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View Full Version : H2 (Halloween 2 remake) [2009]

mr. nails
04-30-2009, 05:12 AM
director rob zombie expands on his take of the halloween series. i for one really liked part 1 of robs version. i have both versions of the first one. the workprint & the final cut. i'm looking forward to this one as well. if it turns out to be as raw as the 1st one i'll like it.

Alamo Draft House here i cum !


05-03-2009, 10:45 PM
I'll pass :P

mr. nails
12-10-2009, 01:21 AM
rob zombie did such a good job with his vision of halloween 1 i'd figure he'd do the same with 2, but was i wrong. the kills in h2 are brutality @ best for mr. myers, but that's about as far as it goes. rob zombie does some sort of house of 1000 corpses style filming in this with crazy flashbacks starting @ 1/2 way thru the film. very annoying and disturbs the pace of the film imo. movie starts off great and starts off from pretty much exactly where the theatrical version of 1 stopped. other problems i didn't like was michael walking around without his mask and looking like a street bum. idk, very let down by this. boo. 4/10

12-10-2009, 02:23 AM
Halloween 1 and 2 were good. Maybe a few others but all the remakes(Halloween Parts 5-?)are unoriginal movies trying to make money off a poular movie title. I have yet to check this new version of the movie out. I hope it is different from the last one.
The first and 2nd movies are always the better except some remakes or trilogies like The Lord Of the Rings, Underworld,the Batman movies. Saw was good, the first couple then got played out. Now is on the 6th movie.
Not a Harry Potter fan but the newer movies have been more watchable for adults than the first few, more dark. I like the series, will not deny that. It's a clever story so far.

I'll edit and give my opinion on this movie after I see it. The new Friday The 13th sucked. Another unending movie title.

12-14-2009, 03:16 AM
I just finished Rob Zombies, Halloween 2 and i was a little disappointed i don't think I really need to go into it because nails you said it all. It was weak compared to the first Halloween by Rob Zombie. This was actually the first film by Rob Zombie that I did not absolutly love.