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View Full Version : Best of both worlds...

Albo Da Kid
02-28-2009, 07:17 PM
Alright I started to sense a lack of activity in Fst lately, so I came up with this marvelous idea which can help stir the masses in the right direction...

I approached PolarBear with this topic since such discussions are his specialty, but he turned me down due to being busy with his "How many Invite Forums are you active on?" topic, so I decided to take a shot at this myself.

OK so the reason I called this thread "The Best of both Worlds" is because I want each and everyone of us to try and experience or understand what both of the Bt community worlds have to offer. That would be the "Trading Community" and the "Anti-trading Community"(like me an you fellas).
I want both sides of the party to have a deep talk and learn more about eachother. I personally want to understand what attracts traders to breaking the rules and cutting corners. I'm sure the trading community wants to learn a few things about us also like for example why we like to kiss ass so much and wait in line for a tracker which we can get in a few hours just by going to the trade section.

Im more than positive that both worlds have their beauty in them. I also believe that by getting emotionally close to these traders and getting to know them, we can change their behavior patters and hopefully make them understand that what they are doing is wrong.

So my plan is to open a Thread where both parties can participate and have a decent mature conversation. I can get guys like Basilhaydens, Anjelik, TakeMS and a few other big time traders to participate.

This discussion benefit both sides. I can grantee you that by learning how these traders think, we can improve in our real live behavior as well.

So what do you guys think?? Discuss this in your best behaviors please. This can turn out to be the turning point of the BT community with results of a "free trader" BT userbase.

Thank you for reading... and btw I have all the trackers except Uk-*. I just wanted to let you all know in case any one of you liked my material and has an invite to spare.

02-28-2009, 07:29 PM
and btw I have all the trackers except Uk-*. I just wanted to let you all know in case any one of you liked my material and has an invite to spare.

o rly? :naughty:

02-28-2009, 07:42 PM
Don't waste your time on them..just ignore them. Make invites harder to come by and make them desperate ...i get a lot of satisfaction in their desperation for trackers. Same with more desperate users in the giveaway section "I need/my dreams" I say continue it..so I don't have to start making informative/intellectual comments.


02-28-2009, 07:48 PM
This idea is neither marvelous nor innovative. It's a train wreck waiting to happen. If you understand BT land as you say you do, you should know this already. My only guess is that you're into spectator blood sports.

02-28-2009, 07:57 PM
and btw I have all the trackers except Uk-*. I just wanted to let you all know in case any one of you liked my material and has an invite to spare.

o rly? :naughty:Wrong section, that sentence makes your post a request which doesn't belong here.

Just kidding Albo :lol:

Nice topic, but I believe traders won't take much interest in this...

Albo Da Kid
02-28-2009, 10:24 PM
This idea is neither marvelous nor innovative. It's a train wreck waiting to happen.
Please explain..

02-28-2009, 10:28 PM
you never fail to amaze me albo....

02-28-2009, 10:34 PM
Lol, there's something wrong in the essence of what you're asking.

you say that we'll discuss with traders in order to get to know the best of both worlds, yet you hope toconvince traders that trading is wrong,... That's not dialogue and making compromises, that's just forcing your opinions to others (I'm against trading btw, but am also trying to look at this objectively).

My prediction: traders won't want to participate.

Still I'll be watching this thread.

Albo Da Kid
02-28-2009, 10:44 PM
you say that we'll discuss with traders in order to get to know the best of both worlds, yet you hope toconvince traders that trading is wrong,... That's not dialogue and making compromises
That's our primary goal. To get to know them first and share some of our experiences together.
Then if and only if we see that we are able to convince them that trading is wrong, then we'll give it a shot for the sake of our beloved BT community.

02-28-2009, 10:45 PM
Obviously i am not a trader but this is the reasons i believe people trade.

1: they get told its the quickest way to get into trackers, who has got patients these days, its all now now now.

2: So they start trading, but they cant take part in the communities, or most dont, they have to stay out of sight, by just downloading and seeding, taking part in IRC and Forums is a no no, just incase a staff member checks up on them and sees an IP change or whatever, or in case their writing style is completely different from the one they traded with.

3: So because they cant take part in the tracker to actually get noticed, they have to keep trading to get into others, as they have no one to ask for an invite, apart from other traders.

4:Then it gets addictive, they do not care if they get caught, because they know, got in once, will get in again, easy, or those that want every tracker out there, even 4-5 accounts, just to get one over on the staff of the tracker I presume, I am bigger and cleverer than you type of scenario, "you may ban me but i will be back in next week".

