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View Full Version : Multicasting An Image

09-15-2003, 09:11 PM
I am trying to get rid of the windows installation that I have. howevr i cant just reisntall windows since the I am leasing the laptop. So I can do is try to ghost my machine and load an already prepared image with all the configurations. However, I have several partitions no my harddrive. My question is .. when I am doing the ghosting will it destroy the partitions ??? I am sure if it was only one partition -- it totally wipes the hard drive and puts the new image with the OS and stuff. But since I have several partitions will it only wipe the C: and put the OS image?? If anyone has done it or knows whether or not the ghosting is going to screw up the partitions please drop a reply here.


09-15-2003, 09:13 PM
Try posting where some will give a s**t. Maybe software in this case?
