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View Full Version : How to "clean" a XBox360 HD and go to Live?

02-05-2009, 01:55 PM
Hi there folks,

I'm quite newbie here (and on XBox360 World too :(), so, please, have a little patience on me...

I bought my Xbox360 3 months ago: an Elite ("Falcon", I suppose), with 120GB HD and an Hitachi-LG DVD. And it is modded (with "iExtreme", I suppose this too).

I bought some "cheapper" games, downloaded others, and started to play this awesome console :w00t:

But I never entered online, because I am afraid to be banned, because a friend of mine told me to just play this type of games with a Memory Unit plugged, and HD tooked off - in order to don't let XBox record games data on its HD.

Well, on that time I didn't have a Memory Unit, and, of course, I couldn't wait that for start playing, you know... :noes:

But now, I could buy a 512 MB Memory Unit, and want to enter on Live: to update my dashboard, download demos & other things, and so on...

So, my question is: How do I "clean" my XBox HD?

I mean, I just want to clean the data recorded by games I have play, but the original content I want to let there.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I've search for this question on Forum, but I did not find any post regardind this.

PS(2): This luke's post (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-staying-safe-xboxlive-302321) is very good for starters like me! I recommend.

02-18-2009, 02:38 PM
if nothings been saved on any mem then there shouldnt be a problem. in all honesty even if there was the chances of getting caught are tiny. just stick to games already out and u will be fine.

02-27-2009, 08:45 PM
Hum... as far as I got from the original question, it looks like he already used the 120GB HDD on lot's of backups and don't want do use backups online... nor to report what he already done. So, his history will show every game he played so far.

The question is, if you delete your profile and all saved games, will the HDD still retain your history in some "hidden" place and report it to MS? It seems a fair question to me. I really think it does report everything back to MS (call me paranoid...).

So, if one does not want to format the HDD (don't want to loose Hexic and all extras that came pre-installed), how to clean up the HDD to a "brand new" condition? Is it possible, without plugging it to a PC and "cleaning up" with Xplorer360 or something similar?

I would also like to know a method "console only" to do a cleanup...

Cheers m8s!

02-28-2009, 09:19 PM
if nothings been saved on any mem then there shouldnt be a problem. in all honesty even if there was the chances of getting caught are tiny. just stick to games already out and u will be fine.

I think this is not enough. My brother is the one who burns Xbox360 here and I already saw him downloading one game that was already out and not burning it because it failed some of those tests.

As far as I know it must be an exact copy of the original or else... you may be banned. :huh: That's what he says.

03-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Yes guys, thats why I am very worry about enter on-line this way...

I dont want to enter on Live to PLAY on-line.

I just want to enter there to update my console and download demos.

03-05-2009, 06:43 PM
As far as I know it must be an exact copy of the original or else... you may be banned. :huh: That's what he says.

From my understanding it's as mentioned above. When playing online you just need an original disc, I don't think it matters if you modded firmware as long as you have the original disc when playing online.

But I might be wrong.

03-06-2009, 02:04 AM
Yes guys, thats why I am very worry about enter on-line this way...

I dont want to enter on Live to PLAY on-line.

I just want to enter there to update my console and download demos.

Capelati, I think we are neighbors :lol:
If you want, send me a PM and I'll put you in contact with my brother and I think he may help you.

"Aguardo sua mensagem carinha" ;)

03-06-2009, 05:10 AM
Unplug the HD and buy another one :)

03-06-2009, 02:08 PM
Unplug the HD and buy another one :)

ha ha ha :lol:
very funny

03-06-2009, 02:19 PM
Capelati, I think we are neighbors :lol:
If you want, send me a PM and I'll put you in contact with my brother and I think he may help you.

"Aguardo sua mensagem carinha" ;)

Yes, man, I live and work at Santo Andre.

Added you on my MSN ;-)


03-06-2009, 02:21 PM
Capelati, I think we are neighbors :lol:
If you want, send me a PM and I'll put you in contact with my brother and I think he may help you.

"Aguardo sua mensagem carinha" ;)

Yes, man, I live and work at Santo Andre.

Added you on my MSN ;-)



see ya ;)

03-09-2009, 06:42 PM
to clear the HD cache:

To perform the function, access 'memory' in the system blade, and then highlight the hard drive. Now press: Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X. The following message should appear: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?"

03-09-2009, 07:08 PM
to clear the HD cache:

To perform the function, access 'memory' in the system blade, and then highlight the hard drive. Now press: Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X. The following message should appear: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?"

I don't think this is actually going to clear the xbox HD. As far as I know, it just deletes the game updates or I'm wrong?

Saves, for example, are kept so I guess other infos about which games you've played so far seems to be kept there.

