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View Full Version : I think I don't like games anymore

04-21-2009, 10:45 PM
Lately it seems games make me downright angry. I've been playing on easy to help calm me. I do like a challenge but I get so tired of reloading and playing the same crap over again because your stuck in a certain area. When it forces you to sit through dialogue over and over is even worse. I was into achievements for a while and those are just designed to make people go insane. I have a friend that works full time and was some how able to get 50k legit xbox gamer points. These kind of people are usually very strange.

If I can find a game that doesn't make me have anger management issues it usually sucks anyway.

I used to have all 3 systems. Sold my Wii and don't miss it at all. I'm now thinking of giving my xbox the boot also. The only game I found truly fun was Fallout 3 and its available on pc anyway. Most the other games have ranged from total crap, so so, or good and to short. Maybe the quality of games have just went down. I can still load up StarCraft after 12 years and have fun.

04-21-2009, 11:08 PM
The problem with games nowadays whippersnapper are they are created to be marvels of technical achievement with only an afterthought to playablility.
In the olden days without all the fancy graphics,games where built from the fun factor out.

To that extent they are a lot like present torrenters .Every putz can tell you about ripping and encoding but most most are obvious to the human element that makes it all worthwhile.

04-22-2009, 01:27 AM
I'm the exact opposite, I haven't found a game I like for quite some time, let alone anything hard, RE5 was like cutting cake, if you haven't played RE5 pick it up. And there was plenty of great 360 titles out there, but I've beat most of them or have no interest in playing, but there are some good games coming out. There have been few games that get me stuck like that, and normally those are the games I despise anyway. I've broken a few controllers over stupidity and getting mad, generally over sports games, football, basketball and baseball. But I've learned to control my frustration, remember it's just a game.

04-22-2009, 02:16 AM
I think a lot of the games seeming to difficult is just the fact that I don't feel like playing and I'm forcing myself to finish them. I'm playing mass effect right now on easy. Its not a bad game at all but I'm not getting in touch with the rpg element of it. I like the story but dont feel like exploring as I did in fallout.

Resident evil is next on my list but I'm going to get it from gamefly.

04-22-2009, 03:02 AM
Yeah I rented it for 5 days and beat it under that.

As for Mass Effect, I played it straight through, it's one of my favs, along with Fallout 3, and BioShock.

04-23-2009, 06:37 AM
Hmm well I'd recommend Morrowind and Oblivion, cause they are sandbox rpgs like Fallout and aren't difficult as much as they are timeconsuming.

IMO consoles aren't as fun as pcs unless you're playing with friends (on the same console, not online), and it sounds like you like playing alone if your fav game is Fallout 3. You can get mods to make games better and longer (Morrowind/Oblivion leveling system is shite without proper mods), cheats etc if you get stuck, so you're less confined where as with a console you put the disc in and you're stuck with everything that's there unless they do something stupid like lock features out that you have to pay to play.

Yeah, Mass Effect isn't really too much of an RPG. The plot is linear and the games fighting plays in real time; the only RPG elements I can recall is customization of the playable character and the ability to kill a few of your allies via plot decisions. I love both FPS and RPGs so this style worked great for me.

04-23-2009, 10:43 AM
I just gave up with games :(. I don't see the point in downloading them and then applying constant cracks/patches every month.

Alternatively I could purchase the games legally but their either banned, are too expensive or are unavailable.

04-23-2009, 12:27 PM
Its crazy how expensive media is in other countries and we complain about $60 game prices. I mostly use gamefly now. It can be tough to get newer titles so I wait for a while and sign up again when availability is good.

Played Oblivion. Its certainly one of the more enjoyable games. I guess there is still fun games coming out but I'm looking for games that really last. I tried WoW for a while but its just to involved for me and most of the time I played alone. I would be happy with a sp game like fallout or oblivion that constantly added new content. I'm not talking about just a few small planned expansions but constant updates to the game world. Maybe Diablo 3 will be the best mix for someone not wanting to get into a mmo.

04-23-2009, 12:46 PM
Do you know in my country we're still paying top dollar for PS3 consoles?

They're starting to bundle them now.

Also it's inconvenient for me to just go to a store. It takes 10mins by car to go into the 'real' city and then I have to pay for a toll.

So in the end if I pay $60 for a game it'd be wasted by the time I pay for petrol, toll and the ridiculous tax on top of the petrol/tax I'd rather just get it by other means.

Only thing stopping me downloading games is the fucked up infrastructure we have. They're only know thinking about installing FTTH and boy will that be a disaster.

