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View Full Version : Some info about HOSTING - IE

03-12-2009, 06:21 PM
I will buy a dedicated seed box from Hosing-IE

This one :

http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Core 2Duo 2x2,66 GHz
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 2x500 GB SATA HDD disk
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 4 GB of RAM DDR-ECC
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Traffic-Unlimited (guaranteed)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 1Gbit Switch Port
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif KVM (Obtional) NEW
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif RemoteConsole
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif PLESK (obtional)
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Remote Reset Obtion
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Linux or Window
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Windows 2003 web edition free
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Windows 2008 web edition free
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif Monthly Payment
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 99 € Setup Fee
http://hosting-ie.com/images/arr.gif 79 € Per Month

I need some info ;

1- How much traffic real traffic i can get every month ( need some pple experience )

2- can i make parts from this server ? Like many webui + FTP accounts ? and how many can I setup ?

3- How many ip will I have ?

4- What is the range of uploading speed ?

any opinions will be appreciated ( even if u advise me to buy from another company ) .

03-13-2009, 12:54 AM
I don't know if 1Gbit switch port will actually mean 1Gbit to the internet. There's a huge difference; just look at OVH which offer 1Gbit switch as well but only on their internal network and not to the internet.

Even so; traffic is very theoretical but when you know a month has 2592000 seconds and you can either do 11MB or 110MB per second, you go figure your theoretical bandwidth.

Well, what can you do with Windows? I mean; if you run Windows at home, can you install a WebUI? Can you install FTP? And so on and so on. If you can do it at home, you can do it on the server, basically (except ofcourse for games).

/edit: you might wanna think about what you want, judging by http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-seedbox-discussion-154/t-need-seed-box-20-100mb-connection--341703

03-14-2009, 03:43 PM
very cool package i'm waiting your reviews too!

03-14-2009, 04:57 PM
I don't know if 1Gbit switch port will actually mean 1Gbit to the internet. There's a huge difference; just look at OVH which offer 1Gbit switch as well but only on their internal network and not to the internet.

Unless you have a serious RAID setup you are not going to reach 1 Gbit/s even if the provider is able to give you the speed.

With current pricing and practical limits (the hard disks being a serious bottleneck), it just doesn't make sense to go for Gbit in one server. You are better served with several 100Mbit servers.


03-14-2009, 05:34 PM
Unless you have a serious RAID setup you are not going to reach 1 Gbit/s even if the provider is able to give you the speed.
That's just plainly not true.

Just increase the caching of uTorrent to around 512MB, 1GB or even more on a 4GB-rig and the first few minutes you will indeed not get 110MB/s transfer but afterwards you will when you're limiting yourself to just a few torrents seeding.

Hell, even my trusty WD Green disks here at home (2 single disks) can easily manage 90MB/s random read (even over my Gbit-network) so don't really see why you need a serious RAID setup to pump a good 100MB/s to the internet; especially if you split seperate torrents between two (or multiple disks) on a pretty decent controller (which is not connected to the old PCI-bridge).

03-14-2009, 06:40 PM
Just increase the caching of uTorrent to around 512MB, 1GB or even more on a 4GB-rig and the first

Caching is not that important when all your HD space is used on live torrents. There are so many cache misses that it becomes irrelevant.

Hell, even my trusty WD Green disks here at home (2 single disks) can easily manage 90MB/s random read (even over my Gbit-network) so don't really see why you need a serious RAID setup to pump a good 100MB/s to the internet;

Because torrents needs LOTS of hard disk head movement. It's one of the worst cases scenarios.


03-15-2009, 03:23 PM
I don't know if 1Gbit switch port will actually mean 1Gbit to the internet. There's a huge difference; just look at OVH which offer 1Gbit switch as well but only on their internal network and not to the internet.

Unless you have a serious RAID setup you are not going to reach 1 Gbit/s even if the provider is able to give you the speed.

With current pricing and practical limits (the hard disks being a serious bottleneck), it just doesn't make sense to go for Gbit in one server. You are better served with several 100Mbit servers.


:thumbsup: you are true.

03-15-2009, 05:47 PM
Ow well, seems some peeps know it all. Weird that my setup here (as mentioned earlier with the 2 single disks) just did a very decent 87.5MB/s transfer using local peer discovery and 2 accounts on a private tracker.

Besides that, even if a Gbit-server would only do 55MB/s to the internet (or about half the theoritical speed), that would still translate into 5x 100Mbit-servers which in the end would set you back a lot more than a single Gbit-server (and which some trackers prohibit leeching from more than 1 IP at the same time, even for different torrents).

03-15-2009, 09:20 PM
Weird that my setup here (as mentioned earlier with the 2 single disks) just did a very decent 87.5MB/s transfer using local peer discovery and 2 accounts on a private tracker.

Sounds like those 87.5 MB/s happened on a single torrent. Try having 30 torrents at the same time. Even if 29 of them just need 15 kb/s, the HD head movement is going to kill the overall throughput.

If you are getting sustained Gigabit speed on the usual real world scenarios I'd love to get an account :-)


03-16-2009, 04:27 PM

03-31-2009, 01:33 PM
did you get your server abosamer?

03-31-2009, 07:42 PM
did you get your server abosamer?

Not yet

why ?

04-03-2009, 11:40 PM
why it take so long?

how many days past abosamer?

04-04-2009, 02:55 PM
Hmm.. some one did remove my last post ......

