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View Full Version : Just bought a new system

02-27-2009, 04:23 PM
I just bought a new sytem. I'm not really a hard core gamer apart from online games etc, I use my 360 for the main gaming.

But this maching came with a 22" monitor and feels HUGE compared to my 19" monitor. I don't know what resolution to put it to. Right now it's on 1680 x 1050 32 bit colour and a 60HZ whatever the hell that is. It only lets me selct 59 or 60 but the vista thing says 75HZ at least...

The graphics card that came with the machine is NVIDIA GFORCE 7100/NVIDIA nForce 630i

Is that even any good? Like I say I dont play gamed like cod, battlefield etc. Just an online pool game called carom3d.

The carom has 2 engine types. It says directx 7 or direct x 9.

When I pick the direct x 9 the game runs so slow its not even worth playing. but when I pick direct x 7 it's fine. But the new engine gives you lines in practice mode to show where the ball goes etc and I like it lol. Not that i need it but it's good to have in offline mode. I've tried almost all resolutions but nothing works.

Also when I select direct x 9 (new engine) it wont let me select the graphics card to use it sets it as Direct 3d T&L HAL whatever that is. But when it's the direct x 7 I can pick nvidia option.

So this res is ok to play the games without the lines but it's not really what i want.

But also at this setting, you know on the desktop I have a dark background and all the shortcuts text is in white, I can see it moving. Not much but as if it's flickering...

So can someone please advise me on what settings to use.

Thanks very much.

02-27-2009, 04:35 PM
That's an integrated video chip, right?

02-27-2009, 04:43 PM
I think so clocker. Not really sure to be honest with you. I sorted out the text on the desktop and in my tabs by goingg into effects and putting shadows on and it stopped fuzzing. But still don't know what the best settings are for games and stuff.

Thanks for the reply.

02-27-2009, 05:10 PM
That isn't really a "gaming" chip.
At all.

Basically, it's good for getting a spreadsheet up on the screen and not much else.
If your motherboard has a PCI-e slot, you could upgrade to a standalone card for very little money.