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View Full Version : Firefox takes 35% market share in Europe

04-07-2009, 11:52 PM
http://www.techspot.com/images/teaser/moz_fximg_small.gifFirefox takes 35% market share in Europe
April 6, 2009, 3:22 PM EST

" Firefox has been doing well for quite some time, in some regions of the
world better than others. Where it is doing supremely well is Europe,
with a massive 35% market share (http://www.tgdaily.com/html_tmp/content-view-41947-113.html)
for its latest version alone, making it the biggest region by
percentage for the browser worldwide. Certain countries have even
higher figures, but 35% for the entire region is impressive.

It is interesting to see how a browser's adoption rate can be
affected so much by the region it is in. South Korea, for instance,
still relies almost exclusively on Internet Explorer, which makes up
almost 99% of browsers locally. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and all
other browsers combined barely amount to 1-2%. Then you have the
complete opposite in Europe, where the Firefox market share taking into
account all versions is now only 10% behind Internet Explorer.

On a global scale, Mozilla is still doing well, proving that the
world doesn't have to tie itself to IE and that they can compete well
enough on their own. So is Microsoft in trouble? It'll depend on what
they plan to do going forward. It's easy to criticize them for what
they have done in the past with the still most-popular browser, but
what will truly matter is how the web changes and what they do to
adapt. Streaming video (http://www.techspot.com/news/34177-firefox-takes-35-market-share-in-europe.html#)
and social network integration were not goals of browsers at first. In
just a few years the market may be vastly different from what it is
today and Microsoft sure has the resources to invest in the future of
its browser.

:source: Source: Firefox takes 35% market share in Europe (http://www.techspot.com/news/34177-firefox-takes-35-market-share-in-europe.html)