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View Full Version : Why Bit Torrent?

03-04-2009, 01:12 PM
People please explain to me why you choose BT as the medium of sharing/leeching files ..
Is it because it presents you a community atmosphere to download the files or is it that its just more convenient to download stuff using uTorrent or the whole Level game is very hard to resist ..

What is ur main intention when u join a tracker ? Is it not to just download the files?

While we are at it please tell me how many of u have meaningfull conversations/discussion in tracker forums on a regular basis ..

Lastly which do u prefer FST or ur Tracker Forums ..

03-04-2009, 01:21 PM
I started out with Kazaa, and later emule.

Kazaa was infested with virii and other shite, emule was to damn slow.
I started BT many years ago and noticed speeds were, even at that time, unparalelled on the trackers I was a member.

Gradually I abandonned emule completely (except for the occasional very old file), and chose for BT.
I like a tracker based on it's content, speeds and retention ... that's why i still like TL very much. Later I started with the 'very' private trackers where the focus is not only on the files, but also on the community.
I've had some very interesting conversations in tracker-forums (not the rate that ass-kind) and met some very nice people in BT-forums (including FST).

I prefer some tracker-forums over FST, because they are much smaller and most people know each other and the members are picked out based on knowledge and common sense mainly.

But I still visit FST, so i guess I also like the occasional discussion here.

03-04-2009, 10:18 PM
I take it this thread is in response to my last comment in another thread ?
I will answer you from my own point of view. I started with filesharing back with BBS systems and was a node on Fidonet so of course got to know the small communities that were the BBS I helped run and the others that I was a member of. In those days the groups were alot smaller and there were more requests from individual members, but the principle was very similar to the private bt trackers.
I used alot of the Gnutella network based filesharing systems including iMesh the original Soulseek, Frostwire, Limewire and also used emule and ED2K networks but many fake files and viruses later I started using bt. I met a group of people along the way that I consider friends as we share the same interests, and thus they have wanted me to be a member of some of the private communities they belong to.
But to answer your original question for me bit torrent and the private communities are similar to the kind of filesharing I started out with and I for one genuinely enjoy some of the communities (not all) it depends on the make up of users on the site. As for FST it is interesting but the BT section and its subforums at least are quite immature, with many keyboard warriors insulting other members to feel better about themselves, so there are definitely other places I enjoy more.

03-04-2009, 10:27 PM
because it was the most readily available

03-04-2009, 10:53 PM
because it is so god-damned good!

03-04-2009, 11:26 PM
because it is so god-damned good!

+1 :yup:

03-05-2009, 05:29 AM
I take it this thread is in response to my last comment in another thread ?
I will answer you from my own point of view. I started with filesharing back with BBS systems and was a node on Fidonet so of course got to know the small communities that were the BBS I helped run and the others that I was a member of. In those days the groups were alot smaller and there were more requests from individual members, but the principle was very similar to the private bt trackers.
I used alot of the Gnutella network based filesharing systems including iMesh the original Soulseek, Frostwire, Limewire and also used emule and ED2K networks but many fake files and viruses later I started using bt. I met a group of people along the way that I consider friends as we share the same interests, and thus they have wanted me to be a member of some of the private communities they belong to.
But to answer your original question for me bit torrent and the private communities are similar to the kind of filesharing I started out with and I for one genuinely enjoy some of the communities (not all) it depends on the make up of users on the site. As for FST it is interesting but the BT section and its subforums at least are quite immature, with many keyboard warriors insulting other members to feel better about themselves, so there are definitely other places I enjoy more.
That explains your point of view very well .. I understand now how sharing for you started and evolved .. You started out early and evolved in a communistic way which required dedication and work from your end and was not just about downloading .. Now because there people helped out each other the community like entity was built over a period of time .. Now thats perfectly acceptable as you knw these guys and worked with them,helped and recieved help which strengthened this whole entity .. This is possible in only very small numbers and only if u reallly very involved in this ..
The only thing is not everyone started out like this .. See from replies that are here BT is mostly choosen because its easier .. Every new user that starts out chooses BT as he has just download the torrent file and get it done with ... No extra effort required .. Most of em just care abt getting their stuff and utilizing it .. BT is the choosen choice cuz its simple and u really dont need to help out .. the idea of community to these people is more of forum and IRC basedwhere if ur active in any form just counts as a active community .. In these the whole notion of community is misplaced which is what i am really against .. You cant open up a tracker / Invite forum and say we have a strong community just a year after opening it up .. These things are build up and its the hypocrisy surrounding these that i am against ..
My mind is not working properly today so i can t give out a proper response though i have tried my best ..