04-23-2009, 05:26 PM
Well Oblivion and Morrowind have countless mods that add to the world, and finishing those games completely would take over 1k hours I would assume. I've spent around 200 hours in total on Morrowind and I am nowhere near finishing that game. Haven't even ventured into the expansion territory yet.

04-23-2009, 05:33 PM
I haven't had a game that I haven't beat in under 2 weeks, so it's wasteful money in my opinion, I rent games, and very rarely have to have a PC title, I just upgraded my PC so I can actually play these games now, and I have downloaded maybe 10 that are PC only or I can't rent for my 360...Fallout 3 I bought 'cause I wanted to beat everything and that took a bit longer, but normally I could care less about achievements and the like.

04-24-2009, 01:19 AM
I only buy games when they have good multiplayer, other than fallout my attention span is too short for most games.

04-27-2009, 02:30 PM
I only buy games when they have good multiplayer, other than fallout my attention span is too short for most games.

I never saw the point in MMORPG in my country as the monthly quota's are too short for a decent gaming session.

Why do you think if you to be a successful ISP you need a 'unmetered' gaming server? :P

Can't wait to test out Tivo (unmetered) :O

04-27-2009, 06:33 PM
I never ever ever, buy on account of multiplayer, I'm might be nuts, but I hate multi player, I want the "career" single player mode, the multi player is insane to budget your game just around that...it's 50/50 divide on the single player and multiplayer.

04-27-2009, 08:29 PM
For the most part I like to game by myself but rts can be much more fun with others.
I also enjoy being in a rpg around other players even if I solo. The problem with something like WoW or even Guild Wars is that your eventually forced to play with a big group of people. Maybe Diablo 3 will change that so you can play a casualy game by yourself or team up with friends. I'm also looking forward to playing all the fallout 3 expansion packs.

04-27-2009, 09:04 PM
The first Fallout 3 DLC was alright, the second one was quite fun, but "Broken Steel" is the one I'm really wanting.

04-27-2009, 11:14 PM
I plan to skip the first one. it just sounds like a ghost recon copy.

04-28-2009, 04:40 AM
I never ever ever, buy on account of multiplayer, I'm might be nuts, but I hate multi player, I want the "career" single player mode, the multi player is insane to budget your game just around that...it's 50/50 divide on the single player and multiplayer.

The logic behind it is that you can download cracked single player games and enjoy them in their entirety, but to be able to get the most out of the multiplayer component, you most likely will have to own a legit serial. I see how it's selfish and discourages companies to make good offline RPG's (which is my favorite genre alongside FPS) but it's also practical an makes the most sense.

It's too bad some developers (ie Flagship studios) go bankrupt, although there might have been other factors besides pirating, such as their confusing business model, and how the game doesn't even seen finished.

Hopefully good single player only developers like Bethesda will continue releasing games for pc's.

04-28-2009, 08:23 AM
...discourages companies to make good offline RPG's...

Wasn't Pokemon successful?

04-28-2009, 09:59 AM
Flagships game hg london was mediocre at best. Then they had the weird monthly fees to unlock everything. Bill Roper should of stayed with blizzard. Arena.net (founded by another blizzard guy) is doing better I think. Guild Wars 2 looks promising. They say you can solo most of it.

I think the era of pc gaming is almost over due to many factors. Piracy and large hd tv's come to mind. My problem is that the quality fun pc games are disappearing and not coming out anymore. Its all just run around and kill everything.

04-28-2009, 07:17 PM
Flagships game hg london was mediocre at best. Then they had the weird monthly fees to unlock everything. Bill Roper should of stayed with blizzard. Arena.net (founded by another blizzard guy) is doing better I think. Guild Wars 2 looks promising. They say you can solo most of it.

I think the era of pc gaming is almost over due to many factors. Piracy and large hd tv's come to mind. My problem is that the quality fun pc games are disappearing and not coming out anymore. Its all just run around and kill everything.

That's interesting.. I've got a big HDTV, but I never thought of upgrading my xbox to a 360. That might be the way gaming is heading, although to me it's a shame. I hate consoles cause they will always get outdated. PC's you can upgrade and there's a feeling of continuity at least.

...discourages companies to make good offline RPG's...

Wasn't Pokemon successful?

Not a pc game.

04-29-2009, 02:17 AM
There are kick ass console games that I have played or have considered playing haha. Not a big gamer here, but I will never play a FPS on a console. Come on with a freaking controller? Oh hell not. That's just a way to get owned. They have made keyboard/mouse adapters for both 360 and PS3. I tried the 360 one and while you can win that way, it will never compare to PC gaming for FPS games.

I just don't get how games like Halo 3 are sold so well and most people actually game with controllers lol. It makes me wonder if they ever palyed those type of games on the PC. For me playing those types of games with a controller it's simply downgrading and preparing to get my ass kicked by people using adapters to make the gameplay somewhat better.

