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View Full Version : Keyboard for the living room/TV?

04-22-2009, 07:12 PM
I've been searching for a keyboard/ mouse combo for use with my TV in the living room. I initially was looking at wireless combos until I saw this:


I think it'll be a better solution instead of having a separate mouse and keyboard to keep up with, plus it'll only be used for media and maybe some basic Internet browsing.

I've found them a bit cheaper of course by searching around but wanted to know if anyone has used a keyboard like this in the past.

04-22-2009, 09:17 PM
I myself had gotten this one for the HTPC when the remote just wouldn't cut it.

ADESSO WKB-3000UB (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823166079)

It is a little odd getting used to but after a day or so it's really pretty cool and easy to use. Using the trackball with your right thumb winds up being really easy once you get used to it and the "trigger" style buttons are cool also. It's also $40 cheaper ;) I've had it as long as I've had the HTPC and it's never given me ANY problems at all. I swear by this thing

04-22-2009, 11:57 PM
I quite like the look of that one, Detale.

For the one you posted, Skizo, like most sane people

I Hate Touchpads!!!!

04-23-2009, 01:40 AM
I do as well, but for the limited use it will get, I can't see it being an issue.

The one Detale posted looks pretty cumbersome with some of the mouse buttons being on the opposite side of the keyboard. Besides, who likes roller balls either? At least they aren't making them with that silly little dot (http://cdn-write.demandstudios.com/upload//9000/600/20/2/59622.jpg) in the middle of the keyboard. :dabs:

04-23-2009, 04:31 AM
LOL the mouse buttons are on both sides of the keyboard if you look closely man, under where it has the blowup and says Optical trackball ;) . As I said you get used to it really fast and it's a good setup that has lasted me and shows no sign of failing anytime soon. Now that I just Jinxed myself I would shirley buy another one if this one went out on me.

04-23-2009, 07:15 AM
The right-click button is on the opposite side of the keyboard. At least thats how it's labeled. :unsure:

I'm just not too hot on that keyboard. :ph34r:

04-23-2009, 01:15 PM
LOL, no prob dude.