody deserves to be invited to any tracker period, well I mean it is stupid to come here and ask for invitations anyway, I woulnd never give an invitation to anyone just because they ask.
There is order for everything, first they should go to the threat that has open sing ups, if they don't do it, nobody shouldn give them anything.
People ask here because they tell their friends, that some sucker gave them an invite, and invites should be sacred anyway, just to close friends, no someone they just met online, that god knows who that person is.

I totally disagree with you. I wouldn't invite people straight away from just reading a request. I would get to know them better first.

And I think that you can invite ppl you have met online. I would say you know a person quite good after daily chats on msn and irc or something like that.

01-21-2009, 11:53 PM
Moral: If you dont like the request, dont invite the person making the request.

01-21-2009, 11:54 PM
Nobody deserves to be invited to any tracker period, well I mean it is stupid to come here and ask for invitations anyway, I woulnd never give an invitation to anyone just because they ask.
There is order for everything, first they should go to the threat that has open sing ups, if they don't do it, nobody shouldn give them anything.
People ask here because they tell their friends, that some sucker gave them an invite, and invites should be sacred anyway, just to close friends, no someone they just met online, that god knows who that person is.

If invites were only given to close friends, i doubt most of these trackers would half as many members.

01-21-2009, 11:54 PM
^Puckface good point and simple.

01-22-2009, 12:00 AM
^Puckface good point and simple.

^^ He sure has a point. But I meant this thread to discuss what ppl think when they write horrible requests that doesn't explain anything.

01-22-2009, 12:02 AM
i think the best is to not be too short nor too long.
keep it objective,simple, and without any bullshit.

what will really speak for you, it will be your past. that's why newb requesters here never go very far on their requests.

i've invited people to SCT, bitme, hdbits, and more trackers i can remember of, because they didn't try to bullshit everyone or look super smart and lovely (i personally never invite users that look too nice and friendly, and always looking to be helpful and wishing everyone luck. I call those guys as the fakers. see my sig.).

I just checked their history, popped a PM saying "i want direct links from some site i trust" and invite issued. I always warn them though, that i will monitor their behaviour, looking for cheats, and if they do cheat, i'll do that extra mile to get them banned at every site i can possibly think of. Interestingly, some suddenly lost appetite for the invite or said that a friend already invited them :whistling
i had to do this, since i found out one of my invitees to SCT was actually a cheater, and he did seem a nice guy.
You never know nowadays.

If the person looks nervous providing me links, then the request ends right there, no matter if they keep pm'ing me for centuries. game over.

01-22-2009, 12:09 AM
Nobody deserves to be invited to any tracker period, well I mean it is stupid to come here and ask for invitations anyway, I woulnd never give an invitation to anyone just because they ask.
There is order for everything, first they should go to the threat that has open sing ups, if they don't do it, nobody shouldn give them anything.
People ask here because they tell their friends, that some sucker gave them an invite, and invites should be sacred anyway, just to close friends, no someone they just met online, that god knows who that person is.

If invites were only given to close friends, i doubt most of these trackers would half as many members.

I dont think he actually meant that.

take me for example, i started out here when i used to use kazzaa lite, as this used the be the K-lite forums, before the bittard section or even bittorrent was even heard of.

I met some good people on here, I would say about 40 friends and about 10 very close friends, never once met them in real life, but had them on MSN and talked a lot on here.

When i started BCG i took them with me and they became staff.

personally now, I would think twice before letting any of yous in, never mind a staff job once you are in.

But i do think that is what he means, get to know people first, do not just giveaway an invite to someone you have no idea who they are, SS and speedtests can easily be faked. but get to know someone over a period of time and they will slip up somewhere, before you waste the invite on them and get banned yourself.

