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02-18-2009, 08:15 PM
Thanks for all the information! You answered all my questions :)

02-18-2009, 09:03 PM
Edited out your email (you can add one to your profile if you wish.)because any other information that you want(other than someone giving you an invite)can be posted here.

02-18-2009, 09:28 PM
#1: Why do people use "." in between words in a filename, instead of spaces? ie: "Legend.of.the.damned.2003.avi"
probably dont want to break rss feeds
#2: Why do people RAR files, when it seems they are the same size un-rared. I've read that it's done because if there is a problem with one file, you only have to download that ONE small file again; but with BT checking each piece, is it really needed?
well this is about "scene" rulez
#3: Why do some files have 3 sub files instead of 1?
3 subs? if you talking about subtitles this is normal cuz scene releases can have more subs se,eng,bla bla

Sorry if these questions are silly and if my english is making it hard to understand what I ask!

Thanks to you! :)
you look like a little newbie so read forum post and tutorials and be alittle more active for bittorent...
about trackers i can suggest both ScT or scc for you...
both have great speeds, packs on free leechs:)

02-18-2009, 10:03 PM
Check out IPTorrents & Bitsoup are comprehensive and their torrents are easy to seed. I don't know about freeleech, but if you are reasonable, it should be really easy to build up a ratio. I also recommend them because Bitsoup is open several times a day and IPTorrents is the easiest invite site to get into.

The file names use "." because spaces cause issues on Linux systems.

Rars are used because bittorrent is not the original method of distribution. But they are better anyway because they archive the content for a long, long time, whereas that avi could become corrupt.

Subs are often ripped to make room. Often what is included depends on the source and the group's preference. Multi/custom sub releases often have subs added so more people can watch.

02-18-2009, 10:30 PM
If you looking for movies then ScL is tracker for you.All packs are freeleech and they have many movies.

02-18-2009, 10:39 PM
For movies, I'd recommend PTN. Plus it's suited for people with low speeds. Don't expect porn there, though. If you want unrared movies, go for PassThe Popcorn (should be a lot easier to get). Both sites have got a bonus system to help you maintain a ratio.
Now on to the questions:
1) Probably has something to do with problems with filenames with spaces. I'm no expert, though.
2) Scene standards. There's a site called allaboutthescene, I think.
3) Different languages?

02-18-2009, 10:49 PM
SCL is wat u r lookin for trust mye :)

02-18-2009, 10:55 PM
Thank you all for your quick replies! Very helpful to me. As for the sub files, I wasn't referring to multiple language files; they just have different extensions. Its ok i may not be giving enough information for you to know what I'm babbling about. ;)

As for my email address, I left it because I dont have PMs here yet and some people prefer not to mention site names, or where they visit, in a public place. Its no problem though.

Thanks once again!

02-18-2009, 10:57 PM
one mor3 wot3 for clover.

02-18-2009, 11:26 PM
Also, I have a few questions:

#1: Why do people use "." in between words in a filename, instead of spaces? ie: "Legend.of.the.damned.2003.avi"
#2: Why do people RAR files, when it seems they are the same size un-rared. I've read that it's done because if there is a problem with one file, you only have to download that ONE small file again; but with BT checking each piece, is it really needed?

Usually the person uploading is getting the files from Scene FTP's and the groups there have certain rules and quality control that the releases must meet.

Since most of new users really seem to care about pre-times the uploader most of the time just uploads it like he got it from the scene, which is in .rar format and using the labeling standards of the scene.

#3: Why do some files have 3 sub files instead of 1?

This one I am not to sure why so I cant comment on it.

02-19-2009, 01:04 AM
Scc is a bitch to keep a ratio on if you dont get stuff from the freeleech to keep a ratio. if you want 0day with freeleech then GFT or FTN, but good luck atm. Goem is a great site for movies, they dont allowe screeners. alot of freeleech stuff there too. tehconnection isnt bad, and I think is open signups too.

tl is an absolutely amazing site, it is possibly the fastest one Im on, because it has a huge userbase. RevTT is also good, similar to TL. its good to see people posting things like this rather than jumping into the requests first day and asking for SCT first day in.

Just dont forget, dont be a trader, noone likes them

02-19-2009, 06:08 AM
why the hell did you edit the first post? it could have helped many members...

02-19-2009, 06:22 AM
The real reason for rarring files by the scene is (if you can understand):

quote from a different tracker

you're in a curry group whose whole 'thing' is racing). the race is to see how fast people can complete the release on the site, whose the fastest and who can get the most files in. a bunch of people on the FTP server are transfering from their pre sites or whatver RAR files to contribute to the release (dvdr, xvid, etc). This means a bunch of people can take advantage of the site's bandwidth because on FTP only one person can have access to a file, so splitting a release up into a bunch of files means a bunch of people can contribute to "the race" and the site most ends up receiving files from a bunch of different people/sites at various speeds, maximizing the amount of threads and the total speed that the release is complete. FXPing a file from a gigabit in Japan to a gigabit in CZ might only give you 2MB/sec. There are still ~90MB/sec of download bandwidth left unused. That's where everyone else comes in with their own files

The major advantage to rars is for racing. A group has certain affil sites which they pre (initially upload) their release on. Then the racers come into play and FXP the releases to other FTP sites all around the world (although a lot of it is done by auto-trade scripts rather than by hand these days). Now, if there was only one .avi file then only one person could FXP the file over to a certain site. If the site they're FXP'ing it from is only 100mbit then the file will only transfer onto the site at a maximum of 100mbit (normally less due to bandwidth usage and routing issues). This means that the file will take just over a minute to fully transfer to another site at the quickest pace. By the time it spreads to smaller topsites it will have normally been quite a while after pre. The solution to this is to split the release into a load of smaller files. These files take almost no time to transfer and numerous people can all transfer different rars to the same directory. So say that 20 racers start FXP'ing the same release to a certain topsite. They all do 2-3 rars each, and the release gets completed in >10 seconds. See how much more efficient this method is?

So no, rars have absolutely nothing to do with newsgroups or torrenting. Groups don't want their releases leaked to newsgroups or p2p.

02-19-2009, 03:07 PM
why the hell did you edit the first post? it could have helped many members...
True, good thing RedRansom quoted it all