View Full Version : inactivity pruning

Col. Skillz
02-07-2009, 12:55 PM
so how do most private sites handle this, if you haven't logged in in "x" days your account gets automatically deleted? i assume its either 30,60,90 days depending on the site, some sites probably don't even do pruning, and i know a lot them don't prune past a certain user class.

what i want to know if anyone has heard of any sites that prune unless you have had an active TORRENT, in the specified timeframe.

I'm afraid for those sites i haven't actually had any torrent activity on im going to do my semi weekly "login" and find that my account doesnt exist.

02-07-2009, 01:03 PM
pruning accounts can be based on lots of things and is up to the sole discretion of the site. It is usually based on three things; user class, account status, last activity

Generally these are the more common conditions under which accounts will be pruned:

1. An account is inactive for X days
2.A parked account is inactive for X days
3. A disabled account is inactive (of course) and not returned to enabled in X days

some of things that can lengthen the time allowed for inactivity include VIP status (or sometimes even PU status) or parking an account

and now .... my minds gone completely blank lol sorry .. i have been awake over 24 hours.

but in direct response to your answer i have not known a site a site to base its entire pruning system only on torrent activity. I did know one site which did incorporate torrent activity as if it were a standard user login to keep accts alive though, but it generally proved pointless as most sites dont prune for a minimum of a month.. and if you have a active torrent after a month without logging in for a month id be very surprised...

now did i go way off the mark and not answer your question ??? i dunno im too tired to check lol, i just wanted to type plain english for a few mins instead of code and unfortunately you got the brunt of it :)

Col. Skillz
02-07-2009, 01:28 PM
haha thanks for the post, if you what you say is true, im fine. im just wondering if there are any well known sites out there that don't consider logging in as prune proof.

02-07-2009, 01:52 PM
HDBits has a pruning system:

When are accounts auto-pruned?

Unparked accounts are pruned when 60 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. Parked accounts are pruned when 200 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. Please note that torrent traffic does not count as site activity. Also note that we regularly clean out accounts with very low share ratios.
Upscale accounts are pruned after 4 weeks
"You MUST make use of your account. If you download very little, your account will be disabled." [1] (https://hdbits.org/rules.php) If you up-/download less than 1 GB per week (approximately), your account is considered to be "inactive". This is an average value; you are not forced to actually up-/download 1 GB every week. (FL download isn't taken into account)

02-07-2009, 02:16 PM
Just to correct something:

2.A parked account is inactive for X+Y days

Which basically means, you park an account if you know you won't be able to access it for some time.

02-07-2009, 03:07 PM
I think BitMeTV also has some kind of pruning system based on download/upload activity. If you don't download/upload anything for months, just keep logging in, then probably your account will be disabled.

02-08-2009, 06:21 AM
SDBits also has a pruning system based on torrent activity:

When are accounts auto-pruned?

Unparked accounts are pruned when 50 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. Parked accounts are pruned when 100 days have elapsed since the last recorded activity. Also note that we regularly clean out accounts with very low share ratios.
VCD accounts are pruned after 4 weeks
"You MUST make use of your account. If you download very little, your account will be disabled." [1] (https://sdbits.org/rules.php) If you up-/download less than 1 GB of non-freeleech torrents per week (approximately), your account is considered to be "inactive". This is an average value; you are not forced to actually up-/download 1 GB every week.

Edit: just realized that it was almost the same quote as Lovestoned one lol.

02-08-2009, 06:39 AM

use it or lose it sister!

02-08-2009, 06:40 AM
Are these a bunch of trackers that you really don't use or like? I was the same way when I belonged to a bunch of trackers. I would be logging in once a week or once every couple week just to keep the accounts active. Then I thought to myself, how stupid is this? I'm doing this just to keep accounts active that I barely even use. So I deleted all my trackers except for a choice few that I actually use either every day, or every few days. Now because I actually use these trackers quite often, I never have to fear getting pruned.

So, ff you're doing the same thing, logging into a bunch of trackers only to keep them active, then you need to think about which trackers you actually need for the content and will use on a semi daily basis, and just delete the rest.

02-08-2009, 06:46 AM
Funkin', that's a great post as it seems right. It would also open up a slot for a member to be that might actually really use the tracker.

Other than Pedro's and IPT, I was wondering what other trackers do you frequent?

I've actually been getting lesser and lesser activity with ScT and am downloading from IPT when I know it's impossible to seed back after all the swarm has become seeders already.