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View Full Version : Obama Destroys America

The Flying Cow
04-01-2009, 10:08 PM
1) Government involvement in the Economy, increasing from 20% (which was already a dramatic increase during the Bush years) to 45% (back in 1930 it was 3%).

2) Systematic undoing of all of Clinton's hard work (fiscal discipline, contraction of welfare spending, further incentives to private growth).

3) Increase in taxation to people earning over 250,000 a year to pay for a debt he cannot pay for with this measure alone. Also creating social unfairness this way, by making a lot of people live off those minorities who work hard and have to throw away almost all of their hard-earned dollars.

4) Gigantic increase in Government spending and public debt. A deficit that—at 12.7 per cent of GDP—is four times greater than any of the huge deficits under George W Bush.

5) A budget that proposes to take the federal government’s spending from 21 per cent of the economy in 2008 to 28 per cent in 2009.

6) State healthcare, that scrofulous virus that plagues Europe.

7) Central and universal standardizing of schools and higher learning.

8) Clownish behavior with regard to foreign policy. North Korea and Russia laughing in his face.

9) Ad almost infinitum.

It will be particularly difficult for America to untangle itself from this mess by the next president.

04-01-2009, 10:15 PM
You're part of a rapidly-expanding lot.

04-01-2009, 10:48 PM
Yeah, we have no shortage of morons in the USA.

04-02-2009, 01:19 AM
Why do you regard the government and Obama as our saviors?

After all, it's the dems been fighting the "war on poverty" since the end of WWII, basically, with no relative headway made at all, but it's capitalism that's put cell phones, DVD players and flat-screens in even the poorest households.

I sure would like someone to point to some major headway the dems can point to as their own.

04-02-2009, 04:10 AM
wait... are you guys trying to tell me that Obama isn't the messiah the democratic-controlled media announced? :o

i'm shocked.

04-02-2009, 09:45 AM
wait... are you guys trying to tell me that Obama isn't the messiah the democratic-controlled media announced? :o

i'm shocked.

Yes, I'm afraid you've been misled.*

*Stand by for Negative Bush Reference (NBR)

04-02-2009, 10:39 AM
wait... are you guys trying to tell me that Obama isn't the messiah the democratic-controlled media announced? :o

i'm shocked.
The "democratic controlled media"?

04-02-2009, 12:25 PM
Why do you regard the government and Obama as our saviors?

After all, it's the dems been fighting the "war on poverty" since the end of WWII, basically, with no relative headway made at all, but it's capitalism that's put cell phones, DVD players and flat-screens in even the poorest households.

I sure would like someone to point to some major headway the dems can point to as their own.
You must be kidding.
Cell phones, DVD players and flat screen TVs are all Republican achievements?

Won't the Japanese be surprised.

The Flying Cow
04-02-2009, 04:59 PM

That says it better than me.

Rat Faced
04-02-2009, 06:34 PM
OMFG.. Another one that thinks a Tabloid is a serious newspaper.

Thats owned/sponsored by the Dail Mail. I think their latest figures were 1,000,000 of British prisoners were Gay, Illegal Immigrants that had all had free sex change ops on the NHS or something similar.

Slightly to the right of Hitlers Diary on the choice of light reading.

About 20,000 of the 27,000+ "readers" probably signed up thinking it was Prospect's website.. (a UK Trade Union).

The Flying Cow
04-02-2009, 06:38 PM
Get off my ass man. What Obama is up to isn't invented.

It's right there for everyone to see. The article cites from real events and people.

Let me guess - you watch "films" like "Zeitgeist: Addendum" and "The Obama Deception" and think Bush bombed the twin towers on purpose so that he could invade Iraq and rob their oil?

I'm not listening.

Rat Faced
04-02-2009, 06:44 PM
I've never heard of the films...

...but love a good Conspircacy Theory. Dont have to belive 'em to enjoy 'em.

Seriously, the current economic climate is unique and all countries are doing similar things. If/When it fails then you can moan, but frankly no one knows whats going to happen, even the experts don't agree.

The only thing everyone agrees on is that they can't sit on their Arses and do nothing.

As to the National Health thing.. You already spend more %GDP on health and then pay for it too through Health Insurance, and still dont have a decent system.