What motivates them, addiction for most i would presume, its like the flashing lights of one arm bandits, or the lure pf pokemon cards, they must have them all, and when they do have them all, they still want more, so they get a 2nd account on each tracker, then a 3rd and they just cant stop, tbh get a f`n life lol

02-28-2009, 10:52 PM
you say that we'll discuss with traders in order to get to know the best of both worlds, yet you hope toconvince traders that trading is wrong,... That's not dialogue and making compromises
That's our primary goal. To get to know them first and share some of our experiences together.
Then if and only if we see that we are able to convince them that trading is wrong, then we'll give it a shot for the sake of our beloved BT community.
Yeah, but do you think trackers' staffs will let them into any trackers after they have traded?

Albo Da Kid
02-28-2009, 10:57 PM
^guys like Basilhaydens, Shalafi, TakeMS, anjelik and a few other slick ones, know how to remain anonymous. They have been doing it for so long so it's not an issue.

Now Only if we can get someone to organize this event it would be great. Someone with a lot of time on his hands.
I apologize for not participating as I will be a little busy for the next few days.

02-28-2009, 11:08 PM
^^ How convenient ......

02-28-2009, 11:12 PM
Bring Shalafi into this game as well, Albo ;)

03-01-2009, 01:49 AM
The nicks you mention A (one has never been verified,i think should be left out?),I have no hard feeling's towards most of them. It is their choice to take that risk. I definitely do not agree with trading,Since you mentioned that i will. One member(maybe under a different nick now) specifically mentioned, was bashing other sites-countries, bragging about how sneaky-ect. Is a disgrace to tell you the truth as he-she-it was baiting other members, bragging about this and that-all negative comments. So this thread-idea is not needed nor do i understand why anyone should listen to someone who can not listen to rules period! as decent members need no lesson! Honest/ Rule abiding members members that do not trade, need no tutorial's on how to trade from others!
Karma will work itself out regarding dishonest people in general! Also no matter how smart a person is there is always someone a step ahead.

03-01-2009, 03:02 AM
I approached PolarBear with this topic since such discussions are his specialty, but he turned me down due to being busy with his "How many Invite Forums are you active on?" topic, so I decided to take a shot at this myself.

Now this surprises me, because as you mentioned, useless topics is his specialty. Hmmm...

And as pone brought up, I'm not sure if it's fair to use Ovisans name in a trading discussion. Since I don't think it's been made 100% clear that he has traded or scammed. I know that evidence may point that way, but it was never proven 100% as far as I know.

Albo Da Kid
03-01-2009, 03:18 AM
^Yea you have a point. I edited his name out. (Now lets hope he sees this thread as an inspiration to come clean. He can maybe teach us a few things about his experience also.)

03-01-2009, 07:14 AM
Albo disabled?

03-01-2009, 07:18 AM
probably for his latest thread which seems to have mysteriously disappeared.

03-01-2009, 07:19 AM
What was that thread about?

03-01-2009, 07:30 AM
I approached PolarBear with this topic ...

you better be careful because my boot is going to approach your ass if you don't stop lying!
don't ever misuse my name again in combination with one of your shitty topics.

03-01-2009, 09:14 AM
Albo disabled?

I think Disablings are only temporary. He should be back in a few days.

03-01-2009, 09:34 AM
Albo disabled?

I think Disablings are only temporary. He should be back in a few days.

Looking forward to that, lol.

03-01-2009, 10:25 AM
I approached PolarBear with this topic ...

you better be careful because my boot is going to approach your ass if you don't stop lying!
don't ever misuse my name again in combination with one of your shitty topics.
why would he lie, polearbear? :unsure:

03-01-2009, 12:23 PM
why would he lie, polearbear?

Very simple really, Albo likes to wind people up, just look at his post history he is a troll. Now Albo also has a few members here he takes potshots at any chance he can get and PB seems to be a favorite of Albo's. It's kind of sad really....................:blink:

03-01-2009, 12:26 PM
PB proof that he didn't approach you, screenshots or it happened!!!

03-01-2009, 12:35 PM
PB proof that he didn't approach you, screenshots or it happened!!!how is he supposed to prove something that he claims didn't happen? :lol:

Anyways, this thread is going nowhere as Albo is disabled.

03-01-2009, 12:43 PM
i don't understand anything that was posted here

03-01-2009, 12:44 PM
^^This thread was going nowhere from the opening post.