03-05-2009, 05:48 AM
i won't say how exactly i came to start use BT, but that's just say the cops raided a datacenter in france and took our site down, so we had to stay low profile for a while.
then, i got interested why some members wanted to leak so much our contents to the P2P, what motivated them, why the need, why they raced it.
got a hold of some invites to 0-day sites and start wondering around them, mostly to fish seedbox IPs and compare them to some of the members there to see if the leak was ours. so i actually had to torrent to get into the swarm, and seed back to keep my membership at the sites.
then we were raided, and i wanted to stay away from affils etc, so actually started full time torrenting.
the community side of it is in 99% of the cases pure hypocrisy. i actually didn't believe in it until some months ago i joined a place where people share and care, and that is probably the most unique community sharing experience out there. there are some copycats wannabes but those guys are oldskool people.
the biggest problem in the BT scene is a bit what happened with the racers, they are mostly pubescent kids with too much time in their hands and lack of social skills.
and this is their world, and they live by it like if there was no tomorrow. that's when the fanatics show up and screw all that.

i prefer forums like FST, big ones, because variety is what brings life to a place. when the places are too small, people tend to over-agree with each other and the discussions quickly die or run out of intervenients.

people completely lost the notion of what's a community by definition.

03-05-2009, 08:32 AM
Same as Disme.

went from kazaa to emule to bittorrent.

in p2p, bittorrent is on top, and its inevitable, you'll end up using it

when the next p2p protocol takes the throne, we all will migrate to it

03-05-2009, 01:37 PM
I went from kazaa to emule to limewire and then to bittorret. I like to keep up with the times. and trolling forums is fun :)

03-05-2009, 02:41 PM
I believe like Art was saying that if you are in the P2P-bussiness for longer than BT's uprising you still have the notion of true sharing ... meaning to get to know people who had/have the same intrests you have and inevitably ending up discussing the various aspects of file-sharing. This creates a bond that goes beyond filesharing, friendships are forged that last for many years.

The fact the BT-scene is so fucked up (I truly believe it is one of the shittiest P2P environments), is because BT became the P2P-method of the masses. Many years ago P2P was a 'marginal' phenomenon, but with the arrival of the BT-protocol it became available to the masses. Many people start out in huge tracker-populations and don't feel the need to be part of any community whatsoever.

Also, in the days of Kazaa and emule there was a lot less elitism, because the population wasn't as big as it is now.

BT is just a reflection of everydays life...the majority is self-centered, egoistic, and just cares for themselves. You can't blame them entirely ... they never did know the true spirit of sharing. They start out at these massive trackers where personal friendships hardly exist and you are just one of the 100000 members that use the tracker. It is only after some time they get to know the tight knit communities where you get to meet the true 'sharing' crew ... that not only share their files, but also find it pleasant to be able to chat with people about everything involving BT and the various methods of filesharing, and even personal issues are adressed.

Lately every nitwit from whatever part of the world uses BT and get's involved in the invite-hunt what results in a mass of 'filesharers' that only care about sharing with themselves.

03-06-2009, 12:57 AM
I believe like Art was saying that if you are in the P2P-bussiness for longer than BT's uprising you still have the notion of true sharing ... meaning to get to know people who had/have the same intrests you have and inevitably ending up discussing the various aspects of file-sharing. This creates a bond that goes beyond filesharing, friendships are forged that last for many years.

The fact the BT-scene is so fucked up (I truly believe it is one of the shittiest P2P environments), is because BT became the P2P-method of the masses. Many years ago P2P was a 'marginal' phenomenon, but with the arrival of the BT-protocol it became available to the masses. Many people start out in huge tracker-populations and don't feel the need to be part of any community whatsoever.

Also, in the days of Kazaa and emule there was a lot less elitism, because the population wasn't as big as it is now.

BT is just a reflection of everydays life...the majority is self-centered, egoistic, and just cares for themselves. You can't blame them entirely ... they never did know the true spirit of sharing. They start out at these massive trackers where personal friendships hardly exist and you are just one of the 100000 members that use the tracker. It is only after some time they get to know the tight knit communities where you get to meet the true 'sharing' crew ... that not only share their files, but also find it pleasant to be able to chat with people about everything involving BT and the various methods of filesharing, and even personal issues are adressed.

Lately every nitwit from whatever part of the world uses BT and get's involved in the invite-hunt what results in a mass of 'filesharers' that only care about sharing with themselves.

I could have made a lengthy post in this thread to bore everyone with, but then I discovered Disme had pretty much said it all for me already. :lol:

Top post, agree with every word.

