View Full Version : Demigod [2009]

mr. nails
04-19-2009, 01:59 AM
i never played Dota, but this is pretty fun. have yet to do any mp action for i'm getting used to the tactics in sp. as of now i've only used the rook. he's basically a big ass building with a hammer that smashes shit.

Preview (http://ve3d.ign.com/videos/44620/PC/Demigod/Trailer/101-Trailer-Redux)

lol, so far i've beaten the game on easy & normal. there are 4 modes. easy, normal, hard and once u've beaten hard u open up nightmare.

easy took me about 4 hours to beat (once i half-assed learned how to play) and 3 hours for normal (or so). now, i'm on hard level and can't get passed the first stage. lol. it seems all the tactics i've learned on easy & normal don't necessarily apply in hard. :'(

once u get in the zone and u've got ur troops upgraded and urself upgraded u go on a killing spree and that will make u laugh. all u see is urself smashing mutherfuckers, ur troops killings ur opposing troops (bloody mess), and the nararator announcing Godlike status to u. lol, fun shit.

there's only 8 stages total and 8 characters u can choose from. this game is a mix of rpg elements & rts. both fall short of each genre, but is entertaining.

afaik this game is supposed to be supported for months to cum with patches including more characters to play as, more maps and so on.

04-19-2009, 06:41 PM
looks not bad, i'm downloading it now.

04-22-2009, 05:21 PM
once u get in the zone and u've got ur troops upgraded and urself upgraded u go on a killing spree and that will make u laugh. all u see is urself smashing mutherfuckers, ur troops killings ur opposing troops (bloody mess), and the nararator announcing Godlike status to u. lol, fun shit.

That's my kind of game! :01:

Based on the arstechnica review it sounds like a great game for quick multiplayer matches, at least it could be when mp is less buggy.

I've got my eye on this one.

04-23-2009, 05:33 PM

04-24-2009, 01:16 AM
Yeah the single player gets boring quickly, so you really need to buy it to enjoy it fully.

04-29-2009, 01:15 PM
downloading, seems interesting

04-29-2009, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the review downloading it now.

05-06-2009, 06:08 PM
i play demigod for 3 weeks now, i must say that game rocks big time, especially cause i have never played RTS so its new genre for me, recommend it

mr. nails
05-07-2009, 05:00 AM
played with:

the rook
unclean beast
the oak
torch bringer (or w/e)

i like the rook the best. i like going in and just smashing faces. fun shit. unclean beast is GREAT for taking down other demigods. didn't like playing as oak @ all. just his play style wasn't for me and could be for others. he's all about his minions. he calls forth archers, healers, and sum other damage bringers. he also conjures the dead to fight for him. lol, that's the only reason i tried him out. maybe, i'll try him again, but as of now not my thang. lastly, this torch dude. he's an elemental mage of sorts. u can toggle between using ice & fire. i preferred using fire. it's more of the pure damage. using ice is more of a CC (crowd control). tho ice does have it's share of dmg as well i just found more fun in using fire.

basically, i've only used 1/2 of the demigods available. i'll get around in using the other 4 sum time. yeah, fun stuff, but WILL get boring very fast in sp and MUST be played in MP if u want this game to last. the AI will pull the interest away from u.

05-07-2009, 07:04 AM
yea, couldnt agree more with u mr. nails

so i play via gameranger, but i dont have legit version yet, i have been testing the game for a while and i think is worth of buying, anyway, playing via gameranger is actually playing in LAN, so its like hamachi and theres many great ppl there, so if u want play u can pm me, then we can rock this game together :)

05-08-2009, 03:47 PM
I love this game because it's like DOTA