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View Full Version : ubuntu crashes with connection timeout.

Syntax Error
02-02-2009, 02:06 AM
ok , the problem is happening to me many times on a lot of ubuntu desktop 8.04 servers .

i installed utorrent exactly as this :
1 - went to : www.winehq.org
2 - installed wine from above .
3 - opened firefox , downloaded utorrent and installed it .

nothing else i did , but still the same bug appears :O .

from what i noticed , it only happens when i connect to many connections ... so i assume it's a connection limit problem ... i followed many tutorials after googling but couldn't find a solution .
if anyone has a solution please let me know , i hate paying for windows for this small bug which really annoys me .

02-02-2009, 03:59 AM
Maybe your servers isn't able to support this number of connections or CPU/memory resources needed to get them. Can we know what do you use as server ?
To know what's the problem with UT, you can launch it in command line and see the error when it crashes.

Syntax Error
02-02-2009, 06:01 PM
i asked for re-install on debian and will test now .

this problem happened to me several times on ubuntu and only ubuntu ... idk why ... only happens after launching utorrent .

i would really like to find the reason for future usage .

Maybe your servers isn't able to support this number of connections or CPU/memory resources needed to get them. Can we know what do you use as server ?
To know what's the problem with UT, you can launch it in command line and see the error when it crashes.

there is nothing in the server except utorrent ... even ftp wasn't installed yet .

02-02-2009, 07:07 PM
Which version of wine you had installed?
And what bug appears :/

02-02-2009, 08:16 PM
there is nothing in the server except utorrent ... even ftp wasn't installed yet .
No I wanted to know what's the characteristic of your server : machine, dedicated or vps, providers etc.
Then, launching UT in command line can help you to know the cause of the crashe.

About the ability of Ubuntu to run correctly UTorrent, I and many people can confirm it can. If this problem always happen with you it's linked to your installation or your machine.

Syntax Error
02-02-2009, 10:01 PM
i know it's linked to my installion ... that's why i am asking here .

my server is dedicated kimsufi first one .

however , the server now runs on debian ... i installed gnome on it and nx server ... i will try to use torrents on it now and see how it will go .

as for wine version , i got the last one (beta package i guess) .

02-02-2009, 10:31 PM
How do you think you can know why UT crash if you don't look at its error when it happens... -_-'

Syntax Error
02-02-2009, 11:03 PM
because i couldn't even enter the server for more than 1 sec after installing utorrent .

however , everything seems to be working fine on debian now .

thanks for trying to help , here is more details for fixing the problem i got :

http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=618797 (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-618797.html)

i just found it later after re-installing the os .