It'd be cheaper and more effective if your Government did stop the Health and Insurance Companies ripping y'all off.. but I wouldn't hold my breath, they have too much power in Washington.

04-02-2009, 08:20 PM
Why do you regard the government and Obama as our saviors?

After all, it's the dems been fighting the "war on poverty" since the end of WWII, basically, with no relative headway made at all, but it's capitalism that's put cell phones, DVD players and flat-screens in even the poorest households.

I sure would like someone to point to some major headway the dems can point to as their own.
You must be kidding.
Cell phones, DVD players and flat screen TVs are all Republican achievements?

Won't the Japanese be surprised.

No, and that's not what I said; they are the byproducts of capitalism, and that is beyond dispute.

04-02-2009, 08:23 PM
I've never heard of the films...

...but love a good Conspircacy Theory. Dont have to belive 'em to enjoy 'em.

Seriously, the current economic climate is unique and all countries are doing similar things. If/When it fails then you can moan, but frankly no one knows whats going to happen, even the experts don't agree.

The only thing everyone agrees on is that they can't sit on their Arses and do nothing.

As to the National Health thing.. You already spend more %GDP on health and then pay for it too through Health Insurance, and still dont have a decent system.

It'd be cheaper and more effective if your Government did stop the Health and Insurance Companies ripping y'all off.. but I wouldn't hold my breath, they have too much power in Washington.

Ypu are tip-toing around the edge of self-revelation, and, given your socialist/social democrat orientation, I am loathe to interfere with your progress.

Carry on; you'll get there soon enough.

The Flying Cow
04-02-2009, 10:21 PM
The current economic climate is unique, you are right. Not all countries are doing similar things.

Obama is using it as a ploy to create the American Soviet.

Borrowing in excess and investing on a New Deal with whipped cream won't solve a thing.

Nobody knows what will happen? I have the benefit of knowing that Socialism is shite. I do know what will happen.

Nothing good.

Rat Faced
04-03-2009, 01:10 AM
I've heard the expression "Better Red than Dead"

Shame you've been brainwashed enough not to realise Red is already Dead.

It's just a damn shame that Blue isn't yet too... although the last year has shown its on its way out (well, I live in hope)

The Flying Cow
04-03-2009, 06:20 AM
I've been brainwashed?

Where have I heard that before.

It must be the chemicals in my food, or - wait - in the tapwater, that's it.

04-03-2009, 06:30 AM
Ding Ding Round 3. And in the red corner ....... :)

04-03-2009, 12:07 PM
You must be kidding.
Cell phones, DVD players and flat screen TVs are all Republican achievements?

Won't the Japanese be surprised.

No, and that's not what I said; they are the byproducts of capitalism, and that is beyond dispute.
Oh, I see.
Democrats are anti-capitalist, is that it?

You're not going Galt on us are you?

04-03-2009, 07:26 PM
No, and that's not what I said; they are the byproducts of capitalism, and that is beyond dispute.
Oh, I see.
Democrats are anti-capitalist, is that it?

You're not going Galt on us are you?

Democrats are pro-government, pro-regulation, and thus anti-free-market.

I don't need to go Galt say that, either.

Rat Faced
04-03-2009, 09:58 PM
Since its lack of Regulation that has caused the current crisis, thats the closest I've ever seen to you saying its the Republicans fault.

Something I haven't even done:whistling

04-03-2009, 10:23 PM
Boy howdy, do I ever see the error of my ways.
What we need is more Enrons, Nationwides and AIGs.

Those damn regulatory agencies, ruining everything for everybody.
Damn near socialism.

Ta, ta for now, off to renew my dittohead credentials.

04-04-2009, 02:41 PM
Boy howdy, do I ever see the error of my ways.
What we need is more Enrons, Nationwides and AIGs.

Those damn regulatory agencies, ruining everything for everybody.
Damn near socialism.

Ta, ta for now, off to renew my dittohead credentials.

Excuse me, I should have said "pro-stupid-overegulation or Barney Frank/Chris Dodd-style corrupt stick-it-in-my-back-pocket-and-get-my-friends-re-elected" regulation...you know, the kind that's okay with liberals, especially when they're running the show.

I have no problem whatsoever with an ethics-based regulation that doesn't seek to replace or coerce natural market forces with human foibles or little re-election "helpers".


You have "dittohead" credentials?