On the other hand the WII has a nice controller for FPS but does not have the power for them.

04-29-2009, 02:25 AM
An almost exact quote was "Devil May Cry 4 was pirated to hell and back" for the pc. Sold well for consoles but not pc. It only makes sense for developers to release where they make the most money. I would say at least most games will eventually be some kind of online key verification. isn't that how steam works?

I don't think pc's are as upgradeable as people think. You usually need a new mainboard for that new processor or to take advantage of a new video card, etc. I think the advantage could be user mods for games and able to get under the hood. I'm not much of a tech guy so most doesn't apply to me anyway.

The live fee is another slap in the face for pc gamers moving to a 360 if you do play multiplayer games. I'm not sure if I will renew mine. I pay for it every year and end up using it just a few times.

04-29-2009, 05:11 AM
PC gaming is at a end, every year I see more and more titles that normal would come to the PC do not, console only. Seriously though, a Xbox 360 or PS3 are good investments, I would say 360 more because of the gameing base, don't base you sole decsion on Blu-ray, because right now, PS3 only has Blu-ray going, can't play cracked/copied games, DRM is a bitch, Sony sucks, no backward compatiability (although they might package them as DLC like Microsoft is doing with it's first generation games) and the biggest of all biggest things, price, in this economy $400 is too far fetched for the normal consumer/adult/kid/whoever....

04-29-2009, 12:38 PM
Tbh, I don't play new games, not because they wouldbe bad, but because my PC is 2 years old. I have a ton of games to play that I left out while studying (hopefully I'll have time during the summer). I also have a ps2 and a shitlload of emulated stuff to play on my PC.
Growing up, games were very hard to get in my country. I intend to make up for that someday, lol.

04-29-2009, 01:12 PM
it's true that pc game is pretty much the same, but it doesn't mean there aren't any good games anymore ;)

04-29-2009, 04:06 PM
Compared to new IP's that are coming out for console only it does mean there aren't as many good games...PC developers are more geared towards consoles, why would you waste 2-3 years on a developing a game for it to be pirated before it's even released and no one buy's it? This is the major factor why game dev's are no longer making PC titles, one example is EA Sports '09 lineup missing from PC.

05-02-2009, 08:48 PM
it sounds like you just don't enjoy the genres of games u try to keep playing

i felt that way about the new prince of persia. it looks pretty, but i find it very hard to keep going. and the whole collecting light seeds thing is stupid when you realize you need 100 more to advance. lol

what types of games are you in to? fps? rts? rpg? third person stuff? online fps? online rpg? online rts? there's a few more i haven't covered

and also, just because a game is hard doesn't mean you should all of a sudden give up on gaming or the game itself.

05-16-2009, 11:03 AM
yeh PC gaming is so dead, everything is either a crappy console port or some low budget indie game.

05-16-2009, 12:14 PM
yeh PC gaming is so dead, everything is either a crappy console port or some low budget indie game.

Ehh Deus Ex: Island of Liberty was excellent, Invisible of War was meh. Let's see what the 3rd game turns out to be :O

05-16-2009, 02:44 PM
I'd say lets wait on 3-D gaming, if you want to pay $4000 for the monitor, most game devs are making them in all 3-D just like Pixar (or the other animated company) is doing from now on.

05-16-2009, 03:07 PM
I can feel my stomach churning already. If I can barely handle some games now I bet I would throw up when they come out of the screen.

10-21-2009, 05:00 AM
@SoL, offtopic but why would you rent the game if you can mod the 360?

10-21-2009, 09:12 AM
@SoL, offtopic but why would you rent the game if you can mod the 360?

Just because you moded your 360 doesn't mean you shouldn't support the devs.

The whole moral or getting backups is "Try before you buy" then "If you like it, buy it" :)

10-21-2009, 02:11 PM
you should try out more RPG games or MMO's, or maybe even some Guitar hero or Rockband that never gets boring especially when you have a group of people to play with.

10-21-2009, 06:29 PM
@SoL, offtopic but why would you rent the game if you can mod the 360?

Just because you moded your 360 doesn't mean you shouldn't support the devs.

The whole moral or getting backups is "Try before you buy" then "If you like it, buy it" :)

Yea but if you want to support devs shouldn't you buy the game instead of renting?:idunno:

10-21-2009, 06:47 PM
if new games bore you, then you can always go old-school

that said, there are still some really good games coming out lately

10-26-2009, 04:56 AM
My interest in pc gaming has came back a little bit. I've been playing dungeons and dragons online. My only gripe so far is that you are forced to group if you want to play the game as intended. My friend has 2 accounts just we can play the game normally.

