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View Full Version : Mystery request

03-10-2009, 12:11 PM
It was my birthday yesterday (26 yo) and I feel it's time to push my luck and ask for a FTN invite.

I know that maybe this is not the place to ask for such an invite, but I dont know where else to go.
I also know that many say that you need friends to get in here, but my friends here have other hobbies than torrent trackers, and actually I was the one who invited them on some trackers.

I discovered trackers about one year ago and am using them on a regular basis since.
I am addicted on collecting HD 720p encodes (mostly ESiR, CtrlHD and DON) quality m-vid vobs, lossless music, TV shows, and have recently discovered AFRs (quality XviD rips, best to have when HD encodes are unavailable).

The bottom line is that I want to join FTN for its packs and for the fact that is ratioless. I dont have a seedbox and will use my home-connection only (10Mbit).

I was previously a member on SCC but got banned because i am Romanian (and that is the reason i will never be able to join SCT also).
I wont say that I seed all my torrents to a 1:1 ratio, because it's not true, I usually seed them until a HDD failure or until the tracker rules forbid me to seed above a certain ratio.

Thank you for taking the time on reading this, it will stay closed because if I let it open there will a lot of spam.

If u want to help use the PM feature and try to remember you were once like myself.

Cheers to all !!!

03-11-2009, 08:12 AM
Spring is coming in the northern emisphere, just a good day to bump my request.
If not today someday I'll be there.
Good all to all requesters on FST.
lol, not all, just the good ones.

03-15-2009, 05:18 PM
they say 3 times a charm but I dont believe this anymore. I have also understood that here is not the place to ask for a FTN invite, but I got I excited hearing about there are some invites circulating.

You can spam this thread to death: 3,2,1 go.

03-15-2009, 06:22 PM
lol not here try different site there are more friendly ones i got several invites to nice sites :)

03-15-2009, 06:26 PM
why don't you try GFT ?
it also suits perfectly what you are looking for. and much easier to get into.

also, if you close the request, 101% guarantee it will never be filled. it's very important to get some interaction with the op before considering someone for an invite, even more when it's a very hard to come by.

03-15-2009, 07:16 PM
actually i'm not quite the scene-fan type. romanian trackers suit me well for scene torrents and they also have DVDs with Romanian subtitle.
As of lately I have been trying to download more collections/packs of quality torrents like AFRs from ITS, season packs and quality encodes from HDbits, clean vobs from m-v, lossless albums from waffles and pedro's, and even some creepy stuff from THC.

03-15-2009, 07:32 PM
Your request contains in my opinion all things someone who would invite you needs. You enumerated some important trackers. Entering them requires some relationships, the only thing that annoys me is how that you are so fresh member for FST? Never heard of it before?

03-15-2009, 07:43 PM
FTN invite here is a rare event but good luck ,till you get the invite ,you can try other ratioless trackers check your PM .

03-15-2009, 08:02 PM
Your request contains in my opinion all things someone who would invite you needs. You enumerated some important trackers. Entering them requires some relationships, the only thing that annoys me is how that you are so fresh member for FST? Never heard of it before?

I didnt know much about torrents until about 1 year ago when I joined my first private tracker. I am a Psychology graduate and I guess Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung dont match too good with bytes/bits or the binary system 1,0.
Before using torrent trackers I downloaded stuff from DC++ which seemed the easiest way (or at least friends told me so).

I remember I tried joining a Romanian tracker in 2005, but it said site full, site full so I have abandoned the idea.

About FST I heard about 6 months ago but didnt bother to check it up at that time.

03-15-2009, 08:39 PM
how about posting some additional info?
like a speedtest link.
some screenies of your trackers.

all this could be very helpful.

03-15-2009, 08:52 PM
http://thumbnails10.imagebam.com/2979/b8590629785718.gif (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b8590629785718)

hope I wont get any penalties on the trackers I am using for posting this.

03-15-2009, 09:12 PM
-_- My bad BeckS eyes are playing tricks to me. GL mate

03-15-2009, 09:22 PM
There is no SCT print because I dont have an account there, u must be mistaking it with another tracker. probably hdbits.

03-17-2009, 07:54 PM
bumpy, bumpy.

One little BeckS on the plain is chasing rabbits.
Krantz, krantz. Grrr, they're getting away.

03-19-2009, 04:11 PM
13 replies meant bad luck so let's make it 14.

03-21-2009, 04:55 PM
Dont keep your invites to yourself cause they will not give birth to little invite babies.
Patience solves everything.