03-18-2009, 07:14 PM
anybody tried this? can anybody post a conclusion? i really want to play online

03-21-2009, 09:32 PM
You do not need to clear the hard drive in order to play on live. I have an elite and it's modded as well. You can go on live as long as you play the original games and not burnt ones. You will not get banned if you do this. BUT... if you play burnt games, make sure they are fully stealth patched before you burn them or microsoft may catch you. The best option is to NOT play burnt games on live and play original games only on it. That way you will not get banned off live and microsoft will never find out anything.

03-22-2009, 07:29 PM
You do not need to clear the hard drive in order to play on live. I have an elite and it's modded as well. You can go on live as long as you play the original games and not burnt ones. You will not get banned if you do this. BUT... if you play burnt games, make sure they are fully stealth patched before you burn them or microsoft may catch you. The best option is to NOT play burnt games on live and play original games only on it. That way you will not get banned off live and microsoft will never find out anything.

Are you using a modchip or did you reflash your drive? I was thinking of modding my xbox but I want an off switch that will turn it off while I play on LIVE and wanted to know if I had to get a modchip or if I can just get away with updating the firmware.

03-22-2009, 11:05 PM
I have mine flashed. I don't have a mod chip. So basically the drive is flashed and there is no on off switch, its always on but, you can still go on live as long as you play the original games and not the burnt ones. Some people also go on live with burnt games but those games must be properly patched or you may get caught on live! The only way to not get caught with a flashed 360 is to use original games on live only.

03-23-2009, 05:19 AM
I have my 360 modded and I have played burnt games online and I'm still not banned. make sure all your games are stealth. Checked with abgx 360. Even if you play games offline only. Your 360 keeps record of all games played and once you go online all that info is uploaded to your profile online. So if you play games that are not fully stealth'd offline and play only original games online you are still going to get banned.

To wipe all the info on your HDD. Simply restore all settings to defaults and wipe all saved games and achievements. I believe there is an option to do this.. Then go online when you have not record of any games played. From here on make sure all your games are 100% stealth'd. That is if you have not gone online yet.

03-24-2009, 04:05 AM
Are you sure you have to clean out your xbox saves and achievements, because I didn't do that and I can still go on live using my original games. I've played enough games that aren't patched but I just don't play them online. I'm not banned yet. So I don't know if the whole clearing your hard drive thing is really necessary, but yea you might want to take precautions so that you don't get banned for sure.

03-25-2009, 01:28 AM
Well check your online account at www.xbox.com (http://www.xbox.com)

Does it show all the games you played? As far as I know it does. Even if you didn't play those games online. It simply keeps track of everything you play and uploads that info to your profile online. Unless you used 2 different accounts. One for offline play and 1 for online play. I believe his might work. Still I would not play a game that is not patched properly at all, even offline if I plan to play some games online.

The ban hammer will come down on you if you played not properly patched games and they show on your profile right now. Maybe not today or even in a month from now but you could already be flagged.

03-25-2009, 03:05 AM
Hmm, maybe your right about this. I'll probably just use a different account for xbox live games then. Thanks for this info though, I learned something new.

03-26-2009, 06:57 PM
You'll still get banned if any of your games had a bad backup/rip job. The 360 flags a game with any inconsistencies and once it is connected to the internet (live) it will send those inconsistencies to microsoft. If you completely wipe out your harddrive then you may still have chance of not getting banned. Changing accounts wont't do squat. always check your game with abgx360 before burning them.

03-26-2009, 10:40 PM
I just hope I don't get banned now. I've ran enough games without patches.

03-27-2009, 12:01 AM
just buy some games that you want to play online a lot

i don't have my xbox modded for the same reasons as stated here. i don't want to deal with getting banned. so i got a gamefly accout and bought the games i will pay online alot (cod4, gears of war 2, battlefield bad company, etc)

Albo Da Kid
03-27-2009, 12:12 AM
Your xbox will probably die from catching the 3RROD before you even get banned so don't worry so much about being detected. Just yesterday mine died. Now I have to open it up and clean the processors in order to get it back up and running.

03-28-2009, 02:24 AM
Your xbox will probably die from catching the 3RROD before you even get banned so don't worry so much about being detected. Just yesterday mine died. Now I have to open it up and clean the processors in order to get it back up and running.

Crappy. I had mine for a long time and I have never had a problem with it. Bought it used too. However I don't think I have ever left it on for more than 3-4 hours. 2 of them idle probably. That's how much I play games haha.

03-28-2009, 02:37 AM
Mine has gone dead 3x, guess 3rd time is the charm for breaking, I'm on my 4th, and all seems good, but it has it days of 8 hours...but it has it days of 0 hours too. The box is wide open in the air, so no overheating.