04-04-2009, 06:13 PM
I have no problem whatsoever with an ethics-based regulation that doesn't seek to replace or coerce natural market forces with human foibles or little re-election "helpers".

Given that "ethics" are, by definition, a "human foible", no regulation of natural market forces is acceptable under your qualifiers.
Jack Abramoff smiles upon you.

04-04-2009, 09:14 PM
I have no problem whatsoever with an ethics-based regulation that doesn't seek to replace or coerce natural market forces with human foibles or little re-election "helpers".

Given that "ethics" are, by definition, a "human foible", no regulation of natural market forces is acceptable under your qualifiers.
Jack Abramoff smiles upon you.

I will grant your recognition of the difficulty in "legislating" ethical behavior, given the current crop of pols in charge; Barney and Christopher are aces at leaving the backdoor open.

(Do you see what I did there)

Hey, do you think them dems could get behind (sorry) the idea of a Republican ACORN?


What do you think of Dodd's current difficulties?

Rat Faced
04-05-2009, 12:00 AM
I've been brainwashed?

Everyone is brainwashed as they grow up.

If we weren't there wouldn't be different Cultures around the world, just a few billion individuals doing there own thing.

04-05-2009, 11:46 AM
I've been brainwashed?

"Brainwashing" assumes the presence of a functional brain, ergo you are safe.


What do you think of Dodd's current difficulties?
He fucked up and may not get reelected...what is there to "think" about?

04-05-2009, 01:48 PM
"Brainwashing" assumes the presence of a functional brain, ergo you are safe.


What do you think of Dodd's current difficulties?
He fucked up and may not get reelected...what is there to "think" about?

He may not get reelected, but boy, he sure made out nicely with that AIG bonus didn't he?

04-05-2009, 02:00 PM
Now that he has effectively taken control of the banking system and the auto industry, he is working on the internet with Senate bill 773 and 778. These bills will to all privately owned data networks "without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access." It will also allow them to "shut off" the internet during a "cyber emergency".

04-06-2009, 02:22 PM
Now that he has effectively taken control of the banking system and the auto industry, he is working on the internet with Senate bill 773 and 778. These bills will to all privately owned data networks "without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule or policy restricting such access." It will also allow them to "shut off" the internet during a "cyber emergency".
As of five minutes ago, the text of these bills is unavailable on the official Senate website and they have just begun to wend their ways through committee.

Not too soon to start freaking out and declaring the end of the world yet, though.

Kind of curious about how Obama has "taken control" of the auto industry...were they not the ones who came begging for money?

04-07-2009, 06:38 PM

bat i think obama is the best president in the word;)

The Flying Cow
04-07-2009, 07:20 PM
That's great.

04-07-2009, 08:12 PM

bat i think obama is the best president in the word;)
or maybe the least bad ? :rolleyes:

04-08-2009, 10:55 AM
What good has he done? He closed guantanamo, but not the laws that made it happen. Gave away loads of your money.

He has done fuck all good, but still you praise him.

quick estimate from Norway :)

04-08-2009, 02:31 PM
Yeah buddy...imagine how fucked we'll be in the next ten weeks.

It's possible we'll be invading Norway to harvest your stem cells, so keep your skis waxed...

The Flying Cow
04-08-2009, 03:05 PM
Enough with the dry humor clocker. He's a farce and you know it.

04-08-2009, 04:21 PM

04-08-2009, 06:50 PM
Given the state of the economy, every day may soon be "Potato Day"...literally.

04-09-2009, 04:07 PM

Ahahaha soooo funny LOL! :w00t:

Col. Skillz
04-10-2009, 12:25 PM
We shouldn't be fighting brothers, we should be preparing...


04-11-2009, 06:02 PM
Yeah buddy...imagine how fucked we'll be in the next ten weeks.

It's possible we'll be invading Norway to harvest your stem cells, so keep your skis waxed...

Didn't answer my question did you funny boy? What has he done.

The Flying Cow
04-11-2009, 07:41 PM
He's just fucked things up roger. Check the first post, check the hyperlink posted a few posts down.

He's ruining it all, as says the topic title.

clocker is unable to face the facts and accept he was fooled like the rest of us.

04-11-2009, 10:20 PM
clocker is unable to face the facts and accept he is a fool like the rest of us.