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View Full Version : Resident Evil Deleted Scenes?

09-26-2003, 12:38 AM
I bought the DVD a while back and was :o to find there were no deleted scenes.
I heard a rumor of deleted scenes on the German DVD, and I saw a SVCD from Screen Gems of Resident Evil on E-Bay that said it had scenes not seen in theaters so, just maybe there are some out there and if anyone knows were I could find them I would be so thankful.

Justified Timberlake
09-27-2003, 09:45 PM
Yup, there are some deleted scenes. John Isaccs (Cpt. Steele from Black Hawk Down, William Tavington from Patriot) was supposed to be in the film, but he was removed last minute. He was supposed to be one of the doctors from the end of the film, where Alice and that other dude are being taken away and examined.

09-28-2003, 02:14 AM
Do you know of any place that would have the scene for DL?