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View Full Version : Never Been So Depressed Before

09-15-2003, 03:05 PM
just realised during this year I having been going through serious depression and can't get out of ever since the 4 year relationship on what I thought would I would have in a lifetime.

all I do is waske up at 11pm skip breakfast come staright to this computer download and post dont fell like getting out in life I don't even feel like studing my work at all hell I havnt even picked up my guitar in months

also not many ppl know this I am a albino (no red eyes) put up with alot of shit in my life and will never be able to drive

My whole life is just crap and it seems like this forum gets me away from reality and makes me feel alot better

Ive lost my faith have no confidence in myself and have no heart anymore in anythign I do

sadly without my music and the internet and the occasioanal movie I want to be dead

don't know why I'm here soemtimes I mean there is no set rule for life yet ppl seem to think there is and we all have to follow it Im a long way off it........

09-15-2003, 03:10 PM
I've been pretty badly depressed before - just remember you're still young and something good will turn up as long as you look after yourself

09-15-2003, 03:13 PM
Ad, mate I'm sorry to hear that.
I seriously think you need to get out and get laid. Seriously.
It might get you on your way to forgetting about that bitch who did the dirt on you.
Get some mates together and have a good old beer session somewhere where there's plenty of skirt.

09-15-2003, 03:15 PM
thats one of the problems I can never trust a woman again

as for friend all my previous friends turned out to be dickheads in the end Im lucky Ive got a brother in law who takes me places with his friends

09-15-2003, 03:19 PM
anyways i always feel like this when I run into that bitch [leadin gfor me back all the time but there is no 4th chance jsut wish i would stop thinking about her with thease f*cking dreams all the time

well put it this way if I was still with her today I would never have joined this forum at all

well off to bed its 12 15 am here

09-15-2003, 03:19 PM
You don't have to trust anybody yet, Ad.
You need a good, old ego-boosting shag.
I'm sure you're bro in laws mates like you for yourself and not because you're forced upon them.
You're a good guy. Believe it.

09-15-2003, 03:21 PM
i'm really sorry to hear this ad :( , i had you down as the funluvin one about these parts.

i'm no expert in these things mate, but i really do recommend you do whatever it takes to switch your machine off for a while and get out and about - i suppose most folks in here could do some more of it too.

as for the girl thing, i think i remember you saying you were 22(?), dude those things just take some time, thats all, some more than others prolly :D , but most peeps if they were honest enough would admit to have been being through something similar, at least once.

i hope things brighten up for you soon buddy

p.s. if someone would like to set up a kl forum amnesty type thing were it went down (so you wouldnt have anyone here to waste your time) i'd be up for it

seriously bud, keep your chin up

pps - i know i heard you say you like a drink too before, maybe try some time away from that also, and as for gange in your frame of mind i'd say that was a definite no-no
this is all it is bud, a TEMPORARY frame of mind, i hope you get over it soon


edit - i'm too slow at typing, just wanted to second chalice's suggestion, a nice long sweaty session should make things seem somewhat clearer :D

edit 2 - and get those boxing gloves back will'ya, far too much clarity in that first post ;)

09-15-2003, 03:27 PM
FUck all these bitches, never trust them and its true what they "YOu cant live with them and You cant live with them!!!!

09-15-2003, 03:31 PM
dude, u did the right thing by letting us, know cos i wud never judge any 1 in your postion and i hope no 1 else wud...

I have bin in the same postion as u b4 and it was not nice at all.

wot i wud recommend ( of course this is just me ) u don't have 2 listein 2 wot i say...

but first thing i did was take a trip 2 my doctor, i explaind all my problems, and she was very understanding... that really felt gud 2 tell sum 1...

I then enroled in a part time college course, u know the type, the no pressure course, no homework or any of that kind of shit, that wos a real gud help it meant i was getting out and doing sumthing i enjoyed ( web design) and i was mixing with other people.. this then led me 2 doing sum Volunteer work, that really did me the wrold of good, it gave me my Confidence back big time, and i mean there is no pressure in doing Volunteer work it's your rules...

