View Full Version : Linux posting Tool with nzb creator

02-25-2009, 12:32 PM
Hi i need a linux tool/script to upload/poste and create (after the upload) automatically a nzb file.


02-27-2009, 09:52 AM
Have a look at Jbinup (http://www.jbinup.com/en/). It's Java based too so it's crossplatform supported with a platorm of Java.

- GUI giving easy access to many functionalities
- Multiserver capability
- NNTP and NNTPS support
- No connection limits
- Sequential Uploading
- Headercheck after upload
- Batchfunction for WinRar and Par2
- All uploads are encoded with the yEnc algorythm
- Creation of NZB-files after finishing a JBinUp mission is possible
- command line interface supported (coming soon)
- Multilanguage Support

07-13-2009, 06:07 PM
I modified the excellent tool 'newspost' (clean, efficient, command-line, C-based), to do just that, tell me if you are interested.
The author's site is http://newspost.unixcab.org/ , last update was 6 years ago.

07-14-2009, 02:09 AM
I modified the excellent tool 'newspost' (clean, efficient, command-line, C-based), to do just that, tell me if you are interested.
The author's site is http://newspost.unixcab.org/ , last update was 6 years ago.

I'm interested, post a link. Maybe spend the time to create a GUI too?

07-14-2009, 05:01 PM
As for GUI, no way. The big advantage of this program is its simplicity and LACK of GUI.

The modified sources, and also the executable, are here:

The additional flag is -g and you give it the name of an nzb file to generate.
I tested this against astraweb and giganews.
There is some problem with astraweb, it seems that sometimes, for no apparent reason,
the server rejects my message-ID and replaces it with its own.
When this happens, it happens for ALL the parts the file is broken into.
I must generate the message-ID's myself, since NNTP protocol doesn't give back
the messsage-ID after a POST (and I didn't want to get into reading back headers).
I make up the message-ID as per recommendations, with a random string.
I checked that when this happens, the message-ID is not a duplicate of a previous one.
It should be noted that this doesn't seem to happen with giganews,
and also, that it DOES seem to happen also with YencPowerPost-AA (windows).

07-18-2009, 05:07 PM
If you want a gui, you can run YencPowerPost-AA via wine.. i'm currently doing that and it works great

07-19-2009, 03:08 AM
Maybe you guys can help me. I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I can't get JBinUp or PowerPost to run. JBinUp freezes when I try to change the server settings. I have to kill java to stop it.

PowerPost won't run via wine for me. It just crashes.

I'm just looking for something to post binaries with that has a gui. If I could fix those either one of those it would be fine, or if someone could suggest an alternative maybe.

Sorry about potentially hi-jacking the thread...

07-19-2009, 04:48 AM
I can't find a GUI other than JBinUP

Try these threads (using the command line)


07-19-2009, 09:53 PM
Thanks, I guess I lied when I said I wanted a GUI. This works fine. :)

The only "problem" I have is that I think it only uses 1 thread. I can't max my upload. I'm get between 700 and 800kbps and the line is much faster. :shifty: Any ideas on how to either use more connections or make it go faster? Thanks!

07-21-2009, 11:14 AM
I wrote a tiny csh script that invokes the program in parallel.
This assumes you are posting multiple files, like .rar parts.

You can setenv RELEASE to set the 'release name' (subject line),
otherwise it is derived from the first file.
You setenv NEWSGROUP to set the specific newsgroup (it assumes
it starts with alt.binaries. so for example, setenv NEWSGROUP hdtv)

It uses 10 parallel connections.

set fs = ( $* )
set n = $#fs
echo $n " files"
echo "First file: " $fs[1]:r

if ( $?RELEASE ) then
set rls = $RELEASE
set rls = $fs[1]:r

if ( $?NEWSGROUP ) then
set group = $NEWSGROUP
set group = alt.binaries.hdtv

echo subject: $rls
echo group: $group
echo interrupt now or live with the results
sleep 3

set x = 1
while ( $x <= $n )
echo ====== $x
set u = $x
@ v = $u + 9
while ( $u <= $v && $u <= $n )
newspost -T 0:00:03 -y -n $group -s $rls $fs[$u] &
@ u ++
@ x += 10

07-22-2009, 04:04 AM
@zrubavel: The average user has no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you could write what you do with it..blah...blah...blah.

Do you have a site for your tools, even if it's a blog?

07-22-2009, 07:46 AM
The average user won't use a commandline-only tool anyway.
And no, I don't have any site or blog.

07-22-2009, 02:40 PM
I think most of us are above the average computer users because we are interested in file sharing, etc instead of just youtube and facebook (no offense to people that use those services). However when it comes to scripts I am a n00b. :happy:

I can't get the script to run, I just created a file with your code and tried to run it. I googled around and I think I need to set up the environment some how. Also do I put the script in the folder I want to post and it will post the files? Does it post pars too?

Sorry for the questions because I suspect you didn't really intend to share the script when you wrote it and you're trying to help me.