However "Abosamer"

check AMD boxes from hosting-ie they are chepaer than your package and have 3x Core instead of 2x you wana buy

cheers m8

04-06-2009, 11:13 AM
why it take so long?

how many days past abosamer?

I didn't order it yet

the thing is I got a lot of things which make me busy for a while

so I delayed it .

Hmm.. some one did remove my last post ......

However "Abosamer"

check AMD boxes from hosting-ie they are chepaer than your package and have 3x Core instead of 2x you wana buy

cheers m8

Thanks for this advice

I will put it in my mind

04-07-2009, 11:57 AM
I ordered another box{dedicated, before/now I have VPS} from H-IE on Friday, and still waiting but it said for dedicated boxes you need to wait 6-8 days.

Anyhow, I've ead on here{can't find the post or person who said it} that they have some sort of tracking thing wit their servers.

So, I would like to know. If someone can tell me how can I know if they do have it & how can I then take it out?

04-07-2009, 07:39 PM
I'm really thinking about getting a gigabit box from them. Has anyone gotten one recently? I have a poopie Kimsufi 4XL right now and looking for a true gigabit provider. Maybe I should wait for server.lu's gigabit?

I'm torn!

04-18-2009, 05:24 PM
To those that expect to get great gigbit speeds while running a ton of torrents you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Read/Write speed is just not possible with tons of active torrents. If you are looking for great speeds on live torrents then a gigaserver is a great way to go. I have been using a gigaserver for over a year and I love the perfomance and it didn't take tweaking the thing to death to do it either.

While I am answering this let me give a word of warning about Hosting-IE though. The setup time is awful, the customer service used to suck really bad as of last year, real time contact is damn near impossible. Customer communications are not strong either. It took them a month to get me my server from them last year and this is only after I put in a stop payment with Paypal did it magically become ready! Despite the customer service and slow setup times the servers themselves are really good and you can expect to get some great buffer built up. I have had one of the true OVH GB servers over the last year that is not subject to the new restrictions concerning the gigabit connection from OVH to Internet that is not limited to standard 100mbit. The only thing that makes the OVH GB server perhaps worth getting over the Hosting IE is the fact that you will have a ton of OVH peers that will get you the GB in house OVH connection. The Hosting-IE gigaserver though is a true full time 1GB connection.

04-18-2009, 08:07 PM
So what do u suggest ?

Hosting-IE after this suffering from support service ?

or u have another experience with other companies ?

anyone know a good company which provide high Upload speed and can give Desktop Remote control and nice HDD space please post what u thin k

04-18-2009, 08:36 PM
Ordered my hosting-ie gigabit box. Took them almost 2 weeks (9 days) got it today and I have been sad by the performance of the box. My OVH giga is performing much better on the same torrent and on the same tracker. I was getting over 40MB/sec constant with OVH and like 4-8MB and then jumps to 15, then back down to 1MB and then up... its all over the place.

Download speed was good... over 50MB/sec, both on the OVH and the hosting-ie, but uTorrent kept crashing on the hosting-ie box because of disk issues. The RAID 0 on the hosting-ie was awesome, however! Too bad I couldn't utilize it. Oh well... I sent a request for a refund today. We'll see how that goes.

04-18-2009, 09:38 PM
did you know there is a problem with certain Wine Versions which causes Utorrent to do that? I had the same problem with my OVH box until I updated Wines.

04-18-2009, 10:03 PM
did you know there is a problem with certain Wine Versions which causes Utorrent to do that? I had the same problem with my OVH box until I updated Wines.

I'm using Windows :D

04-19-2009, 11:04 AM
So screw Hosting-IE ?

anyother suggestions ?

04-19-2009, 11:47 AM
Ok i was with hosting.ie ( 1 gig line ) took about 2/3 days to get it
and im telling you all now they are CRAP do not go near them their download speeds were great sometimes around 65 + MB/s but the upspeeds were pants on private trackers like BGG and sct ect i couldnt upload faster then 1 MB/s :(
i was running linux with Raid 0 and it was crap
also i was talking to another guy on here who had the same as me but was running windows and he was getting the same speeds
bad points
1) set up fees take the piss
2) very very poor customer support
3) speeds suck

good points
there aint none

i moved over to kimsufi 4XL in the end and i think they are great
very good speeds and good support

04-19-2009, 11:53 AM
what is the highest and most constant speed u get with kimsufi ? and what price ? or give me the offer link please

Note : U let me forget about Hosting-IE forever

04-19-2009, 12:00 PM


i can get 30 MB/s up and down ( at the same time ) very easy
go for the linux ubuntu desktop its very easy to use and is just like windows + you dont have to pay for a licence :)

04-27-2009, 11:36 PM
I sorta agree wit peugeottech.

I had their VPS, and it was pretty good, nice up/down speeds{not sure the average cuz don't know much about it..but know DL ws fast & upload was pretty damn good, it got my ratio on all trackers real high}.

But, this month I ordered a dedicated server 1gig and I have yet to get itPmnd you I ordered on the 3rd}.

I contact customer support about a day or two after their timeline pass, and the guy said soon sir its Easter weekend but no later then Friday or Monday.


Both days came & went, still nada.

I gave it another day or so, then contact them again.

This time, the guy said sir we are waiting on CPU which should be here on the 23rd & once its here you should have it in the next 2 days.

Now, Mondays is just about over and still nothing.

Their customer support is truly SH!T!!

I demanded my money back in full if I don't get it by Wednsday, so lets see what BS they come up wit.