01-22-2009, 12:49 AM
You are right stoi. I started on my own and I learned about bitorrent just reading a lot in another site, then I discover this place, and here I was invited to TL without asking, I don't like TL by the way, the point is I was banned because I didn't like TL and I never used it, so for me would be a waste of time to invite anyone to any tracker knowing that my reputation is on the line.
Asking for invites shoulnd't be allow here and giving invites either.
The best sites I got in, I got them on open trackers section, over the years I got what I need.
This thing of invites, is like people opening a thread and asking stupid questions about filesharing, without reading around first, the majority of questions if you read, you can get the answeer just like that, at least I did, the samething come with good trackers, sooner or later you will get into one that you like, just looking in the open trackers thread, and go from there, I think it is funny people just out the blue want an invite to TL, blackcats etc etc, without any real work.
You want a good job, you work for it, the samething is about this stuff.

01-22-2009, 12:53 AM
^Puckface good point and simple.

^^ He sure has a point. But I meant this thread to discuss what ppl think when they write horrible requests that doesn't explain anything.

see... that was my point.

Albo Da Kid
01-22-2009, 01:07 AM
(i personally never invite users that look too nice and friendly, and always looking to be helpful and wishing everyone luck. I call those guys as the fakers. see my sig.).

Ah you mean the "Hey buddy, I love trackers for community...Can i get an invite?" types.... You've read my mind. I can't stand those ones too. Just be a man and play your role, you don't have to suck up and act fake to get an invite. After all this is only the virtual world, so don't go too much out of your way to get what you want... That's a whore move.

01-22-2009, 01:07 AM
Moral: If you dont like the request, dont invite the person making the request.

But how would you like a request?
I think all the requests are the same, people don't bother to find it without asking anyway, sometimes they ask for invitations to trackers that are open, I call that lazzines.

Nobody deserves to be invited to any tracker period, well I mean it is stupid to come here and ask for invitations anyway, I woulnd never give an invitation to anyone just because they ask.
There is order for everything, first they should go to the threat that has open sing ups, if they don't do it, nobody shouldn give them anything.
People ask here because they tell their friends, that some sucker gave them an invite, and invites should be sacred anyway, just to close friends, no someone they just met online, that god knows who that person is.

If invites were only given to close friends, i doubt most of these trackers would half as many members.

Trackers have so many members because they open their singups once in a while, if not sooner or later they will close their doors, in some cases it may not be the case, but most do.

01-22-2009, 01:10 AM
The other bottom line is as well as puckface`s

if there are ppl stupid enough to to invite someone in a giveaway on a public forum, you will always get those type of ppl requesting.

If members stopped giving, then other members would stop asking.

(not like that will ever happen, but just imagine if it did)

01-22-2009, 01:30 AM
I think people that don't put any effort into their request simply don't give a f*ck. They're basically tossing up a hailmary and hoping someone in the right mood invites them. Some people are new and don't realize that an invite to a "quality" tracker needs to be a little more informative and objective. Now if someone wants an invite to a tracker that almost always has open signups then a "I want an invite to a site like stmusic" is alright.

01-22-2009, 02:25 AM
I agree with the shitty request(s) but look at the replies afterward they're shitty as well
...:console: PS : you suck

01-22-2009, 05:49 AM
As killercam101 said answers are even worst even in good requests

01-22-2009, 07:16 AM
personally now, I would think twice before letting any of yous in, never mind a staff job once you are in.

Even Me??:cry:

Seriously though, I do remember a time when it was done often and most people were willing to give what they had because they knew you from FST. Not with all the MSN chatting and stuff but a few PM's and a general post behaviour I guess. There wasn't all this hatred all over, no Trader/anti trader bullshit. People were much more friendly. I had gotten plenty of sites that way when I first started out and never screwed anyone over. I would say that the cheating/scamming wasn't nearly what it seems to be today. Things changed around here quite a bit. good members gave up and some nasty ones wont leave. Its a shame that doesn't happen anymore. Shit I may have even gotten FSC that way I don't remember.

01-22-2009, 11:37 AM
My guess is they don't know English well and they can't write much except for "I Want it, thx a lot".

That or they're < 13 years old.

01-23-2009, 01:36 PM
Nah, I think 13 year olds are smarter than that. Maybe it's because more and more people are accessing FST on their cell phones and haven't yet discovered how to use the QWERTY feature that most of them come with now?