View Full Version : Slow download with Astraweb

03-26-2009, 05:53 AM
I'm not sure if my setting is wrong but I'm only getting about 760KB/s with my 6MB comcast. I read that everyone seems to max their bandwidth so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I using Altbinz 0.28.2 with about 6 connections and SSL port 443. Any ideas?

03-26-2009, 06:01 AM
Is that the pay for version or freeware version? If you didn't pay for it, that explains alot...the "default" SSL port for Astraweb is 563, but you can use 443...

Also, take a look at the Astraweb's support page, they had a outage and are doing server upgrades...and your using Comcast, make sure they are not throttling you on that port as well.

03-26-2009, 06:14 AM
Is that the pay for version or freeware version? If you didn't pay for it, that explains alot...the "default" SSL port for Astraweb is 563, but you can use 443...

Also, take a look at the Astraweb's support page, they had a outage and are doing server upgrades...and your using Comcast, make sure they are not throttling you on that port as well.

I did try port 563 but speed is the same. When you say freeware, are you talking about altbinz? If I remember, I think I downloaded thru rapidshare so I don't think its freeware.

03-26-2009, 06:37 AM
TWC maybe limiting the per connection download speed of your service. It's common practice.

You have astraweb, they offer up to 20 connections. Try setting your client to use 19 and see if your speed increases.

03-26-2009, 06:49 AM
I'm not sure if my setting is wrong but I'm only getting about 760KB/s with my 6MB comcast. I read that everyone seems to max their bandwidth so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I using Altbinz 0.28.2 with about 6 connections and SSL port 443. Any ideas?

looks correct to me....

6 megabits is 750 KBs


03-26-2009, 06:54 AM
It is?? :slap:

03-26-2009, 06:55 AM
proves how post count =/= knowledge

03-26-2009, 08:52 AM
yep ur maxing your 6mb already

03-26-2009, 04:21 PM
8 bits = 1 byte

03-26-2009, 06:33 PM

03-27-2009, 07:41 PM
As mentioned, your speed is right where it should be. But as an aside you should use the minimum number of connections needed to max out the speed. If you get the same speed with 4 connections then default to that to be more efficient.