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View Full Version : Summary For Year Of Wonders ?

09-17-2003, 08:25 AM
Anyone know where can i get the summary of chaptes 1 - 3 this book ?

i just want a page where the summary is.


09-17-2003, 08:37 AM
I'm starting to think people just want us to do their homework for them. ;)


09-17-2003, 08:41 AM
no, my teacher want us to read the summary first so we can undertand better. she also want a copy.

09-17-2003, 09:17 AM
Are you serious? And then people wonder why the educational system is lacking. <_< It&#39;s a bit silly to think that students will benefit by first requiring them to read the interpretations of others who have also. Yeah...sure...I guess it might make them "understand better," but doesn&#39;t help the student to understand on a personal level. How can someone understand another person&#39;s assessment if they are never encouragedrequired to be introspective and then contextualize this information according to the world around them? It&#39;s regurgitation rather than application. Sad Sad Sad...free thought becomes more endangered as time moves on...of course controlling knowledge is a very effective way to manipulate and gain power over others- especially since it frequently goes unnoticed. Okay, so I&#39;m gonna step down from my soapbox now. :lol:

I don&#39;t know anyone who has the summaries that you&#39;re looking for. However, you can try Cliff&#39;s Notes, Monarch Notes, PinkMonkey, and other such sites that offer "homework help" for students. But if you&#39;re looking for a more thorough, and IMHO, valuable (more entertaining too in most cases) close reading of the chapters you were assigned, try looking for essays written in academic journals addressing them. For example, my university offeres an "Expanded Academic Index" where you can search for scholarly studies/articles in every publication they subscribe to, which are so numerous it occassionally becomes daunting. Anyway, your local library may offer access to such information, so if you choose to persue this method, you should check there first. That way you&#39;ll have more resources to help you find what you&#39;re looking for. You could also see if there are universities that have a similar program. Sometimes colleges don&#39;t allow those who aren&#39;t attending the school to take advantage of such resources. However, more than likely there will be a way for you to contact the library or even the librarians that work there. You could ask them if ther is any way you could use their database for your research, explaining why you&#39;re requesting if you can do so. I&#39;ve found that they&#39;re really very accommodating and understanding when it comes to such things. Oh yes....and there is, of course, always Google. :D Good Luck&#33;

D&#39;OH&#33;&#33;&#33; :blink: I forgot about ProQuest and GaleGroup....they have complete texts (for some), reviews, essays, etc. about a TON of "stuff". :lol:

09-17-2003, 10:06 AM
Now, I would think that the excerise would be to read the first two chapters, then write a summary on what you read. That&#39;s how it was done when I was in school. ;)

Edit: After taking a gander at Amazon, I&#39;m pretty sure that&#39;s what your teacher wants. It appears to be a book for middle school, and since it was published just last year, it&#39;s highly unlikely that it would be featured in many scholarly essays.


09-17-2003, 02:46 PM
thanks for all, i did&#39;nt found anything about the book,but i found something relative, i just read the first chapter and a few pages of the second one, that may help. and again thanks.