I've settled on pc and ps3 for my gaming right now. Xbox has a nice selection of games but I refuse to pay for gold. I rarely do multiplayer but I like the option there if I'm in the mood for it. It would be nice if something like onlive could finally end all the console and pc vs console wars and get everyone on a universal and flexible system. It sounds great in theory but not sure if we are ready for it yet.

Still it seems when I'm in the mood for games I come out disappointed. I've thought about ignoring video games all together but always get lured back in. I also like to support the developers but buying and selling games is a annoying chore. Maybe its a ocd thing but when I see a game on my shelf thats not going to be played again I would rather get some $ for it. If games had some lasting fun to them I would feel good about buying it and not go through the trouble of selling everything when I'm done.

Lately there are good movies and tv shows to watch every weekend. My gf and I can stay up all night watching movies. This experience has far surpassed gaming for me.

11-02-2009, 11:59 PM
I feel the same way. I'm waiting for MW2 to come out because I'm bored with everything else. I'm more entertained with my iphone games than I am with my console games. idk..

11-10-2009, 04:41 PM
Going back to the earlier posts....remember when games used to be hard? I mean controller throwing stand up and throw a string of expletives at the screen while playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES (I still never beat that game). Battletoads also took a crazy amount of time from my life :)

Games nowadays are just plain too easy. And the hard modes just basically increase the amount of damage you take, they're not designed for as much skill anymore. I miss truly having to work at a boss. The satisfaction you get when you finally take them down is compared to no other.

Another example and then I'll quit :P. I remember playing Final Fantasy 2 (USA) and spending HOURS leveling up Rydia before the last boss just so she would get high enough to get Meteo, just so I could have a shot at beating the boss.

11-10-2009, 07:43 PM
Going back to the earlier posts....remember when games used to be hard? I mean controller throwing stand up and throw a string of expletives at the screen while playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES (I still never beat that game). Battletoads also took a crazy amount of time from my life :)

Games nowadays are just plain too easy. And the hard modes just basically increase the amount of damage you take, they're not designed for as much skill anymore. I miss truly having to work at a boss. The satisfaction you get when you finally take them down is compared to no other.

Another example and then I'll quit :P. I remember playing Final Fantasy 2 (USA) and spending HOURS leveling up Rydia before the last boss just so she would get high enough to get Meteo, just so I could have a shot at beating the boss.

The old snes and nes games are the best i can play them forever i have just started playing zelda a link to the past for the first time and
it's great :)

11-11-2009, 12:45 AM
I could beat contra with 1 guy. Not sure how special that makes me but none of my friends could do it.

11-11-2009, 06:52 PM
The old snes and nes games are the best i can play them forever i have just started playing zelda a link to the past for the first time and
it's great :)
A Link to the Past is probably my favorite Zelda game of all time.
When it was first coming out, they did a pre-review of it in Nintendo Power and I was immediately sold. I remember that game taking a LONG time to release too. This was before all this fancy "internet" business too, where you could just look up when an item was going to be released. I called Toys R Us for weeks just asking them if they had it in yet.

I could beat contra with 1 guy. Not sure how special that makes me but none of my friends could do it.

That's quite a feat. I used the konami code and almost all my lives to beat that game.

Those were the days, one shot....dead.

11-17-2009, 12:06 PM
Going back to the earlier posts....remember when games used to be hard? I mean controller throwing stand up and throw a string of expletives at the screen while playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES (I still never beat that game). Battletoads also took a crazy amount of time from my life :)

Games nowadays are just plain too easy. And the hard modes just basically increase the amount of damage you take, they're not designed for as much skill anymore. I miss truly having to work at a boss. The satisfaction you get when you finally take them down is compared to no other.

Another example and then I'll quit :P. I remember playing Final Fantasy 2 (USA) and spending HOURS leveling up Rydia before the last boss just so she would get high enough to get Meteo, just so I could have a shot at beating the boss.
if you like SHMUP's then there are still a number of them that will get you screaming in frustration ^^

11-26-2009, 06:32 AM
But I like games so much though I am not playing any games now. Because these games give me a good brain storming. And I wanna revive myself to play games..

11-30-2009, 01:45 AM
I am also tired of my XBOX 360..... thinking about sellin it with my 10+ games lol.....

it was fun though... but it got boring

12-01-2009, 12:29 AM
I am also tired of my XBOX 360..... thinking about sellin it with my 10+ games lol.....

it was fun though... but it got boring

Same with me and my PS3 and PSP. I'm still using my PS3 as a Media Center.

12-01-2009, 11:41 PM
I don't like games because is a waste of time ... when i don't pass a level i broke the computer