03-06-2009, 04:03 AM
Napster, Limewire and then BitTorrent.

Nowadays I get my files from What and I frequent their forum the most compared to other ones nowadays.

If I didn't go to any forums or IRC of the trackers I would most likely just get my scene content off RapidShare.com as a premium member just like how Usenet people do it but even easier.

One thing that keeps me from that would be something like What, with each album encoded in V0 from CDDA > V0 or FLAC > V0.

03-06-2009, 05:03 AM
I believe like Art was saying that if you are in the P2P-bussiness for longer than BT's uprising you still have the notion of true sharing ... meaning to get to know people who had/have the same intrests you have and inevitably ending up discussing the various aspects of file-sharing. This creates a bond that goes beyond filesharing, friendships are forged that last for many years.

That is correct .. But how many have just joined the P2P scene or even the ones that are 2 yrs in to it .. For them this notion of community is Archiac and redundant cuz they just cant understand the value of it .. Then they come around and open BT related utterly crap forums and claim a community in that or better yet they make trackers and market them as community ones .. Its just this hypocrisy that grinds my gear ..

03-06-2009, 07:48 AM
I believe I used Kazaa once or twice a long time ago. Of course my computer got infected, so then I stopped.

So till a couple of years ago, I got movies, games and music from friends. I found out it wasn't a good system as most of them liked the new stuff and I mostly like the old (in all three categories). So I googled to find the best way to get this kind of stuff. The answer I found on several forums was unanimous: bittorrent. So I started with public trackers. Soon I found ''open signups threads'' and managed to join some private trackers.

Like all you guys have said, BT has some problems and I quickly found that out, as most people there didn't treat me equally, cause my ratio was low (still above 1, though). The reason: seedboxes and teenagers as pointed out. This is why I still don't like to use tracker forums a lot (just on some of the better sites like PTN, from time to time I post in a forum of a site where I'm not an active poster to see what responses I get) and why I mostly hang out in invite forums, which I found only last year. Then I came here cause I heard this forum was big, so I was looking for discussions just like this one. :D

I still use BT cause with joining more trackers (even those harder to get) I've learnt that it can be very secure and that's important to me.

03-06-2009, 09:14 AM
Torrents are great, especial when on private trackers. Its ease in downloading content. Using various RSS feeds for auto downloads. The torrent forum and irc community's are good and I regularly visit them.

03-06-2009, 10:03 AM
1st p2p experience was eMule 2 years ago. Yeah, low speed, waiting, dupes, fakes, viruses... I've forgotten bout it. The friend of mine introduced me to the world of BT, and I fell in love with it. 100 Mbit speeds, great content, some awesome communites - this was all I've dreamt of. No dupes, no lo-quality stuff, only fresh and spicy HQ content!

Now I'm active torrenter and I have all trackers I want except of *special one*. Hope I day I'll get it, and now i will contunue to seek for it :)

03-08-2009, 11:34 AM
started with BT and continuing with it because it is damn easy

03-08-2009, 12:16 PM
I chose BT a few years ago only because that was the method of downloading that was introduced to me. And I was in love with this method and used only it for all my downloading for the first couple years. And eventhough I still belong to a very few choice trackers, and still actively use them, I've found my self gravitating more and more to warez forums and newsgroups for a lot of my downloading during this past year or so. Because of their security and ease of use.

I think in time, I may eventually pretty much stop using bittorrent altogether and solely use the other methods that I mentioned for all my downloading. But then again, maybe not. There are a couple trackers that I simply love, and for a lot of reasons, would hate to be without.

03-08-2009, 01:18 PM
I got into Bit Torrent simply because it was the easiest and cheapest option. I almost tried using Newsgroups but I found out that I have to pay additional monthly fees on top of what my ISP is already charging. I also started through BBSing and still remember tinkering with Wildcat and Hyperterminal. Nevertheless, I still find myself grabbing some singles/mp3s from Limewire, just in case I don't want to get stuck with a crappy album.

03-08-2009, 01:29 PM
My brother used Audiogalaxy, Napster, Edonkey and TribalWeb (now GigaTribe) at home ...and he showed me BT.
I choose this way ...

03-13-2009, 12:10 PM
People please explain to me why you choose BT as the medium of sharing/leeching files ..
Is it because it presents you a community atmosphere to download the files or is it that its just more convenient to download stuff using uTorrent or the whole Level game is very hard to resist ..

What is ur main intention when u join a tracker ? Is it not to just download the files?

While we are at it please tell me how many of u have meaningfull conversations/discussion in tracker forums on a regular basis ..

