View Full Version : GuiKs - How to earn Karma points ?

03-22-2009, 07:58 AM
Hi ,
I'm a member of GuiKs tracker but I cannot see mentioned in any place , what is the way to earn Karma points there .
I cannot see any way mentione in the Rules or FAQ .

Thanks in advance !

03-22-2009, 09:57 AM
Hi ,
I'm a member of GuiKs tracker but I cannot see mentioned in any place , what is the way to earn Karma points there .
I cannot see any way mentione in the Rules or FAQ .

Thanks in advance !
Check the Guik's forum ...https://www.guiks.net/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=9835

03-22-2009, 10:34 AM
Many thanks for it .
I still cannot understand if the Karma points were been already applied or it is only in theory for now ...

03-22-2009, 11:26 AM
Many thanks for it .
I still cannot understand if the Karma points were been already applied or it is only in theory for now ...

all is here :

Sur cette page, vous pouvez échanger vos points de Karma contre des invitations.
Avec 500 points de Karma, vous pouvez offrir 1 invitation.
Vous pouvez échanger vos points de Karma à tout moment.
Pour apprendre comment vous servir de vos invitations, rendez vous sur la page d'aide (https://www.guiks.net/invite/?help).

you understand french, right?

03-22-2009, 12:33 PM
predateur merci but I didn't asked what you can do with the Karma points (1invite = 500 Karma ) but how to reach 1 Karma point at the site and I still cannot find an answer ...

03-22-2009, 03:14 PM
Si vous seedez 1 torrents, vous gagner 0.1 point de karma. (bon par contre, 250K de seeders ça faisait beaucoup trop d'update, donc on prends 10'000 seeds au hasard et on s'occupe que d'eux (order by rand()).

Ca va servir à savoir qui est "un bon seeder" et qui ne l'est pas. Si vous avez tout le temps une centaine de torrent en seed, ça va monter très vite, si vous n'en avez que 2 ou 3, bah ça montera moins vite (sans compter qu'on prends au hasard 10K de seeders.
obviously, their shitty karma system is still beta... anyway, you must understand that they pick 10k users randomly (lol...) so keep in mind that you won't necessary earn karma points by seeding.

03-22-2009, 05:42 PM
click on your karma button and than click "aide".
I got some karma points just seeding back what I downloaded.

03-23-2009, 07:59 PM
obviously, their shitty karma system is still beta... anyway, you must understand that they pick 10k users randomly (lol...) so keep in mind that you won't necessary earn karma points by seeding.
Now they pick 50k users randomly /15mn or 20mn or something like that ....:frusty: Strange Karma system