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View Full Version : Req: BCG Referral, Please

03-08-2009, 02:17 AM
Hi, I realise that I have a very low post count and that will probably put most people off giving a referral to me so all I ask is that you please hear me out and maybe consider helping me if you decide that I am worthy of your referral, thanks.

TBH the reason that I am after a BCG account is mainly for older PS2 games, although I am sure that I will also find other things on BCG that I am interested in. I finaly got around to modding a PSTwo that I aquired not long ago. I managed to get hold of a DMS4 and a HDCombo case from somewhere, which was not an easy job as PS2 modding stuff is a rarety now days unless you manage to find somewhere with old stock. Anyway I managed to get it all up and running, added a HDD only to find that the games that I wanted to fill the HDD up with are even more difficult to find now days than the hardware.

Now I know that BCG is the best dedicated tracker for games as tbh again, lol I did have a BCG account about 3-4 years ago now but shortly after I packed in torrenting in favour of Usenet so my account was pruned due to inactivity.

I have now started using torrents sites agian and have been slowly getting back into it for a couple of months now. I don't have massive up or download amounts atm on the trackers that I am currently using due to the short time I have been signed up but my ratios are good IMHO and I would never think of trading any account as trading does not interest me. If I open an account then I open it for myself and not to give or trade to anybody else.

I have 768kbits upload which for some reason always show as lower on speed tests. I know this isn't a very fast upload speed but I always seed anything that I download to above 1:1 no matter how long it takes me and in most cases if not all I seed a lot more than 1:1.

Sorry to babble on this much but I just wanted to make a decent effort for my request and if you managed to get this far without falling to sleep then thanks for reading.

Anyway here's some ratio proofs and a speed test for any one that is interested and if anyone does decide to use their BCG referral on me then I would be very greatfull and won't let them down. Thanks.


03-08-2009, 02:39 AM
Now that is not a bad request, and post count means nothing to me, check your inbox :)

03-08-2009, 03:45 AM
Now that is not a bad request, and post count means nothing to me, check your inbox :)

and I'm not surprised :)

03-08-2009, 06:36 AM
wow.. this is impressive indeed congrats K4BS!

03-08-2009, 09:31 AM
Stoi is so generous today....

03-08-2009, 10:45 AM
Nicely done K4BS, very nice indeed.

03-08-2009, 11:57 AM
As I stated in another thread. A decent request always works. Congrats mate.

03-08-2009, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the support guys and thanks stoi for giving me a chance.

03-08-2009, 02:03 PM
yeah...finally a request that actually has some juice in it, much better than all the one liners that we've been seeing lately!

03-09-2009, 02:02 PM
@ stoi, if you read this could you PM me or post back here please. I cannot seem to get the instructions that you gave me to work. I made quite a few attempts yesterday but got no email notification. I kinda feel like I've lost a pound and found a penny, lol.

Thanks stoi, just logged in a minute ago.

It looks a lot differant to when I was last on there and I really like the idea about the SP bonus. It can be really dificult to seed on some trackers with high seeder to leacher ratios. Just looking forward to browsing the site and forums now and maybe a bit of IRC, depends how talkative i'm feeling. Oh and not forgetting those PS2 games also :).