Lastly which do u prefer FST or ur Tracker Forums ..

i like the downloadin but i like the way i can chat to other bt users from other countrys they play u new music u aint herd before then b4 u no it u tradin away and chattin to some1 the other side of the world which is good!!!:D

03-13-2009, 02:29 PM
For me, it started as a hunt for mixed martial arts fights. I am and have been a huge fan of the sport and I spent a LOT of money tracking down dvd's of old events for a couple years there, and got to a point where that search was becoming ineffective.

To be frank, that search for old events was the primary motivation for me to get a computer :P I was actually a bit of a technophobe until I got my first computer and starting exploring the internet. The very first program I downloaded with my computer was utorrent actually, as the friend that gave me my first laptop recommended me looking for fights in the land of bittorrent and told me that utorrent would be the simplest start for that end.

Now, I am a very fastidious researcher and having the access to a huge repository of info that the internet is at my fingertips was an eye opening opportunity and I have run with it. I was a member of DarksideRG within a couple weeks of starting my computing adventure and the social chemistry and noncash oriented attitude was a very refreshing change of pace for me as I live in a fairly affluent city where monetarism is and has been the call of the day for many years, so have been immersed in a greedy profiteer society for a long time.

Now I hold no illusion that the majority of the people using BT for their media wants are doing it for idealistic purposes, but there are a good number of people who inately possess a different attitude about "property" and where that definition extends. Those people I have gravitated to and a good number of the ones I interact with frequently are a member on my site.

The way I see it, the "community" was already there, and not limited to one site or even a few sites. The BT community extends to all the active forums and trackers that exist in this field and the active members of those sites are more often than not, the same active members on a lot of sites even if they don't use the same user name on all of them. But the community already being there doesn't mean there is no room for a new take on an old idea.

At the end of the day, anything outside of just getting files is a diversion and a luxury, so if you happen to find a group of folks that share your interests and an unspoken understanding about what you are doing at the root, then fair play I say.

03-16-2009, 02:26 AM
i use all methods.. not only BT. i like other methods for speed and security better.. but the BT community in some private trackers is awesome and this keeps me here

03-16-2009, 02:43 AM
I started of using Morpheus away back in the days before it went to some paid bullshit along with AudioGalaxy (RIP) and then moved to using Kazaa, until I found a new kid on the block called bittorrent around late 2002 early 2003 where the movies you actually downloaded where the ones you wanted and have stuck with it ever since lol

03-16-2009, 02:54 AM
For me, it started as a hunt for mixed martial arts fights. I am and have been a huge fan of the sport and I spent a LOT of money tracking down dvd's of old events for a couple years there, and got to a point where that search was becoming ineffective.

To be frank, that search for old events was the primary motivation for me to get a computer :P I was actually a bit of a technophobe until I got my first computer and starting exploring the internet. The very first program I downloaded with my computer was utorrent actually, as the friend that gave me my first laptop recommended me looking for fights in the land of bittorrent and told me that utorrent would be the simplest start for that end.

Now, I am a very fastidious researcher and having the access to a huge repository of info that the internet is at my fingertips was an eye opening opportunity and I have run with it. I was a member of DarksideRG within a couple weeks of starting my computing adventure and the social chemistry and noncash oriented attitude was a very refreshing change of pace for me as I live in a fairly affluent city where monetarism is and has been the call of the day for many years, so have been immersed in a greedy profiteer society for a long time.

Now I hold no illusion that the majority of the people using BT for their media wants are doing it for idealistic purposes, but there are a good number of people who inately possess a different attitude about "property" and where that definition extends. Those people I have gravitated to and a good number of the ones I interact with frequently are a member on my site.

The way I see it, the "community" was already there, and not limited to one site or even a few sites. The BT community extends to all the active forums and trackers that exist in this field and the active members of those sites are more often than not, the same active members on a lot of sites even if they don't use the same user name on all of them. But the community already being there doesn't mean there is no room for a new take on an old idea.

At the end of the day, anything outside of just getting files is a diversion and a luxury, so if you happen to find a group of folks that share your interests and an unspoken understanding about what you are doing at the root, then fair play I say.

Haha, DarksideRG was what drew me in to private torrenting as well :P Well, before I joined there I used Isohunt for BTT discussion, and I had 2 trackers: Kraytracker and Punktorrents, both for punk music that wasn't available on pubs. I haven't been on that darkside forum in ages, cause it lead me another private forum which I ditched (not a big fan of private forums), the same one you became staff on, and then I found Filesharingtalk.com, which is where I`ve been ever since :)

03-16-2009, 10:23 AM
I was tired of ODC and DC++ and started using torrents because it more fun and secure ( private trackers )