I hope this helps a little, but just take it 1 day at a time, there is no rush

09-15-2003, 05:47 PM
dear me.....you really need to get out your house and deal with it.
the longer you mope about feeling sorry for yourself, the more chance you have of loosing everything and everyone you care about. its no good blaming it the world and giving in, because trust me, know one is going to help you if you cant get out of that frame of mind and get yourself off your couch.

one of my best mates hung himself in the middle of a damn park because he was so depressed and didnt think anyone cared about him. he had no confidence and very little luck with the girls. if only he had seen how many people turned up at his funeral, and realised he wasnt all on his own who knows what would have happened. i can safely say, if i knew what was happening, i would have done a hell of a lot more to help him.

ive had crappy things happen to me that i wouldnt wish on anyone. ive been on anti depressents, done stupid things to myself, and spent a whole year up my own ass. the end of the day, its no good moaning about how unhappy you are, if youre not willing to motivate yourself to a better life. wallowing in self pity is only going to make you worse, and to add to that, you will be a very bitter person.

so.....you dont trust women. :blink:
i dont trust women.....i dont trust men either.
but you cant avoid the real world because you've been screwed over a few times, you cant put your family and friends through this without any explanations. i really dont mean to sound condescending or heartless, but you gotta get a grip on your life. starting talking to friends and family about how you feel, they may surprise you. i know its hard and scary, but you will feel better for it in the long run.

if you dont have anyone to talk to, know im only a pm away, and im sure a lot feel like this too. ;)

09-15-2003, 06:23 PM
hey ad,

i just wanted to let you know i know how you feel (well sort of) i've been suffering from bouts of depression since i got out of prison 18 months ago.

i've got (or did have) some of the best mates in the world who stuck by me through all my shit yet i have dropped them like hot cakes.

i dont live at home and hardly see my parents and little brothers anymore. all i do is go to work and then shut myself away in my flat, even when my pals come round to see me other flat mates i stay upstairs.

Why do i do this? Fuck knows why but i spoke to someone who told me that its all due to underlying guilt (wtf?) about letting people down.

i guess i'm rambling but what i'm trying to say is fucking chin up and have a smile, if we cant be happy with ourselves then what chance do we have?

i ditto lilmiss's suggestion, if you want someone to talk to then pm me or whatever.



09-15-2003, 08:46 PM
You need to go see a doctor immediately. It is apparent that your life has been "derailed" from its expected course and you plan on moping about until someone comes to put you back on track. You are waiting for some "event" to happen to you.

Lil miss is right, you need to be the one who steps out, nobody is going to come a knockin' to fix your life.

1. You need to let go of your girlfriend, trust me, you are secretly waiting for her to come back, no matter what protestations you make. You are in what we call the stall cycle. Everyone has done this!

2. If going out and getting laid were easy we would all be doing it nightly. Women can smell desperation on a man stronger than any cologne, and it makes them run. You should go out looking to have a good time and if a situation arises, flow with it. Going out with the expectation of getting laid can lead to further frustration. The truth is that picking women up in a bar is not something that most guys can do. Women are not really there to get laid, they would rather leave with you to go talk.

Combine this frustration with alcohol and you will spend the night crying to your friends about your girlfriend and calling all the women around you "bitches". Nothing good will come of this, and nobody will want to be around you.

I reserve drinking for celebration and not "drowning out" problems. Alcohol tends to heighten your emotions and sadness will become maudlin self pity.

3. You need to get a focus, a goal. Get in shape, train for a run, lose weight. Most of these activities will energize your body and your mind, and you will feel that you have accomplished something that day. The hardest part is that first step.

4. Sleeping too much without feeling rested, waking up early in the morning feeling guilty, lack of pleasure from things you had previously enjoyed, guilt, and apathy can be a sign that you have clinical depression. However, people with clinical depression generally will tell you they don't know why they are depressed, they just are. You have a very specific incident which triggered this.

Sounds to me like you are in a prolonged mourning phase and you need a jolt to get started.

So, right now, get dressed and go to the doctor. He can either help you by being someone to listen to your distress or he can prescribe medication to assist your recovery.

As for suicide, don't bullshit the doctor. If you had planned to do it, but without leaving a note or if your plans are specific and detailed, you need to talk to him about it. If you just you think it out of frustration or for attention, tell him you want some attention, not that you are thinking about suicide.

The trick is that if you start talking about suicide, the doctor has the authority to lock you up in a psychiatric ward for 72 hours, as you pose a danger to yourself. That is why I stress not to talk bullshit. I have seen friends locked up because they got drunk and spouted off at the mouth that they were "suicidal". Man did they regret that the next day, and day after.

That is why I am familiar with this topic.

Now git!!!

09-15-2003, 09:02 PM
I've saved this for future reference hobbes. You've presented the facts better than most professionals I've known could have.