03-01-2009, 01:16 PM
disabled for a long time now hopefully :whistling

03-01-2009, 01:17 PM
disabled for a long time now hopefully :whistling

i also think that he hasn't got a bright future

03-01-2009, 02:06 PM
lol @ albo, only thing I can think of is this

Gotta love it, at least it was a decent reason to get disabled.

03-01-2009, 03:01 PM
Was he disabled for that thread related to CN and those lies, etc.?

03-01-2009, 03:44 PM
Was he disabled for that thread related to CN and those lies, etc.?
nah, there was this other one where he posted a pm conversation between him and some other member. Truthfully didn't really understand what that thread was about, all I got out of it is that albo gets too many pms.

03-01-2009, 04:18 PM
I truly believe FST, and any other forum is better rid than rich of Albo Tha Troll.

That's what happens when 18 year old puberal children do when having no RL and just try to stirr the pot as much as they can.

But who knows, he has migrated to NY from another country, he could as well have been a child-soldier in Congo or something that left himm scarred for life :rolleyes:

He also doesn't know when to stop and what is funny/sarcastic and what is distastefull...he's really a sad figure.

03-01-2009, 05:40 PM
Pathological liars hardly ever change

03-01-2009, 06:19 PM
Attention whore that he is, i'm sure he's soaking up this thread like a sponge.

03-01-2009, 10:36 PM
Don't waste your time on them..just ignore them. Make invites harder to come by and make them desperate ...i get a lot of satisfaction in their desperation for trackers. Same with more desperate users in the giveaway section "I need/my dreams" I say continue it..so I don't have to start making informative/intellectual comments.


Thats funny because traders are the one's who have stuff to trade. The anti-traders are the ones begging for invites.

03-01-2009, 10:42 PM
Don't waste your time on them..just ignore them. Make invites harder to come by and make them desperate ...i get a lot of satisfaction in their desperation for trackers. Same with more desperate users in the giveaway section "I need/my dreams" I say continue it..so I don't have to start making informative/intellectual comments.


Thats funny because traders are the one's who have stuff to trade. The anti-traders are the ones begging for invites.anti-traders get their invites from their friends, collectors are the ones that are begging. :lol:

03-01-2009, 11:37 PM
Albo is definitely a troll but he had a few interesting posts like this one. I also thought he was a trader :S. At least he openly supports trading:





About the topic, I think some people deserve a second chance. I wouldn't condemn a guy for good because of actions in their far past unless there is a good reason. In my humble opinion a good reason would be:
- A snitch from MPAA, RIAA, etc.
- A cheater
- An invite seller

But a trader is not always a scum, I know some people who had traded once or twice and they never did it again after making some friends. Those guys were people who didn't have any friend on the Internet and were pretty new to private trackers. Furthermore, when people start in private trackers they don't know anything about trading or anti-trading, sites like Demonoid, KG, etc. don't care about trading, and these people have usually read the WTAW thread which is mirrored on every invite forum and start looking for specific trackers and since they don't have a friend with an invite, what is the easiest path? trading.

On the other hand, someone who keeps trading and creating multiple accounts can be one of two things:
- An invite seller
- Someone with a compulsive disorder

In this case I agree they will never change and they must obviously be banned for good from all sites because they are a threat for the filesharing community.

03-02-2009, 12:13 AM
when albo talks about wanting to trade he is being sarcastic.

03-02-2009, 12:31 AM
im very new to this website but i think i understand both sides. traders are people who have waited to get the good things and now they want more, this doesnt make them greedy just makes them... uh how can i say this without making it seem negative. it makes them businesslike. now on the other hand people who make friends with the people who have trackers should not have to worry about traders. since they work for an invite they should feel satisfaction in the product of their ass kissing(as some people have referred to this technique) its good to both work for something good, and once you get that good thing it is also all right to trade for something equally as good.

03-02-2009, 12:46 AM
when albo talks about wanting to trade he is being sarcastic.

Well, if he is not a trader that would only proves he is actually a troll because I can't see any sarcasm on his posts.

Btw, I pmed you ben99 :unsure:

03-02-2009, 03:02 AM
its good to both work for something good, and once you get that good thing it is also all right to trade for something equally as good.

The fallacy in your thinking is that it makes the assumption that an account is something that you own(like a condo) and therefore can do with as you will.
The truth however is that your account is more a rental property- you may use it but the real ownership lies elsewhere.

03-02-2009, 03:26 AM
Both this thread and the OP are pathetic.
Nuff said.
