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View Full Version : Is there any chance to recover inactive hdbits account?

05-10-2009, 06:56 PM
Hello guys! I had an account at hdbits.org and It was disabled sometime ago (I think I had parked the account, but the fact is that it is gone) because I haven't had internet for some time. I just want to know if there is any chance to recover my account without needing an invite. If someone can check my account, my username was magni. I would really appreciate an answer. Thx in advance

05-10-2009, 06:59 PM
irc.p2p-network.net (irc://irc.p2p-network.net)

05-10-2009, 07:03 PM
irc.p2p-network.net (irc://irc.p2p-network.net)

Thanks man. I got an answer without even asking.
"If you were pruned don't bother staying, its gone. " LOL!:angry:

Someone please close this thread. Thx cinephilia for the info:)