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View Full Version : Some advice with vista/grabit

02-27-2009, 10:39 AM
I used to have xp and grabit was great. I use my ISP news server and its good enough for me as I only have 2GB and they only allow 3 connections and I get 170kb/s constant from them.

But now I just bought a new pc with vista, set it up exactly the same and it wont stay at a constant speed. It drops to 0 every second or 2.

I have kasperky internet security 2009 and I went into the email/IM setting and disabled pop3/nmtp/smtp/imap traffic and then restarted everything it's still the same.

It works great though when kaspersky isn't running.

Any ideas please?

Also I'd like to know...

I found out about a year go that my ISP let me download for free. I didn't ask them or anything I found the info on the net. Can they do anything about this or is it legal?

02-27-2009, 10:53 AM
it wont stay at a constant speed. It drops to 0 every second or 2.

Is the speed your talking about the inbuilt one in GrabIt? because thats hopeless lol but the fact that it runs well without Kaspersky might be a worry.

Could you re-install a Vista freshly ie. You have the original disk (or a form of one :whistling)?

I always do that when I get a new computer.

02-27-2009, 10:59 AM
No I dont have the original vista, it's pre installed on the PC.

The computer is only 1 day old =\

I've read loads of forums with people having the problem with avast and another guy with kasperky av and switching off the email scanning apparantley worked for him, but then others said it doesn't. The forum is actually on here, thats why I made this one.

It's obviously a setting on kaspersky somewhere, but I'm too dumb to know which one =(

Thanks for the response though, appreciate it.

02-27-2009, 12:10 PM
No I dont have the original vista, it's pre installed on the PC.


Anyways download "NetLimiter" (http://www.netlimiter.com/download.php) preferable v1.3 as 2.0 looks clumsy, and see if your speeds are truthful.

As I said previously the inbuilt speed dial in GrabIt is hopeless, I have the same issue.

02-27-2009, 12:31 PM
woo hoo i fixed it :) i put it in the firewall as trusted, then edited the setting to NOT monitor any traffic for grabit and its back where it was on xp. ty m8 for your help and i'm gonna have a look at the net limiter now.

that vista download.. do i just burn it to a dvd-r and then i have my own copy of vista?

02-27-2009, 10:40 PM
that vista download.. do i just burn it to a dvd-r and then i have my own copy of vista?

Yep :happy:. Stick around and you'll learn a lot more :P.